private static bool NeedRegisterWithCassini(Guid appID, string newWebAppFolder, out int port)
            port = 0;

            WebServer.Metabase         mb      = WebServer.Metabase.Load();
            WebServer.ApplicationEntry appInfo = mb.FindApplication(appID);
            if (appInfo == null)
                // App is not currently registered.
                return(true); // tell to register it for the first time on any port.
            port = appInfo.Port;

            DirectoryInfo currentDir = new DirectoryInfo(appInfo.PhysicalPath);
            DirectoryInfo newDir     = new DirectoryInfo(newWebAppFolder);

            if (currentDir.FullName.ToLower() == newDir.FullName.ToLower())
                // app is present and is in the same fodler as before upgrade,
                // so no need to register.

            // App exists, but was installed into a new fodler,
            // so it needs to be re-registered, preferrably on the same port as before.
        public override void Install(System.Collections.IDictionary stateSaver)
            int port;

            if (NeedRegisterWithCassini(webAppID, this.WebAppDir, out port))
                // Register the app with UltiDev Cassini
                WebServer.ApplicationEntry appInfo = WebServer.Metabase.RegisterApplication(webAppID,
                                                                                            appName, port, appDesc, this.WebAppDir, "Default.aspx", false);

                port = appInfo.Port;


            // Create app registration file to enable future (re)registrations.

            // Register web app with UltiDev HttpVPN Portal.