public void AddISOEntry(IsoEntry Entry) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem { Text = Entry.TitleName }; item.SubItems.Add(Entry.ID.TitleID); item.SubItems.Add(Entry.ID.DiscNumber.ToString()); double num = Math.Round((double)(((double)Entry.Size) / 1073741824.0), 2); item.SubItems.Add(num.ToString() + " GB"); item.SubItems.Add(Entry.Padding.Type.ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(""); item.SubItems.Add(Entry.Path); item.Tag = Entry; this.listView1.Items.Add(item); this.listView1.AddEmbeddedControl(new ProgressBar(), 5, item.Index); long freeSpace = 0L; this.UpdateSpace(out freeSpace); if (freeSpace < Entry.Size) { this.tsStatus.Text = this.tsStatus.Text + ". You do not have enough free disk space to convert this ISO."; } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.checkFields()) { IsoEntryPadding padding = new IsoEntryPadding { Type = (IsoEntryPaddingRemoval)((byte)this.cmbPaddingMode.SelectedIndex), TempPath = Path.GetTempPath(), IsoPath = this.txtRebuiltIso.Text, KeepIso = this.cbSaveRebuilt.Checked }; if (!padding.TempPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { padding.TempPath = padding.TempPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } if (!padding.IsoPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { padding.IsoPath = padding.IsoPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } IsoEntryID iD = new IsoEntryID(this.txtTitleID.Text, this.txtMediaID.Text, byte.Parse(this.txtDiscNum.Text), byte.Parse(this.txtDiscCount.Text), byte.Parse(this.txtPlatform.Text), byte.Parse(this.txtExType.Text)); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.txtISO.Text); IsoEntry entry = new IsoEntry(this.platform, this.txtISO.Text, this.txtDest.Text, info.Length, this.txtName.Text, iD, (byte[])this.pbThumb.Tag, padding); if (this.edit) { (base.Owner as Main).UpdateISOEntry(this.entryIndex, entry); } else { (base.Owner as Main).AddISOEntry(entry); } GC.Collect(); base.Close(); } }
private void ftp_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items) { IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.Uploading) { tag.Status = IsoEntryStatus.Completed; ProgressBar embeddedControl = (ProgressBar)this.listView1.GetEmbeddedControl(5, item.Index); embeddedControl.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous; embeddedControl.Value = 100; FlashWindow(base.Handle, false); if (this.ftp.Errors.Count == 0) { item.ForeColor = Color.Green; item.SubItems[6].Text = "Uploaded"; } else { item.ForeColor = Color.Red; foreach (Exception exception in this.ftp.Errors) { MessageBox.Show("Error while attempting to upload GOD container for '" + tag.TitleName + "':\n\n" + exception.Message); } item.SubItems[6].Text = "Failed to upload."; } item.Tag = tag; this.ftpCheck.Enabled = true; break; } } }
private void i2g_Completed(object sender, Iso2GodCompletedArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items) { IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.InProgress) { ProgressBar embeddedControl = (ProgressBar)this.listView1.GetEmbeddedControl(5, item.Index); if ((bool)Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["FtpUpload"]) { tag.Status = IsoEntryStatus.UploadQueue; tag.ID.ContainerID = e.ContainerId; embeddedControl.Value = 0; item.SubItems[6].Text = "Queued for upload."; this.ftpCheck.Enabled = true; } else { tag.Status = IsoEntryStatus.Completed; embeddedControl.Value = 100; item.SubItems[6].Text = e.Message + ((e.Error != null) ? (". Error: " + e.Error.Message) : ""); FlashWindow(base.Handle, false); } this.jobCheck.Enabled = true; item.Tag = tag; item.ForeColor = Color.Green; break; } } }
private void ftpCheck_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.ftp.IsBusy) { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items) { IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.UploadQueue) { tag.Status = IsoEntryStatus.Uploading; item.Tag = tag; this.ftp = new FtpUploader(); this.ftp.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.ftp_RunWorkerCompleted); this.ftp.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.ftp_ProgressChanged); string ip = Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["FtpIP"].ToString(); string user = Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["FtpUser"].ToString(); string pass = Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["FtpPass"].ToString(); string port = Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["FtpPort"].ToString(); string containerID = tag.ID.ContainerID; this.ftp.RunWorkerAsync(new FtpUploaderArgs(ip, user, pass, port, tag.ID.TitleID, tag.ID.ContainerID, tag.Destination, tag.Platform)); this.ftpCheck.Enabled = false; return; } } this.ftpCheck.Enabled = false; } }
