public Set(Color color) { int rank; this.color = color; pieces = new Piece[16]; rank = (color == Color.Black) ? 8 : 1; pieces[0] = rookA = new Rook(color, new Position(rank, 'a')); pieces[1] = knightA = new Knight(color, new Position(rank, 'b')); pieces[2] = bishopA = new Bishop(color, new Position(rank, 'c')); pieces[3] = king = new King(color, new Position(rank, 'd')); pieces[4] = queen = new Queen(color, new Position(rank, 'e')); pieces[5] = bishopB = new Bishop(color, new Position(rank, 'f')); pieces[6] = knightB = new Knight(color, new Position(rank, 'g')); pieces[7] = rookB = new Rook(color, new Position(rank, 'h')); rank = (color == Color.Black) ? 7 : 2; pieces[8] = pawnA = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'a')); pieces[9] = pawnB = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'b')); pieces[10] = pawnC = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'c')); pieces[11] = pawnD = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'd')); pieces[12] = pawnE = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'e')); pieces[13] = pawnF = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'f')); pieces[14] = pawnG = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'g')); pieces[15] = pawnH = new Pawn(color, new Position(rank, 'h')); }
public List<Tuple<int, int>> getValidMoves(Piece currentPiece, Gameboard gameboard, bool doRecurse = true) { this.copyOfCurrentPiece = new Piece(currentPiece); this.gameboard = new Gameboard(gameboard); switch (currentPiece.type) { case (int)type.rock: // tower Rock rock = new Rock(); this.validDestinations = rock.Rules(currentPiece, gameboard); if (doRecurse) cleanUp(); return validDestinations; case (int)type.knight: // horsie Knight knight = new Knight(); this.validDestinations = knight.Rules(currentPiece, gameboard); if (doRecurse) cleanUp(); return validDestinations; case (int)type.bishop: // springare Bishop bishop = new Bishop(); this.validDestinations = bishop.Rules(currentPiece, gameboard); if (doRecurse) cleanUp(); return validDestinations; case (int)type.queen: //los quuenos Queen queen = new Queen(); this.validDestinations = queen.Rules(currentPiece, gameboard); if (doRecurse) cleanUp(); return validDestinations; case (int)type.king: // los kingos King king = new King(); this.validDestinations = king.Rules(currentPiece, gameboard); if (doRecurse) cleanUp(); return validDestinations; case (int)type.pawn: // los farmeros Pawn pawn = new Pawn(); this.validDestinations = pawn.Rules(currentPiece, gameboard); if (doRecurse) cleanUp(); return validDestinations; } return new List<Tuple<int,int>>(); }
/* * This constructor is used in the clone method */ public List(ArrayList l) { list = new ArrayList(); foreach (Piece p in l) { Position pos = new Position(p.getPosition().getRow(), p.getPosition().getColumn()); Color color = p.getColor(); Image image = p.getImage(); Piece piece = null; if (p is Bishop) { piece = new Bishop(pos, color); } else if (p is Knight) { piece = new Knight(pos, color); } else if (p is Pawn) { piece = new Pawn(pos, color); } else if (p is Queen) { piece = new Queen(pos, color); } else if (p is Rook) { piece = new Rook(pos, color); } else if (p is King) { piece = new King(pos, color); } list.Add(piece); } }
public void KingShouldBeCorrectMove() { ChessFigure figure = new King("E1"); Assert.AreEqual(true, figure.Move("E2")); }
internal static Piece[,] GetFairyDefault() { Piece[,] b = new Piece[BOARDSIZE, BOARDSIZE]; // Set Antelope for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 1)); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Antelope(team); } // Set Camel for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 3) + 1); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Camel(team); } // Set Bow for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 5) + 2); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Bow(team); } // Set Bull for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 7) + 3); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Bull(team); } // Set Cannon for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 9) + 4); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Cannon(team); } // Set Buffalo for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[5, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Buffalo(team); } // Set Rhinoceros for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[6, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Rhinoceros(team); } // Set Star for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[7, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Star(team); } // Set Unicorn for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[8, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Unicorn(team); } // Set DragonWoman for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[9, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new DragonWoman(team); } // Set Diablo for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[10, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 1))] = new Diablo(team); } // Set Centurion for (int seed = 0; seed < 28; seed++) { byte team = (byte)((seed / 14) % 2); byte posX = (byte)(((9 + seed) + (team * 2)) % BOARDSIZE); b[posX, ((team * (BOARDSIZE - 3)) + 1)] = new Centurion(team); } // Set Lion for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[7, ((team * (BOARDSIZE - 3)) + 1)] = new Lion(team); } // Set Gryphon for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[8, ((team * (BOARDSIZE - 3)) + 1)] = new Gryphon(team); } // Set Elephant for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 1)); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Elephant(team); } // Set Machine for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)(((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 3)) + 1); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Machine(team); } // Set Rook for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)(((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Rook(team); } // Set Knight for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)(((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 7)) + 3); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Knight(team); } // Set Bishop for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)(((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 9)) + 4); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Bishop(team); } // Set Ship for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)(((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 11)) + 5); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Ship(team); } // Set Buffoon for (int seed = 0; seed < 4; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 2); byte posX = (byte)(((seed % 2) * (BOARDSIZE - 13)) + 6); b[posX, (team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2] = new Buffoon(team); } // Set Queen for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[7, ((team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2)] = new Queen(team); } // Set King for (int seed = 0; seed < 2; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed % 2); b[8, ((team * (BOARDSIZE - 5)) + 2)] = new King(team); } // Set FairyPawn for (int seed = 0; seed < 32; seed++) { byte team = (byte)(seed / 16); b[(seed % 16), (byte)((team * (BOARDSIZE - 7)) + 3)] = new FairyPawn(team); } return(b); }
public bool ChecktestWhite(GameBoard _Game) { int i; King Kingmover1 = new King("White"); for (i = 0; i < _Game.White.Count; i++) { if (_Game.White[i].GetType().ToString().Contains("King")) { Kingmover1 = (King)_Game.White[i]; break; } } Coordinate _Next = Kingmover1.Current; string typecheck; for (i = 0; i < _Game.Black.Count; i++) { typecheck = _Game.Black[i].GetType().ToString(); if (_Game.Black[i].Current.X == 99) { continue; } switch (typecheck) { case "Chess.Pawn": Pawn Pawnmover = new Pawn("a"); Pawnmover = (Pawn)_Game.Black[i]; if (Pawnmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Bishop": Bishop Bishopmover = new Bishop("a"); Bishopmover = (Bishop)_Game.Black[i]; if (Bishopmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Queen": Queen Queenmover = new Queen("a"); Queenmover = (Queen)_Game.Black[i]; if (Queenmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Knight": Knight Knightmover = new Knight("a"); Knightmover = (Knight)_Game.Black[i]; if (Knightmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Castle": Castle Castlemover = new Castle("a"); Castlemover = (Castle)_Game.Black[i]; if (Castlemover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.King": King Kingmover2 = new King("a"); Kingmover2 = (King)_Game.Black[i]; if (Kingmover2.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; } } return(false); }
public static void CheckEnemyKingBeAttaced(int startX, int startY, int finishX, int finishY, bool[,] chessmanPresenceSign, ControlCollection controls, object sender, Dictionary <string, int> moveOrder) { //Клонируем массив признака расположения шахмат, для фальсификации bool[,] fakeChessmanPresenceSign = new bool[8, 8]; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) { fakeChessmanPresenceSign[i, j] = chessmanPresenceSign[i, j]; } } fakeChessmanPresenceSign[startY, startX] = false; fakeChessmanPresenceSign[finishY, finishX] = true; //Клонируем свойство расположения шахмат для возможности фальсификации foreach (var control in controls) { if (control is Chessman) { ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = ((Chessman)control).Location; } } //Проверка возможности шаха foreach (var control in controls) { if (control is King) { if (((Chessman)control).ChessColor != ((Chessman)sender).ChessColor) { var kingfinishX = (((King)control).Location.X - 27) / 50; var kingFinishY = (((King)control).Location.Y - 27) / 50; ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; ((Chessman)sender).ShahSigne = King.CheckKingBeAttacked(kingfinishX, kingFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, false, sender); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; } } } //Проверка возможности мата if (((Chessman)sender).ShahSigne) { var flag = true; int chessStartX, chessStartY; bool result; //Клонируем свойство расположения шахмат для возможности фальсификации foreach (var control in controls) { if (control is Chessman) { ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = ((Chessman)control).Location; } } foreach (var control in controls) { if (control is Chessman && flag) { ((Chessman)sender).MateSigne = true; if (((Chessman)control).ChessColor != ((Chessman)sender).ChessColor) { result = true; // Делаем фэйковые координаты chessStartX = (((Chessman)control).Location.X - 27) / 50; chessStartY = (((Chessman)control).Location.Y - 27) / 50; if (control is King) { for (var i = 0; i < 8 && flag; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8 && flag; j++) { var chessFinishX = i; var chessFinishY = j; if (chessFinishX != chessStartX || chessFinishY != chessStartY) { ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; result = King.CheckKingMove(chessStartX, chessStartY, chessFinishX, chessFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, sender); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; if (!result) { flag = false; break; } } } } } if (control is Queen) { for (var i = 0; i < 8 && flag; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8 && flag; j++) { //Задаем фэйковое положение var chessFinishX = i; var chessFinishY = j; ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = new Point(chessFinishX * 50 + 27, chessFinishY * 50 + 27); if (chessFinishX != chessStartX || chessFinishY != chessStartY) { ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; result = Queen.CheckQueenMove(chessStartX, chessStartY, chessFinishX, chessFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, moveOrder); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; if (!result) { flag = false; break; } } } } } if (control is Castle) { for (var i = 0; i < 8 && flag; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8 && flag; j++) { var chessFinishX = i; var chessFinishY = j; ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = new Point(chessFinishX * 50 + 27, chessFinishY * 50 + 27); if (chessFinishX != chessStartX || chessFinishY != chessStartY) { ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; result = Castle.CheckCastleMove(chessStartX, chessStartY, chessFinishX, chessFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, moveOrder); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; if (!result) { flag = false; break; } } } } } if (control is Elephant) { for (var i = 0; i < 8 && flag; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8 && flag; j++) { var chessFinishX = i; var chessFinishY = j; ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = new Point(chessFinishX * 50 + 27, chessFinishY * 50 + 27); if (chessFinishX != chessStartX || chessFinishY != chessStartY) { ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; result = Elephant.CheckElephantMove(chessStartX, chessStartY, chessFinishX, chessFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, moveOrder); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; if (!result) { flag = false; break; } } } } } if (control is Horse) { for (var i = 0; i < 8 && flag; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8 && flag; j++) { var chessFinishX = i; var chessFinishY = j; ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = new Point(chessFinishX * 50 + 27, chessFinishY * 50 + 27); if (chessFinishX != chessStartX || chessFinishY != chessStartY) { ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; result = Horse.CheckHorseMove(chessStartX, chessStartY, chessFinishX, chessFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, moveOrder); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; if (!result) { flag = false; break; } } } } } if (control is Pawn) { for (var i = 0; i < 8 && flag; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8 && flag; j++) { var chessFinishX = i; var chessFinishY = j; ((Chessman)control).FakeLocation = new Point(chessFinishX * 50 + 27, chessFinishY * 50 + 27); if (chessFinishX != chessStartX || chessFinishY != chessStartY) { ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = true; result = Pawn.CheckPawnMove(chessStartX, chessStartY, chessFinishX, chessFinishY, fakeChessmanPresenceSign, controls, control, moveOrder); ((Chessman)control).FakeCheck = false; if (!result) { flag = false; break; } } } } } if (!result) { ((Chessman)sender).MateSigne = false; } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Clear the board and place each piece on the board /// </summary> /// <param name="board"></param> public void placePieces(Board board) { board.clearBoard(board); //Instancing each piece Rook newBlackRook1 = new Rook("black", 0, 0); Knight newBlackKnight1 = new Knight("black", 0, 1); Bishop newBlackBishop1 = new Bishop("black", 0, 2); Queen newBlackQueen = new Queen("black", 0, 3); King newBlackKing = new King("black", 0, 4); Bishop newBlackBishop2 = new Bishop("black", 0, 5); Knight newBlackKnight2 = new Knight("black", 0, 6); Rook newBlackRook2 = new Rook("black", 0, 7); Pawn newBlackPawn1 = new Pawn("black", 1, 0); Pawn newBlackPawn2 = new Pawn("black", 1, 1); Pawn newBlackPawn3 = new Pawn("black", 1, 2); Pawn newBlackPawn4 = new Pawn("black", 1, 3); Pawn newBlackPawn5 = new Pawn("black", 1, 4); Pawn newBlackPawn6 = new Pawn("black", 1, 5); Pawn newBlackPawn7 = new Pawn("black", 1, 6); Pawn newBlackPawn8 = new Pawn("black", 1, 7); Rook newWhiteRook1 = new Rook("white", 7, 0); Knight newWhiteKnight1 = new Knight("white", 7, 1); Bishop newWhiteBishop1 = new Bishop("white", 7, 2); Queen newWhiteQueen = new Queen("white", 7, 3); King newWhiteKing = new King("white", 7, 4); Bishop newWhiteBishop2 = new Bishop("white", 7, 5); Knight newWhiteKnight2 = new Knight("white", 7, 6); Rook newWhiteRook2 = new Rook("white", 7, 7); Pawn newWhitePawn1 = new Pawn("white", 6, 0); Pawn newWhitePawn2 = new Pawn("white", 6, 1); Pawn newWhitePawn3 = new Pawn("white", 6, 2); Pawn newWhitePawn4 = new Pawn("white", 6, 3); Pawn newWhitePawn5 = new Pawn("white", 6, 4); Pawn newWhitePawn6 = new Pawn("white", 6, 5); Pawn newWhitePawn7 = new Pawn("white", 6, 6); Pawn newWhitePawn8 = new Pawn("white", 6, 7); //Placing each piece on the board board.Grid[0, 0, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackRook1; board.Grid[0, 1, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackKnight1; board.Grid[0, 2, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackBishop1; board.Grid[0, 3, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackQueen; board.Grid[0, 4, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackKing; board.Grid[0, 5, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackBishop2; board.Grid[0, 6, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackKnight2; board.Grid[0, 7, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackRook2; board.Grid[1, 0, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn1; board.Grid[1, 1, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn2; board.Grid[1, 2, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn3; board.Grid[1, 3, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn4; board.Grid[1, 4, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn5; board.Grid[1, 5, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn6; board.Grid[1, 6, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn7; board.Grid[1, 7, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newBlackPawn8; board.Grid[7, 0, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteRook1; board.Grid[7, 1, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteKnight1; board.Grid[7, 2, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteBishop1; board.Grid[7, 3, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteQueen; board.Grid[7, 4, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteKing; board.Grid[7, 5, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteBishop2; board.Grid[7, 6, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteKnight2; board.Grid[7, 7, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhiteRook2; board.Grid[6, 0, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn1; board.Grid[6, 1, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn2; board.Grid[6, 2, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn3; board.Grid[6, 3, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn4; board.Grid[6, 4, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn5; board.Grid[6, 5, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn6; board.Grid[6, 6, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn7; board.Grid[6, 7, 0].WhoIsOnIt = newWhitePawn8; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Position pawn1StartingPosition = new Position(0, 1); Pawn pawn1 = new Pawn(pawn1StartingPosition); Position[] pawn1MovementOptions = pawn1.MovementOptions(); Console.WriteLine("A posição inicial do Peão 1 é:"); pawn1.Pos.Print(); Console.WriteLine("A posição válida para movimento dele é:"); pawn1MovementOptions[0].Print(); Console.WriteLine(); Position rook1StartingPosition = new Position(0, 0); Rook rook1 = new Rook(rook1StartingPosition); Position[] rook1MovementOptions = rook1.MovementOptions(); Console.WriteLine("A posição inicial da Torre 1 é:"); rook1.Pos.Print(); Console.WriteLine("As posições válidas para movimento dele são:"); for (int i = 0; i < rook1.MovementOptions().Length; i++) { rook1MovementOptions[i].Print(); } Position bishop1StartingPosition = new Position(2, 0); Bishop bishop1 = new Bishop(bishop1StartingPosition); Position[] bishop1MovementOptions = bishop1.MovementOptions(); Console.WriteLine("A posição inicial do Bispo 1 é:"); bishop1.Pos.Print(); Console.WriteLine("As posições válidas para movimento dele são:"); for (int i = 0; i < bishop1.MovementOptions().Length; i++) { bishop1MovementOptions[i].Print(); } Position knight1StartingPosition = new Position(1, 0); Knight knight1 = new Knight(knight1StartingPosition); Position[] knight1MovementOptions = knight1.MovementOptions(); Console.WriteLine("A posição inicial do Cavaleiro 1 é:"); knight1.Pos.Print(); Console.WriteLine("As posições válidas para movimento dele são:"); for (int i = 0; i < knight1.MovementOptions().Length; i++) { knight1MovementOptions[i].Print(); } Position queen1StartingPosition = new Position(4, 0); Queen queen1 = new Queen(queen1StartingPosition); Position[] queen1MovementOptions = queen1.MovementOptions(); Console.WriteLine("A posição inicial da Rainha 1 é:"); queen1.Pos.Print(); Console.WriteLine("As posições válidas para movimento dela são:"); for (int i = 0; i < queen1.MovementOptions().Length; i++) { queen1MovementOptions[i].Print(); } Position king1StartingPosition = new Position(3, 0); King king1 = new King(king1StartingPosition); Position[] king1MovementOptions = king1.MovementOptions(); Console.WriteLine("A posição inicial do Rei 1 é:"); king1.Pos.Print(); Console.WriteLine("As posições válidas para movimento dele são:"); for (int i = 0; i < king1.MovementOptions().Length; i++) { king1MovementOptions[i].Print(); } Console.ReadKey(); }
