protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.White); spriteBatch.Begin(); currentLevel.DrawBG(spriteBatch, windowWidth, windowHeight); if (currentLevel.gem != null) { currentLevel.gem.Draw(spriteBatch); } angel.Draw(spriteBatch); foreach (Obstacle o in currentLevel.obstacles) { o.Draw(spriteBatch); } currentLevel.DrawFG(spriteBatch, windowWidth, windowHeight); foreach (Cat c in currentLevel.cats) { c.Draw(spriteBatch); } if (deathExplosion != null) { deathExplosion.Draw(spriteBatch); } HUDCat.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.DrawString(font, catCount.ToString(), new Vector2(35, 2), Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); spriteBatch.Begin(); if (!endGame) { currentLevel.DrawBG(spriteBatch, windowWidth, windowHeight); if (videoPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing) { spriteBatch.Draw(videoPlayer.GetTexture(), new Rectangle(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight), Color.White); } if (currentLevel.gem != null) { currentLevel.gem.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (Button b in currentLevel.buttons) { b.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (Timer t in currentLevel.timers) { t.Draw(spriteBatch); } angel.Draw(spriteBatch); foreach (Fish f in { f.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (FallingRock o in { o.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (RocketLauncher r in currentLevel.launchers) { r.Draw(spriteBatch); r.rocket.Draw(spriteBatch); } if (currentLevel != levels[0, 0] && currentLevel != levels[5, 5]) { currentLevel.DrawFG(spriteBatch, windowWidth, windowHeight); } else { foreach (Wall w in currentLevel.walls) { w.Draw(pixel, spriteBatch); } } foreach (ElectricFence e in currentLevel.fences) { e.Draw(spriteBatch); } if (currentLevel.coordinates.X == 0 && currentLevel.coordinates.Y == 10) { foreach (ElectricFence e in finalFences) { e.Draw(spriteBatch); } } foreach (SpinningPlasma p in currentLevel.plasmas) { p.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (Starfish s in currentLevel.starfish) { s.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (Bubbles b in currentLevel.bubbles) { b.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (Cat c in currentLevel.cats) { c.Draw(spriteBatch); } if (deathExplosion != null) { deathExplosion.Draw(spriteBatch); } if (gemExplosion != null) { gemExplosion.Draw(spriteBatch); } foreach (RocketLauncher r in currentLevel.launchers) { if (r.explosion != null) { r.explosion.Draw(spriteBatch); } } HUDCat.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.DrawString(font, catCount.ToString(), new Vector2(35, 2), Color.White); } else { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, " CAT PLANET 2\n" + " CREDITS\n\n" + "Programming Graphics Music Design Everything\n" + " Tad Cordle\n\n" + "Except Fish Lair's Music's tune. That was by\n" + " Alan Kahn\n\n" + " Tools Used\n" + " XNA 4.0 for Visual Studio 2010\n" + " Sibelius 7\n" + " Flash CS5\n\n" + " Sound Effects from\n\n" + " Special Thanks\n" + " Nobody\n\n" + " Cats Collected: " + catCount.ToString() + "/" + cats.Count().ToString() + "\n" + " Time: " + seconds.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + (seconds.Seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds.Seconds + "\n" + " Deaths: " + deaths.ToString() + "\n" + " Jumps: " + wingFlaps.ToString() + "\n\n" + " THANKS FOR PLAYING AND STUFF", creditPosition, Color.White); } spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }