void EvalKnight(Board b, EvaluationScores v, Position sq, Piece side, ulong[] pawnControl, ulong pinned)
            int att = 0;
            int mob = 0;

            *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks. This resembles move      *
            *  generation code, except that we are just incrementing the counters     *
            *  instead of adding actual moves.                                        *

            var jumps           = BitboardConstants.KnightJumps[sq];
            var opponent        = side == ChessPiece.White ? b.BlackPieces : b.WhitePieces;
            var emptyOrOpponent = (b.EmptySquares | opponent) & jumps;

            var bitboard = 1UL << sq;

            if ((bitboard & pinned) == 0)
                var uncontrolled = emptyOrOpponent & ~pawnControl[side ^ 1];
                mob += uncontrolled.PopCount();

            var emptyOrOpponentNearKing = emptyOrOpponent & BitboardConstants.KingExtendedJumps[side ^ 1][b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]];

            att += emptyOrOpponentNearKing.PopCount();

            *  Evaluate mobility. We try to do it in such a way that zero represents  *
            *  average mobility, but  our formula of doing so is a puer guess.        *

            v.mgMob[side] += 4 * (mob - 4);
            v.egMob[side] += 4 * (mob - 4);

            *  Save data about king attacks                                           *

            if (att > 0)
                v.attWeight[side] += 2 * att;

            * Evaluate king tropism                                                   *

            int tropism = getTropism(sq, b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]);

            v.mgTropism[side] += 3 * tropism;
            v.egTropism[side] += 3 * tropism;
 public EvaluationService2(EvaluationData evaluationData)
     _pawnControl      = new ulong[2];
     _evaluationScores = new EvaluationScores();
     _evaluationData   = evaluationData;
     _evalTable        = new EvalHashTable();
     _evalTable.SetSize(16 * 1024 * 1024);
     _pawnTable = new EvalHashTable();
     _pawnTable.SetSize(16 * 1024 * 1024);
     _slideGenerator = new MagicBitboardsService();
     _pinDetector    = new PinDetector(_slideGenerator);
     _attacks        = new AttacksService(_slideGenerator);
        void printEval(Board b, EvaluationData e, EvaluationScores v, Score score)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append($"Total value (for side to move): {score}\n");
            builder.Append($"Material balance       : {b.PieceMaterial[ChessPiece.White] + b.PawnMaterial[ChessPiece.White] - b.PieceMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] - b.PawnMaterial[ChessPiece.Black]} \n");
            builder.Append("Material adjustement   : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White], v.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Mg Piece/square tables : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.PieceSquaresMidgame[ChessPiece.White], v.PieceSquaresMidgame[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Eg Piece/square tables : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.PieceSquaresEndgame[ChessPiece.White], v.PieceSquaresEndgame[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Mg Mobility            : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.mgMob[ChessPiece.White], v.mgMob[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Eg Mobility            : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.egMob[ChessPiece.White], v.egMob[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Mg Tropism             : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.mgTropism[ChessPiece.White], v.mgTropism[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Eg Tropism             : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.egTropism[ChessPiece.White], v.egTropism[ChessPiece.Black]);
            //builder.Append("Pawn structure         : %d \n", evalPawnStructure());
            builder.Append("Blockages              : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.blockages[ChessPiece.White], v.blockages[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Positional themes      : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.positionalThemes[ChessPiece.White], v.positionalThemes[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("King Shield            : ");
            printEvalFactor(builder, v.kingShield[ChessPiece.White], v.kingShield[ChessPiece.Black]);
            builder.Append("Tempo                  : ");
            if (b.WhiteToMove)
        void EvalBishop(Board b, EvaluationScores v, Position sq, Piece side, ulong[] pawnControl, ulong pinned)
            int att = 0;
            int mob = 0;

            *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks                           *
            var slide = _slideGenerator.DiagonalAntidiagonalSlide(b.AllPieces, sq);

            var opponent = (side == ChessPiece.White ? b.BlackPieces : b.WhitePieces) & slide;

            var bitboard = 1UL << sq;

            if ((bitboard & pinned) == 0)
                var emptyUncontrolled = b.EmptySquares & ~pawnControl[side ^ 1] & slide;
                mob += emptyUncontrolled.PopCount();
                mob += opponent.PopCount();

            var emptyOrOpponentNearKing = (b.EmptySquares | opponent) & BitboardConstants.KingExtendedJumps[side ^ 1][b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]] & slide;

            att += emptyOrOpponentNearKing.PopCount();

            v.mgMob[side] += 3 * (mob - 7);
            v.egMob[side] += 3 * (mob - 7);

            if (att > 0)
                v.attWeight[side] += 2 * att;

            int tropism = getTropism(sq, b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]);

            v.mgTropism[side] += 2 * tropism;
            v.egTropism[side] += 1 * tropism;
        void blockedPieces(Board b, EvaluationScores v, int side)
            int oppo = side ^ 1;