// part of pawn move function private bool pawnMovements(ref Tile startingTile, ref Tile destinationTile, ref ChessBoard chess, bool white) { int mult; King blackKing = (King)chess.Pieces[20]; King whiteKing = (King)chess.Pieces[21]; if (white) { mult = 1; } else { mult = -1; } if (!HasMoved && (Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard == 2 * mult) && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard == Position.ColumnInBoard && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile)) { if (white) { if (!whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } else { if (!blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } if (destinationTile.PieceInside != null) { return(false); } changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); HasMoved = true; JustMovedTwoSteps = true; return(true); } if ((Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard == 1 * mult) && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard == Position.ColumnInBoard && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile)) { if (white) { if (!whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } else { if (!blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } if (destinationTile.PieceInside != null) { return(false); } changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); JustMovedTwoSteps = false; return(true); } else if ((Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard == 1 * mult) && Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard == 1 && destinationTile.PieceInside != null && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile)) { if (white) { if (!whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } else { if (!blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } if (destinationTile.PieceInside.IsWhite != white) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); JustMovedTwoSteps = false; return(true); } } else if ((Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard == 1 * mult) && Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard == -1 && destinationTile.PieceInside != null && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile)) { if (white) { if (!whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } else { if (!blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this)) { return(false); } } if (destinationTile.PieceInside.IsWhite != white) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); JustMovedTwoSteps = false; return(true); } } return(false); }
public void initBoard() { Console.WriteLine("INIT Board"); /* Queens */ chessPiece QueenW = new Queen(false, 7, 3); chessBoard[QueenW.getX(), QueenW.getY()] = QueenW; chessPiece QueenB = new Queen(true, 0, 3); chessBoard[QueenB.getX(), QueenB.getY()] = QueenB; // /* Kings */ chessPiece KingW = new King(false, 7, 4); chessBoard[KingW.getX(), KingW.getY()] = KingW; setKingLocation(false, 7, 4); chessPiece KingB = new King(true, 0, 4); chessBoard[KingB.getX(), KingB.getY()] = KingB; setKingLocation(true, 0, 4); // /* Bishops */ chessPiece BishW1 = new Bishop(false, 7, 2); chessBoard[BishW1.getX(), BishW1.getY()] = BishW1; chessPiece BishW2 = new Bishop(false, 7, 5); chessBoard[BishW2.getX(), BishW2.getY()] = BishW2; // Blacks chessPiece BishB1 = new Bishop(true, 0, 2); chessBoard[BishB1.getX(), BishB1.getY()] = BishB1; chessPiece BishB2 = new Bishop(true, 0, 5); chessBoard[BishB2.getX(), BishB2.getY()] = BishB2; // /* Knights */ chessPiece KnW1 = new Knight(false, 7, 1); chessBoard[KnW1.getX(), KnW1.getY()] = KnW1; chessPiece KnW2 = new Knight(false, 7, 6); chessBoard[KnW2.getX(), KnW2.getY()] = KnW2; // Blacks chessPiece KnB1 = new Knight(true, 0, 1); chessBoard[KnB1.getX(), KnB1.getY()] = KnB1; chessPiece KnB2 = new Knight(true, 0, 6); chessBoard[KnB2.getX(), KnB2.getY()] = KnB2; /* Rooks */ chessPiece RookW1 = new Rook(false, 7, 0); chessBoard[RookW1.getX(), RookW1.getY()] = RookW1; chessPiece RookW2 = new Rook(false, 7, 7); chessBoard[RookW2.getX(), RookW2.getY()] = RookW2; // Blacks chessPiece RookB1 = new Rook(true, 0, 0); chessBoard[RookB1.getX(), RookB1.getY()] = RookB1; chessPiece RookB2 = new Rook(true, 0, 7); chessBoard[RookB2.getX(), RookB2.getY()] = RookB2; /* Pawns */ // chessPiece PawnW1 = new Pawn(false, 4, 4); // chessBoard[PawnW1.getX(), PawnW1.getY()] = PawnW1; // chessPiece PawnW2 = new Pawn(false, 6, 1); // chessBoard[PawnW2.getX(), PawnW2.getY()] = PawnW2; // chessPiece PawnW3 = new Pawn(false, 6, 2); // chessBoard[PawnW3.getX(), PawnW3.getY()] = PawnW3; // chessPiece PawnW4 = new Pawn(false, 6, 3); // chessBoard[PawnW4.getX(), PawnW4.getY()] = PawnW4; // chessPiece PawnW5 = new Pawn(false, 6, 4); // chessBoard[PawnW5.getX(), PawnW5.getY()] = PawnW5; // chessPiece PawnW6 = new Pawn(false, 6, 5); // chessBoard[PawnW6.getX(), PawnW6.getY()] = PawnW6; // chessPiece PawnW7 = new Pawn(false, 6, 6); // chessBoard[PawnW7.getX(), PawnW7.getY()] = PawnW7; // chessPiece PawnW8 = new Pawn(false, 6, 7); // chessBoard[PawnW8.getX(), PawnW8.getY()] = PawnW8; // // Blacks // chessPiece PawnB1 = new Pawn(true, 1, 0); // chessBoard[PawnB1.getX(), PawnB1.getY()] = PawnB1; // chessPiece PawnB2 = new Pawn(true, 1, 1); // chessBoard[PawnB2.getX(), PawnB2.getY()] = PawnB2; // chessPiece PawnB3 = new Pawn(true, 1, 2); // chessBoard[PawnB3.getX(), PawnB3.getY()] = PawnB3; // chessPiece PawnB4 = new Pawn(true, 1, 3); // chessBoard[PawnB4.getX(), PawnB4.getY()] = PawnB4; // chessPiece PawnB5 = new Pawn(true, 1, 4); // chessBoard[PawnB5.getX(), PawnB5.getY()] = PawnB5; // chessPiece PawnB6 = new Pawn(true, 1, 5); // chessBoard[PawnB6.getX(), PawnB6.getY()] = PawnB6; // chessPiece PawnB7 = new Pawn(true, 1, 6); // chessBoard[PawnB7.getX(), PawnB7.getY()] = PawnB7; // chessPiece PawnB8 = new Pawn(true, 1, 7); // chessBoard[PawnB8.getX(), PawnB8.getY()] = PawnB8; }
/** * StartGame() * * Remplit le plateau et lance le premier tour * * @author Axel Floquet-Trillot * */ public void StartGame() { //Remplissage du plateau for (int i = 0; i < GameBoard.GetLength(0); i++) { switch (i) { case 0: for (int j = 0; j < GameBoard.GetLength(1); j++) { switch (j) { case 0: case 7: GameBoard[i, j] = new Rook(Piece.Color.Black); break; case 1: case 6: GameBoard[i, j] = new Knight(Piece.Color.Black); break; case 2: case 5: GameBoard[i, j] = new Bishop(Piece.Color.Black); break; case 3: GameBoard[i, j] = new Queen(Piece.Color.Black); break; case 4: GameBoard[i, j] = new King(Piece.Color.Black); break; } } break; case 1: for (int j = 0; j < GameBoard.GetLength(1); j++) { GameBoard[i, j] = new Pawn(Piece.Color.Black); } break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: for (int j = 0; j < GameBoard.GetLength(1); j++) { GameBoard[i, j] = null; } break; case 6: for (int j = 0; j < GameBoard.GetLength(1); j++) { GameBoard[i, j] = new Pawn(Piece.Color.White); } break; case 7: for (int j = 0; j < GameBoard.GetLength(1); j++) { switch (j) { case 0: case 7: GameBoard[i, j] = new Rook(Piece.Color.White); break; case 1: case 6: GameBoard[i, j] = new Knight(Piece.Color.White); break; case 2: case 5: GameBoard[i, j] = new Bishop(Piece.Color.White); break; case 3: GameBoard[i, j] = new Queen(Piece.Color.White); break; case 4: GameBoard[i, j] = new King(Piece.Color.White); break; } } break; } } PlayTurn(); }
/** * FindPiecesCoordinatesAndMovesToProtectMyKing() * * Analyse la totalité du plateau afin de trouver toutes les pièces et leur déplacement(s) associé(s) permettant de protéger le roi en cas d'échec * * @return List<Coordinates>[] * FindPiecesCoordinatesAndMovesToProtectMyKing()[0] permet de récupérer les pièces pouvant protéger un roi * FindPiecesCoordinatesAndMovesToProtectMyKing()[1] permet de récupérer les déplacements pouvant protéger un roi * * @author Axel Floquet-Trillot * */ private List <Coordinates>[] FindPiecesCoordinatesAndMovesToProtectMyKing() { Coordinates MyKing; List <Coordinates> MateThreat = new List <Coordinates>(); List <Coordinates> PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing = new List <Coordinates>(); List <Coordinates> MatePossibleMoves = new List <Coordinates>(); if (PlayingNow == Piece.Color.White) { MyKing = King.locateKing(GameBoard, Piece.Color.White); MateThreat = WhiteMateThreats; } else { MyKing = King.locateKing(GameBoard, Piece.Color.Black); MateThreat = BlackMateThreats; } //Exception levée si un des rois n'est pas trouvé if (MyKing == null) { throw (new Exception("Un des rois n'a pas pu être trouvé")); } //Recherche des pièces pouvant protéger le roi if (MateThreat.Count() > 0 && PlayingNow == GameBoard[MyKing.X, MyKing.Y].PieceColor) { foreach (Coordinates Threat in MateThreat) { for (int x = 0; x < GameBoard.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < GameBoard.GetLength(1); y++) { if (GameBoard[x, y] != null && GameBoard[x, y].PieceColor == PlayingNow) { foreach (Coordinates Coord in GameBoard[x, y].GetPossibleMoves(GameBoard, new Coordinates(x, y))) { if (!GameBoard[x, y].Equals(GameBoard[MyKing.X, MyKing.Y])) { //Si la menace peut être mangée if (Coord.X == Threat.X && Coord.Y == Threat.Y) { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing.Add(new Coordinates(x, y)); MatePossibleMoves.Add(new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y)); } //Si une pièce peut s'interposer entre le roi et la menace sur la même ligne if (Threat.X == MyKing.X && Threat.X == Coord.X && ((Coord.Y > MyKing.Y && Coord.Y < Threat.Y) || (Coord.Y < MyKing.Y && Coord.Y > Threat.Y))) { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing.Add(new Coordinates(x, y)); MatePossibleMoves.Add(new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y)); } //Si une pièce peut s'interposer entre le roi et la menace sur la même colonne if (Threat.Y == MyKing.Y && Threat.Y == Coord.Y && ((Coord.X > MyKing.X && Coord.X < Threat.X) || (Coord.X < MyKing.X && Coord.X > Threat.X))) { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing.Add(new Coordinates(x, y)); MatePossibleMoves.Add(new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y)); } //Si une pièce peut s'interposer entre le roi et la menace en diagonale gauche->droite (\) if (MyKing.X - Threat.X == MyKing.Y - Threat.Y && MyKing.X - Coord.X == MyKing.Y - Coord.Y && ((MyKing.X - Coord.X < MyKing.X - Threat.X && MyKing.Y - Coord.Y < MyKing.Y - Threat.Y) || (MyKing.X - Coord.X > MyKing.X - Threat.X && MyKing.Y - Coord.Y > MyKing.Y - Threat.Y))) { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing.Add(new Coordinates(x, y)); MatePossibleMoves.Add(new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y)); } //Si une pièce peut s'interposer entre le roi et la menace en diagonale droite->gauche (/) if (MyKing.X - Threat.X == Threat.Y - MyKing.Y && MyKing.X - Coord.X == Coord.Y - MyKing.Y && ((MyKing.X - Coord.X < MyKing.X - Threat.X && MyKing.Y - Coord.Y > MyKing.Y - Threat.Y) || (MyKing.X - Coord.X > MyKing.X - Threat.X && MyKing.Y - Coord.Y < MyKing.Y - Threat.Y))) { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing.Add(new Coordinates(x, y)); MatePossibleMoves.Add(new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y)); } } //Si le roi peut bouger et sortir de l'échec if ((x == MyKing.X && y == MyKing.Y) && !VirtualMoveAndMateTest(new Coordinates(MyKing.X, MyKing.Y), new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y))) { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing.Add(new Coordinates(x, y)); MatePossibleMoves.Add(new Coordinates(Coord.X, Coord.Y)); } } } } } } } return(new List <Coordinates>[] { PiecesCoordinatesToProtectMyKing, MatePossibleMoves }); }