private static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Iso2god-cli " + FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion + " - " + FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).LegalCopyright); Console.WriteLine("Ported to CLI by Elie CHARRA <elie [dot] charra [at]>"); Console.WriteLine("Usage : iso2god <source iso> <destination folder>"); Console.WriteLine(""); String[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (arguments.Length == 3) { String isoPath = arguments[1]; String destinationPath = arguments[2]; Console.WriteLine("+ Computing ISO metadata ..."); IsoDetails iso = new IsoDetails(new IsoDetailsArgs(isoPath, Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "xextool.exe")); IsoDetailsResults isoDetailsResults = iso.IsoDetails_DoWork(); IsoEntryID isoEntryID = new IsoEntryID(isoDetailsResults.TitleID, isoDetailsResults.MediaID, Convert.ToByte(isoDetailsResults.DiscNumber[0]), Convert.ToByte(isoDetailsResults.DiscCount[0]), Convert.ToByte(isoDetailsResults.Platform[0]), Convert.ToByte(isoDetailsResults.ExType[0])); IsoEntry isoEntry = new IsoEntry(IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox360, isoPath, destinationPath, new FileInfo(isoPath).Length, isoDetailsResults.Name, isoEntryID); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("> Title : " + isoEntry.TitleName); Console.WriteLine("> Title ID : " + isoEntry.ID.TitleID); Console.WriteLine("> Disc : " + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(isoEntry.ID.DiscNumber) + " / " + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(isoEntry.ID.DiscCount)); Console.WriteLine("> Media ID : " + isoEntry.ID.MediaID); Console.WriteLine("> Platform : " + isoEntry.Platform); Console.WriteLine("> Ex : " + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(isoEntry.ID.ExType)); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("+ Launching GOD conversion ..."); Iso2God iso2god = new Iso2God(); iso2god.Run(isoEntry); } }
public void UpdateISOEntry(int Index, IsoEntry Entry) { ListViewItem item = this.listView1.Items[Index]; item.Tag = Entry; item.Text = Entry.TitleName; item.SubItems[1].Text = Entry.ID.TitleID; item.SubItems[2].Text = Entry.ID.DiscNumber.ToString(); item.SubItems[3].Text = Math.Round((double)(((double)Entry.Size) / 1073741824.0), 2).ToString() + " GB"; item.SubItems[4].Text = Entry.Padding.Type.ToString(); item.SubItems[6].Text = Entry.Path; }
private void i2g_Progress(object sender, Iso2GodProgressArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items) { IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.InProgress) { ((ProgressBar)this.listView1.GetEmbeddedControl(5, item.Index)).Value = (e.Percentage > 100) ? 100 : e.Percentage; item.SubItems[6].Text = e.Message; item.Tag = tag; break; } } }
private void Iso2God_Full(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { FileStream stream; FileStream stream2; base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "Preparing to rebuild ISO image..."); IsoEntry argument = (IsoEntry)e.Argument; try { stream = new FileStream(argument.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); } catch (Exception exception) { base.ReportProgress(0, "Error! " + exception.Message); return; } using (GDF gdf = new GDF(stream)) { uint lastSector = 0; gdf.ParseDirectory(gdf.RootDir, true, ref lastSector); base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "Generating new GDFS structures..."); try { stream2 = File.OpenWrite(argument.Padding.IsoPath + argument.Path.Substring(argument.Path.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1) + "_rebuilt.iso"); } catch (Exception exception2) { base.ReportProgress(0, "Error rebuilding GDF! " + exception2.Message); return; } this.rootDir = (GDFDirTable)gdf.RootDir.Clone(); this.RemapSectors(gdf); this.WriteGDF(gdf, stream2); this.WriteFiles(gdf, stream2); } if (stream2.Length > 0L) { base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "ISO image rebuilt."); argument.Path = stream2.Name; argument.Size = stream2.Length; stream2.Close(); stream.Close(); this.Iso2God_Partial(sender, e, false, argument); } else { base.ReportProgress(100, "Failed to rebuild ISO. Aborting."); } }