            // central pawn blocked, bishop hard to develop
            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C1)) &&
                isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.D2)) &&
                b.ArrayBoard[REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.D3)] != ChessPiece.Empty)
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BLOCK_CENTRAL_PAWN;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.F1)) &&
                isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.E2)) &&
                b.ArrayBoard[REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.E3)] != ChessPiece.Empty)
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BLOCK_CENTRAL_PAWN;

            // trapped knight
            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A8)) &&
                (isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A7)) || isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C7))))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A8;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H8)) &&
                (isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H7)) || isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.F7))))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A8;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A7)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A6)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B7)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A7;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H7)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H6)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G7)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_KNIGHT_TRAPPED_A7;

            // knight blocking queenside pawns
            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C3)) &&
                isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C2)) &&
                isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.D4)) &&
                !isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.E4)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_C3_KNIGHT;

            // trapped bishop
            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A7)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B6)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H7)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G6)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B8)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C7)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G8)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.F7)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A7;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A6)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B5)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A6;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H6)) &&
                isPiece(b, oppo, ChessPiece.Pawn, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G5)))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_BISHOP_TRAPPED_A6;

            // bishop on initial sqare supporting castled king
            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.F1)) &&
                isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.King, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G1)))
                v.positionalThemes[side] += EvaluationData.RETURNING_BISHOP;

            if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C1)) &&
                isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.King, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B1)))
                v.positionalThemes[side] += EvaluationData.RETURNING_BISHOP;

            // uncastled king blocking own rook
            if ((isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.King, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.F1)) || isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.King, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G1))) &&
                (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Rook, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.H1)) || isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Rook, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G1))))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_KING_BLOCKS_ROOK;

            if ((isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.King, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C1)) || isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.King, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B1))) &&
                (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Rook, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.A1)) || isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Rook, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B1))))
                v.blockages[side] -= EvaluationData.P_KING_BLOCKS_ROOK;
        private int EvaluateInner(Board board, Span <ulong> pins, EvaluationScores scores)
            int result   = 0;
            int mgScore  = 0;
            int egScore  = 0;
            int stronger = 0;
            int weaker   = 0;

            var pawnControl = _pawnControl;

            pawnControl[ChessPiece.White] = _attacks.GetAttackedByPawns(board.BitBoard[ChessPiece.WhitePawn], true);
            pawnControl[ChessPiece.Black] = _attacks.GetAttackedByPawns(board.BitBoard[ChessPiece.BlackPawn], false);

            *  Clear all eval data                                                    *


            scores.gamePhase = board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteKnight] + board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteBishop] + 2 * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteRook] + 4 * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteQueen]
                               + board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackKnight] + board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackBishop] + 2 * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackRook] + 4 * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackQueen];

            * add king's pawn shield score and evaluate part of piece blockage score  *
            * (the rest of the latter will be done via piece eval)                    *

            scores.kingShield[ChessPiece.White] = wKingShield(board);
            scores.kingShield[ChessPiece.Black] = bKingShield(board);
            blockedPieces(board, scores, ChessPiece.White);
            blockedPieces(board, scores, ChessPiece.Black);
            mgScore += (scores.kingShield[ChessPiece.White] - scores.kingShield[ChessPiece.Black]);

            /* tempo bonus */
            if (board.WhiteToMove)
                result += EvaluationData.TEMPO;
                result -= EvaluationData.TEMPO;