/// <summary> /// Move a peice from one location on the board to another. /// </summary> /// <param name="from">The location of the piece that is moving.</param> /// <param name="to">The location to move to.</param> /// <returns>Returns true on success or false on failure.</returns> public bool ActionPiece(Point from, Point to, bool bypassValidaiton = false) { if (bypassValidaiton || PieceActions(from).Contains(to)) { ChessPiece movingPeice = boardArray[from.x, from.y]; if (movingPeice is Pawn) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)movingPeice; // If this was a double jump, check enpassant if (Math.Abs(from.y - to.y) == 2) { int adjasentX = to.x - 1; if (adjasentX > -1 && boardArray[adjasentX, to.y] != null && boardArray[adjasentX, to.y].Player != movingPeice.Player && boardArray[adjasentX, to.y] is Pawn) { if (!bypassValidaiton) { ((Pawn)boardArray[adjasentX, to.y]).CanEnPassantRight = true; } } adjasentX += 2; if (adjasentX < COLUMNS && boardArray[adjasentX, to.y] != null && boardArray[adjasentX, to.y].Player != movingPeice.Player && boardArray[adjasentX, to.y] is Pawn) { if (!bypassValidaiton) { ((Pawn)boardArray[adjasentX, to.y]).CanEnPassantLeft = true; } } } // If this was a sideways jump to null, it was enpassant! if (from.x != to.x && boardArray[to.x, to.y] == null) { boardArray[to.x, from.y] = null; } if (!bypassValidaiton) // Pawns can't double jump after they move. { pawn.CanDoubleJump = false; } } if (movingPeice is CastlePiece) { CastlePiece rookOrKing = (CastlePiece)movingPeice; if (!bypassValidaiton) // Castling can't be done after moving { rookOrKing.CanCastle = false; } } if (movingPeice is King) { King king = (King)movingPeice; if (from.x - to.x == 2) { // Move rook for Queenside castle boardArray[to.x + 1, from.y] = boardArray[0, from.y]; boardArray[0, from.y] = null; } if (from.x - to.x == -2) { // Move rook for Kingside castle boardArray[to.x - 1, from.y] = boardArray[COLUMNS - 1, from.y]; boardArray[COLUMNS - 1, from.y] = null; } } movingPeice.CalculateMoves(); boardArray[from.x, from.y] = null; boardArray[to.x, to.y] = movingPeice; return(true); } return(false); }
public static void AddPiece(this Game game, Square square, PieceType type) { Piece piece = null; switch (type) { case PieceType.NoPiece: break; case PieceType.WhiteKing: piece = new King(Color.White); break; case PieceType.WhiteQueen: piece = new Queen(Color.White); break; case PieceType.WhiteRook: piece = new Rook(Color.White); break; case PieceType.WhiteBishop: piece = new Bishop(Color.White); break; case PieceType.WhiteNight: piece = new Knight(Color.White); break; case PieceType.WhitePawn: piece = new Pawn(Color.White); break; case PieceType.BlackKing: piece = new King(Color.Black); break; case PieceType.BlackQueen: piece = new Queen(Color.Black); break; case PieceType.BlackRook: piece = new Rook(Color.Black); break; case PieceType.BlackBishop: piece = new Bishop(Color.Black); break; case PieceType.BlackKnight: piece = new Knight(Color.Black); break; case PieceType.BlackPawn: piece = new Pawn(Color.Black); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } game.AddPiece(square.File, square.Rank, piece); }
void assingRow(int row, int col) { colors color = row == 0 ? colors.BLACK : colors.WHITE; Location settingLocation = new Location(); List <ChessPiece> alivesList = row == 0 ? blacksAlive : whitesAlive; switch (col) { case 0: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Rook(color, pieceType.ROOK, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 7: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Rook(color, pieceType.ROOK, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 1: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Knight(color, pieceType.KNIGHT, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 6: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Knight(color, pieceType.KNIGHT, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 2: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Bishop(color, pieceType.BISHOP, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 5: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Bishop(color, pieceType.BISHOP, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 4: if (row == 0) { settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new King(color, pieceType.KING, settingLocation)); blackKing = this[settingLocation] as King; } else { settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new King(color, pieceType.QUEEN, settingLocation)); whiteKing = this[settingLocation] as King; } alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; case 3: settingLocation = new Location(row, col); boardState[row, col] = new Tile(new Queen(color, pieceType.QUEEN, settingLocation)); alivesList.Add(this[settingLocation]); break; } col++; }
public void BeforeTest() { whiteKing = new King(true); blackKing = new King(false); }
public byte[][] GetCastle(Piece[,] board) { // Make sure can castle if (hasMoved) { return(null); } byte[] pos = { 0, 0 }; bool foundThis = false; byte[] kingPos = { 0, 0 }; bool foundKing = false; King king = new King(Byte.MaxValue); for (byte x = 0; x < board.GetLength(0) && !(foundKing && foundThis); x++) { for (byte y = 0; y < board.GetLength(0) && !(foundKing && foundThis); y++) { if (board[x, y] != null) { if (board[x, y] == this) { foundThis = true; pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; } else if (board[x, y].team == && board[x, y].GetType() == typeof(King)) { King temp = (King)board[x, y]; if (!temp.hasMoved) { foundKing = true; kingPos[0] = x; kingPos[1] = y; king = temp; } } if (foundKing && foundThis) { break; } } } } if (kingPos[1] != pos[1]) { return(null); } else if (!king.hasMoved) { int dX = kingPos[0] - pos[0]; sbyte dir = (sbyte)((dX) / (Math.Abs(dX))); for (int i = 1; i < board.GetLength(0); i++) { int currX = pos[0] + (dir * i); if (currX == kingPos[0]) { byte[][] move = new byte[4][]; move[0] = new byte[] { (byte)(kingPos[0] + (-dir * 2)), kingPos[1], kingPos[0], kingPos[1] }; move[1] = new byte[] { kingPos[0], kingPos[1], byte.MaxValue - 1, byte.MaxValue }; move[2] = new byte[] { (byte)(pos[0] + (dX * (((double)3) / ((double)4)))), pos[1], pos[0], pos[1] }; move[3] = new byte[] { pos[0], pos[1], byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue - 1 }; return(move); } else if (board[currX, pos[1]] != null) { return(null); } } } return(null); }
public static void SetupBoard() { Pawn p1W = new Pawn(0, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p2W = new Pawn(1, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p3W = new Pawn(2, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p4W = new Pawn(3, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p5W = new Pawn(4, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p6W = new Pawn(5, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p7W = new Pawn(6, 6, "WHITE"); Pawn p8W = new Pawn(7, 6, "WHITE"); Rook r1W = new Rook(0, 7, "WHITE"); Knight n1W = new Knight(1, 7, "WHITE"); Bishop b1W = new Bishop(2, 7, "WHITE"); Queen q1W = new Queen(3, 7, "WHITE"); King k1W = new King(4, 7, "WHITE"); Bishop b2W = new Bishop(5, 7, "WHITE"); Knight n2W = new Knight(6, 7, "WHITE"); Rook r2W = new Rook(7, 7, "WHITE"); Pawn p1B = new Pawn(0, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p2B = new Pawn(1, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p3B = new Pawn(2, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p4B = new Pawn(3, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p5B = new Pawn(4, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p6B = new Pawn(5, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p7B = new Pawn(6, 1, "BLACK"); Pawn p8B = new Pawn(7, 1, "BLACK"); Rook r1B = new Rook(0, 0, "BLACK"); Knight n1B = new Knight(1, 0, "BLACK"); Bishop b1B = new Bishop(2, 0, "BLACK"); Queen q1B = new Queen(3, 0, "BLACK"); King k1B = new King(4, 0, "BLACK"); Bishop b2B = new Bishop(5, 0, "BLACK"); Knight n2B = new Knight(6, 0, "BLACK"); Rook r2B = new Rook(7, 0, "BLACK"); board[p1W.Y, p1W.X] = p1W; board[p2W.Y, p2W.X] = p2W; board[p3W.Y, p3W.X] = p3W; board[p4W.Y, p4W.X] = p4W; board[p5W.Y, p5W.X] = p5W; board[p6W.Y, p6W.X] = p6W; board[p7W.Y, p7W.X] = p7W; board[p8W.Y, p8W.X] = p8W; board[r1W.Y, r1W.X] = r1W; board[n1W.Y, n1W.X] = n1W; board[b1W.Y, b1W.X] = b1W; board[q1W.Y, q1W.X] = q1W; board[k1W.Y, k1W.X] = k1W; board[b2W.Y, b2W.X] = b2W; board[n2W.Y, n2W.X] = n2W; board[r2W.Y, r2W.X] = r2W; board[p1B.Y, p1B.X] = p1B; board[p2B.Y, p2B.X] = p2B; board[p3B.Y, p3B.X] = p3B; board[p4B.Y, p4B.X] = p4B; board[p5B.Y, p5B.X] = p5B; board[p6B.Y, p6B.X] = p6B; board[p7B.Y, p7B.X] = p7B; board[p8B.Y, p8B.X] = p8B; board[r1B.Y, r1B.X] = r1B; board[n1B.Y, n1B.X] = n1B; board[b1B.Y, b1B.X] = b1B; board[q1B.Y, q1B.X] = q1B; board[k1B.Y, k1B.X] = k1B; board[b2B.Y, b2B.X] = b2B; board[n2B.Y, n2B.X] = n2B; board[r2B.Y, r2B.X] = r2B; }
private void CastlingFalse(King k) { k.castlingPossible = false; }
public void attemptsToMove(MouseState click, ref ChessBoard chess) // move logic for each player { if (selectionTile == null) { return; } King checkedBlackKing = (King)chess.Pieces[20]; King checkedWhiteKing = (King)chess.Pieces[21]; if (click.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (chess.Tiles[i, j].getBorder().Contains(new Point(click.X, click.Y)) && selectionTile.PieceInside != null) { if (WhitePlayerTurn && selectionTile.PieceInside.IsWhite) { if (selectionTile.PieceInside.move(ref selectionTile, ref chess.Tiles[i, j], chess)) { //winning condition chess.resetAttackedTiles(); chess.promotePawn(ChessGame.Content); for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (chess.Pieces[k] != null) { chess.Pieces[k].attackTile(ref chess); } } checkedBlackKing.clearKing(); if (checkedBlackKing.checkPath(ref chess)) { chess.resetAttackedTiles(); for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (chess.Pieces[k] != null) { if ((chess.Pieces[k] is Pawn && !chess.Pieces[k].IsWhite) || k == 20) { continue; } chess.Pieces[k].attackTile(ref chess); } } } checkedBlackKing.checkmate(ChessGame.player1, ChessGame.player2, ref chess); WhitePlayerTurn = !WhitePlayerTurn; return; } } else if (!(WhitePlayerTurn) && !(selectionTile.PieceInside.IsWhite)) { if (selectionTile.PieceInside.move(ref selectionTile, ref chess.Tiles[i, j], chess)) { chess.resetAttackedTiles(); chess.promotePawn(ChessGame.Content); for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (chess.Pieces[k] != null) { chess.Pieces[k].attackTile(ref chess); } } checkedWhiteKing.clearKing(); if (checkedWhiteKing.checkPath(ref chess)) { chess.resetAttackedTiles(); for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (chess.Pieces[k] != null) { if ((chess.Pieces[k] is Pawn && chess.Pieces[k].IsWhite) || k == 21) { continue; } chess.Pieces[k].attackTile(ref chess); } } } checkedWhiteKing.checkmate(ChessGame.player1, ChessGame.player2, ref chess); WhitePlayerTurn = !WhitePlayerTurn; return; } } } } } } }