private void ftp_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items) { IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.Uploading) { ProgressBar embeddedControl = (ProgressBar)this.listView1.GetEmbeddedControl(5, item.Index); embeddedControl.Value = (e.ProgressPercentage > 100) ? 100 : e.ProgressPercentage; item.ForeColor = Color.Blue; item.SubItems[6].Text = e.UserState.ToString(); item.Tag = tag; break; } } }
private void restartFTPUploadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { ListViewItem item = this.listView1.SelectedItems[0]; IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if ((tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.Uploading) || (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.Completed)) { tag.Status = IsoEntryStatus.UploadQueue; item.Tag = tag; item.ForeColor = Color.Blue; item.SubItems[6].Text = "Queued for upload."; ((ProgressBar)this.listView1.GetEmbeddedControl(5, item.Index)).Value = 0; this.ftpCheck.Enabled = true; } } }
private void listView1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listView1.SelectedItems.Count <= 1) { ListViewItem item = this.listView1.SelectedItems[0]; IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.Idle) { using (AddISO diso = new AddISO(tag.Platform)) { diso.Edit(item.Index, tag); diso.ShowDialog(this); return; } } MessageBox.Show("Conversions that are currently in progress or have completed cannot be edited."); } }
private string createUniqueName(IsoEntry Iso) { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); CBinaryWriter writer = new CBinaryWriter(EndianType.LittleEndian, s); writer.Write(Iso.ID.TitleID); writer.Write(Iso.ID.MediaID); writer.Write(Iso.ID.DiscNumber); writer.Write(Iso.ID.DiscCount); byte[] buffer = sha1.ComputeHash(s.ToArray()); string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < (buffer.Length / 2); i++) { str = str + buffer[i].ToString("X02"); } return(str); }
public void Edit(int Index, IsoEntry Entry) { this.edit = true; this.entry = Entry; this.entryIndex = Index; this.txtName.Text = this.entry.TitleName; this.txtTitleID.Text = this.entry.ID.TitleID; this.txtMediaID.Text = this.entry.ID.MediaID; this.txtPlatform.Text = this.entry.ID.Platform.ToString(); this.txtExType.Text = this.entry.ID.ExType.ToString(); this.txtDiscCount.Text = this.entry.ID.DiscCount.ToString(); this.txtDiscNum.Text = this.entry.ID.DiscNumber.ToString(); this.txtDest.Text = this.entry.Destination; this.txtISO.Text = this.entry.Path; this.txtRebuiltIso.Text = (this.entry.Padding.Type == IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full) ? this.entry.Padding.IsoPath : Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["RebuildPath"].ToString(); this.cbSaveRebuilt.Checked = this.entry.Padding.KeepIso; this.cmbPaddingMode.SelectedIndex = (int)this.entry.Padding.Type; this.pbThumb.Image = (this.entry.Thumb == null) ? null : Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(this.entry.Thumb)); this.pbThumb.Tag = this.entry.Thumb; this.btnAddIso.Text = "Save ISO"; }
private void Iso2God_Run(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { this.Start = DateTime.Now; IsoEntry argument = (IsoEntry)e.Argument; this.uniqueName = this.createUniqueName(argument); switch (argument.Padding.Type) { case IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.None: this.Iso2God_Partial(sender, e, false, argument); return; case IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Partial: this.Iso2God_Partial(sender, e, true, argument); return; case IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full: this.Iso2God_Full(sender, e); return; } }
public void AddISOEntry(IsoEntry Entry) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem { Text = Entry.TitleName }; item.SubItems.Add(Entry.ID.TitleID); item.SubItems.Add(Entry.ID.DiscNumber.ToString()); double num = Math.Round((double) (((double) Entry.Size) / 1073741824.0), 2); item.SubItems.Add(num.ToString() + " GB"); item.SubItems.Add(Entry.Padding.Type.ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(""); item.SubItems.Add(Entry.Path); item.Tag = Entry; this.listView1.Items.Add(item); this.listView1.AddEmbeddedControl(new ProgressBar(), 5, item.Index); long freeSpace = 0L; this.UpdateSpace(out freeSpace); if (freeSpace < Entry.Size) { this.tsStatus.Text = this.tsStatus.Text + ". You do not have enough free disk space to convert this ISO."; } }
