public bool LoadClass(string className, Chilkat.Log log) { m_methods.Clear(); m_props.Clear(); m_events.Clear(); m_methodList.Clear(); m_propList.Clear(); m_eventList.Clear(); string strClassXml = AppData.GetAppData("appData/apiDef2/" + className + ".xml"); //string path = GenBase.m_xmlApiDefPath + @"/" + className + ".xml"; //if (!m_xml.LoadXmlFile(path)) if (!m_xml.LoadXml(strClassXml)) { log.LogData("failedToLoadClass", className); return(false); } // Always indicate the source of the XML in the root node. // This makes it possible to save the entire XML document from any node // by getting the root XML node, then getting the sourceXmlPath, ... // No longer need this.. //m_xml.AddOrUpdateAttribute("sourceXmlPath", path); addClassEntries(m_xml); if (!this.DnEventArgs) { // The base entries never actually get added to the m_xml. They are present in the // m_methods, m_props, and m_events. if (!loadBaseEntries(log)) { log.LogError("Failed to add base entries."); return(false); } } if (!integrateCommonLinks(log)) { log.LogError("Failed to integrate common links."); return(false); } if (HasEvents) { if (!loadStandardEvents(log)) { log.LogError("Failed to add standard events."); return(false); } } m_methodList.Sort(); m_propList.Sort(); m_eventList.Sort(); // Just to be sure.. string genericName = GenericName; if (genericName.Equals("CkString") || genericName.Equals("CkByteData")) { m_hasWideCharClass = false; } return(true); }