void Ex03() { When("the property1 binds the property2 with a converter", () => Property1.Bind(Property2, value => value.ToString())); When("the property1 binds another property with a converter", () => Property1.Bind(ObservableProperty <int> .Of(7), value => value.ToString())); Then <InvalidOperationException>($"{typeof(InvalidOperationException)} should be thrown"); }
public ObservablePropertySpec_Binding_OneWayWithConverter() { Property1 = ObservableProperty <string> .Of("Test1"); Property2 = ObservableProperty <int> .Of(3); }
void Ex02() => Expect("the value of the property should be the specified value", () => ObservableProperty <string> .Of("Test").Value == "Test");
void Ex04() { When("the property1 binds the property2 as two way binding", () => Property1.BindTwoWay(Property2)); When("the property1 binds another property as two way binding", () => Property1.BindTwoWay(ObservableProperty <string> .Of("Test"))); Then <InvalidOperationException>($"{typeof(InvalidOperationException)} should be thrown"); }
public ObservablePropertySpec_Binding_TwoWay() { Property1 = ObservableProperty <string> .Of("Test1"); Property2 = ObservableProperty <string> .Of("Test2"); }
void Ex03() { When("the property1 binds the property2 as two way binding with converters", () => Property1.BindTwoWay(Property2, value => value.ToString(), int.Parse)); When("the property1 binds another property as two way binding with converters", () => Property1.BindTwoWay(ObservableProperty <int> .Of(8), value => value.ToString(), int.Parse)); Then <InvalidOperationException>($"{typeof(InvalidOperationException)} should be thrown"); }