private void processExitBranchesIter(CfgManipulator cfgManipulator, GraphRandomStateGenerator randomStateGenerator, MethodCfg originalMethodCfg, MethodCfg methodCfg, BasicBlock startBasicBlock, LocalDefinition intStateLocal, LocalDefinition currentNodeLocal) { int currentValidPathId; // create a list of basic blocks that still have to be processed by the algorithm List<BasicBlock> basicBlocksToProcess = new List<BasicBlock>(methodCfg.basicBlocks); System.Console.WriteLine("Basic Blocks to process (Control Flow): " + basicBlocksToProcess.Count()); while (true) { List<BasicBlock> copiedList = new List<BasicBlock>(basicBlocksToProcess); foreach (BasicBlock currentBasicBlock in copiedList) { // get the metadata for the current basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock metadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < currentBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((currentBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } metadata = (currentBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (metadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for current basic block."); } // remove currently processed basic block from the list of basic blocks to process basicBlocksToProcess.Remove(currentBasicBlock); // check if the current exit branch is of type "no branch target" if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as NoBranchTarget != null) { NoBranchTarget introBranch = (NoBranchTarget)currentBasicBlock.exitBranch; // search for all semantically equal basic blocks in the modified method CFG (as possible targets) int searchSementicId = introBranch.takenTarget.semanticId; List<BasicBlock> possibleTargetBasicBlocks = new List<BasicBlock>(); if (searchSementicId != -1) { foreach (BasicBlock searchBasicBlock in methodCfg.basicBlocks) { if (searchBasicBlock.semanticId == searchSementicId) { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(searchBasicBlock); } } if (possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find any semantically equal basic block in CFG."); } } else { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(introBranch.takenTarget); } // create a list of target basic blocks of this branch List<Target> listOfTargets = new List<Target>(); Target target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = introBranch.takenTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // generate code for the "state switch" BasicBlock stateBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateSwitch(ref stateBasicBlock, ref stateExitBranch, intStateLocal, metadata.correspondingGraphNodes); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(introBranch, stateBasicBlock, stateExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state switch" for (currentValidPathId = 0; currentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; currentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the current valid path id) if (currentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= currentValidPathId) { stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = currentValidPathId; // get the link from the current basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink currentGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in metadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { currentGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (currentGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from current basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // get the metadata for the target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock targetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } targetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (targetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink targetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in targetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { targetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (targetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // choose randomly to either just correct the pointer position or to inject a "state change" switch (this.prng.Next(this.stateChangeWeight)) { // case: "state change" case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // generate code for the "state change" BasicBlock stateChangeBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateChangeExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateChange(ref stateChangeBasicBlock, ref stateChangeExitBranch, randomStateGenerator, currentGraphLink, intStateLocal); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(stateExitBranch, currentValidPathId, stateChangeBasicBlock, stateChangeExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state change" for (int changedCurrentValidPathId = 0; changedCurrentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; changedCurrentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the changed current valid path id) if (changedCurrentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= changedCurrentValidPathId) { stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = changedCurrentValidPathId; // get the metadata for the change target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock changeTargetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } changeTargetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (changeTargetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the change target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink changeTargetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in changeTargetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == changedCurrentValidPathId) { changeTargetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (changeTargetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // correct the pointer position to the obfuscation graph