private List <Entity> DeepCloneEntities(List <Entity> entities) { entities = entities.Where(entity => { // 不恢复设置了 IgnoreSaveLoadComponent 的物体 // SpeedrunTool 里有 ConfettiRenderer 和一些 MiniTextbox if (entity.IsIgnoreSaveLoad()) { return(false); } // 不恢复 CelesteNet 的物体 if (entity.GetType().FullName is string name && name.StartsWith("Celeste.Mod.CelesteNet")) { return(false); } return(true); }).ToList(); Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> > dynDataDict = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> >(); EntitiesWrapper entitiesWrapper = new EntitiesWrapper(entities, dynDataDict); // Find the dynData.Data that need to be cloned for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) { Entity entity = entities[i]; if (DynDataUtils.GetDataMap(entity.GetType())?.Count == 0) { continue; } if (DynDataUtils.GetDate(entity) is Dictionary <string, object> data && data.Count > 0) { dynDataDict.Add(i, data); } } // DeepClone together make them share same object. EntitiesWrapper clonedEntitiesWrapper = entitiesWrapper.DeepClone(); // Copy dynData.Data Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> > clonedDynDataDict = entitiesWrapper.DynDataDict; foreach (int i in clonedDynDataDict.Keys) { Entity clonedEntity = clonedEntitiesWrapper.Entities[i]; if (DynDataUtils.GetDate(clonedEntity) is Dictionary <string, object> data) { Dictionary <string, object> clonedData = clonedEntitiesWrapper.DynDataDict[i]; foreach (string key in clonedData.Keys) { data[key] = clonedData[key]; } } } return(clonedEntitiesWrapper.Entities); }
public static void Config() { // Clone 开始时,判断哪些类型是直接使用原对象而不 DeepClone 的 // Before cloning, determine which types use the original object directly DeepCloner.AddKnownTypesProcessor(type => { if ( // Celeste Singleton type == typeof(Celeste) || type == typeof(Settings) // Everest || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModAsset)) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EverestModule)) || type == typeof(EverestModuleMetadata) // Monocle || type == typeof(GraphicsDevice) || type == typeof(GraphicsDeviceManager) || type == typeof(Monocle.Commands) || type == typeof(Pooler) || type == typeof(BitTag) || type == typeof(Atlas) // XNA GraphicsResource || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GraphicsResource)) // NLua || type == typeof(Lua) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(LuaBase)) // CelesteNet || type.FullName != null && type.FullName.StartsWith("Celeste.Mod.CelesteNet.") ) { return(true); } return(null); }); // Clone 对象的字段前,判断哪些类型是直接使用原对象或者自行通过其它方法 clone // Before cloning object's field, determine which types are directly used by the original object DeepCloner.AddPreCloneProcessor((sourceObj, deepCloneState) => { lock (sourceObj) { if (sourceObj is Level) { // 金草莓死亡或者 PageDown/Up 切换房间后等等改变 Level 实例的情况 // After golden strawberry deaths or changing rooms w/ Page Down / Up if (Engine.Scene is Level level) { return(level); } return(sourceObj); } if (sourceObj is Entity entity && entity.TagCheck(Tags.Global) && !(entity is CassetteBlockManager) && !(entity is SeekerBarrierRenderer) && !(entity is LightningRenderer) && !(entity is SpeedrunTimerDisplay) // Fixes: Glyph Teleport Area Effect && entity.GetType().FullName != "Celeste.Mod.AcidHelper.Entities.InstantTeleporterRenderer" && entity.GetType().FullName != "VivHelper.Entities.HoldableBarrierRenderer" ) { return(sourceObj); } // 不要克隆 RendererList 会造成 BeforeRender 中产生空指针异常 // 克隆了 level.RendererList 但不想克隆以下元素 // if (sourceObj is GameplayRenderer || sourceObj is LightingRenderer) { // return sourceObj; // } lock (sourceObj) { // 稍后重新创建正在播放的 SoundSource 里的 EventInstance 实例 if (sourceObj is SoundSource source // TODO SoundEmitter 的声音会存留在关卡中,切换房间后保存依然会播放 && !(source.Entity is SoundEmitter) && source.Playing && source.GetFieldValue("instance") is EventInstance instance) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.EventName)) { return(null); } instance.NeedManualClone(); instance.SaveTimelinePosition(instance.LoadTimelinePosition()); return(null); } if (sourceObj is CassetteBlockManager manager) { // isLevelMusic = true 时 sfx 自动等于 Audio.CurrentMusicEventInstance,无需重建 if (manager.GetFieldValue("sfx") is EventInstance sfx && !