private void ConnectAndVerify(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection connection = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; try { string progVersion = (string)odThread.Parameters[1]; if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(connection, false)) { odThread.Tag = new object[] { connection, "OFFLINE" }; //Can't connect return; } string progVersionRemote = PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.ProgramVersion); string err = ""; if (progVersionRemote != progVersion) { err = progVersionRemote; } else { err = "OK"; } odThread.Tag = new object[] { connection, err }; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); odThread.Tag = new object[] { connection, "OFFLINE" }; //Can't connect } }
private void GetDataFromSourceConnection(ODThread oDThread) { CentralConnection conn = (CentralConnection)oDThread.Parameters[0]; _listSheetsForSelectedPats = new List <Sheet>(); CentralConnectionHelper.SetCentralConnection(conn, false); List <long> listPatNumsToTransfer = _listPatientDataRows.Select(x => PIn.Long(x["PatNum"].ToString())).ToList(); _listSheetsForSelectedPats = GetSheetsForTransfer(listPatNumsToTransfer); }
private void ConnectAndSearch(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection connection = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(connection, false)) //No updating the cache since we're going to be connecting to multiple remote servers at the same time. { odThread.Tag = new object[] { connection, false }; //Can't connect, just return false to not include the connection. connection.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; return; } List <Provider> listProvs = Providers.GetProvsNoCache(); //If clinic and provider are both entered is it good enough to find one match among the two? I'm going to assume yes for now, and maybe later //if we decide that if both boxes have something entered that both entries need to be in the db we're searching I can change it. bool provMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < listProvs.Count; i++) { if (textProviderSearch.Text == "") { provMatch = true; break; } if (listProvs[i].Abbr.ToLower().Contains(textProviderSearch.Text.ToLower()) || listProvs[i].LName.ToLower().Contains(textProviderSearch.Text.ToLower()) || listProvs[i].FName.ToLower().Contains(textProviderSearch.Text.ToLower())) { provMatch = true; break; } } List <Clinic> listClinics = Clinics.GetClinicsNoCache(); bool clinMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < listClinics.Count; i++) { if (textClinicSearch.Text == "") { clinMatch = true; break; } if (listClinics[i].Description.ToLower().Contains(textClinicSearch.Text.ToLower())) { clinMatch = true; break; } } if (clinMatch && provMatch) { odThread.Tag = new object[] { connection, true }; //Match found } else { odThread.Tag = new object[] { connection, false }; //No match found } }
private void GetDataTablePatForConn(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection connection = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; //Filter the threads by their connection name string connName = ""; if (connection.DatabaseName == "") //uri { connName = connection.ServiceURI; } else { connName = connection.ServerName + ", " + connection.DatabaseName; } if (!CentralConnectionHelper.SetCentralConnection(connection, false)) { lock (_lockObj) { _invalidConnsLog += "\r\n" + connName; _complConnCount++; } connection.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; BeginInvoke((Action)FillGridPats); return; } List <DisplayField> fields = DisplayFields.GetForCategory(DisplayFieldCategory.CEMTSearchPatients); bool hasNextLastVisit = fields.Any(x => x.InternalName.In("NextVisit", "LastVisit")); DataTable table = new DataTable(); try { PtTableSearchParams ptTableSearchParams = new PtTableSearchParams(checkLimit.Checked, textLName.Text, textFName.Text, textPhone.Text, textAddress.Text, checkHideInactive.Checked, textCity.Text, textState.Text, textSSN.Text, textPatNum.Text, textChartNumber.Text, 