            *  Adjusting material value for the various combinations of pieces.       *
            *  Currently it scores bishop, knight and rook pairs. The first one       *
            *  gets a bonus, the latter two - a penalty. Beside that knights lose     *
            *  value as pawns disappear, whereas rooks gain.                          *

            if (board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteBishop] > 1)
                scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White] += EvaluationData.BISHOP_PAIR;
            if (board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackBishop] > 1)
                scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] += EvaluationData.BISHOP_PAIR;
            if (board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteKnight] > 1)
                scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White] -= EvaluationData.P_KNIGHT_PAIR;
            if (board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackKnight] > 1)
                scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] -= EvaluationData.P_KNIGHT_PAIR;
            if (board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteRook] > 1)
                scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White] -= EvaluationData.P_ROOK_PAIR;
            if (board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackRook] > 1)
                scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] -= EvaluationData.P_ROOK_PAIR;

            scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White] += _evaluationData.n_adj[board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhitePawn]] * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteKnight];
            scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] += _evaluationData.n_adj[board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackPawn]] * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackKnight];
            scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White] += _evaluationData.r_adj[board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhitePawn]] * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteRook];
            scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] += _evaluationData.r_adj[board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackPawn]] * board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackRook];

            var pawnScore = getPawnScore(board, pawnControl);

            result += pawnScore;

            *  Evaluate pieces                                                        *

            EvaluatePieces(board, scores, pawnControl, pins);

            *  Sum the incrementally counted material and piece/square table values   *

            mgScore += board.PieceMaterial[ChessPiece.White] + board.PawnMaterial[ChessPiece.White] + scores.PieceSquaresMidgame[ChessPiece.White]
                       - board.PieceMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] - board.PawnMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] - scores.PieceSquaresMidgame[ChessPiece.Black];
            egScore += board.PieceMaterial[ChessPiece.White] + board.PawnMaterial[ChessPiece.White] + scores.PieceSquaresEndgame[ChessPiece.White]
                       - board.PieceMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] - board.PawnMaterial[ChessPiece.Black] - scores.PieceSquaresEndgame[ChessPiece.Black];

            *  Merge  midgame  and endgame score. We interpolate between  these  two  *
            *  values, using a gamePhase value, based on remaining piece material on  *
            *  both sides. With less pieces, endgame score becomes more influential.  *

            mgScore += (scores.mgMob[ChessPiece.White] - scores.mgMob[ChessPiece.Black]);
            egScore += (scores.egMob[ChessPiece.White] - scores.egMob[ChessPiece.Black]);
            mgScore += (scores.mgTropism[ChessPiece.White] - scores.mgTropism[ChessPiece.Black]);
            egScore += (scores.egTropism[ChessPiece.White] - scores.egTropism[ChessPiece.Black]);
            if (scores.gamePhase > 24)
                scores.gamePhase = 24;
            int mgWeight = scores.gamePhase;
            int egWeight = 24 - mgWeight;

            result += ((mgScore * mgWeight) + (egScore * egWeight)) / 24;

            *  Add phase-independent score components.                                *

            result += (scores.blockages[ChessPiece.White] - scores.blockages[ChessPiece.Black]);
            result += (scores.positionalThemes[ChessPiece.White] - scores.positionalThemes[ChessPiece.Black]);
            result += (scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.White] - scores.adjustMaterial[ChessPiece.Black]);

            *  Merge king attack score. We don't apply this value if there are less   *
            *  than two attackers or if the attacker has no queen.                    *

            if (scores.attCnt[ChessPiece.White] < 2 || board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.WhiteQueen] == 0)
                scores.attWeight[ChessPiece.White] = 0;
            if (scores.attCnt[ChessPiece.Black] < 2 || board.PieceCounts[ChessPiece.BlackQueen] == 0)
                scores.attWeight[ChessPiece.Black] = 0;
            result += EvaluationData.SafetyTable[scores.attWeight[ChessPiece.White]];
            result -= EvaluationData.SafetyTable[scores.attWeight[ChessPiece.Black]];

            //result -= pins[ChessPiece.White].BitCount() * 5;
            //result += pins[ChessPiece.Black].BitCount() * 5;

            *  Low material correction - guarding against an illusory material advan- *
            *  tage. Full blown program should have more such rules, but the current  *
            *  set ought to be useful enough. Please note that our code  assumes      *
            *  different material values for bishop and  knight.                      *
            *                                                                         *
            *  - a single minor piece cannot win                                      *
            *  - two knights cannot checkmate bare king                               *
            *  - bare rook vs minor piece is drawish                                  *
            *  - rook and minor vs rook is drawish                                    *

            if (result > 0)
                stronger = ChessPiece.White;
                weaker   = ChessPiece.Black;
                stronger = ChessPiece.Black;
                weaker   = ChessPiece.White;

            if (board.PawnMaterial[stronger] == 0)
                if (board.PieceMaterial[stronger] < 400)

                if (board.PawnMaterial[weaker] == 0 && (board.PieceMaterial[stronger] == 2 * EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Knight]))

