예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the number of ways in which soldier on coord can be captured;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board"></param>
        /// <param name="coord"></param>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CanBeCaptured(Board board, Coordinate coord, Player player)
            int num = 0;
            Rules rule = new Rules();
            IList<Coordinate> optionalCoords = rule.OptionalMoves(board, coord, player);
            IList<Coordinate> coordsInDir = rule.GetMovesInDirection(board, coord, player);

            //collect all coords behind coord
            IList<Coordinate> coordsfrombehind = optionalCoords.Where(opCor => !coordsInDir.Contains(opCor)).ToList();
            foreach (var cid in coordsInDir)
                if (board.GetPlayer(board[cid.X, cid.Y]) == board.GetOpponent(player) &&
                    rule.CoordsToCaptureAndDest(board, cid, coord, board.GetOpponent(player)).Count > 0)

            foreach (var cfb in coordsfrombehind)
                if (board.GetPlayer(board[cfb.X, cfb.Y]) == board.GetOpponent(player) && board.IsKing(coord) &&
                    rule.CoordsToCaptureAndDest(board, cfb, coord, board.GetOpponent(player)).Count > 0)
            return num;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns current board state after moveType from position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <param name="moveType"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="needToContinueEating"></param>
        /// <param name="mustCapture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IBoardState GetBoardState(Player player, MoveType moveType, Point position, out bool needToContinueEating,out bool mustCapture)
            Rules rule= new Rules();
            bool lastmovewasACaptured = false;
            needToContinueEating = false;
            this.Board = ConvertBoardStateToBoard(this);
            var destPoint = ConvertMoveTypeToCoordinate(position, moveType); //returns type point
            var srcPoint = ConvertPointToCoordinate(position.X, position.Y);          // returns type point
            var srcCoord = new Coordinate { X = srcPoint.X, Y = srcPoint.Y, Status = Board.PieceColor(Board[srcPoint.X, srcPoint.Y]) };
            var oppCoord = new Coordinate { X = destPoint.X, Y = destPoint.Y, Status = Board.PieceColor(Board[destPoint.X, destPoint.Y]) };

            if (!CheckValidPieceColor(this.Board, srcPoint.X, srcPoint.Y, player))
                needToContinueEating = false;
                mustCapture = false;
                return null;
            if (!IsEmptyCoord(Board, destPoint.X, destPoint.Y) && CheckValidPieceColor(Board, destPoint.X, destPoint.Y, player))
                needToContinueEating = false;
                mustCapture = false;
                return null;
            if (!IsEmptyCoord(Board, destPoint.X, destPoint.Y) &&
                !CheckValidPieceColor(Board, destPoint.X, destPoint.Y, player))
                var captures = rule.CoordsToCaptureAndDest(Board, srcCoord, oppCoord, player);
                if (captures.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var listOfCap in captures.Keys)
                        if (listOfCap.Last() == oppCoord)
                            int length = listOfCap.Count;
                            Coordinate newDestCoord = rule.FindDestByCap(Board, srcCoord, oppCoord);
                            this.Board.UpdateBoard(srcCoord, newDestCoord);
                            this.Board.UpdateCapturedSoldiers(oppCoord, Board.GetOpponent(player));
                            rule.IsBecameAKing(Board, newDestCoord);
                            Board[oppCoord.X, oppCoord.Y].Status = Piece.None;
                            this.BoardCells = ConvertBoardToBoardState(Board);
                            lastmovewasACaptured = true;
                            drawGame = CheckDraw(Board, Board[newDestCoord.X,newDestCoord.Y], lastmovewasACaptured);
                            if (length > 1)
                                needToContinueEating =true;
                            mustCapture = false;
                            return this;
                    mustCapture = true;
                    return null;

            //check if player doesnt have any availble captures- if he does then this move isn't valid
            var capturesAvaileble = rule.FindCaptures(Board, player);
            if (capturesAvaileble.Count == 0 )
                if(!rule.IsValidMove(Board, srcCoord, Board[destPoint.X,destPoint.Y],player))
                     mustCapture = false;
                     return null;
                Board.UpdateBoard(Board[srcPoint.X, srcPoint.Y], Board[destPoint.X, destPoint.Y]);
                rule.IsBecameAKing(Board, Board[destPoint.X, destPoint.Y]);
                this.BoardCells = ConvertBoardToBoardState(Board);
                mustCapture = false;
                drawGame = CheckDraw(Board, Board[destPoint.X, destPoint.Y], lastmovewasACaptured);
                return this;
            mustCapture = true;
            return null;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checkes whether the coordinate can capture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="board"></param>
 /// <param name="coordinate"></param>
 /// <param name="player"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private int CanCapture(Board board, Coordinate coordinate, Player player)
     Rules rule = new Rules();
     IList<Coordinate> coordinatesinDirection = rule.GetMovesInDirection(board, coordinate, player);
     int max = 0;
     foreach (var cid in coordinatesinDirection)
         if (board.IsOpponentPiece(player, cid))
             IDictionary<IList<Coordinate>, Coordinate> captures = rule.CoordsToCaptureAndDest(board, coordinate,
                                                                                               cid, player);
             if (captures.Count > 0)
                 if (captures.ElementAt(0).Key.Count > max)
                     max = captures.ElementAt(0).Key.Count;
     return max;