0, checkGuarantors.Checked, !checkHideArchived.Checked,//checkHideArchived is opposite label for what this function expects, but hideArchived makes more sense SIn.DateT(textBirthdate.Text), 0, textSubscriberID.Text, textEmail.Text, textCountry.Text, "", "", "", "", hasNextLastVisit: hasNextLastVisit); table = Patients.GetPtDataTable(ptTableSearchParams); } catch (ThreadAbortException tae) { throw tae; //ODThread needs to clean up after an abort exception is thrown. } catch (Exception) { //This can happen if the connection to the server was severed somehow during the execution of the query. lock (_lockObj) { _invalidConnsLog += "\r\n" + connName + " -GetPtDataTable"; _complConnCount++; } BeginInvoke((Action)FillGridPats); //Pops up a message box if this was the last thread to finish. return; } table.TableName = connName; odThread.Tag = table; lock (_lockObj) { _complConnCount++; _dataSetPats.Tables.Add((DataTable)odThread.Tag); } BeginInvoke((Action)FillGridPats); }
private void GetPtDataTableForConn(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection connection = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; //Filter the threads by their connection name string connName = ""; if (connection.DatabaseName == "") //uri { connName = connection.ServiceURI; } else { connName = connection.ServerName + ", " + connection.DatabaseName; } if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(connection, false)) { lock (_lockObj) { _invalidConnsLog += "\r\n" + connName; _complConnAmt++; } connection.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; BeginInvoke(new FillGridDelegate(FillGrid)); return; } DataTable table = new DataTable(); try { table = Patients.GetPtDataTable(checkLimit.Checked, textLName.Text, textFName.Text, textPhone.Text, textAddress.Text, checkHideInactive.Checked, textCity.Text, textState.Text, textSSN.Text, textPatNum.Text, textChartNumber.Text, 0, checkGuarantors.Checked, !checkHideArchived.Checked,//checkHideArchived is opposite label for what this function expects, but hideArchived makes more sense PIn.DateT(textBirthdate.Text), 0, textSubscriberID.Text, textEmail.Text, textCountry.Text, "", "", ""); } catch (ThreadAbortException tae) { throw tae; //ODThread needs to clean up after an abort exception is thrown. } catch (Exception) { //This can happen if the connection to the server was severed somehow during the execution of the query. lock (_lockObj) { _invalidConnsLog += "\r\n" + connName + " -GetPtDataTable"; _complConnAmt++; } BeginInvoke(new FillGridDelegate(FillGrid)); //Pops up a message box if this was the last thread to finish. return; } table.TableName = connName; odThread.Tag = table; lock (_lockObj) { _complConnAmt++; _dataConnPats.Tables.Add((DataTable)odThread.Tag); } BeginInvoke(new FillGridDelegate(FillGrid)); }
///<summary>Function used by threads to connect to remote databases and sync security lock settings.</summary> private static void ConnectAndSyncLocks(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection connection = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; string serverName = ""; if (connection.ServiceURI != "") { serverName = connection.ServiceURI; } else { serverName = connection.ServerName + ", " + connection.DatabaseName; } if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(connection, false)) //No updating the cache since we're going to be connecting to multiple remote servers at the same time. { odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { serverName + "\r\n", "", "" }; connection.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; return; } string remoteSyncCode = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode); if (remoteSyncCode != _syncCode) { if (remoteSyncCode == "") { Prefs.UpdateStringNoCache(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode, _syncCode); //Lock in the sync code for the remote server. } else { odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { serverName + "\r\n", "", remoteSyncCode }; return; } } //Push the preferences to the server. Prefs.UpdateStringNoCache(PrefName.SecurityLockDate, _securityLockDate); Prefs.UpdateIntNoCache(PrefName.SecurityLockDays, _securityLockDays); Prefs.UpdateBoolNoCache(PrefName.SecurityLockIncludesAdmin, _securityLockAdmin); Prefs.UpdateBoolNoCache(PrefName.CentralManagerSecurityLock, _securityCentralLock); Signalods.SetInvalidNoCache(InvalidType.Prefs); SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntryNoCache(Permissions.SecurityAdmin, 0, "Enterprise Management Tool updated security settings"); odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { "", "", "" }; //No errors. }