internal bool CheckKingsSafety(Piece pieceMoving, Position newPos, Chessboard board) { bool mat = false; Side defSide = pieceMoving.Side; Chessboard tempBoard = Chessboard.DeepClone(board); //Piece pieceMirrored = DeepClone(pieceMoving); King defKing = tempBoard.FindKing(defSide); int Dx = pieceMoving.CurrentPosition.X - defKing.CurrentPosition.X; int Dy = pieceMoving.CurrentPosition.Y - defKing.CurrentPosition.Y; // Perform mirror operations when needed if (Dx < 0) { tempBoard.State = HorizontalMirror(tempBoard.State); } if (Dy < 0) { tempBoard.State = VerticalMirror(tempBoard.State); } // Find king again if board was mirrored defKing = tempBoard.FindKing(defSide); // Store possible enemy piece that might has mat. Piece possibleMatPiece = null; if (Dx == 0) { for (int iy = defKing.CurrentPosition.Y + 1; iy < 8; iy++) { if (tempBoard.State[defKing.CurrentPosition.X, iy]?.Side != defSide) { possibleMatPiece = tempBoard.State[defKing.CurrentPosition.X, iy]; } } } else if (Dy == 0) { for (int ix = defKing.CurrentPosition.X + 1; ix < 8; ix++) { if (tempBoard.State[ix, defKing.CurrentPosition.Y]?.Side != defSide) { possibleMatPiece = tempBoard.State[ix, defKing.CurrentPosition.Y]; } } } else { int ix = defKing.CurrentPosition.X + 1; int iy = defKing.CurrentPosition.Y + 1; for (int i = defKing.CurrentPosition.X; i < 8; i++) { if (tempBoard.State[ix, iy] == null) { ix++; iy++; continue; } if (tempBoard.State[ix, iy].Side != defKing.Side) { possibleMatPiece = tempBoard.State[ix, iy]; } ix++; iy++; } } // Try to kill defendant King. return(false); }
public override bool move(ref Tile startingTile, ref Tile destinationTile, ChessBoard chess) { if (destinationTile.PieceInside != null) { if (destinationTile.PieceInside.IsWhite == IsWhite) { return(false); } } King whiteKing = (King)chess.Pieces[21]; King blackKing = (King)chess.Pieces[20]; bool isClear = true; if (destinationTile.RowInBoard > Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard > Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard)) { for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++) { if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + i, Position.ColumnInBoard + i].PieceInside != null) { isClear = false; break; } } if (IsWhite) { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } else { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } isClear = true; } if (destinationTile.RowInBoard > Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard < Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard)) { for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++) { if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + i, Position.ColumnInBoard - i].PieceInside != null) { isClear = false; break; } } if (IsWhite) { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } else { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } isClear = true; } if (destinationTile.RowInBoard < Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard < Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard)) { for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++) { if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - i, Position.ColumnInBoard - i].PieceInside != null) { isClear = false; break; } } if (IsWhite) { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } else { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } isClear = true; } if (destinationTile.RowInBoard < Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard > Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard)) { for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++) { if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - i, Position.ColumnInBoard + i].PieceInside != null) { isClear = false; break; } } if (IsWhite) { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } else { if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite) { changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess); return(true); } } isClear = true; } return(false); }
public bool ChecktestforRookBlack(GameBoard _Game, byte _X, byte _Y) { int i; for (i = 0; i < _Game.White.Count; i++) { Coordinate _Next = new Coordinate(_X, _Y); string typecheck = _Game.White[i].GetType().ToString(); switch (typecheck) { case "Chess.Pawn": Pawn Pawnmover = new Pawn("a"); Pawnmover = (Pawn)_Game.White[i]; if (Pawnmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Bishop": Bishop Bishopmover = new Bishop("a"); Bishopmover = (Bishop)_Game.White[i]; if (Bishopmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Queen": Queen Queenmover = new Queen("a"); Queenmover = (Queen)_Game.White[i]; if (Queenmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Knight": Knight Knightmover = new Knight("a"); Knightmover = (Knight)_Game.White[i]; if (Knightmover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.Castle": Castle Castlemover = new Castle("a"); Castlemover = (Castle)_Game.White[i]; if (Castlemover.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; case "Chess.King": King Kingmover2 = new King("a"); Kingmover2 = (King)_Game.White[i]; if (Kingmover2.isMovable(_Game, _Next)) { return(true); } break; } } return(false); }
public void Initialize() { //Initialize all squares for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { Square square = new Square(); square.File = (File)(i); square.Rank = j; BoardCoordinates.Add(square); } } //Initialize all pieces int whiteMajorPieceRank = 1; int whitePawnRank = 2; int blackPawnRank = 7; int blackMajorPieceRank = 8; File queenRookFile = File.A; File queenKnightFile = File.B; File queenBishopFile = File.C; File queenFile = File.D; File kingFile = File.E; File kingBishopFile = File.F; File kingKnightFile = File.G; File kingRookFile = File.H; #region Pawns for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Pawn pawn = new Pawn(); pawn.PieceColor = i < 8 ? PieceColor.White : PieceColor.Black; pawn.Coordinates.Rank = i < 8 ? whitePawnRank : blackPawnRank; pawn.Coordinates.File = (File)(i % 8); pawn.IsOnBoard = true; Pieces.Add(pawn); } #endregion #region Rooks Rook whiteKingRook = new Rook(); whiteKingRook.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteKingRook.Coordinates.File = kingRookFile; whiteKingRook.IsOnBoard = true; whiteKingRook.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteKingRook); Rook whiteQueenRook = new Rook(); whiteQueenRook.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteQueenRook.Coordinates.File = queenRookFile; whiteQueenRook.IsOnBoard = true; whiteQueenRook.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteQueenRook); Rook blackKingRook = new Rook(); blackKingRook.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackKingRook.Coordinates.File = kingRookFile; blackKingRook.IsOnBoard = true; blackKingRook.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackKingRook); Rook blackQueenRook = new Rook(); blackQueenRook.Coordinates.File = queenRookFile; blackQueenRook.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackQueenRook.IsOnBoard = true; blackQueenRook.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackQueenRook); #endregion #region Knights Knight whiteQueenKnight = new Knight(); whiteQueenKnight.Coordinates.File = queenKnightFile; whiteQueenKnight.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteQueenKnight.IsOnBoard = true; whiteQueenKnight.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteQueenKnight); Knight whiteKingKnight = new Knight(); whiteKingKnight.Coordinates.File = kingKnightFile; whiteKingKnight.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteKingKnight.IsOnBoard = true; whiteKingKnight.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteKingKnight); Knight blackQueenKnight = new Knight(); blackQueenKnight.Coordinates.File = queenKnightFile; blackQueenKnight.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackQueenKnight.IsOnBoard = true; blackQueenKnight.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackQueenKnight); Knight blackKingKnight = new Knight(); blackKingKnight.Coordinates.File = kingKnightFile; blackKingKnight.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackQueenKnight.IsOnBoard = true; blackQueenKnight.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackKingKnight); #endregion #region Bishop Bishop whiteKingBishop = new Bishop(); whiteKingBishop.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteKingBishop.Coordinates.File = kingBishopFile; whiteKingBishop.IsOnBoard = true; whiteKingBishop.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteKingBishop); Bishop whiteQueenBishop = new Bishop(); whiteQueenBishop.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteQueenBishop.Coordinates.File = queenBishopFile; whiteQueenBishop.IsOnBoard = true; whiteQueenBishop.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteQueenBishop); Bishop blackKingBishop = new Bishop(); blackKingBishop.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackKingBishop.Coordinates.File = kingBishopFile; blackKingBishop.IsOnBoard = true; blackKingBishop.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackKingBishop); Bishop blackQueenBishop = new Bishop(); blackQueenBishop.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackQueenBishop.Coordinates.File = queenBishopFile; blackQueenBishop.IsOnBoard = true; blackQueenBishop.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackQueenBishop); #endregion #region Queens Queen whiteQueen = new Queen(); whiteQueen.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteQueen.Coordinates.File = queenFile; whiteQueen.IsOnBoard = true; whiteQueen.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteQueen); Queen blackQueen = new Queen(); blackQueen.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackQueen.Coordinates.File = queenFile; blackQueen.IsOnBoard = true; blackQueen.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackQueen); #endregion #region Kings King whiteKing = new King(); whiteKing.Coordinates.Rank = whiteMajorPieceRank; whiteKing.Coordinates.File = kingFile; whiteKing.IsOnBoard = true; whiteKing.PieceColor = PieceColor.White; Pieces.Add(whiteKing); King blackKing = new King(); blackKing.Coordinates.File = kingFile; blackKing.Coordinates.Rank = blackMajorPieceRank; blackKing.IsOnBoard = true; blackKing.PieceColor = PieceColor.Black; Pieces.Add(blackKing); #endregion }
