Represents the SMTP configuration on the configuration file
상속: ISerializedConfig
		private SmtpConfig DeserializeSmtpConfigFromXml(string configXml)
			var doc = new XmlDocument();
			var config = new SmtpConfig();
			return config;
		public void ConfigureFromConfigFile_ShouldParseConfig()
			SmtpConfig config = new SmtpConfig();


			Assert.AreEqual("John Doe", config.Username);
			Assert.AreEqual("secretp@ss", config.Password);
			Assert.AreEqual(1234, config.Port);
			Assert.AreEqual("localhost", config.Host);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MonoRailConfiguration"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		public MonoRailConfiguration()
			smtpConfig = new SmtpConfig();
			viewEngineConfig = new ViewEngineConfig();
			controllersConfig = new ControllersConfig();
			viewComponentsConfig = new ViewComponentsConfig();
			scaffoldConfig = new ScaffoldConfig();
			urlConfig = new UrlConfig();
			routingRules = new RoutingRuleCollection();
			extensions = new ExtensionEntryCollection();
			defaultUrls = new DefaultUrlCollection();
			jsGeneratorConfig = new JSGeneratorConfiguration();

			jsGeneratorConfig.AddLibrary("prototype-1.5.1", typeof(PrototypeGenerator))

			// old routing support related
			matchHostNameAndPath = false;
			excludeAppPath = false;