private void CastResultS1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { show1.CastRole(castInProgress.GetRoles()[castInProgress.GetShows().IndexOf(]); CastResultQuit_Click(sender, e); }
private void castNext(string notThem = null) { castInProgress = getCastNext(notThem); if (castInProgress == null) { CastResultS1.Visible = false; CastResultS2.Visible = false; CastResultS3.Visible = false; CastResultS4.Visible = false; CastResultNone.Visible = false; CastResultQuit.Visible = false; CastNextFlavour.Text = ""; CastNextName.Text = "CONGRATULATIONS!"; CastNextRole.Text = "All shows have now been cast" + Environment.NewLine + "Roles highlighted in pink will need to be reopened" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; CastNextRole.Text += BTN_Onstage.Checked ? "See you all soon for backstage casting!" : "Good luck with your first rehearsals on Sunday!"; CastNextRoleFlavour.Text = ""; } else if (!castInProgress.Name().Contains("CHAIN:")) { if (!castInProgress.Name().Contains("GREEDY:")) { CastNextName.Text = castInProgress.Name(); CastNextRole.Text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < castInProgress.GetRoles().Count; i++) { CastNextRole.Text += castInProgress.GetRoles()[i] + " in " + castInProgress.GetShows()[i] + Environment.NewLine; } CastNextName.Visible = true; CastNextFlavour.Visible = true; CastNextRole.Visible = true; CastNextRoleFlavour.Visible = true; show1.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name(), Color.DarkCyan); show2.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name(), Color.DarkCyan); show3.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name(), Color.DarkCyan); show4.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name(), Color.DarkCyan); List <string> shows = castInProgress.GetShows(); CastResultS1.Text = + " chosen"; CastResultS2.Text = + " chosen"; CastResultS3.Text = + " chosen"; CastResultS4.Text = + " chosen"; CastResultNone.Visible = true; CastResultQuit.Visible = true; updateButtons(shows); } else { //GREEDY CastResultS1.Visible = false; CastResultS2.Visible = false; CastResultS3.Visible = false; CastResultS4.Visible = false; CastResultNone.Visible = false; CastResultQuit.Visible = false; CastStart.Visible = true; show1.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name().Split(':')[1], Color.Red); show2.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name().Split(':')[1], Color.Red); show3.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name().Split(':')[1], Color.Red); show4.ColourTop(castInProgress.Name().Split(':')[1], Color.Red); CastStart.Text = "Continue"; CastNextName.Text = castInProgress.Name().Split(':')[1] + " has too many roles!"; CastNextRole.Text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < castInProgress.GetRoles().Count; i++) { CastNextRole.Text += castInProgress.GetRoles()[i] + " in " + castInProgress.GetShows()[i] + Environment.NewLine; } CastNextRole.Text += Environment.NewLine + "You can only be offered at most 1 role per show" + Environment.NewLine + "Press continue when you have fixed this error"; //TODO } } else { //CHAIN CastResultS1.Visible = false; CastResultS2.Visible = false; CastResultS3.Visible = false; CastResultS4.Visible = false; CastResultNone.Visible = false; CastResultQuit.Visible = false; CastStart.Visible = true; CastStart.Text = "Continue"; CastNextName.Text = "Loop detected!"; CastNextRole.Text = ""; List <string> chain = castInProgress.Name().Split(':')[1].Split(',').ToList(); chain.Remove(""); for (int i = 0; i < chain.Count - 1; i++) { CastNextRole.Text += chain[i] + " is waiting for " + chain[i + 1] + Environment.NewLine; } CastNextRole.Text += chain[chain.Count - 1] + " is waiting for " + chain[0] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Press continue when this chain is resolved"; CastNextName.Visible = true; CastNextFlavour.Visible = true; CastNextRole.Visible = true; CastNextRoleFlavour.Visible = true; } }