public void SetupBoard(string setup) { switch (setup) { case "new_game_setup": // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN PawnWhite pawn_w_1 = factory.GetPawnWhite("A2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_2 = factory.GetPawnWhite("B2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_3 = factory.GetPawnWhite("C2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_4 = factory.GetPawnWhite("D2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_5 = factory.GetPawnWhite("E2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_6 = factory.GetPawnWhite("F2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_7 = factory.GetPawnWhite("G2"); PawnWhite pawn_w_8 = factory.GetPawnWhite("H2"); Rook rook_w_1 = factory.GetRook("white", "A1"); Knight knight_w_1 = factory.GetKnight("white", "B1"); Bishop bishop_w_1 = factory.GetBishop("white", "C1"); Queen queen_w = factory.GetQueen("white", "D1"); King king_w = factory.GetKing("white", "E1"); Bishop bishop_w_2 = factory.GetBishop("white", "F1"); Knight knight_w_2 = factory.GetKnight("white", "G1"); Rook rook_w_2 = factory.GetRook("white", "H1"); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN PawnBlack pawn_b_1 = factory.GetPawnBlack("A7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_2 = factory.GetPawnBlack("B7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_3 = factory.GetPawnBlack("C7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_4 = factory.GetPawnBlack("D7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_5 = factory.GetPawnBlack("E7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_6 = factory.GetPawnBlack("F7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_7 = factory.GetPawnBlack("G7"); PawnBlack pawn_b_8 = factory.GetPawnBlack("H7"); Rook rook_b_1 = factory.GetRook("black", "A8"); Knight knight_b_1 = factory.GetKnight("black", "B8"); Bishop bishop_b_1 = factory.GetBishop("black", "C8"); Queen queen_b = factory.GetQueen("black", "D8"); King king_b = factory.GetKing("black", "E8"); Bishop bishop_b_2 = factory.GetBishop("black", "F8"); Knight knight_b_2 = factory.GetKnight("black", "G8"); Rook rook_b_2 = factory.GetRook("black", "H8"); // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_1); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_2); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_3); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_4); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_5); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_6); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_7); board.chessman.Add(pawn_w_8); board.chessman.Add(rook_w_1); board.chessman.Add(rook_w_2); board.chessman.Add(bishop_w_1); board.chessman.Add(bishop_w_2); board.chessman.Add(knight_w_1); board.chessman.Add(knight_w_2); board.chessman.Add(queen_w); board.chessman.Add(king_w); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_1); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_2); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_3); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_4); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_5); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_6); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_7); board.chessman.Add(pawn_b_8); board.chessman.Add(rook_b_1); board.chessman.Add(rook_b_2); board.chessman.Add(bishop_b_1); board.chessman.Add(bishop_b_2); board.chessman.Add(knight_b_1); board.chessman.Add(knight_b_2); board.chessman.Add(queen_b); board.chessman.Add(king_b); break; case "promotion_setup": // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN PawnWhite promotion_pawn_w_1 = factory.GetPawnWhite("A7"); PawnWhite promotion_pawn_w_2 = factory.GetPawnWhite("B7"); King promotion_king_w = factory.GetKing("white", "E1"); Bishop promotion_bishop_w_2 = factory.GetBishop("white", "F1"); Knight promotion_knight_w_2 = factory.GetKnight("white", "G1"); Rook promotion_rook_w_2 = factory.GetRook("white", "H1"); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN PawnBlack promotion_pawn_b_1 = factory.GetPawnBlack("A2"); PawnBlack promotion_pawn_b_2 = factory.GetPawnBlack("B2"); King promotion_king_b = factory.GetKing("black", "E8"); Bishop promotion_bishop_b_2 = factory.GetBishop("black", "F8"); Knight promotion_knight_b_2 = factory.GetKnight("black", "G8"); Rook promotion_rook_b_2 = factory.GetRook("black", "H8"); // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(promotion_pawn_w_1); board.chessman.Add(promotion_pawn_w_2); board.chessman.Add(promotion_king_w); board.chessman.Add(promotion_knight_w_2); board.chessman.Add(promotion_bishop_w_2); board.chessman.Add(promotion_rook_w_2); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(promotion_pawn_b_1); board.chessman.Add(promotion_pawn_b_2); board.chessman.Add(promotion_king_b); board.chessman.Add(promotion_knight_b_2); board.chessman.Add(promotion_bishop_b_2); board.chessman.Add(promotion_rook_b_2); break; case "en_passant_setup": // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_1 = factory.GetPawnWhite("A2"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_2 = factory.GetPawnWhite("B2"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_3 = factory.GetPawnWhite("C4"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_4 = factory.GetPawnWhite("D2"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_5 = factory.GetPawnWhite("E2"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_6 = factory.GetPawnWhite("F2"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_7 = factory.GetPawnWhite("G2"); PawnWhite en_passant_pawn_w_8 = factory.GetPawnWhite("H2"); Rook en_passant_rook_w_1 = factory.GetRook("white", "A1"); Knight en_passant_knight_w_1 = factory.GetKnight("white", "B1"); Bishop en_passant_bishop_w_1 = factory.GetBishop("white", "C1"); Queen en_passant_queen_w = factory.GetQueen("white", "D1"); King en_passant_king_w = factory.GetKing("white", "E1"); Bishop en_passant_bishop_w_2 = factory.GetBishop("white", "F1"); Knight en_passant_knight_w_2 = factory.GetKnight("white", "G1"); Rook en_passant_rook_w_2 = factory.GetRook("white", "H1"); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_1 = factory.GetPawnBlack("A7"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_2 = factory.GetPawnBlack("B7"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_3 = factory.GetPawnBlack("C7"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_4 = factory.GetPawnBlack("D7"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_5 = factory.GetPawnBlack("E7"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_6 = factory.GetPawnBlack("F5"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_7 = factory.GetPawnBlack("G7"); PawnBlack en_passant_pawn_b_8 = factory.GetPawnBlack("H7"); Rook en_passant_rook_b_1 = factory.GetRook("black", "A8"); Knight en_passant_knight_b_1 = factory.GetKnight("black", "B8"); Bishop en_passant_bishop_b_1 = factory.GetBishop("black", "C8"); Queen en_passant_queen_b = factory.GetQueen("black", "D8"); King en_passant_king_b = factory.GetKing("black", "E8"); Bishop en_passant_bishop_b_2 = factory.GetBishop("black", "F8"); Knight en_passant_knight_b_2 = factory.GetKnight("black", "G8"); Rook en_passant_rook_b_2 = factory.GetRook("black", "H8"); // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_3); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_4); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_5); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_6); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_7); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_w_8); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_rook_w_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_rook_w_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_bishop_w_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_bishop_w_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_knight_w_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_knight_w_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_queen_w); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_king_w); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_3); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_4); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_5); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_6); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_7); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_pawn_b_8); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_rook_b_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_rook_b_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_bishop_b_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_bishop_b_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_knight_b_1); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_knight_b_2); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_queen_b); board.chessman.Add(en_passant_king_b); break; case "castling_setup": // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN Rook castling_rook_w_1 = factory.GetRook("white", "A1"); King castling_king_w = factory.GetKing("white", "E1"); Rook castling_rook_w_2 = factory.GetRook("white", "H1"); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN Rook castling_rook_b_1 = factory.GetRook("black", "A8"); King castling_king_b = factory.GetKing("black", "E8"); Rook castling_rook_b_2 = factory.GetRook("black", "H8"); // WEISSE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(castling_rook_w_1); board.chessman.Add(castling_rook_w_2); board.chessman.Add(castling_king_w); // SCHWARZE SPIELFIGUREN board.chessman.Add(castling_rook_b_1); board.chessman.Add(castling_rook_b_2); board.chessman.Add(castling_king_b); break; } }
private void CheckChessMove(object sender) { var startX = (initialChessmanLocation.X - 27) / 50; var startY = (initialChessmanLocation.Y - 27) / 50; var finishX = (CellsPositions[chessmansCellIndexRow, chessmansCellIndexColumn].X - 27) / 50; var finishY = (CellsPositions[chessmansCellIndexRow, chessmansCellIndexColumn].Y - 27) / 50; var impossibleMove = sender is Queen ? Queen.CheckQueenMove(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder) : sender is Castle ? Castle.CheckCastleMove(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder) : sender is Elephant ? Elephant.CheckElephantMove(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder) : sender is Horse ? Horse.CheckHorseMove(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder) : sender is King ? King.CheckKingMove(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, sender) : Pawn.CheckPawnMove(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder); if (impossibleMove) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ImpossibleMoveMessage); chess = (Chessman)sender; chess.Location = initialChessmanLocation; } else { //Проверка возможности превращения if (sender is Pawn) { if (((Pawn)sender).CanTransform) { var dialogWindow = new PawnTransfomDialog(); dialogWindow.Owner = this; DialogResult dialogResult = dialogWindow.