예제 #1
        // This method is called when initializing a new game.  It assigns
        // the specified piece to the ChessSquare identified by the col and row.
        public void AddNewChessPiece(int col, int row, AbstractChessPiece piece)
            // get the target ChessSquare
            ChessSquare square = GetSquare(col, row);

            // assign the piece to the square
예제 #2
        // This utility function will return true if the specified player is in check, or
        // false otherwise.
        public bool IsInCheck(PlayerType player)
            // to see if player is in check, walk through all opposing player pieces and see if any of
            // them can move to this player's King position.

            // first, find this player's king
            AbstractChessPiece king = null;

            for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
                    // see if there is a piece on this square
                    AbstractChessPiece piece = squares[col, row].ChessPiece;

                    // if there is a piece here, and it belongs to this player, and it's the King
                    if ((piece != null) && (piece.Player == player) && (piece.Name.Equals("King")))
                        king = piece;   // save the king piece, we found it!

            // now, walk through all opposing pieces to see if they can capture this player's king
            PlayerType opposingPlayer = PlayerType.WHITE;

            if (player == PlayerType.WHITE)
                opposingPlayer = PlayerType.BLACK;

            for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
                    // see if there is a piece on this square
                    AbstractChessPiece piece = squares[col, row].ChessPiece;

                    // if there is a piece here, and it belongs to the opposing player
                    if ((piece != null) && (piece.Player == opposingPlayer))
                        // see if opposing piece can capture our King
                        if (piece.CanMoveToLocation(king.Col, king.Row, this))
                            return(true);    // yikes, player is in check!

            // if we get here then no opposing piece can capture player's king, so
            // player's king is not in check.
예제 #3
        // This function will establish the specified chess piece on the square.
        // (Or, if the piece is null, just clear the square of any prior piece!)
        public void SetChessPiece(AbstractChessPiece piece)
            // clear the prior abbreviation
            button.Text = "";

            // set our chess piece to the input
            if (piece == null)      // if the input was null
                RemoveChessPiece(); // clear off any prior piece
                return;             // nothing else to do!

            // set the new chess piece to the input parameter
            ChessPiece = piece;

            // update the Chess Piece so it knows what row and column it now resides on
            ChessPiece.Col = Col;
            ChessPiece.Row = Row;

            // change the text color of the button according to the piece's player
            if (ChessPiece.Player == PlayerType.WHITE)
                button.ForeColor = Color.White;
                button.ForeColor = Color.Black;

            // set the button's text from the piece's 1-character abbreviation
            button.Text = piece.Abbreviation;

            // set the font based on the type of piece
            if (piece.Name.Equals("King"))
                button.Font = kingFont;
                button.Font = pieceFont;
예제 #4
        // This utility function will move a piece from the selected square to the target square.
        // It will return any chess piece that was captured from the target square.
        public AbstractChessPiece MoveChessPiece(ChessSquare selectedSquare, ChessSquare clickedSquare)
            // save any piece that is on the target square
            AbstractChessPiece capturedPiece = clickedSquare.ChessPiece;

            // move the piece from the original square to the target square

            // mark the chess piece as having been moved, in case the piece needs to know (e.g. Pawn)
            selectedSquare.ChessPiece.HasMoved = true;

            // remove the chess piece from the original square

            // Unselect the currently selected square

            // return the captured piece, if any (or null if no piece was captured)
예제 #5
        // This utility function will look at a proposed move from the selectedSquare to
        // the clickedSquare and determine if the specified player would be in check after
        // the move.  The actual gameboard itself is left unchanged.
        public bool TestMoveForCheck(PlayerType currentPlayer, ChessSquare selectedSquare, ChessSquare clickedSquare)
            // save the piece that may be on the target square
            AbstractChessPiece capturedPiece = clickedSquare.ChessPiece;

            // temporarily put the original piece on the target square
            // temporarily remove the original piece from the original square

            // see if the specified player is in check
            bool isInCheck = IsInCheck(currentPlayer);

            // restore the moved piece to the original square

            // restore the original contents of the target square

            // return true if the current player would still be in check, or false otherwise
예제 #6
 // this method will clear out any trace of the existing chess piece, if any.
 public void RemoveChessPiece()
     ChessPiece  = null;
     button.Text = "";
예제 #7
 // The student should complete this function.
 // This method contains all of the game logic to handle user click events.
 private void handleClick(ChessSquare clickedSquare)
     // If there is no piece there then...
     if (selectedSquare == null)
         // If the square they want to move to has a piece then...
         if (clickedSquare.ChessPiece != null)
             // If the piece is one of the players, then stop
             if (clickedSquare.ChessPiece.Player != currentPlayer)
             selectedSquare = clickedSquare;
     // If the click the square again, then unselect
     else if (selectedSquare == clickedSquare)
         selectedSquare = null;
     // Otherwise...
         // If there is a piece there...
         if (clickedSquare.ChessPiece != null)
             // If the piece is the players, then stop
             if (clickedSquare.ChessPiece.Player == currentPlayer)
                 selectedSquare = clickedSquare;
         // If they can't move there, stop
         if (selectedSquare.ChessPiece.CanMoveToLocation(clickedSquare.Col, clickedSquare.Row, gameBoard) == false)
         // Otherwise...
             // If the player trys to kill themself, yell at them
             if (gameBoard.TestMoveForCheck(currentPlayer, selectedSquare, clickedSquare))
                 MessageBox.Show("You are still in check!");
             AbstractChessPiece capturedPiece = gameBoard.MoveChessPiece(selectedSquare, clickedSquare);
             selectedSquare = null;
             // If the piece was captured, tell the player
             if (capturedPiece != null)
                 MessageBox.Show(capturedPiece.ToString() + " was captured");
             // If the king is in danger, yell at the player
             if (gameBoard.IsInCheck(currentPlayer))