private void createConHeader(string path, IsoEntry iso, uint blocksAllocated, ushort blocksNotAllocated, uint totalParts, ulong sizeParts, byte[] mhtHash) { ConHeaderWriter writer = new ConHeaderWriter(); writer.WriteIDs(iso.ID.TitleID, iso.ID.MediaID, iso.TitleName); writer.WriteExecutionDetails(iso.ID.DiscNumber, iso.ID.DiscCount, iso.ID.Platform, iso.ID.ExType); writer.WriteBlockCounts(blocksAllocated, blocksNotAllocated); writer.WriteDataPartsInfo(totalParts, sizeParts); switch (iso.Platform) { case IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox: writer.WriteContentType(ContentType.XboxOriginal); break; case IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox360: writer.WriteContentType(ContentType.GamesOnDemand); break; } writer.WriteMhtHash(mhtHash); writer.WriteHash(); writer.Write(path); }
private void jobCheck_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.i2g.IsBusy) { foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items) { IsoEntry tag = (IsoEntry)item.Tag; if (tag.Status == IsoEntryStatus.Idle) { tag.Status = IsoEntryStatus.InProgress; item.Tag = tag; this.i2g = new Chilano.Iso2God.Iso2God(); this.i2g.Completed += new Iso2GodCompletedEventHandler(this.i2g_Completed); this.i2g.Progress += new Iso2GodProgressEventHandler(this.i2g_Progress); this.i2g.RunWorkerAsync(tag); this.jobCheck.Enabled = false; return; } } this.jobCheck.Enabled = false; } }
private void createConHeader(string path, IsoEntry iso, uint blocksAllocated, ushort blocksNotAllocated, uint totalParts, ulong sizeParts, byte[] mhtHash) { ConHeaderWriter writer = new ConHeaderWriter(); writer.WriteIDs(iso.ID.TitleID, iso.ID.MediaID, iso.TitleName); writer.WriteExecutionDetails(iso.ID.DiscNumber, iso.ID.DiscCount, iso.ID.Platform, iso.ID.ExType); writer.WriteBlockCounts(blocksAllocated, blocksNotAllocated); writer.WriteDataPartsInfo(totalParts, sizeParts); writer.WriteGameIcon(iso.Thumb); switch (iso.Platform) { case IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox: writer.WriteContentType(ContentType.XboxOriginal); break; case IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox360: writer.WriteContentType(ContentType.GamesOnDemand); break; } writer.WriteMhtHash(mhtHash); writer.WriteHash(); writer.Write(path); }
private void Iso2God_Partial(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e, bool Crop, IsoEntry iso) { FileStream stream; GDF gdf; base.ReportProgress((int) this.progress, "Examining ISO image..."); try { stream = new FileStream(iso.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch (Exception) { base.ReportProgress(0, "Cannot access the ISO image because it is being accessed by another application."); return; } try { gdf = new GDF(stream); } catch (Exception exception) { base.ReportProgress(0, "Error while parsing GDF: " + exception.Message); return; } ulong num = 0L; if (Crop) { num = (((ulong) iso.Size) - gdf.RootOffset) - (((ulong) iso.Size) - (gdf.LastOffset + gdf.RootOffset)); } else { num = ((ulong) iso.Size) - gdf.RootOffset; } uint blocksReq = (uint) Math.Ceiling((double) (((double) num) / ((double) this.blockSize))); uint partsReq = (uint) Math.Ceiling((double) (((double) blocksReq) / ((double) this.blockPerPart))); ContentType type = (iso.Platform == IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox360) ? ContentType.GamesOnDemand : ContentType.XboxOriginal; object[] objArray = new object[] { iso.Destination, iso.ID.TitleID, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "0000", ((uint) type).ToString("X02"), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }; string path = string.Concat(objArray) + ((this.uniqueName != null) ? this.uniqueName : iso.ID.TitleID) + ".data"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); base.ReportProgress((int) this.progress, "Beginning ISO conversion..."); stream.Seek((long) gdf.RootOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); this.writeParts(stream, path, iso, partsReq, blocksReq); base.ReportProgress((int) this.progress, "Calculating Master Hash Table chain..."); byte[] lastMhtHash = new byte[20]; uint lastPartSize = 0; this.calcMhtHashChain(path, partsReq, out