private bool InsertSheetsToConnection(CentralConnection conn, List <Sheet> listSheets) { if (!CentralConnectionHelper.SetCentralConnection(conn, false)) { conn.ConnectionStatus = Lans.g(this, "OFFLINE"); return(false); } //make sure the sheets have patnum=0 and the sheet is marked as new and sheetnum=0. foreach (Sheet sheet in listSheets) { sheet.SheetNum = 0; sheet.PatNum = 0; sheet.IsNew = true; } Sheets.SaveNewSheetList(listSheets); return(true); }
private void gridMain_CellDoubleClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { CentralConnection conn = (CentralConnection)gridMain.Rows[e.Row].Tag; string args = CentralConnectionHelper.GetArgsFromConnection(conn); if (AutoLogIn) { args += "UserName=\"" + Security.CurUser.UserName + "\" "; args += "OdPassword=\"" + Security.PasswordTyped + "\" "; } args += "PatNum=" + gridMain.Rows[e.Row].Cells[1].Text; //PatNum #if DEBUG Process.Start("C:\\Development\\OPEN DENTAL SUBVERSION\\head\\OpenDental\\bin\\Debug\\OpenDental.exe", args); #else Process.Start("OpenDental.exe", args); #endif }
private void ConnectAndRunProviderReport(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection conn = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; DataSet listProdData = null; if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(conn, false)) { odThread.Tag = new object[] { listProdData, conn }; conn.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; return; } List <Provider> listProvs = Providers.GetProvsNoCache(); List <Clinic> listClinics = Clinics.GetClinicsNoCache(); Clinic unassigned = new Clinic(); unassigned.ClinicNum = 0; unassigned.Description = "Unassigned"; //Same issue here as above. listClinics.Add(unassigned); listProdData = RpProdInc.GetProviderDataForClinics(_dateFrom, _dateTo, listProvs, listClinics, radioWriteoffPay.Checked, true, true, false, checkShowUnearned.Checked, true); odThread.Tag = new object[] { listProdData, conn, listProvs }; }
private void ConnectAndRunAnnualReport(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection conn = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; DataSet listProdData = null; if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(conn, false)) { odThread.Tag = new object[] { listProdData, conn }; conn.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; return; } List <Provider> listProvs = Providers.GetProvsNoCache(); List <Clinic> listClinics = Clinics.GetClinicsNoCache(); Clinic unassigned = new Clinic(); unassigned.ClinicNum = 0; unassigned.Description = "Unassigned"; //Is this how we should do this? Will there always be different clinics? (I assume so, otherwise CEMT is kinda worthless) listClinics.Add(unassigned); listProdData = RpProdInc.GetAnnualData(_dateFrom, _dateTo, listProvs, listClinics, radioWriteoffPay.Checked, true, true, false, checkShowUnearned.Checked, true); odThread.Tag = new object[] { listProdData, conn }; }
