/// <summary>
        /// Loads user record data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void LoadRecord(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UserRecords record = new UserRecords(textBoxFirstName.Text, textBoxLastName.Text); //Creates an object with the first and last name entered.

            record.LoadUserRecord(record);                                                     //Retrives the record associated with the username and passes the created object to retrieve the record data.
            if (!record.Exists)                                                                //Checks if user record exists.
                Label[] labels = { lblName, lblPreviousPhoneticScore, lblTopPhoneticScore, lblPhoneticAssessmentsAttempted, lblPreviousSyllabaryScore, lblTopSyllabaryScore, lblSyllabaryAssessmentsAttempted, lblPreviousEnglishScore, lblTopEnglishScore, lblEnglishAssessmentsAttempted, lblLearnerLevel };
                foreach (Label label in labels)
                    label.Visible = false;                 //Hides all labels since no information is available to display.
                lblName.Text    = "Record does not exist"; //Changes label to show that the record does not exist.
                lblName.Visible = true;                    //Makes the label visible.
            else //If the user record exists all data displayed.
                Label[] labels = { lblName, lblPreviousPhoneticScore, lblTopPhoneticScore, lblPhoneticAssessmentsAttempted, lblPreviousSyllabaryScore, lblTopSyllabaryScore, lblSyllabaryAssessmentsAttempted, lblPreviousEnglishScore, lblTopEnglishScore, lblEnglishAssessmentsAttempted, lblLearnerLevel };
                foreach (Label label in labels)
                    label.Visible = true; //Makes the labels visible so the retrieved records can be displayed.
                lblName.Text = record.Firstname + " " + record.Lastname;
                lblPreviousPhoneticScore.Text         = "Previous Score: " + record.PreviousPhoneticScore;
                lblTopPhoneticScore.Text              = "Top Score: " + record.TopPhoneticScore;
                lblPhoneticAssessmentsAttempted.Text  = "Assessments Attempted: " + record.AttemptedPhoneticAssessments;
                lblPreviousSyllabaryScore.Text        = "Previous Score: " + record.PreviousSyllabaryScore;
                lblTopSyllabaryScore.Text             = "Top Score: " + record.TopSyllabaryScore;
                lblSyllabaryAssessmentsAttempted.Text = "Assessments Attempted: " + record.AttemptedSyllabaryAssessments;
                lblPreviousEnglishScore.Text          = "Previous Score: " + record.PreviousEnglishScore;
                lblTopEnglishScore.Text             = "Top Score: " + record.TopEnglishScore;
                lblEnglishAssessmentsAttempted.Text = "Assessments Attempted: " + record.AttemptedEnglishAssessments;
                lblLearnerLevel.Text = "Level: " + record.LearnerLevel;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads and deserializes the user record.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadUserRecord(UserRecords _record)
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            string     path;

            if (Program.recordsFoldersFound)
                path = Program.portableVersion ? Program.recordsFolderLocationPortable + Firstname + Lastname + "Record.txt" : Program.recordsFolderLocation + Firstname + Lastname + "Record.txt";
                path = Properties.Settings.Default.customRecordsPath + Firstname + Lastname + "Record.txt";
            if (File.Exists(path))
                Stream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                _record = (UserRecords)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

                Firstname                     = _record.Firstname;
                Lastname                      = _record.Lastname;
                PreviousPhoneticScore         = _record.PreviousPhoneticScore;
                TopPhoneticScore              = _record.TopPhoneticScore;
                AttemptedPhoneticAssessments  = _record.AttemptedPhoneticAssessments;
                PreviousEnglishScore          = _record.PreviousEnglishScore;
                TopEnglishScore               = _record.PreviousEnglishScore;
                AttemptedEnglishAssessments   = _record.AttemptedEnglishAssessments;
                PreviousSyllabaryScore        = _record.PreviousSyllabaryScore;
                TopSyllabaryScore             = _record.TopSyllabaryScore;
                AttemptedSyllabaryAssessments = _record.AttemptedSyllabaryAssessments;
                LearnerLevel                  = _record.LearnerLevel;
                Exists = true;
                Exists = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the user record in a serialized file to reduce ease of data manipulation.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveUserRecord(UserRecords _record)
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            //Create a method to store the record to a file.
            string username = Firstname + Lastname;

            if (username != "")
                string path;
                if (Program.recordsFoldersFound)
                    path = Program.portableVersion ? Program.recordsFolderLocationPortable + username + "Record.txt" : Program.recordsFolderLocation + username + "Record.txt";
                    path = Properties.Settings.Default.customRecordsPath;
                Stream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                formatter.Serialize(stream, _record);