예제 #1
 public void RemoveJumpedPiece(GamePiece middleMove)
     StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
     stackPanel.Background = Brushes.DimGray;
     Button button = new Button();
     button.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button_Click);
     button.Height = 30;
     button.Width = 30;
     button.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
     button.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
     button.Background = Brushes.DimGray;
     button.Name = "button" + middleMove.Row + middleMove.Column;
     Grid.SetColumn(stackPanel, middleMove.Column);
     Grid.SetRow(stackPanel, middleMove.Row);
예제 #2
 public GamePieceMovement(GamePiece piece1, GamePiece piece2)
     this.piece1 = piece1;
     this.piece2 = piece2;
예제 #3
 public void MakePieceKing(GamePiece tempPiece)
     StackPanel stackPanel = (StackPanel)GetGridElement(CheckersGrid, tempPiece.Row, tempPiece.Column);
     if (stackPanel.Children.Count > 0)
         Button button = (Button)stackPanel.Children[0];
         var redBrush = new ImageBrush();
         redBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Images/KingRed.png", UriKind.Relative));
         var blackBrush = new ImageBrush();
         blackBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Images/KingBlack.png", UriKind.Relative));
         if ((button.Name.Contains("Black")) && (!button.Name.Contains("King")))
             if (tempPiece.Row == 1)
                 button.Name = "button" + "Black" + "King" + tempPiece.Row + tempPiece.Column;
                 button.Background = blackBrush;
         else if ((button.Name.Contains("Red")) && (!button.Name.Contains("King")))
             if (tempPiece.Row == 8)
                 button.Name = "button" + "Red" + "King" + tempPiece.Row + tempPiece.Column;
                 button.Background = redBrush;
예제 #4
        private void piece_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!bGameStarted)

            CurrentPiece = null;
            ReplacedPiece = null;
            DestinationTile = null;

            var img = ((PictureBox)sender).Image;
            if (img == null) return;
            CurrentPiece = (GamePiece)sender;

            if ((CurrentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN && _GameTurn.GameState == GameState.BLACKTURN
                || CurrentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN && _GameTurn.GameState == GameState.WHITETURN
                || CurrentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.BLACKKING && _GameTurn.GameState == GameState.BLACKTURN
                || CurrentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.WHITEKING && _GameTurn.GameState == GameState.WHITETURN) == false)

            if (DoDragDrop(img, DragDropEffects.Move) == DragDropEffects.Move)
                var currentMover = _GameTurn.GameState;
                _GameTurn.GameState = GameState.INMOVE;
                if (IsLegalMove(CurrentPiece, ReplacedPiece, DestinationTile) == false)
                    _GameTurn.GameState = currentMover;

                if (DestinationTile != null && ReplacedPiece == null && CurrentPiece != null)
                    MovePiece(CurrentPiece, DestinationTile.BoardLocation, currentMover);

                MessageBox.Show("Shouldn't Be here", "Mouse Down", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #5
 public GamePieceMovement()
     piece1 = null;
     piece2 = null;
예제 #6
 private void KingPiece(GamePiece movingPiece, Image KingImage, GridEntry PromotionState)
     Controls.Remove(movingPiece as Control);
     movingPiece.Image = KingImage;
     movingPiece.PieceState = PromotionState;
     movingPiece.IsPromoted = true;
     Controls.SetChildIndex(movingPiece, 1001);
     AdjustBoard(movingPiece.BoardLocation, movingPiece.PieceState);
예제 #7
        private void MovePiece(GamePiece movingPiece, BoardLocation EndLoc, GameState gameState)

            _GameTurn.GameState = GameState.INMOVE;
            AdjustBoard(movingPiece.BoardLocation, GridEntry.EMPTY);
            Controls.Remove(movingPiece as Control);
            movingPiece.BoardLocation = EndLoc;

            if (movingPiece.IsPromoted == false && (EndLoc.Row == 0 || EndLoc.Row == 7))
                if (movingPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN && EndLoc.Row == 7)
                    KingPiece(movingPiece, GetImage("Checkers.Assets.WhiteKing.png"), GridEntry.WHITEKING);

                if (movingPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN && EndLoc.Row == 0)
                    KingPiece(movingPiece, GetImage("Checkers.Assets.BlackKing.png"), GridEntry.BLACKKING);
            movingPiece.Location = new Point((LEFTMARGIN + TILESIZE * EndLoc.Column) + 10, (TOPMARGIN + TILESIZE * EndLoc.Row) + 10);
            this.Controls.SetChildIndex(movingPiece, 1000);
            _GameTurn.GameState = gameState;
            AdjustBoard(movingPiece.BoardLocation, movingPiece.PieceState);
예제 #8
        private void InitBoard()
            int iInd = 0;
            int iIndex = 64;
            int iWhite = 1;
            int iBlack = 1;
            for (int row = 0; row < BOARDSIZE; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < BOARDSIZE; col++)
                    TilePiece gridCell = new TilePiece(TILESIZE);
                    gridCell.MouseDown += gameCell_MouseDown;
                    gridCell.BoardLocation = new BoardLocation { Row = row, Column = col };
                    gridCell.Location = new Point(LEFTMARGIN + TILESIZE * col, TOPMARGIN + TILESIZE * row);
                    //mBox.Text += (TOPMARGIN + TILESIZE * row).ToString() + ", " + (5 + TILESIZE * col) + Environment.NewLine;
                    gridCell.BackColor = (row % 2 == 0 && col % 2 == 0) || (row % 2 == 1 && col % 2 == 1) ? Color.White : Color.Black;
                    gridCell.DragDrop += gridCell_DragDrop;
                    gridCell.DragEnter += gridCell_DragEnter;
                    this.Controls.SetChildIndex(gridCell, ++iInd);