lastPartSize, out lastMhtHash); ulong num6 = 0xa290L; ulong num7 = this.blockSize * num6; ulong sizeParts = lastPartSize + ((partsReq - 1) * num7); base.ReportProgress(0x5f, "Creating LIVE header..."); this.createConHeader(path.Substring(0, path.Length - 5), iso, blocksReq, 0, partsReq, sizeParts, lastMhtHash); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); gdf.Dispose(); if ((iso.Padding.Type == IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full) && !iso.Padding.KeepIso) { try { File.Delete(iso.Path); } catch (Exception) { base.ReportProgress(0x5f, "Unable to delete ISO temporary image."); } } this.Finish = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan) (this.Finish - this.Start); base.ReportProgress(100, "Done!"); e.Result = "Finished in " + span.Minutes.ToString() + "m" + span.Seconds.ToString() + "s. GOD package written to: " + path; GC.Collect(); }
private void writeParts(FileStream src, string destPath, IsoEntry iso, uint partsReq, uint blocksReq) { uint num = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < partsReq; i++) { this.progress += ((1f / ((float) partsReq)) * ((iso.Padding.Type == IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full) ? 0.45f : 0.9f)) * 100f; base.ReportProgress((int) this.progress, "Writing Part " + i.ToString() + " / " + partsReq.ToString() + "..."); string path = destPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data"; if (i < 10) { path = path + "000" + i.ToString(); } else if (i < 100) { path = path + "00" + i.ToString(); } else if (i < 0x3e8) { path = path + "0" + i.ToString(); } else if (i < 0x2710) { path = path + i.ToString(); } FileStream f = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); MasterHashtable hashtable = new MasterHashtable(); hashtable.WriteBlank(f); for (int j = 0; j < this.shtPerMHT; j++) { SubHashTable table = new SubHashTable(); table.WriteBlank(f); uint num4 = 0; while ((num < blocksReq) && (num4 < this.blockPerSHT)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[this.blockSize]; src.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); byte[] buffer2 = new byte[20]; buffer2 = this.sha1.ComputeHash(buffer, 0, (int) this.blockSize); table.Add(buffer2); f.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); num++; num4++; } long position = f.Position; f.Seek((long) -((ulong) ((num4 + 1) * this.blockSize)), SeekOrigin.Current); table.Write(f); f.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] item = new byte[20]; item = this.sha1.ComputeHash(table.ToByteArray(), 0, (int) this.blockSize); hashtable.Add(item); if (num >= blocksReq) { break; } } f.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); hashtable.Write(f); f.Close(); if (num >= blocksReq) { return; } } }
public void UpdateISOEntry(int Index, IsoEntry Entry) { ListViewItem item = this.listView1.Items[Index]; item.Tag = Entry; item.Text = Entry.TitleName; item.SubItems[1].Text = Entry.ID.TitleID; item.SubItems[2].Text = Entry.ID.DiscNumber.ToString(); item.SubItems[3].Text = Math.Round((double) (((double) Entry.Size) / 1073741824.0), 2).ToString() + " GB"; item.SubItems[4].Text = Entry.Padding.Type.ToString(); item.SubItems[6].Text = Entry.Path; }
private void writeParts(FileStream src, string destPath, IsoEntry iso, uint partsReq, uint blocksReq) { uint num = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < partsReq; i++) { this.progress += ((1f / ((float)partsReq)) * ((iso.Padding.Type == IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full) ? 0.45f : 0.9f)) * 100f; base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "Writing Part " + i.ToString() + " / " + partsReq.ToString() + "..."); string path = destPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data"; if (i < 10) { path = path + "000" + i.ToString(); } else if (i < 100) { path = path + "00" + i.ToString(); } else if (i < 0x3e8) { path = path + "0" + i.ToString(); } else if (i < 0x2710) { path = path + i.ToString(); } FileStream f = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); MasterHashtable hashtable = new MasterHashtable(); hashtable.WriteBlank(f); for (int j = 0; j < this.shtPerMHT; j++) { SubHashTable table = new SubHashTable(); table.WriteBlank(f); uint num4 = 0; while ((num < blocksReq) && (num4 < this.blockPerSHT)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[this.blockSize]; src.