private void handleComputerTurn() { CheckersLogic.Point startingComputerPoint = null; CheckersLogic.Point destinationComputerPoint = null; r_LogicUnit.GetAnAIMove(ref startingComputerPoint, ref destinationComputerPoint); // make an AI move r_LogicUnit.PreformMove(startingComputerPoint, destinationComputerPoint); // preform the move (no need to use the returned boolean value because the AI always choose valid moves) // check if either player has won, lost or its a tie manageTasksBeforeNextTurn(); }
private bool checkIfValidTurnAndPreformIt(int i_ColDestination, int i_RowDestination) { bool isValidTurn = false; CheckersLogic.Point startingPoint = new CheckersLogic.Point(boardSquareActiveSquare.Row, boardSquareActiveSquare.Col); CheckersLogic.Point destinationPoint = new CheckersLogic.Point(i_RowDestination, i_ColDestination); if (r_LogicUnit.PreformMove(startingPoint, destinationPoint) == true) { isValidTurn = true; } else { MessageBox.Show( @"Invalid move! Please try again.", this.Text); boardSquareActiveSquare.SetInActive(); boardSquareActiveSquare = null; } return(isValidTurn); }