예제 #1
        private static VisualizationInfo DeserializeViewpoint(string path)
            VisualizationInfo output = null;

                using (var viewpointFile = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
                    var serializerS = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VisualizationInfo));
                    output = serializerS.Deserialize(viewpointFile) as VisualizationInfo;
            catch (System.Exception ex1)
                MessageBox.Show("exception: " + ex1);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load from BCF 2.0 as BCF 1.0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bcf2">BCF 2.0 file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IssueBCF LoadBcf1IssueFromBcf2(BCF2.Markup bcf2Markup, BCF2.VisualizationInfo bcf2Viewpoint)
            // Convert headers
            List <HeaderFile> bcf1Headers = new List <HeaderFile>();

            foreach (BCF2.HeaderFile bcf2Header in bcf2Markup.Header)
                HeaderFile bcf1Header = new HeaderFile()
                    Filename   = bcf2Header.Filename,
                    Date       = bcf2Header.Date,
                    IfcProject = bcf2Header.IfcProject,
                    IfcSpatialStructureElement = bcf2Header.IfcSpatialStructureElement

            // Convert topic
            Topic bcf1Topic = new Topic();

            if (bcf2Markup.Topic != null)
                bcf1Topic.Guid          = bcf2Markup.Topic.Guid;
                bcf1Topic.ReferenceLink = bcf2Markup.Topic.ReferenceLink;
                bcf1Topic.Title         = bcf2Markup.Topic.Title;

            // Convert comments
            ObservableCollection <CommentBCF> bcf1Comments = new ObservableCollection <CommentBCF>();

            foreach (BCF2.Comment bcf2Comment in bcf2Markup.Comment)
                CommentBCF bcf1Comment = new CommentBCF()
                    Author   = bcf2Comment.Author,
                    Comment1 = bcf2Comment.Comment1,
                    Date     = bcf2Comment.Date,
                    Guid     = bcf2Comment.Guid,
                    Status   = CommentStatus.Unknown,  // default unknown for now
                    Topic    = new CommentTopic()
                        Guid = bcf2Markup.Topic == null?Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : bcf2Markup.Topic.Guid
                    VerbalStatus = bcf2Comment.VerbalStatus

            // Convert markups/issues
            Markup bcf1Markup = new Markup()
                Header  = bcf1Headers.ToArray(),
                Topic   = bcf1Topic,
                Comment = bcf1Comments

            // Convert ClippingPlane
            List <ClippingPlane> bcf1ClippingPlanes = new List <ClippingPlane>();

            if (bcf2Viewpoint.ClippingPlanes != null)
                foreach (BCF2.ClippingPlane bcf2ClippingPlane in bcf2Viewpoint.ClippingPlanes)
                    if (bcf2ClippingPlane != null)
                        bcf1ClippingPlanes.Add(new ClippingPlane()
                            Direction = new Direction()
                                X = bcf2ClippingPlane.Direction.X,
                                Y = bcf2ClippingPlane.Direction.Y,
                                Z = bcf2ClippingPlane.Direction.Z
                            Location = new Point()
                                X = bcf2ClippingPlane.Location.X,
                                Y = bcf2ClippingPlane.Location.Y,
                                Z = bcf2ClippingPlane.Location.Z

            // Convert Components
            List <Component> bcf1Components = new List <Component>();

            if (bcf2Viewpoint.Components != null)
                foreach (BCF2.Component bcf2Component in bcf2Viewpoint.Components)
                    if (bcf2Component != null)
                        bcf1Components.Add(new Component()
                            AuthoringToolId   = bcf2Component.AuthoringToolId,
                            IfcGuid           = bcf2Component.IfcGuid,
                            OriginatingSystem = bcf2Component.OriginatingSystem

            // Convert Lines
            List <Line> bcf1Lines = new List <Line>();

            if (bcf2Viewpoint.Lines != null)
                foreach (BCF2.Line bcf2Line in bcf2Viewpoint.Lines)
                    if (bcf2Line != null)
                        bcf1Lines.Add(new Line()
                            StartPoint = new Point()
                                X = bcf2Line.StartPoint.X,
                                Y = bcf2Line.StartPoint.Y,
                                Z = bcf2Line.StartPoint.Z
                            EndPoint = new Point()
                                X = bcf2Line.EndPoint.X,
                                Y = bcf2Line.EndPoint.Y,
                                Z = bcf2Line.EndPoint.Z

