public static void Main() { Car porsche = new Car("2014 Porsche 911",114991,7864,"/Content/img/911.jpg"); Car.Save(porsche); Car ford = new Car("2011 Ford F450",55995,14241,"/Content/img/f450.jpg"); Car.Save(ford); Car lexus = new Car("2013 Lexus RX 350",44700,20000,"/Content/img/lexus.jpg"); Car.Save(lexus); Car mercedes = new Car("Mercedes Benz CLS550",39900,37979,"/Content/img/benz.JPG"); Car.Save(mercedes); }
public HomeModule() { // Car bmw = new Car("BMW", "M3", 2003, 100000, 5000, "img/bmw.jpg"); // bmw.Save(bmw); // bmw.Save(new Car("Porshe", "M3", 2003, 100000, 5000, "img/bmw.jpg")); Get["/"] = _ => { List<Car> listOfCars = Car.GetAllCars(); // Console.WriteLine(listOfCars[1].getCar()); return View["list_all_cars.cshtml", listOfCars]; }; Get["/car/{id}"] = parameters => { return View["car.cshtml", Car.getCarById(]; }; Get["/car/{id}/buy"] = parameters => { Car.buyCar(; return View["list_all_cars.cshtml", Car.GetAllCars()]; }; Post["/addCar"] = _ => { // Get form data string fieldString = "year model make miles price pic"; // string of all the input names string[] fields = fieldString.Split(' '); // split the strings into array Dictionary<string, string> fieldData = new Dictionary<string,string>() {}; // Dictionary for the field data foreach(string field in fields) { // iterate through the array of fields fieldData.Add(field, Request.Form[field]);// store the field data in the dictionary } // foreach( KeyValuePair<string,string> row in fieldData ) { // write the field data to the console to see if it worked // Console.WriteLine(row.Key + " " + row.Value); // } // Parse ints int milesInt = 0; int.TryParse(fieldData["miles"], out milesInt); int priceInt = 0; int.TryParse(fieldData["price"], out priceInt); int yearInt = 0; int.TryParse(fieldData["year"], out yearInt); // make a new car Car newCar = new Car(fieldData["make"], fieldData["model"], yearInt, milesInt, priceInt, fieldData["pic"]); newCar.Save(); // save the car to the list return View["list_all_cars.cshtml", Car.GetAllCars()]; // display list of all cars }; Post["/search"] = _ => { string search = Request.Form["search"]; return View["list_all_cars.cshtml", Car.searchByMakeModel(search)]; }; }
public static void Save(Car car) { _carList.Add(car); }