                    if (row > 4 && gridCell.BackColor == Color.Black)
                        _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[row, col] = (int)GridEntry.BLACKPAWN;
                        GamePiece piece = new GamePiece() { BoardLocation = new BoardLocation { Row = row, Column = col } };
                        piece.MouseDown += piece_MouseDown;
                        piece.DragEnter += piece_DragEnter;
                        piece.DragDrop += piece_DragDrop;
                        piece.PieceState = GridEntry.BLACKPAWN;
                        piece.Name = "BLACKPIECE_" + iWhite++;
                        piece.Image = GetImage("Checkers.Assets.BlackPiece.png");
                        piece.Location = new Point((LEFTMARGIN + TILESIZE * col) + 10, (TOPMARGIN + TILESIZE * row) + 10);

                        this.Controls.SetChildIndex(piece, ++iIndex);
                    else if (row < 3 && gridCell.BackColor == Color.Black)
                        _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[row, col] = (int)GridEntry.WHITEPAWN;
                        GamePiece piece = new GamePiece() { BoardLocation = new BoardLocation { Row = row, Column = col } };
                        piece.MouseDown += piece_MouseDown;
                        piece.DragEnter += piece_DragEnter;
                        piece.DragDrop += piece_DragDrop;
                        piece.PieceState = GridEntry.WHITEPAWN;
                        piece.Name = "WHITEPIECE_" + iBlack++;

                        piece.Image = GetImage("Checkers.Assets.WhitePiece.png");
                        piece.Location = new Point((LEFTMARGIN + TILESIZE * col) + 10, (TOPMARGIN + TILESIZE * row) + 10);

                        this.Controls.SetChildIndex(piece, ++iIndex);
                        if (gridCell.BackColor == Color.Black)
                            _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[row, col] = (int)GridEntry.EMPTY;
                            _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[row, col] = (int)GridEntry.NULL;
예제 #9
        private bool IsCaptureMove(GamePiece currentPiece, TilePiece destinationTile)
            int row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row;
            int column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column;
            if (Math.Abs(row) > 2 || Math.Abs(column) > 2)
                return false;

            bool IsCapture = false;
            BoardLocation captureLoc = new BoardLocation();
            if (currentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN)
                var land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 2 };
                if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                    GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1].ToString());
                    IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.BLACKKING;
                    captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1 };

                land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 2 };
                if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                    GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1].ToString());
                    IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.BLACKKING;
                    captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1 };
            else if (currentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN)
                var land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 2 };
                if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                    GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1].ToString());
                    IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.WHITEKING;
                    captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1 };

                land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 2 };
                if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                    GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1].ToString());
                    IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.WHITEKING;
                    captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1 };
            else if (currentPiece.IsPromoted)
                if (currentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.WHITEKING)
                    var land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 2 };

                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.BLACKKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1 };

                    land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 2 };
                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.BLACKKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1 };

                    land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 2 };
                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.BLACKKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1 };

                    land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 2 };
                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.BLACKKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1 };
                else if (currentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.BLACKKING)
                    var land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 2 };

                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.WHITEKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1 };

                    land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 2 };
                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.WHITEKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1 };

                    land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 2 };
                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.WHITEKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column + 1 };

                    land = new BoardLocation { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 2, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 2 };
                    if (destinationTile.BoardLocation.Row == land.Row && destinationTile.BoardLocation.Column == land.Column)
                        GridEntry cellState = (GridEntry)Enum.Parse(typeof(GridEntry), _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1].ToString());
                        IsCapture = cellState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN || cellState == GridEntry.WHITEKING;
                        captureLoc = new BoardLocation() { Row = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1, Column = currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - 1 };

            if (IsCapture)
                this.Controls.Remove(FindPiece(captureLoc) as Control);
                _GameTurn.BOARDARRAY[captureLoc.Row, captureLoc.Column] = (int)GridEntry.EMPTY;

            return IsCapture;
예제 #10
        private bool IsLegalMove(GamePiece currentPiece, GamePiece replacedPiece, TilePiece tileToMove)
            /*Black pieces can only move down unless promoted, and
             *Pieces can only be on the black tiles
             *Can't Land on any piece...
            bool IsLegal = false;
            if (tileToMove == null) return IsLegal;

            if (tileToMove.BackColor == Color.White)
                return false;

            if (ReplacedPiece != null && CurrentPiece != ReplacedPiece)
                return false;

            bool IsCapture = IsCaptureMove(currentPiece, DestinationTile);
            if (DestinationTile != null && ReplacedPiece == null && CurrentPiece != null)
                if (currentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.WHITEPAWN)
                    if ((currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row + 1 == DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Row
                        && ((currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column == DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column + 1
                            || currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column == DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column - 1)
                            && DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column >= 0
                            && DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column < BOARDSIZE)) || IsCapture)
                        IsLegal = true;
                else if (currentPiece.PieceState == GridEntry.BLACKPAWN)
                    if (currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - 1 == DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Row
                        && ((currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column == DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column + 1
                            || currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column == DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column - 1)
                            && DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column >= 0
                            && DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column < BOARDSIZE) || IsCapture)
                        IsLegal = true;
                else if (currentPiece.IsPromoted)
                    if ((Math.Abs(currentPiece.BoardLocation.Row - DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Row) == 1
                        && Math.Abs(currentPiece.BoardLocation.Column - DestinationTile.BoardLocation.Column) == 1) || IsCapture)
                        IsLegal = true;

            return IsLegal;