            // Convert viewpoints
            VisualizationInfo bcf1Viewpoint = new VisualizationInfo()
                ClippingPlanes   = bcf1ClippingPlanes.ToArray(),
                Components       = bcf1Components.ToArray(),
                Lines            = bcf1Lines.ToArray(),
                OrthogonalCamera = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera == null ? null : new OrthogonalCamera()
                    CameraDirection = new Direction()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z
                    CameraUpVector = new Direction()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z
                    CameraViewPoint = new Point()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z
                    ViewToWorldScale = bcf2Viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale
                PerspectiveCamera = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera == null ? null : new PerspectiveCamera()
                    CameraDirection = new Direction()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z
                    CameraUpVector = new Direction()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z
                    CameraViewPoint = new Point()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z
                    FieldOfView = bcf2Viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView
                SheetCamera = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera == null ? null : new SheetCamera()
                    SheetID = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.SheetID,
                    TopLeft = new Point()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.TopLeft.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Z
                    BottomRight = new Point()
                        X = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.BottomRight.X,
                        Y = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Y,
                        Z = bcf2Viewpoint.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Z

            // Create a new BCF 1.0 issue
            IssueBCF bcf1 = new IssueBCF()
                markup    = bcf1Markup,
                viewpoint = bcf1Viewpoint

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Save BCF 1.0 as BCF 2.0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bcf1">BCF 1.0 file</param>
        public static void SaveBcf2FromBcf1(BCF bcf1)
                BCF2.BcfFile bcf2 = new BCF2.BcfFile();
                bcf2.TempPath = bcf1.path; // replace temp path with BCF 1.0's

                // bcf2.ProjectName = ;    // from Jira?
                // bcf2.ProjectId = ;      // from Jira?

                // Add issues (markups)
                foreach (IssueBCF bcf1Issue in bcf1.Issues)
                    // Convert header files
                    List <BCF2.HeaderFile> bcf2Headers = new List <BCF2.HeaderFile>();
                    if (bcf1Issue.markup.Header != null)
                        foreach (HeaderFile bcf1Header in bcf1Issue.markup.Header)
                            bcf2Headers.Add(new BCF2.HeaderFile()
                                Date       = bcf1Header.Date,
                                Filename   = bcf1Header.Filename,
                                IfcProject = bcf1Header.IfcProject,
                                IfcSpatialStructureElement = bcf1Header.IfcSpatialStructureElement,
                                isExternal = true, // default true for now
                                Reference  = ""    // default empty for now

                    // Convert Comments
                    ObservableCollection <BCF2.Comment> bcf2Comments = new ObservableCollection <BCF2.Comment>();
                    if (bcf1Issue.markup.Comment != null)
                        foreach (CommentBCF bcf1Comment in bcf1Issue.markup.Comment)
                            if (bcf1Comment != null)
                                bcf2Comments.Add(new BCF2.Comment()
                                    Author         = bcf1Comment.Author,
                                    Comment1       = bcf1Comment.Comment1,
                                    Date           = bcf1Comment.Date,
                                    Guid           = bcf1Comment.Guid,
                                    ModifiedAuthor = bcf1Comment.Author, // default the same as author for now
                                    //ModifiedDate = null,   // mismatch attribute
                                    ReplyToComment = null,               // mismatch attribute
                                    Status         = bcf1Comment.Status.ToString(),
                                    Topic          = new BCF2.CommentTopic()
                                        Guid = bcf1Issue.markup.Topic.Guid
                                    },                  // all referenced to markup's topic
                                    VerbalStatus = bcf1Comment.VerbalStatus,
                                    Viewpoint    = null //  mismatch attribute

                    // Convert Topic
                    BCF2.Topic bcf2Topic = new BCF2.Topic()
                        AssignedTo     = null,     // mismatch attribute
                        BimSnippet     = null,     // mismatch attribute
                        CreationAuthor = null,     // mismatch attribute
                        //CreationDate = null,  // mismatch attribute
                        Description        = null, // mismatch attribute
                        DocumentReferences = null, // mismatch attribute
                        Guid           = bcf1Issue.markup.Topic.Guid,
                        Index          = null,     // mismatch attribute
                        Labels         = null,     // mismatch attribute
                        ModifiedAuthor = null,     // mismatch attribute
                        //ModifiedDate = ,  // mismatch attribute
                        Priority      = null,      // mismatch attribute
                        ReferenceLink = bcf1Issue.markup.Topic.ReferenceLink,
                        RelatedTopics = null,      // mismatch attribute
                        Title         = bcf1Issue.markup.Topic.Title,
                        TopicStatus   = null,      // mismatch attribute
                        TopicType     = null       // mismatch attribute