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); byte[] buffer2 = new byte[20]; buffer2 = this.sha1.ComputeHash(buffer, 0, (int)this.blockSize); table.Add(buffer2); f.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); num++; num4++; } long position = f.Position; f.Seek((long)-((ulong)((num4 + 1) * this.blockSize)), SeekOrigin.Current); table.Write(f); f.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] item = new byte[20]; item = this.sha1.ComputeHash(table.ToByteArray(), 0, (int)this.blockSize); hashtable.Add(item); if (num >= blocksReq) { break; } } f.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); hashtable.Write(f); f.Close(); if (num >= blocksReq) { return; } } }
private void Iso2God_Partial(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e, bool Crop, IsoEntry iso) { FileStream stream; GDF gdf; base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "Examining ISO image..."); try { stream = new FileStream(iso.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch (Exception) { base.ReportProgress(0, "Cannot access the ISO image because it is being accessed by another application."); return; } try { gdf = new GDF(stream); } catch (Exception exception) { base.ReportProgress(0, "Error while parsing GDF: " + exception.Message); return; } ulong num = 0L; if (Crop) { num = (((ulong)iso.Size) - gdf.RootOffset) - (((ulong)iso.Size) - (gdf.LastOffset + gdf.RootOffset)); } else { num = ((ulong)iso.Size) - gdf.RootOffset; } uint blocksReq = (uint)Math.Ceiling((double)(((double)num) / ((double)this.blockSize))); uint partsReq = (uint)Math.Ceiling((double)(((double)blocksReq) / ((double)this.blockPerPart))); ContentType type = (iso.Platform == IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox360) ? ContentType.GamesOnDemand : ContentType.XboxOriginal; object[] objArray = new object[] { iso.Destination, iso.ID.TitleID, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "0000", ((uint)type).ToString("X02"), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }; string path = string.Concat(objArray) + ((this.uniqueName != null) ? this.uniqueName : iso.ID.TitleID) + ".data"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "Beginning ISO conversion..."); stream.Seek((long)gdf.RootOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); this.writeParts(stream, path, iso, partsReq, blocksReq); base.ReportProgress((int)this.progress, "Calculating Master Hash Table chain..."); byte[] lastMhtHash = new byte[20]; uint lastPartSize = 0; this.calcMhtHashChain(path, partsReq, out lastPartSize, out lastMhtHash); ulong num6 = 0xa290L; ulong num7 = this.blockSize * num6; ulong sizeParts = lastPartSize + ((partsReq - 1) * num7); base.ReportProgress(0x5f, "Creating LIVE header..."); this.createConHeader(path.Substring(0, path.Length - 5), iso, blocksReq, 0, partsReq, sizeParts, lastMhtHash); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); gdf.Dispose(); if ((iso.Padding.Type == IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full) && !iso.Padding.KeepIso) { try { File.Delete(iso.Path); } catch (Exception) { base.ReportProgress(0x5f, "Unable to delete ISO temporary image."); } } this.Finish = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(this.Finish - this.Start); base.ReportProgress(100, "Done!"); e.Result = "Finished in " + span.Minutes.ToString() + "m" + span.Seconds.ToString() + "s. GOD package written to: " + path; GC.Collect(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.checkFields()) { IsoEntryPadding padding = new IsoEntryPadding { Type = (IsoEntryPaddingRemoval) ((byte) this.cmbPaddingMode.SelectedIndex), TempPath = Path.GetTempPath(), IsoPath = this.txtRebuiltIso.Text, KeepIso = this.cbSaveRebuilt.Checked }; if (!padding.TempPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { padding.TempPath = padding.TempPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } if (!padding.IsoPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { padding.IsoPath = padding.IsoPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } IsoEntryID iD = new IsoEntryID(this.txtTitleID.Text, this.txtMediaID.Text, byte.Parse(this.txtDiscNum.Text), byte.Parse(this.txtDiscCount.Text), byte.Parse(this.txtPlatform.Text), byte.Parse(this.txtExType.Text)); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.txtISO.Text); IsoEntry entry = new IsoEntry(this.platform, this.txtISO.Text, this.txtDest.Text, info.Length, this.txtName.Text, iD, (byte[]) this.pbThumb.Tag, padding); if (this.edit) { (base.Owner as Main).UpdateISOEntry(this.entryIndex, entry); } else { (base.Owner as Main).AddISOEntry(entry); } GC.Collect(); base.Close(); } }