this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, changeTargetGraphLink, stateChangeExitBranch, changedCurrentValidPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } } break; } // case: correct pointer position default: { this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, targetGraphLink, stateExitBranch, currentGraphLink.validPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } break; } } } } // check if the current exit branch is of type "unconditional branch target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as UnconditionalBranchTarget != null) { UnconditionalBranchTarget introBranch = (UnconditionalBranchTarget)currentBasicBlock.exitBranch; // search for all semantically equal basic blocks in the modified method CFG (as possible targets) int searchSementicId = introBranch.takenTarget.semanticId; List<BasicBlock> possibleTargetBasicBlocks = new List<BasicBlock>(); if (searchSementicId != -1) { foreach (BasicBlock searchBasicBlock in methodCfg.basicBlocks) { if (searchBasicBlock.semanticId == searchSementicId) { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(searchBasicBlock); } } if (possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find any semantically equal basic block in CFG."); } } else { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(introBranch.takenTarget); } // create a list of target basic blocks of this branch List<Target> listOfTargets = new List<Target>(); Target target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = introBranch.takenTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // generate code for the "state switch" BasicBlock stateBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateSwitch(ref stateBasicBlock, ref stateExitBranch, intStateLocal, metadata.correspondingGraphNodes); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(introBranch, stateBasicBlock, stateExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state switch" for (currentValidPathId = 0; currentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; currentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the current valid path id) if (currentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= currentValidPathId) { stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); //set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = currentValidPathId; // get the link from the current basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink currentGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in metadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { currentGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (currentGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from current basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // get the metadata for the target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock targetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } targetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (targetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink targetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in targetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { targetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (targetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // choose randomly to either just correct the pointer position or to inject a "state change" switch (this.prng.Next(this.stateChangeWeight)) { // case: "state change" case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // generate code for the "state change" BasicBlock stateChangeBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateChangeExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateChange(ref stateChangeBasicBlock, ref stateChangeExitBranch, randomStateGenerator, currentGraphLink, intStateLocal); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(stateExitBranch, currentValidPathId, stateChangeBasicBlock, stateChangeExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state change" for (int changedCurrentValidPathId = 0; changedCurrentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; changedCurrentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the changed current valid path id) if (changedCurrentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= changedCurrentValidPathId) { stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = changedCurrentValidPathId; // get the metadata for the change target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock changeTargetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } changeTargetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (changeTargetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the change target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink changeTargetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in changeTargetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == changedCurrentValidPathId) { changeTargetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (changeTargetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // correct the pointer position to the obfuscation graph this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, changeTargetGraphLink, stateChangeExitBranch, changedCurrentValidPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } } break; } // case: correct pointer position default: { this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, targetGraphLink, stateExitBranch, currentGraphLink.validPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } break; } } } } // check if the current exit branch is of type "conditional branch target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as ConditionalBranchTarget != null) { ConditionalBranchTarget introBranch = (ConditionalBranchTarget)currentBasicBlock.exitBranch; // search for all semantically equal basic blocks in the modified method CFG (as possible targets) int searchSementicId = introBranch.takenTarget.semanticId; List<BasicBlock> possibleTargetBasicBlocks = new List<BasicBlock>(); if (searchSementicId != -1) { foreach (BasicBlock searchBasicBlock in methodCfg.basicBlocks) { if (searchBasicBlock.semanticId == searchSementicId) { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(searchBasicBlock); } } if (possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find any semantically equal basic block in CFG."); } } else { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(introBranch.takenTarget); } // create a list of target basic blocks of this branch List<Target> listOfTargets = new List<Target>(); Target target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = introBranch.takenTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // generate code for the "state switch" BasicBlock stateBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateSwitch(ref stateBasicBlock, ref stateExitBranch, intStateLocal, metadata.correspondingGraphNodes); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(introBranch, true, stateBasicBlock, stateExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state switch" for (currentValidPathId = 0; currentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; currentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the current valid path id) if (currentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= currentValidPathId) { stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); //set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = currentValidPathId; // get the link from the current basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink currentGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in metadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { currentGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (currentGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from current basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // get the metadata for the target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock targetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } targetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (targetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink targetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in targetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { targetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (targetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // choose randomly to either just correct the pointer position or to inject a "state change" switch (this.prng.Next(this.stateChangeWeight)) { // case: "state change" case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // generate code for the "state change" BasicBlock stateChangeBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateChangeExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateChange(ref stateChangeBasicBlock, ref stateChangeExitBranch, randomStateGenerator, currentGraphLink, intStateLocal); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(stateExitBranch, currentValidPathId, stateChangeBasicBlock, stateChangeExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state change" for (int changedCurrentValidPathId = 0; changedCurrentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; changedCurrentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the changed current valid path id) if (changedCurrentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= changedCurrentValidPathId) { stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = changedCurrentValidPathId; // get the metadata for the change target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock changeTargetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } changeTargetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (changeTargetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the change target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink changeTargetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in changeTargetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == changedCurrentValidPathId) { changeTargetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (changeTargetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // correct the pointer position to the obfuscation graph this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, changeTargetGraphLink, stateChangeExitBranch, changedCurrentValidPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } } break; } // case: correct pointer position default: { this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, targetGraphLink, stateExitBranch, currentGraphLink.validPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } break; } } } // search for all semantically equal basic blocks in the modified method CFG (as possible targets) searchSementicId = introBranch.notTakenTarget.semanticId; possibleTargetBasicBlocks = new List<BasicBlock>(); if (searchSementicId != -1) { foreach (BasicBlock searchBasicBlock in methodCfg.basicBlocks) { if (searchBasicBlock.semanticId == searchSementicId) { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(searchBasicBlock); } } if (possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find any semantically equal basic block in CFG."); } } else { possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(introBranch.notTakenTarget); } // create a list of target basic blocks of this branch listOfTargets = new List<Target>(); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = introBranch.notTakenTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // generate code for the "state switch" stateBasicBlock = null; stateExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateSwitch(ref stateBasicBlock, ref stateExitBranch, intStateLocal, metadata.correspondingGraphNodes); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(introBranch, false, stateBasicBlock, stateExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state