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK && !dialogWindow.RBPawn.Checked) { var color = ((Pawn)sender).ChessColor; var finishPoint = new Point(finishX * 50 + 27, finishY * 50 + 27); ((Pawn)sender).Dispose(); if (dialogWindow.RBCastle.Checked) { var index = Castles.Count + 1; Castles.Add(color + "Castel" + index, new Castle(color)); Controls.Add(Castles[color + "Castel" + index]); Castles[color + "Castel" + index].Location = finishPoint; Castles[color + "Castel" + index].MouseLeave += Chessman_MouseLeave; Castles[color + "Castel" + index].MouseDown += Chessman_MouseDown; Castles[color + "Castel" + index].MouseUp += Chessman_MouseUp; Castles[color + "Castel" + index].MouseMove += Chessman_MouseMove; sender = Castles[color + "Castel" + index]; Chessman.CheckEnemyKingBeAttaced(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder); } if (dialogWindow.RBElephant.Checked) { var index = Elephants.Count + 1; Elephants.Add(color + "Elephant" + index, new Elephant(color)); Controls.Add(Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index]); Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index].Location = finishPoint; Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index].MouseLeave += Chessman_MouseLeave; Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index].MouseDown += Chessman_MouseDown; Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index].MouseUp += Chessman_MouseUp; Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index].MouseMove += Chessman_MouseMove; sender = Elephants[color + "Elephant" + index]; Chessman.CheckEnemyKingBeAttaced(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder); } if (dialogWindow.RBHorse.Checked) { var index = Horses.Count + 1; Horses.Add(color + "Horse" + index, new Horse(color)); Controls.Add(Horses[color + "Horse" + index]); Horses[color + "Horse" + index].Location = finishPoint; Horses[color + "Horse" + index].MouseLeave += Chessman_MouseLeave; Horses[color + "Horse" + index].MouseDown += Chessman_MouseDown; Horses[color + "Horse" + index].MouseUp += Chessman_MouseUp; Horses[color + "Horse" + index].MouseMove += Chessman_MouseMove; sender = Horses[color + "Horse" + index]; Chessman.CheckEnemyKingBeAttaced(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder); } if (dialogWindow.RBQueen.Checked) { var index = Queens.Count + 1; Queens.Add(color + "Queen" + index, new Queen(color)); Controls.Add(Queens[color + "Queen" + index]); Queens[color + "Queen" + index].Location = finishPoint; Queens[color + "Queen" + index].MouseLeave += Chessman_MouseLeave; Queens[color + "Queen" + index].MouseDown += Chessman_MouseDown; Queens[color + "Queen" + index].MouseUp += Chessman_MouseUp; Queens[color + "Queen" + index].MouseMove += Chessman_MouseMove; sender = Queens[color + "Queen" + index]; Chessman.CheckEnemyKingBeAttaced(startX, startY, finishX, finishY, ChessmanPresenceSign, Controls, sender, moveOrder); } } } } //Проверка мата или шаха ChessmanPresenceSign[startY, startX] = false; ChessmanPresenceSign[finishY, finishX] = true; moveOrder[((Chessman)sender).ChessColor] += -2; if (((Chessman)sender).ShahSigne && !((Chessman)sender).MateSigne) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ShahMessage); ((Chessman)sender).ShahSigne = false; } if (((Chessman)sender).MateSigne) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(Resources.MateMessage + Environment.NewLine + Resources.restartQuestion, Resources.GameEndMessage, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Application.Restart(); } else { Application.Exit(); } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Board board = new Board(args[0]); PieceColorEnum?winner = null; bool isCheckMate = false; bool isDraw = false; bool validMove = false; while (!isCheckMate && !isDraw) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{board.ColorToMove}'s move"); board.PrintBoardWithTakenPieces(); validMove = false; Console.Write(" > "); var command = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (command == "stats") { Console.WriteLine($"black score: {board.BlackScore}, white score: {board.WhiteScore}"); } if (command == "flip") { board = board.FlipBoard(); } else if (command.Contains("0-0")) { // castle CastleTypeEnum castleType = CastleTypeEnum.Queenside; var king = board.ColorToMove == PieceColorEnum.Black ? board.BlackKing : board.WhiteKing; if (command == "0-0") { // castle kingside castleType = CastleTypeEnum.Kingside; } else if (command == "0-0-0") { // castle queenside castleType = CastleTypeEnum.Queenside; } var canCastleResult = king.CanCastle(castleType, board); if (canCastleResult.CanCastle) { var castleResult = king.Castle(castleType, board); if (castleResult.Castled) { validMove = true; } else { Console.WriteLine($"can't castle {castleType}, {castleResult.Error}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"can't castle {castleType}, {canCastleResult.Error}"); } } else { try { var commands = command.Split(' '); var startPos = board.ConvertNotationForMove(commands[0]); var endPos = board.ConvertNotationForMove(commands[1]); var piece = board.Instance[startPos.Key, startPos.Value]; if (piece != null && piece.Color == board.ColorToMove) { var moves = piece.AvailableMoves(board); if (moves.Contains(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(endPos.Key, endPos.Value))) { // valid move board.MovePiece(piece, endPos.Key, endPos.Value); validMove = true; } else { Console.WriteLine($"piece at {commands[0]} can't move to {commands[1]}"); } } else if (piece == null) { Console.WriteLine($"piece at {commands[0]} not found"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"piece at {commands[0]} isn't yours to move"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine($"invalid command"); } } if (validMove) { // see if there's a resulting check or mate King king = board.ColorToMove == PieceColorEnum.Black ? board.WhiteKing : board.BlackKing; var isCheckOrMate = board.IsCheckOrMate(king); if (isCheckOrMate.IsMate && isCheckOrMate.IsCheck) { // check & mate isCheckMate = true; winner = board.ColorToMove; } else if (isCheckOrMate.IsCheck) { // check Console.WriteLine("check"); } // check if it's stalemate if (board.IsStaleMate(board.ColorToMove == PieceColorEnum.Black ? PieceColorEnum.White : PieceColorEnum.Black)) { isDraw = true; } board.ColorToMove = board.ColorToMove == PieceColorEnum.Black ? PieceColorEnum.White : PieceColorEnum.Black; } } if (winner != null) { Console.WriteLine($"check mate - game over. {winner} wins!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"draw - game over."); } Console.WriteLine($"black score: {board.BlackScore}, white score: {board.WhiteScore}"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public int canDefend(int color) { Board b = new Board(); Castle castle = new Castle(color, 0, 0); Pawn pawn = new Pawn(color, 0, 0); Knight knight = new Knight(color, 0, 0); Bishop bishop = new Bishop(color, 0, 0); Queen queen = new Queen(color, 0, 0); int i, j, m, n, f = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { b.setSquare(this.getInfo(i, j), i, j); } } Point p = b.searchKing(color); King king = new King(color, p.x, p.y); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (b.getInfo(i, j) == 0) { } else if (b.getInfo(i, j) == (color == 1 ? 1 : 7)) { castle.x = i; castle.y = j; for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (castle.move(b, m, n) == 1) { f = b.getInfo(m, n); b.setSquare(0, i, j); b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 1 : 7), m, n); if (king.isChecked(b) == 0) { return(1); } b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 1 : 7), i, j); b.setSquare(f, m, n); } } } } else if (b.getInfo(i, j) == (color == 1 ? 2 : 8)) { knight.x = i; knight.y = j; for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (knight.move(b, m, n) == 1) { f = b.getInfo(m, n); b.setSquare(0, i, j); b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 2 : 8), m, n); if (king.isChecked(b) == 0) { return(1); } b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 2 : 8), i, j); b.setSquare(f, m, n); } } } } else if (b.getInfo(i, j) == (color == 1 ? 3 : 9)) { bishop.x = i; bishop.y = j; for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (bishop.move(b, m, n) == 1) { f = b.getInfo(m, n); b.setSquare(0, i, j); b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 3 : 9), m, n); if (king.isChecked(b) == 0) { return(1); } b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 3 : 9), i, j); b.setSquare(f, m, n); } } } } else if (b.getInfo(i, j) == (color == 1 ? 4 : 10)) { queen.x = i; queen.y = j; for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (queen.move(b, m, n) == 1) { f = b.getInfo(m, n); b.setSquare(0, i, j); b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 4 : 10), m, n); if (king.isChecked(b) == 0) { return(1); } b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 4 : 10), i, j); b.setSquare(f, m, n); } } } } else if (b.getInfo(i, j) == (color == 1 ? 5 : 11)) { for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (king.move(b, m, n) == 1) { f = b.getInfo(m, n); king.x = m; king.y = n; b.setSquare(0, i, j); b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 5 : 11), m, n); if (king.isChecked(b) == 0) { return(1); } b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 5 : 11), i, j); b.setSquare(f, m, n); king.x = p.x; king.y = p.y; } } } } else if (b.getInfo(i, j) == (color == 1 ? 6 : 12)) { pawn.x = i; pawn.y = j; for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) { for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { if (pawn.move(b, m, n) == 1) { f = b.getInfo(m, n); b.setSquare(0, i, j); b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 6 : 12), m, n); if (king.isChecked(b) == 0) { return(1); } b.setSquare((color == 1 ? 6 : 12), i, j); b.setSquare(f, m, n); } } } } } } return(0); }
public void KingShouldBeIncorrectMove() { ChessFigure figure = new King("E1"); Assert.AreEqual(false, figure.Move("E8")); }
static void StartPlacement(Cell[,] Field) { King WhiteKing = new King(1, '♚', 7, 4); WhiteKing.SetToCell(Field, 7, 4); WhiteKing.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 4); King BlackKing = new King(0, '♚', 0, 4); BlackKing.SetToCell(Field, 0, 4); BlackKing.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 4); Quinn WhiteQuinn = new Quinn(1, '♛', 7, 3); WhiteQuinn.SetToCell(Field, 7, 3); WhiteQuinn.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 3); Quinn BlackQuinn = new Quinn(0, '♛', 0, 3); BlackQuinn.SetToCell(Field, 0, 3); BlackQuinn.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 3); Bishop WhiteBishop1 = new Bishop(1, '♝', 7, 2); WhiteBishop1.SetToCell(Field, 7, 2); WhiteBishop1.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 2); Bishop WhiteBishop2 = new Bishop(1, '♝', 7, 5); WhiteBishop2.SetToCell(Field, 7, 5); WhiteBishop2.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 5); Bishop BlackBishop1 = new Bishop(0, '♝', 0, 2); BlackBishop1.SetToCell(Field, 0, 2); BlackBishop1.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 2); Bishop BlackBishop2 = new Bishop(0, '♝', 0, 5); BlackBishop2.SetToCell(Field, 0, 5); BlackBishop2.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 5); Knight WhiteKnight1 = new Knight(1, '♞', 7, 1); WhiteKnight1.SetToCell(Field, 7, 1); WhiteKnight1.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 1); Knight WhiteKnight2 = new Knight(1, '♞', 7, 6); WhiteKnight2.SetToCell(Field, 7, 6); WhiteKnight2.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 6); Knight BlackKnight1 = new Knight(0, '♞', 0, 1); BlackKnight1.SetToCell(Field, 0, 1); BlackKnight1.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 1); Knight BlackKnight2 = new Knight(0, '♞', 0, 6); BlackKnight2.SetToCell(Field, 0, 6); BlackKnight2.