///<summary>Function used by threads to connect to remote databases and sync user settings.</summary> private static void ConnectAndSyncUsers(ODThread odThread) { CentralConnection connection = (CentralConnection)odThread.Parameters[0]; List <CentralUserData> listCentralUserData = (List <CentralUserData>)odThread.Parameters[1]; string serverName = ""; if (connection.ServiceURI != "") { serverName = connection.ServiceURI; } else { serverName = connection.ServerName + ", " + connection.DatabaseName; } if (!CentralConnectionHelper.UpdateCentralConnection(connection, false)) //No updating the cache since we're going to be connecting to multiple remote servers at the same time. { odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { serverName + "\r\n", "", "" }; connection.ConnectionStatus = "OFFLINE"; return; } string remoteSyncCode = PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode); if (remoteSyncCode != _syncCode) { if (remoteSyncCode == "") { Prefs.UpdateStringNoCache(PrefName.CentralManagerSyncCode, _syncCode); //Lock in the sync code for the remote server. } else { odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { serverName + "\r\n", "", remoteSyncCode }; return; } } //Get remote users, usergroups, associated permissions, and alertsubs List <Userod> listRemoteUsers = Userods.GetUsersNoCache(); #region Detect Conflicts //User conflicts bool nameConflict = false; string nameConflicts = ""; for (int i = 0; i < _listCEMTUsers.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < listRemoteUsers.Count; j++) { if (listRemoteUsers[j].UserName == _listCEMTUsers[i].UserName && listRemoteUsers[j].UserNumCEMT == 0) //User doesn't belong to CEMT { nameConflicts += listRemoteUsers[j].UserName + " already exists in " + serverName + "\r\n"; nameConflict = true; break; } } } if (nameConflict) { odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { serverName + "\r\n", nameConflicts, "" }; return; //Skip on to the next connection. } #endregion Detect Conflicts List <UserGroup> listRemoteCEMTUserGroups = UserGroups.GetCEMTGroupsNoCache(); List <UserGroup> listCEMTUserGroups = new List <UserGroup>(); List <AlertSub> listRemoteAlertSubs = AlertSubs.GetAll(); List <Clinic> listRemoteClinics = Clinics.GetClinicsNoCache(); List <AlertSub> listAlertSubsToInsert = new List <AlertSub>(); for (int i = 0; i < listCentralUserData.Count; i++) { listCEMTUserGroups.Add(listCentralUserData[i].UserGroup.Copy()); } //SyncUserGroups returns the list of UserGroups for deletion so it can be used after syncing Users and GroupPermissions. List <UserGroup> listRemoteCEMTUserGroupsForDeletion = CentralUserGroups.Sync(listCEMTUserGroups, listRemoteCEMTUserGroups); listRemoteCEMTUserGroups = UserGroups.GetCEMTGroupsNoCache(); for (int i = 0; i < listCentralUserData.Count; i++) { List <GroupPermission> listGroupPerms = new List <GroupPermission>(); for (int j = 0; j < listRemoteCEMTUserGroups.Count; j++) { if (listCentralUserData[i].UserGroup.UserGroupNumCEMT == listRemoteCEMTUserGroups[j].UserGroupNumCEMT) { for (int k = 0; k < listCentralUserData[i].ListGroupPermissions.Count; k++) { listCentralUserData[i].ListGroupPermissions[k].UserGroupNum = listRemoteCEMTUserGroups[j].UserGroupNum; //fixing primary keys to be what's in remote db } listGroupPerms = GroupPermissions.GetPermsNoCache(listRemoteCEMTUserGroups[j].UserGroupNum); } } CentralUserods.Sync(listCentralUserData[i].ListUsers, listRemoteUsers); CentralGroupPermissions.Sync(listCentralUserData[i].ListGroupPermissions, listGroupPerms); } //Sync usergroup attaches SyncUserGroupAttaches(listCentralUserData); for (int j = 0; j < listRemoteCEMTUserGroupsForDeletion.Count; j++) { UserGroups.DeleteNoCache(listRemoteCEMTUserGroupsForDeletion[j]); } if (_listAlertSubs.Count > 0) { listRemoteUsers = Userods.GetUsersNoCache(); //Refresh users so we can do alertsubs. } //For each AlertSub, make a copy of that AlertSub for each Clinic. foreach (AlertSub alertSub in _listAlertSubs) { foreach (Clinic clinic in listRemoteClinics) { AlertSub alert = new AlertSub(); alert.ClinicNum = clinic.ClinicNum; alert.Type = alertSub.Type; alert.UserNum = listRemoteUsers.Find(x => x.UserName == _listCEMTUsers.Find(y => y.UserNum == alertSub.UserNum).UserName).UserNum; listAlertSubsToInsert.Add(alert); } } AlertSubs.DeleteAndInsertForSuperUsers(_listCEMTUsers, listAlertSubsToInsert); //Refresh server's cache of userods Signalods.SetInvalidNoCache(InvalidType.Security); SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntryNoCache(Permissions.SecurityAdmin, 0, "Enterprise Management Tool synced users."); odThread.Tag = new List <string>() { "", "", "" }; //No errors. }