switch" for (currentValidPathId = 0; currentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; currentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the current valid path id) if (currentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= currentValidPathId) { stateExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); //set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateExitBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = currentValidPathId; // get the link from the current basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink currentGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in metadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { currentGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (currentGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from current basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // get the metadata for the target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock targetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } targetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (targetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink targetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in targetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == currentValidPathId) { targetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (targetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // choose randomly to either just correct the pointer position or to inject a "state change" switch (this.prng.Next(this.stateChangeWeight)) { // case: "state change" case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // generate code for the "state change" BasicBlock stateChangeBasicBlock = null; SwitchBranchTarget stateChangeExitBranch = null; this.createCodeStateChange(ref stateChangeBasicBlock, ref stateChangeExitBranch, randomStateGenerator, currentGraphLink, intStateLocal); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(stateExitBranch, currentValidPathId, stateChangeBasicBlock, stateChangeExitBranch, 0); // create for each valid path a branch in the switch statement of the "state change" for (int changedCurrentValidPathId = 0; changedCurrentValidPathId < this.graph.graphValidPathCount; changedCurrentValidPathId++) { // ignore first valid path (with id 0) // => add artificial branch to original branch target (for the changed current valid path id) if (changedCurrentValidPathId != 0) { // fill switch taken branch list with null when index is out of range while (stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Count() <= changedCurrentValidPathId) { stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget.Add(null); } // randomly chose what the target of the current branch should be (weight to use an existing basic block to have less memory consumption) switch (this.prng.Next(this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { // duplicate the target basic block BasicBlock duplicatedBasicBlock = this.duplicateBasicBlock(originalMethodCfg, methodCfg, listOfTargets.ElementAt(0).basicBlock); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); basicBlocksToProcess.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // add new basic block as target of the switch case stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = duplicatedBasicBlock; duplicatedBasicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); // add new basic block to the list of target basic blocks target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = duplicatedBasicBlock; listOfTargets.Add(target); // add duplicated basic block to the list of possible target basic blocks possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Add(duplicatedBasicBlock); // create metadata for the newly created basic block if (!createAndAddMetadata(duplicatedBasicBlock)) { throw new ArgumentException("Creating metadata for the duplicated basic block failed."); } break; } default: { // use a random possible basic block as target int randPosition = this.prng.Next(possibleTargetBasicBlocks.Count()); BasicBlock newTarget = possibleTargetBasicBlocks.ElementAt(randPosition); target = new Target(); target.basicBlock = newTarget; listOfTargets.Add(target); // set switch taken branch for current valid path id to the chosen branch target stateChangeExitBranch.takenTarget[changedCurrentValidPathId] = target.basicBlock; target.basicBlock.entryBranches.Add(stateChangeExitBranch); break; } } } // set current valid path id of the target target.currentValidPathId = changedCurrentValidPathId; // get the metadata for the change target basic block GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock changeTargetMetadata = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.Count(); i++) { // get graph transformer metadata for basic blocks if ((target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock) == null) { continue; } changeTargetMetadata = (target.basicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(i) as GraphTransformerMetadataBasicBlock); break; } if (changeTargetMetadata == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not able to find metadata for target basic block."); } // get the link from the change target basic block to the obfuscation graph BasicBlockGraphNodeLink changeTargetGraphLink = null; foreach (BasicBlockGraphNodeLink tempLink in changeTargetMetadata.correspondingGraphNodes) { if (tempLink.validPathId == changedCurrentValidPathId) { changeTargetGraphLink = tempLink; break; } } if (changeTargetGraphLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not find link from target basic block to the graph for the given path id."); } // correct the pointer position to the obfuscation graph this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, changeTargetGraphLink, stateChangeExitBranch, changedCurrentValidPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } } break; } // case: correct pointer position default: { this.injectLinkMoveCode(cfgManipulator, currentGraphLink, targetGraphLink, stateExitBranch, currentGraphLink.validPathId, currentNodeLocal); // if debugging is activated => dump method cfg and add code to dump current graph if (this.debugging) { List<IOperation> debugOperations = new List<IOperation>(); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldstr, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_" + + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method))); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldarg_0)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.interfaceStartPointerGet)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Ldloc, currentNodeLocal)); debugOperations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Callvirt, this.debuggingDumpGraphMethod)); target.basicBlock.operations.InsertRange(0, debugOperations); //this.logger.dumpMethodCfg(methodCfg, this.debuggingNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "_obfu_" + this.logger.makeFuncSigString(methodCfg.method)); this.debuggingNumber++; } break; } } } } // check if the current exit branch is of type "try block target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as TryBlockTarget != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not yet implemented."); } // check if the current exit branch is of type "switch branch target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as SwitchBranchTarget != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not yet implemented."); } // check if the current exit branch is of type "exception branch target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as ExceptionBranchTarget != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not yet implemented."); } // check if the current exit branch is of type "exit branch target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as ExitBranchTarget != null) { continue; } // check if the current exit branch is of type "throw branch target" else if (currentBasicBlock.exitBranch as ThrowBranchTarget != null) { continue; } // this case should never be reached else { throw new ArgumentException("Do not know how to handle branch."); } } System.Console.WriteLine("Basic Blocks to process (Control Flow): " + basicBlocksToProcess.Count()); // check if basic blocks exist to process => if not break loop if (basicBlocksToProcess.Count() == 0) { break; } // adjust probability to duplicate basic blocks (each processing round the probability drops to duplicate a basic block) this.duplicateBasicBlockWeight += this.duplicateBasicBlockCorrectionValue; // adjust probability to insert a state change (each processing round the probability drops to insert a state change) this.stateChangeWeight += this.stateChangeCorrectionValue; } }
// this function injects an opaque predicate to the target branch private void injectOpaquePredicateCode(CfgManipulator cfgManipulator, MethodCfg methodCfg, BasicBlock targetBasicBlock, IBranchTarget targetBranch, BasicBlockGraphNodeLink link, int opaquePredicate, LocalDefinition currentNodeLocal) { int currentValidPathId = link.validPathId; ConditionalBranchTarget opaqueExitBranch = null; // create "true" or "false" opaque predicate and add it to the code switch (opaquePredicate) { // "true" opaque predicate case 0: { BasicBlock opaqueStartBasicBlock = null; this.createCodeTruePredicate(ref opaqueStartBasicBlock, ref opaqueExitBranch, link, currentNodeLocal); // inject target branch with opaque predicate if ((targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, currentValidPathId, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, true); } else if ((targetBranch as UnconditionalBranchTarget) != null) { UnconditionalBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as UnconditionalBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, true); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not implemented yet."); } // set template semantic id of dead code basic block BasicBlock deadCodeBasicBlock = opaqueExitBranch.notTakenTarget; GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock deadCodeMetadata = (deadCodeBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(0) as GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock); deadCodeMetadata.semanticId = targetBasicBlock.semanticId; // create intermediate basic block and inject it between correct opaque predicate branch and target basic block BasicBlock intermediateBasicBlock = new BasicBlock(); intermediateBasicBlock.operations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Br, 0)); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(intermediateBasicBlock); // add metadata to intermediate basic block GraphTransformerIntermediateBasicBlock metadataIntermediate = new GraphTransformerIntermediateBasicBlock(); metadataIntermediate.correspondingGraphNodes.Add(link); intermediateBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.Add(metadataIntermediate); // create intermediate exit branch UnconditionalBranchTarget intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch = new UnconditionalBranchTarget(); intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch.sourceBasicBlock = intermediateBasicBlock; intermediateBasicBlock.exitBranch = intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch; cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(opaqueExitBranch, true, intermediateBasicBlock, intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch); break; } // "false" opaque predicate case 1: { BasicBlock opaqueStartBasicBlock = null; this.createCodeFalsePredicate(ref opaqueStartBasicBlock, ref opaqueExitBranch, link, currentNodeLocal); // inject target branch with opaque predicate if ((targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, currentValidPathId, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, false); } else