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 6); Rook WhiteRook1 = new Rook(1, '♜', 7, 0); WhiteRook1.SetToCell(Field, 7, 0); WhiteRook1.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 0); Rook WhiteRook2 = new Rook(1, '♜', 7, 7); WhiteRook2.SetToCell(Field, 7, 7); WhiteRook2.SetFigureColor(Field, 7, 7); Rook BlackRook1 = new Rook(0, '♜', 0, 0); BlackRook1.SetToCell(Field, 0, 0); BlackRook1.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 0); Rook BlackRook2 = new Rook(0, '♜', 0, 7); BlackRook2.SetToCell(Field, 0, 7); BlackRook2.SetFigureColor(Field, 0, 7); Pawn WhitePawn1 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 0); WhitePawn1.SetToCell(Field, 6, 0); WhitePawn1.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 0); Pawn WhitePawn2 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 1); WhitePawn2.SetToCell(Field, 6, 1); WhitePawn2.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 1); Pawn WhitePawn3 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 2); WhitePawn3.SetToCell(Field, 6, 2); WhitePawn3.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 2); Pawn WhitePawn4 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 3); WhitePawn4.SetToCell(Field, 6, 3); WhitePawn4.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 3); Pawn WhitePawn5 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 4); WhitePawn5.SetToCell(Field, 6, 4); WhitePawn5.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 4); Pawn WhitePawn6 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 5); WhitePawn6.SetToCell(Field, 6, 5); WhitePawn6.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 5); Pawn WhitePawn7 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 6); WhitePawn7.SetToCell(Field, 6, 6); WhitePawn7.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 6); Pawn WhitePawn8 = new Pawn(1, '♟', 6, 7); WhitePawn8.SetToCell(Field, 6, 7); WhitePawn8.SetFigureColor(Field, 6, 7); Pawn BlackPawn1 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 0); BlackPawn1.SetToCell(Field, 1, 0); BlackPawn1.SetFigureColor(Field, 1, 0); Pawn BlackPawn2 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 1); BlackPawn2.SetToCell(Field, 1, 1); Pawn BlackPawn3 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 2); BlackPawn3.SetToCell(Field, 1, 2); Pawn BlackPawn4 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 3); BlackPawn4.SetToCell(Field, 1, 3); Pawn BlackPawn5 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 4); BlackPawn5.SetToCell(Field, 1, 4); Pawn BlackPawn6 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 5); BlackPawn6.SetToCell(Field, 1, 5); Pawn BlackPawn7 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 6); BlackPawn7.SetToCell(Field, 1, 6); Pawn BlackPawn8 = new Pawn(0, '♟', 1, 7); BlackPawn8.SetToCell(Field, 1, 7); }
public int isChecked(Board brd2) { int c2, m; if (color == 1) { c2 = 2; } else { c2 = 1; } Board b = brd2; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { b.setSquare(brd2.getInfo(i, j), i, j); } } Pawn pawn = new Pawn(c2, 0, 0); Castle castle = new Castle(c2, 0, 0); Knight knight = new Knight(c2, 0, 0); Queen queen = new Queen(c2, 0, 0); Bishop bishop = new Bishop(c2, 0, 0); Point p = brd2.searchKing(color); King king = new King(c2, 0, 0); int r = p.x; int s = p.y; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { m = b.getInfo(i, j); switch (m) { case 0: break; case 1: if (c2 == 1) { castle.x = i; castle.y = j; if (castle.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 2: if (c2 == 1) { knight.x = i; knight.y = j; if (knight.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 3: if (c2 == 1) { bishop.x = i; bishop.y = j; if (bishop.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 4: if (c2 == 1) { queen.x = i; queen.y = j; if (queen.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 5: if (c2 == 2) { king.x = i; king.y = j; if (queen.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 6: if (c2 == 1) { pawn.x = i; pawn.y = j; if (pawn.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 7: if (c2 == 2) { castle.x = i; castle.y = j; if (castle.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 8: if (c2 == 2) { knight.x = i; knight.y = j; if (knight.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 9: if (c2 == 2) { bishop.x = i; bishop.y = j; if (bishop.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 10: if (c2 == 2) { queen.x = i; queen.y = j; if (queen.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 11: if (c2 == 2) { king.x = i; king.y = j; if (king.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; case 12: if (c2 == 2) { pawn.x = i; pawn.y = j; if (pawn.move(b, r, s) == 1) { return(1); } } break; } } } return(0); }
public void placeWhiteFigures(bool isStandardChess) { Figure[] pawns = new Figure[8]; char currentChar = 'A'; char charPositionPawn = 'A'; if (isStandardChess) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pawns[i] = new Pawn(charPositionPawn, 7, true); charPositionPawn++; if ((currentChar == 'A') || (currentChar == 'H')) { otherFigures[i] = new Rook(currentChar, 8, true); } else if ((currentChar == 'B') || (currentChar == 'G')) { otherFigures[i] = new Knight(currentChar, 8, true); } else if ((currentChar == 'C') || (currentChar == 'F')) { otherFigures[i] = new Bishop(currentChar, 8, true); } else if (currentChar == 'E') { otherFigures[i] = new King(currentChar, 8, true); } else { otherFigures[i] = new Queen(currentChar, 8, true); } currentChar++; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { placeFigure(pawns[i]); placeFigure(otherFigures[i]); } } else if (!isStandardChess) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pawns[i] = new Pawn(charPositionPawn, 7, true); charPositionPawn++; currentChar++; } do { char[] piecePlacement = boardSpaces.OrderBy(x => random.Next()).ToArray(); otherFigures[0] = new Bishop(piecePlacement[0], 8, true); otherFigures[1] = new Bishop(piecePlacement[1], 8, true); otherFigures[2] = new Rook(piecePlacement[2], 8, true); otherFigures[3] = new Rook(piecePlacement[3], 8, true); otherFigures[4] = new Knight(piecePlacement[4], 8, true); otherFigures[5] = new Knight(piecePlacement[5], 8, true); otherFigures[6] = new Queen(piecePlacement[6], 8, true); otherFigures[7] = new King(piecePlacement[7], 8, true); if (!(otherFigures[0].Xpositon % 2 == otherFigures[1].Xpositon % 2) && (((otherFigures[2].Xpositon > otherFigures[7].Xpositon) && (otherFigures[3].Xpositon < otherFigures[7].Xpositon)) || ((otherFigures[2].Xpositon < otherFigures[7].Xpositon) && (otherFigures[3].Xpositon > otherFigures[7].Xpositon)))) { valid = true; } } while (!valid); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { placeFigure(pawns[i]); placeFigure(otherFigures[i]); } placeBlackFigures(isStandardChess); } }
public void Move(Figure f, char x, int y) { var chessBoxStart = this.getChessBoxByCoordinates(f.Xpositon, f.Ypositon); var chessBoxEnd = this.getChessBoxByCoordinates(x, y); bool isFigureWhite = f.isWhite; if (f.getFigureType().Equals("Pawn")) { this.MovePawn(f, x, y); } else if (f.getFigureType().Equals("King") && chessBoxEnd.isFigureOn() && chessBoxEnd.Figure.getFigureType().Equals("Rook") && chessBoxStart.Figure.isWhite == chessBoxEnd.Figure.isWhite) {//checking for Rocade King king = (King)f; Rook rook = (Rook)chessBoxEnd.Figure; if (PathBetweenBoxesFree(chessBoxStart, chessBoxEnd)) { if ((!king.isMoved) && (!rook.isMoved)) { if (rook.Xpositon == 'A') { chessBoxEnd.Figure.Move('D', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord); this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('D', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord).Figure = chessBoxEnd.Figure; chessBoxEnd.deleteFigure(); chessBoxStart.Figure.Move('C', chessBoxStart.Ycoord); this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('C', chessBoxStart.Ycoord).Figure = chessBoxStart.Figure; chessBoxStart.deleteFigure(); if (isInChess(f.isWhite)) { king.BackToLastPosition(); rook.BackToLastPosition(); chessBoxEnd.Figure = this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('D', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord).Figure; chessBoxStart.Figure = this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('C', chessBoxStart.Ycoord).Figure; this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('D', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord).deleteFigure(); this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('C', chessBoxStart.Ycoord).deleteFigure(); throw new KingInChessExeption("You cannot move here! You will be in chess!"); } } else { chessBoxEnd.Figure.Move('F', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord); this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('F', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord).Figure = chessBoxEnd.Figure; chessBoxEnd.deleteFigure(); chessBoxStart.Figure.Move('G', chessBoxStart.Ycoord); this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('G', chessBoxStart.Ycoord).Figure = chessBoxStart.Figure; chessBoxStart.deleteFigure(); if (isInChess(f.isWhite)) { king.BackToLastPosition(); rook.BackToLastPosition(); chessBoxEnd.Figure = this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('F', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord).Figure; chessBoxStart.Figure = this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('G', chessBoxStart.Ycoord).Figure; this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('F', chessBoxEnd.Ycoord).deleteFigure(); this.getChessBoxByCoordinates('G', chessBoxStart.Ycoord).deleteFigure(); throw new KingInChessExeption("You cannot move here! You will be in chess!"); } } } else { throw new RocadeNotPossibleExeption("Rocade not possible!The figures has been moved"); } } else { throw new RocadeNotPossibleExeption("Rocade not possible!There is a figure on the way!"); } } else { if (PathBetweenBoxesFree(chessBoxStart, chessBoxEnd)) { if (chessBoxEnd.isFigureOn()) { if (chessBoxStart.Figure.isWhite != chessBoxEnd.Figure.isWhite) { Figure figureToDestroy = chessBoxEnd.Figure; f.Move(x, y); chessBoxEnd.Figure.DestroyFigure(); chessBoxStart.Figure = null; chessBoxEnd.Figure = f; if (isInChess(f.isWhite)) { chessBoxStart.Figure = f; f.BackToLastPosition(); figureToDestroy.BackToLastPosition(); chessBoxEnd.Figure = figureToDestroy; throw new KingInChessExeption("You cannot move here! You will be in chess!"); } } else { throw new InvalidAttackExeption("Invalid movement! You cannot attack your figure!"); } } else { f.Move(x, y); chessBoxStart.Figure = null; chessBoxEnd.Figure = f; if (isInChess(f.isWhite)) { f.BackToLastPosition(); chessBoxStart.Figure = f; chessBoxEnd.Figure = null; throw new KingInChessExeption("You cannot move here! You will be in chess!"); } } } else { throw new PathBetweenBoxesNotFreeExeption("The path between the boxes is not free"); } } ///if Move coordinates invalid figure.move -argument exeption }
public void BeforeEachTest() { Target = new King(); MovesFrom3_3 = Target.GetMovesFrom(new BoardCoordinate(3, 3)); }