public void Edit(int Index, IsoEntry Entry) { this.edit = true; this.entry = Entry; this.entryIndex = Index; this.txtName.Text = this.entry.TitleName; this.txtTitleID.Text = this.entry.ID.TitleID; this.txtMediaID.Text = this.entry.ID.MediaID; this.txtPlatform.Text = this.entry.ID.Platform.ToString(); this.txtExType.Text = this.entry.ID.ExType.ToString(); this.txtDiscCount.Text = this.entry.ID.DiscCount.ToString(); this.txtDiscNum.Text = this.entry.ID.DiscNumber.ToString(); this.txtDest.Text = this.entry.Destination; this.txtISO.Text = this.entry.Path; this.txtRebuiltIso.Text = (this.entry.Padding.Type == IsoEntryPaddingRemoval.Full) ? this.entry.Padding.IsoPath : Chilano.Iso2God.Properties.Settings.Default["RebuildPath"].ToString(); this.cbSaveRebuilt.Checked = this.entry.Padding.KeepIso; this.cmbPaddingMode.SelectedIndex = (int) this.entry.Padding.Type; this.pbThumb.Image = (this.entry.Thumb == null) ? null : Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(this.entry.Thumb)); this.pbThumb.Tag = this.entry.Thumb; this.btnAddIso.Text = "Save ISO"; }
private string createUniqueName(IsoEntry Iso) { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); CBinaryWriter writer = new CBinaryWriter(EndianType.LittleEndian, s); writer.Write(Iso.ID.TitleID); writer.Write(Iso.ID.MediaID); writer.Write(Iso.ID.DiscNumber); writer.Write(Iso.ID.DiscCount); byte[] buffer = this.sha1.ComputeHash(s.ToArray()); string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < (buffer.Length / 2); i++) { str = str + buffer[i].ToString("X02"); } return str; }
private void Iso2God_Partial(bool Crop, IsoEntry iso, string ID) { FileStream stream; GDF gdf; Console.WriteLine("+ Examining ISO image..."); try { stream = new FileStream(iso.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("- Cannot access the ISO image because it is being accessed by another application."); return; } try { gdf = new GDF(stream); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("- Error while parsing GDF: " + exception.Message); return; } ulong num = 0L; if (Crop) { num = (((ulong)iso.Size) - gdf.RootOffset) - (((ulong)iso.Size) - (gdf.LastOffset + gdf.RootOffset)); } else { num = ((ulong)iso.Size) - gdf.RootOffset; } uint blocksReq = (uint)Math.Ceiling(num / ((double)blockSize)); uint partsReq = (uint)Math.Ceiling(blocksReq / ((double)blockPerPart)); ContentType type = (iso.Platform == IsoEntryPlatform.Xbox360) ? ContentType.GamesOnDemand : ContentType.XboxOriginal; string gameTitle = Get360TitleName.getFromDB(ID).ToString(); var invalidChars = new string[] { ":" }; foreach (var i in invalidChars) { gameTitle = gameTitle.Replace(i, " "); } Console.WriteLine(gameTitle); object[] objArray = { iso.Destination, gameTitle, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "0000", ((uint)type).ToString("X02"), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }; string path = string.Concat(objArray) + ((uniqueName != null) ? uniqueName : iso.ID.TitleID) + ".data"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Console.WriteLine("+ Beginning ISO conversion..."); Start = DateTime.Now; stream.Seek((long)gdf.RootOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); writeParts(stream, path, partsReq, blocksReq); Console.WriteLine("+ Calculating Master Hash Table chain..."); byte[] lastMhtHash = new byte[20]; uint lastPartSize = 0; calcMhtHashChain(path, partsReq, out lastPartSize, out lastMhtHash); ulong num6 = 0xa290L; ulong num7 = blockSize * num6; ulong sizeParts = lastPartSize + ((partsReq - 1) * num7); Console.WriteLine("+ Creating LIVE header..."); createConHeader(path.Substring(0, path.Length - 5), iso, blocksReq, 0, partsReq, sizeParts, lastMhtHash); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); gdf.Dispose(); Finish = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = Finish - Start; Console.WriteLine("+ Done!"); Console.WriteLine("+ Finished in " + span.Minutes + "m" + span.Seconds + "s. GOD package written to: " + path); GC.Collect(); }
public void Run(IsoEntry entry, string ID) { uniqueName = createUniqueName(entry); Iso2God_Partial(false, entry, ID); }