                    board.PieceMaterial[stronger] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Rook] &&
                    board.PieceMaterial[weaker] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Knight]    // TODO FIXED
                    result /= 2;

                    board.PieceMaterial[stronger] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Rook] &&
                    board.PieceMaterial[weaker] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Bishop]
                    result /= 2;

                    board.PieceMaterial[stronger] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Rook] + EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Knight] &&
                    board.PieceMaterial[weaker] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Rook]
                    result /= 2;

                    board.PieceMaterial[stronger] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Rook] + EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Bishop] &&
                    board.PieceMaterial[weaker] == EvaluationData.PIECE_VALUE[ChessPiece.Rook]
                    result /= 2;

            *  Finally return the score relative to the side to move.                 *

            if (board.ColorToMove == ChessPiece.Black)
                result = -result;

        void EvalQueen(Board b, EvaluationScores v, Position sq, Piece side, ulong pinned)
            int att = 0;
            int mob = 0;

            //var sqCol = sq & 7;
            var sqRow = sq >> 3;

            var seventh = EvaluationData.seventh[side];
            var eighth  = EvaluationData.eighth[side];

                sqRow == seventh &&
                    (b.BitBoard[ChessPiece.Pawn + side ^ 1] & BitboardConstants.Ranks[seventh]) != 0 ||
                    (b.BitBoard[ChessPiece.King + side ^ 1] & BitboardConstants.Ranks[eighth]) != 0
                v.mgMob[side] += 5;
                v.egMob[side] += 10;

            *  A queen should not be developed too early                              *

            if ((side == ChessPiece.White && sqRow > 1) || (side == ChessPiece.Black && sqRow < 6))
                if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.B1)))
                    v.positionalThemes[side] -= 2;
                if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.C1)))
                    v.positionalThemes[side] -= 2;
                if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Bishop, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.F1)))
                    v.positionalThemes[side] -= 2;
                if (isPiece(b, side, ChessPiece.Knight, REL_SQ(side, ChessPosition.G1)))
                    v.positionalThemes[side] -= 2;

            *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks                           *

            var slide           = _slideGenerator.AllSlide(b.AllPieces, sq);
            var opponent        = side == ChessPiece.White ? b.BlackPieces : b.WhitePieces;
            var emptyOrOpponent = (b.EmptySquares | opponent) & slide;

            var bitboard = 1UL << sq;

            if ((bitboard & pinned) == 0)
                mob += emptyOrOpponent.PopCount();

            var emptyOrOpponentNearKing = emptyOrOpponent & BitboardConstants.KingExtendedJumps[side ^ 1][b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]];

            att += emptyOrOpponentNearKing.PopCount();

            v.mgMob[side] += 1 * (mob - 14);
            v.egMob[side] += 2 * (mob - 14);

            if (att > 0)
                v.attWeight[side] += 4 * att;

            int tropism = getTropism(sq, b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]);

            v.mgTropism[side] += 2 * tropism;
            v.egTropism[side] += 4 * tropism;
        public void EvalRook(Board b, EvaluationScores v, Position sq, Piece side, ulong pinned)
            int att = 0;
            int mob = 0;

            var sqCol = sq & 7;
            var sqRow = sq >> 3;

            *  Bonus for rook on the seventh rank. It is applied when there are pawns *
            *  to attack along that rank or if enemy king is cut off on 8th rank      *
            *  /*************************************************************************/

            //    sqRow == EvaluationData.seventh[side]
            //    && (eb.pawns_on_rank[side ^ 1, EvaluationData.seventh[side]] > 0 || (b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]) == EvaluationData.eighth[side])

            var seventh = EvaluationData.seventh[side];
            var eighth  = EvaluationData.eighth[side];

                sqRow == seventh &&
                    (b.BitBoard[ChessPiece.Pawn + side ^ 1] & BitboardConstants.Ranks[seventh]) != 0 ||
                    (b.BitBoard[ChessPiece.King + side ^ 1] & BitboardConstants.Ranks[eighth]) != 0
                v.mgMob[side] += 20;
                v.egMob[side] += 30;