if ((targetBranch as UnconditionalBranchTarget) != null) { UnconditionalBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as UnconditionalBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, false); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not implemented yet."); } // set template semantic id of dead code basic block BasicBlock deadCodeBasicBlock = opaqueExitBranch.takenTarget; GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock deadCodeMetadata = (deadCodeBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(0) as GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock); deadCodeMetadata.semanticId = targetBasicBlock.semanticId; // create intermediate basic block and inject it between correct opaque predicate branch and target basic block BasicBlock intermediateBasicBlock = new BasicBlock(); intermediateBasicBlock.operations.Add(this.helperClass.createNewOperation(OperationCode.Br, 0)); methodCfg.basicBlocks.Add(intermediateBasicBlock); // add metadata to intermediate basic block GraphTransformerIntermediateBasicBlock metadataIntermediate = new GraphTransformerIntermediateBasicBlock(); metadataIntermediate.correspondingGraphNodes.Add(link); intermediateBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.Add(metadataIntermediate); // create intermediate exit branch UnconditionalBranchTarget intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch = new UnconditionalBranchTarget(); intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch.sourceBasicBlock = intermediateBasicBlock; intermediateBasicBlock.exitBranch = intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch; cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(opaqueExitBranch, false, intermediateBasicBlock, intermediateBasicBlockExitBranch); break; } // "Random" opaque predicate. case 2: { BasicBlock opaqueStartBasicBlock = null; if ((targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget); var destinationBlock = tempTargetBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId]; this.createCodeRandomPredicate(ref opaqueStartBasicBlock, ref opaqueExitBranch, link, currentNodeLocal); bool chooseBranch = prng.Next(1) == 0; cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, currentValidPathId, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, chooseBranch); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not implemented yet."); } break; } default: throw new ArgumentException("This case should never be reached."); } }
// this function generates and injects code into the given entry branch that moves the pointer from the source node to the target node private void injectLinkMoveCode(CfgManipulator cfgManipulator, BasicBlockGraphNodeLink startGraphLink, BasicBlockGraphNodeLink targetGraphLink, IBranchTarget entryBranch, int currentValidPathId, LocalDefinition currentNodeLocal) { NodeObject targetNode = targetGraphLink.graphNode; NodeObject startNode = startGraphLink.graphNode; IBranchTarget branchToManipulate = entryBranch; // do nothing if the source node is already the same as the target node if (startNode == targetNode) { return; } // check if the pointer have to be moved to the start pointer before it can be moved to the target element bool goToStart = false; if (startNode.positionInGraph.Count() >= targetNode.positionInGraph.Count()) { goToStart = true; } else { for (int idx = 0; idx < startNode.positionInGraph.Count(); idx++) { if (startNode.positionInGraph.ElementAt(idx) != targetNode.positionInGraph.ElementAt(idx)) { goToStart = true; break; } } } // set current graph link (is used for the metadata of the pointer correcting basic blocks BasicBlockGraphNodeLink currentGraphLink = new BasicBlockGraphNodeLink(startGraphLink.graphNode, currentValidPathId); // check how to move the pointer to the target element // => first go to the start pointer if (goToStart) { // generate and inject code that moves the pointer on a random path forward until the start node of the graph is reached while (startNode != this.graph.startingNode) { // generate code to move the pointer to the next node in the graph and inject it int nextNodeIdx = this.prng.Next(this.graphDimension); UnconditionalBranchTarget injectedExitBranch = new UnconditionalBranchTarget(); BasicBlock injectedBasicBlock = this.createCodeNextNode(injectedExitBranch, currentGraphLink, currentNodeLocal, nextNodeIdx, true); if ((branchToManipulate as UnconditionalBranchTarget) != null) { UnconditionalBranchTarget tempBranchToManipulate = (branchToManipulate as UnconditionalBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempBranchToManipulate, injectedBasicBlock, injectedExitBranch); } else if ((branchToManipulate as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempBranchToManipulate = (branchToManipulate as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempBranchToManipulate, currentValidPathId, injectedBasicBlock, injectedExitBranch); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not yet implemented."); // TODO } // set the next branch to manipulate as the newly created exit branch branchToManipulate = injectedExitBranch; // move pointer to the next node in the graph or to the start node if it does not exist if (startNode.nodeObjects[nextNodeIdx] == null) { startNode = this.graph.startingNode; } else { startNode = startNode.nodeObjects[nextNodeIdx]; } // create new graph link for the current node currentGraphLink = new BasicBlockGraphNodeLink(startNode, currentValidPathId); } // generate and inject code that moves the pointer to the correct position of the given graph node foreach (int nextNodeIdx in targetNode.positionInGraph) { // generate code to move the pointer to the next node in the graph and inject it UnconditionalBranchTarget injectedExitBranch = new UnconditionalBranchTarget(); BasicBlock injectedBasicBlock = this.createCodeNextNode(injectedExitBranch, currentGraphLink, currentNodeLocal, nextNodeIdx, true); if ((branchToManipulate as UnconditionalBranchTarget) != null) { UnconditionalBranchTarget tempBranchToManipulate = (branchToManipulate as UnconditionalBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempBranchToManipulate, injectedBasicBlock, injectedExitBranch); } else if ((branchToManipulate as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempBranchToManipulate = (branchToManipulate as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempBranchToManipulate, currentValidPathId, injectedBasicBlock, injectedExitBranch); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not yet implemented."); // TODO } // set the next branch to manipulate as the newly created exit branch branchToManipulate = injectedExitBranch; // move pointer to the next node in the graph or to the start node if it does not exist if (startNode.nodeObjects[nextNodeIdx] == null) { startNode = this.graph.startingNode; } else { startNode = startNode.nodeObjects[nextNodeIdx]; } // create new graph link for the current node currentGraphLink = new BasicBlockGraphNodeLink(startNode, currentValidPathId); } } // => go on a direct path to the target element else { // generate and inject code that moves the pointer to the correct position of the given graph node for (int idx = startNode.positionInGraph.Count(); idx < targetNode.positionInGraph.Count(); idx++) { // generate code to move the pointer to the next node in the graph and inject it UnconditionalBranchTarget injectedExitBranch = new UnconditionalBranchTarget(); BasicBlock injectedBasicBlock = this.createCodeNextNode(injectedExitBranch, currentGraphLink, currentNodeLocal, targetNode.positionInGraph.ElementAt(idx), true); if ((branchToManipulate as UnconditionalBranchTarget) != null) { UnconditionalBranchTarget tempBranchToManipulate = (branchToManipulate as UnconditionalBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempBranchToManipulate, injectedBasicBlock, injectedExitBranch); } else if ((branchToManipulate as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempBranchToManipulate = (branchToManipulate as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempBranchToManipulate, currentValidPathId, injectedBasicBlock, injectedExitBranch); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not yet implemented."); // TODO } // set the next branch to manipulate as the newly created exit branch branchToManipulate = injectedExitBranch; // move pointer to the next node in the graph or to the start node if it does not exist if (startNode.nodeObjects[targetNode.positionInGraph.ElementAt(idx)] == null) { startNode = this.graph.startingNode; } else { startNode = startNode.nodeObjects[targetNode.positionInGraph.ElementAt(idx)]; } // create new graph link for the current node currentGraphLink = new BasicBlockGraphNodeLink(startNode, currentValidPathId); } } // check if the final reached node is the same as the target node if (startNode != targetNode) { throw new ArgumentException("Current node and target node are not the same."); } }
// this function injects an opaque predicate to the target branch private void injectOpaquePredicateCode(CfgManipulator cfgManipulator, Target target, ref ConditionalBranchTarget opaqueExitBranch, IBranchTarget targetBranch, BasicBlockGraphNodeLink link, int currentValidPathId, int opaquePredicate, LocalDefinition currentNodeLocal) { // create "true" or "false" opaque predicate and add it to the code switch (opaquePredicate) { // "true" opaque predicate case 0: { BasicBlock opaqueStartBasicBlock = null; this.createCodeTruePredicate(ref opaqueStartBasicBlock, ref opaqueExitBranch, link, currentNodeLocal); // inject target branch with opaque predicate if ((targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, currentValidPathId, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, true); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not implemented yet."); } // set template semantic id of dead code basic block BasicBlock deadCodeBasicBlock = opaqueExitBranch.notTakenTarget; GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock deadCodeMetadata = (deadCodeBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(0) as GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock); deadCodeMetadata.semanticId = target.basicBlock.semanticId; break; } // "false" opaque predicate case 1: { BasicBlock opaqueStartBasicBlock = null; this.createCodeFalsePredicate(ref opaqueStartBasicBlock, ref opaqueExitBranch, link, currentNodeLocal); // inject target branch with opaque predicate if ((targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget); cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, currentValidPathId, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, false); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not implemented yet."); } // set template semantic id of dead code basic block BasicBlock deadCodeBasicBlock = opaqueExitBranch.takenTarget; GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock deadCodeMetadata = (deadCodeBasicBlock.transformationMetadata.ElementAt(0) as GraphTransformerDeadCodeBasicBlock); deadCodeMetadata.semanticId = target.basicBlock.semanticId; break; } // "Random" opaque predicate. case 2: { BasicBlock opaqueStartBasicBlock = null; if((targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget) != null) { SwitchBranchTarget tempTargetBranch = (targetBranch as SwitchBranchTarget); var destinationBlock = tempTargetBranch.takenTarget[currentValidPathId]; this.createCodeRandomPredicate(ref opaqueStartBasicBlock, ref opaqueExitBranch, link, currentNodeLocal); bool chooseBranch = prng.Next(1) == 0; cfgManipulator.insertBasicBlockBetweenBranch(tempTargetBranch, currentValidPathId, opaqueStartBasicBlock, opaqueExitBranch, chooseBranch); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Not implemented yet."); } break; } default: throw new ArgumentException("This case should never be reached."); } }