(bool)manager.GetFieldValue("isLevelMusic")) { sfx.NeedManualClone(); } if (manager.GetFieldValue("snapshot") is EventInstance snapshot) { snapshot.NeedManualClone(); } return(null); } // 重新创建正在播放的 EventInstance 实例 if (sourceObj is EventInstance eventInstance && eventInstance.IsNeedManualClone()) { return(eventInstance.Clone()); } // Fixes: 克隆 WeakReference 后 Target 没有一起被克隆的问题,修复 dynData.Weak 克隆不完整导致的一些报错 // System.Reflection.TargetException: 非静态字段需要一个目标。 // 在 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.CheckConsistency(Object target) // 在 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalGetValue(Object obj, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) // 在 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.GetValue(Object obj) // 在 MonoMod.Utils.DynData`1.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<.cctor>b__1(TTarget obj) // 在 MonoMod.Utils.DynData`1.get_Item(String name) // 在 Celeste.Mod.MaxHelpingHand.Entities.CustomizableRefill.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<.ctor>b__0(Player player) if (sourceObj is WeakReference sourceWeak) { return(new WeakReference(sourceWeak.Target.DeepClone(deepCloneState), sourceWeak.TrackResurrection)); } // 修复启用 CelesteNet 后保存状态时的崩溃 // System.ObjectDisposedException: 无法访问已释放的对象。 // 对象名:“RenderTarget2D”。 if (sourceObj is RenderTarget2D renderTarget2D && renderTarget2D.IsDisposed) { return(new RenderTarget2D( renderTarget2D.GraphicsDevice, renderTarget2D.Width, renderTarget2D.Height, renderTarget2D.LevelCount != 1, renderTarget2D.Format, renderTarget2D.DepthStencilFormat, 0, renderTarget2D.RenderTargetUsage )); } } } return(null); }); // Clone 对象的字段后,进行自定的处理 // After cloning, perform custom processing DeepCloner.AddPostCloneProcessor((sourceObj, clonedObj, deepCloneState) => { if (clonedObj == null) { return(null); } lock (sourceObj) { // 修复:DeepClone 的 hashSet.Containes(里面存在的引用对象) 总是返回 False,Dictionary 无此问题 // 原因:没有重写 GetHashCode 方法 // Fix: DeepClone's hashSet.Contains (ReferenceType) always returns false, Dictionary has no such problem if (clonedObj.GetType().IsHashSet(out Type hashSetElementType) && !hashSetElementType.IsSimple()) { IEnumerator enumerator = ((IEnumerable)clonedObj).GetEnumerator(); List <object> backup = new List <object>(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { backup.Add(enumerator.Current); } if (backup.Count == 0) { return(clonedObj); } clonedObj.InvokeMethod("Clear"); backup.ForEach(obj => { if (obj != null) { clonedObj.InvokeMethod("Add", obj); } }); } // 同上 if (clonedObj.GetType().IsDictionary(out Type dictKeyType, out Type _) && !dictKeyType.IsSimple() && clonedObj is IDictionary clonedDict && clonedDict.Count > 0 ) { Dictionary <object, object> backupDict = new Dictionary <object, object>(); backupDict.AddRange(clonedDict); clonedDict.Clear(); clonedDict.AddRange(backupDict); } // LightingRenderer 需要,不然不会发光 if (clonedObj is VertexLight vertexLight) { vertexLight.Index = -1; } // Clone dynData.Data if (sourceObj.GetType() is Type objType && objType.IsClass) { do { object dataMap = DynDataUtils.GetDataMap(objType); if (dataMap == null) { continue; } object[] parameters = { sourceObj, null }; if (false == (bool)dataMap.InvokeMethod("TryGetValue", parameters)) { continue; } object sourceValue = parameters[1]; if (!(sourceValue.GetFieldValue("Data") is Dictionary <string, object> data) || data.Count == 0) { continue; } dataMap.InvokeMethod("Add", clonedObj, sourceValue.DeepClone(deepCloneState)); } while ((objType = objType.BaseType) != null && objType.IsSameOrSubclassOf(typeof(object))); } // CLone DynamicData if (DynDataUtils.DynamicDataMap.Value is object dynamicDataMap) { object[] parameters = { sourceObj, null }; if ((bool)dynamicDataMap.InvokeMethod("TryGetValue", parameters)) { object sourceValue = parameters[1]; if (sourceValue.GetFieldValue("Data") is Dictionary <string, object> data && data.Count != 0) { dynamicDataMap.InvokeMethod("Add", clonedObj, sourceValue.DeepClone(deepCloneState)); } } } if (clonedObj is VirtualTexture virtualTexture && virtualTexture.IsDisposed) { virtualTexture.Reload(); } if (clonedObj is VirtualRenderTarget virtualRenderTarget && virtualRenderTarget.IsDisposed) { virtualRenderTarget.Reload(); } } return(clonedObj); }); }