                    // Convert ClippingPlane
                    List <BCF2.ClippingPlane> bcf2ClippingPlanes = new List <BCF2.ClippingPlane>();
                    if (bcf1Issue.viewpoint.ClippingPlanes != null)
                        foreach (ClippingPlane bcf1ClippingPlane in bcf1Issue.viewpoint.ClippingPlanes)
                            if (bcf1ClippingPlane != null)
                                bcf2ClippingPlanes.Add(new BCF2.ClippingPlane()
                                    Direction = new BCF2.Direction()
                                        X = bcf1ClippingPlane.Direction.X,
                                        Y = bcf1ClippingPlane.Direction.Y,
                                        Z = bcf1ClippingPlane.Direction.Z
                                    Location = new BCF2.Point()
                                        X = bcf1ClippingPlane.Location.X,
                                        Y = bcf1ClippingPlane.Location.Y,
                                        Z = bcf1ClippingPlane.Location.Z

                    // Convert Components
                    List <BCF2.Component> bcf2Components = new List <BCF2.Component>();
                    if (bcf1Issue.viewpoint.Components != null)
                        foreach (Component bcf1Component in bcf1Issue.viewpoint.Components)
                            if (bcf1Component != null)
                                bcf2Components.Add(new BCF2.Component()
                                    AuthoringToolId = bcf1Component.AuthoringToolId,
                                    // Color = bcf1Component,    // mismatch attribute
                                    IfcGuid           = bcf1Component.IfcGuid,
                                    OriginatingSystem = bcf1Component.OriginatingSystem
                                                        // Selected = bcf1Component,   // mismatch attribute
                                                        // Visible = bcf1Component    // mismatch attribute

                    // Convert Lines
                    List <BCF2.Line> bcf2Lines = new List <BCF2.Line>();
                    if (bcf1Issue.viewpoint.Lines != null)
                        foreach (Line bcf1Line in bcf1Issue.viewpoint.Lines)
                            if (bcf1Line != null)
                                bcf2Lines.Add(new BCF2.Line()
                                    StartPoint = new BCF2.Point()
                                        X = bcf1Line.StartPoint.X,
                                        Y = bcf1Line.StartPoint.Y,
                                        Z = bcf1Line.StartPoint.Z
                                    EndPoint = new BCF2.Point()
                                        X = bcf1Line.EndPoint.X,
                                        Y = bcf1Line.EndPoint.Y,
                                        Z = bcf1Line.EndPoint.Z

                    // Convert VisualizationInfo
                    BCF2.VisualizationInfo bcf2VizInfo = new BCF2.VisualizationInfo()
                        Bitmaps          = null, // default null
                        ClippingPlanes   = bcf2ClippingPlanes.ToArray(),
                        Components       = bcf2Components,
                        Lines            = bcf2Lines.ToArray(),
                        OrthogonalCamera = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera == null ? null : new BCF2.OrthogonalCamera()
                            CameraDirection = new BCF2.Direction()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z
                            CameraUpVector = new BCF2.Direction()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z
                            CameraViewPoint = new BCF2.Point()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z
                            ViewToWorldScale = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale
                        PerspectiveCamera = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera == null ? null : new BCF2.PerspectiveCamera()
                            CameraDirection = new BCF2.Direction()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z
                            CameraUpVector = new BCF2.Direction()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z
                            CameraViewPoint = new BCF2.Point()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z
                            FieldOfView = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView
                        SheetCamera = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera == null ? null : new BCF2.SheetCamera()
                            SheetID   = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.SheetID,
                            SheetName = null, // default null
                            TopLeft   = new BCF2.Point()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.TopLeft.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Z
                            BottomRight = new BCF2.Point()
                                X = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.BottomRight.X,
                                Y = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Y,
                                Z = bcf1Issue.viewpoint.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Z

                    // Convert viewpoints
                    // BCF 1.0 can only have one viewpoint
                    ObservableCollection <BCF2.ViewPoint> bcf2ViewPoints = new ObservableCollection <BCF2.ViewPoint>();
                    bcf2ViewPoints.Add(new BCF2.ViewPoint()
                        //Guid = null,    // no guid for viewpoint
                        Snapshot  = bcf1Issue.snapshot,
                        Viewpoint = "viewpoint.bcfv",
                        VisInfo   = bcf2VizInfo

                    // Add BCF 2.0 issues/markups
                    bcf2.Issues.Add(new BCF2.Markup()
                        Header     = bcf2Headers,
                        Comment    = bcf2Comments,
                        Topic      = bcf2Topic,
                        Viewpoints = bcf2ViewPoints

                // Save BCF 2.0 file
                bcf1.HasBeenSaved = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Get stack trace for the exception with source file information
                var st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(ex, true);
                // Get the top stack frame
                var frame = st.GetFrame(0);
                // Get the line number from the stack frame
                var line = frame.GetFileLineNumber();
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Exception:" + line + "=====" + ex.ToString());