            *  Bonus for open and half-open files is merged with mobility score.      *
            *  Bonus for open files targetting enemy king is added to attWeight[]     *
            *  /*************************************************************************/
            var file           = BitboardConstants.Files[sqCol];
            var ownPawnsOnFile = b.BitBoard[ChessPiece.Pawn + side] & file;

            if (ownPawnsOnFile == 0)
                var opponentPawnsOnFile = b.BitBoard[ChessPiece.Pawn + side ^ 1] & file;
                if (opponentPawnsOnFile == 0) // fully open file
                    v.mgMob[side] += EvaluationData.ROOK_OPEN;
                    v.egMob[side] += EvaluationData.ROOK_OPEN;
                    if (Math.Abs(sqCol - (b.KingPositions[side ^ 1] & 7)) < 2)
                        v.attWeight[side] += 1;
                else // half open file
                    v.mgMob[side] += EvaluationData.ROOK_HALF;
                    v.egMob[side] += EvaluationData.ROOK_HALF;
                    if (Math.Abs(sqCol - (b.KingPositions[side ^ 1] & 7)) < 2)
                        v.attWeight[side] += 2;

            *  Collect data about mobility and king attacks                           *

            var slide = _slideGenerator.HorizontalVerticalSlide(b.AllPieces, sq);

            var opponent        = side == ChessPiece.White ? b.BlackPieces : b.WhitePieces;
            var emptyOrOpponent = (b.EmptySquares | opponent) & slide;

            var bitboard = 1UL << sq;

            if ((bitboard & pinned) == 0)
                mob += emptyOrOpponent.PopCount();

            var emptyOrOpponentNearKing = emptyOrOpponent & BitboardConstants.KingExtendedJumps[side ^ 1][b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]];

            att += emptyOrOpponentNearKing.PopCount();

            v.mgMob[side] += 2 * (mob - 7);
            v.egMob[side] += 4 * (mob - 7);

            if (att > 0)
                v.attWeight[side] += 3 * att;

            int tropism = getTropism(sq, b.KingPositions[side ^ 1]);

            v.mgTropism[side] += 2 * tropism;
            v.egTropism[side] += 1 * tropism;
        void EvaluatePieces(Board b, EvaluationScores v, ulong[] pawnControl, Span <ulong> pins)
            for (Piece color = 0; color <= 1; color++)
                var pinned = pins[color];
                var pawn   = ChessPiece.Pawn + color;
                var pawns  = b.BitBoard[pawn];
                while (pawns != 0)
                    var pos = pawns.BitScanForward();
                    v.PieceSquaresMidgame[color] += _evaluationData.mgPst[pawn][pos];
                    v.PieceSquaresEndgame[color] += _evaluationData.egPst[pawn][pos];
                    pawns &= pawns - 1;

                var knight  = ChessPiece.Knight + color;
                var knights = b.BitBoard[knight];
                while (knights != 0)
                    var pos = knights.BitScanForward();
                    EvalKnight(b, v, pos, color, pawnControl, pinned);
                    v.PieceSquaresMidgame[color] += _evaluationData.mgPst[knight][pos];
                    v.PieceSquaresEndgame[color] += _evaluationData.egPst[knight][pos];
                    knights &= knights - 1;

                var bishop  = ChessPiece.Bishop + color;
                var bishops = b.BitBoard[bishop];
                while (bishops != 0)
                    var pos = bishops.BitScanForward();
                    EvalBishop(b, v, pos, color, pawnControl, pinned);
                    v.PieceSquaresMidgame[color] += _evaluationData.mgPst[bishop][pos];
                    v.PieceSquaresEndgame[color] += _evaluationData.egPst[bishop][pos];
                    bishops &= bishops - 1;

                var rook  = ChessPiece.Rook + color;
                var rooks = b.BitBoard[rook];
                while (rooks != 0)
                    var pos = rooks.BitScanForward();
                    EvalRook(b, v, pos, color, pinned);
                    v.PieceSquaresMidgame[color] += _evaluationData.mgPst[rook][pos];
                    v.PieceSquaresEndgame[color] += _evaluationData.egPst[rook][pos];
                    rooks &= rooks - 1;

                var queen  = ChessPiece.Queen + color;
                var queens = b.BitBoard[queen];
                while (queens != 0)
                    var pos = queens.BitScanForward();
                    EvalQueen(b, v, pos, color, pinned);
                    v.PieceSquaresMidgame[color] += _evaluationData.mgPst[queen][pos];
                    v.PieceSquaresEndgame[color] += _evaluationData.egPst[queen][pos];
                    queens &= queens - 1;

                v.PieceSquaresMidgame[color] += _evaluationData.mgPst[ChessPiece.King + color][b.KingPositions[color]];
                v.PieceSquaresEndgame[color] += _evaluationData.egPst[ChessPiece.King + color][b.KingPositions[color]];