예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance from a <see cref="UnitQuaternion"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">The quaternion.</param>
        public Matrix3By3(UnitQuaternion quaternion)
            double x2 = quaternion.X * quaternion.X;
            double xy = quaternion.X * quaternion.Y;
            double xz = quaternion.X * quaternion.Z;
            double xw = quaternion.X * quaternion.W;
            double y2 = quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y;
            double yz = quaternion.Y * quaternion.Z;
            double yw = quaternion.Y * quaternion.W;
            double z2 = quaternion.Z * quaternion.Z;
            double zw = quaternion.Z * quaternion.W;
            double w2 = quaternion.W * quaternion.W;

            m_m11 = x2 - y2 - z2 + w2;
            m_m12 = 2.0 * (xy + zw);
            m_m13 = 2.0 * (xz - yw);

            m_m21 = 2.0 * (xy - zw);
            m_m22 = -x2 + y2 - z2 + w2;
            m_m23 = 2.0 * (yz + xw);

            m_m31 = 2.0 * (xz + yw);
            m_m32 = 2.0 * (yz - xw);
            m_m33 = -x2 - y2 + z2 + w2;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a value for the <c>rotation</c> property as a <c>unitQuaternion</c> value.  The <c>rotation</c> property specifies the rotation to apply to the model node. If not specified, the default value is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 public void WriteRotationProperty(UnitQuaternion value)
     using (var writer = OpenRotationProperty())
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the value expressed as a <code>unitQuaternion</code>, which is the rotation specified as a 4-dimensional unit magnitude quaternion, specified as `[X, Y, Z, W]`.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        public void WriteUnitQuaternion(UnitQuaternion value)
            const string PropertyName = UnitQuaternionPropertyName;

            CesiumWritingHelper.WriteUnitQuaternion(Output, value);
예제 #4
        public Cartesian Rotate(UnitQuaternion rotation)
            double w          = rotation.W;
            double difference = w * w - rotation.X * rotation.X - rotation.Y * rotation.Y - rotation.Z * rotation.Z;
            double dot        = m_x * rotation.X + m_y * rotation.Y + m_z * rotation.Z;

            return(new Cartesian(difference * m_x + 2.0 * (w * (m_y * rotation.Z - m_z * rotation.Y) + dot * rotation.X),
                                 difference * m_y + 2.0 * (w * (m_z * rotation.X - m_x * rotation.Z) + dot * rotation.Y),
                                 difference * m_z + 2.0 * (w * (m_x * rotation.Y - m_y * rotation.X) + dot * rotation.Z)));