protected DataEntryControl(ControlRow control, DataEntryControls styleProvider)
            // populate properties from database definition of control
            // this.Content and Tooltip can't be set, however, as the caller hasn't instantiated the content control yet
            this.Copyable = control.Copyable;
            this.DataLabel = control.DataLabel;
            this.DefaultValue = control.DefaultValue;

            // Create the stack panel
            this.Container = new StackPanel();
            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(Constant.ControlStyle.ContainerStyle) as Style;
            this.Container.Style = style;

            // use the containers's tag to point back to this so event handlers can access the DataEntryControl
            // this is needed by callbacks such as DataEntryHandler.Container_PreviewMouseRightButtonDown() and CarnassialWindow.CounterControl_MouseLeave()
            this.Container.Tag = this;
        private ComboBox CreateComboBox(DataEntryControls styleProvider, ControlRow control)
            ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox();
            comboBox.ToolTip = control.Tooltip;
            comboBox.Width = control.Width;
            foreach (string choice in control.GetChoices())
            comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(ControlContentStyle.ChoiceComboBox.ToString()) as Style;
            comboBox.Style = style;
            return comboBox;
        private TextBox CreateTextBox(DataEntryControls styleProvider, ControlRow control)
            TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
            textBox.Text = control.DefaultValue;
            textBox.ToolTip = control.Tooltip;
            textBox.Width = control.Width;

            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(ControlContentStyle.NoteCounterTextBox.ToString()) as Style;
            textBox.Style = style;
            return textBox;
        // Returns a stack panel containing two controls
        // The stack panel ensures that controls are layed out as a single unit with certain spatial characteristcs
        // i.e.,  a given height, right margin, where contents will not be broken durring (say) panel wrapping
        private StackPanel CreateStackPanel(DataEntryControls styleProvider, Control label, Control content)
            StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();

            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(Constant.ControlStyle.ContainerStyle) as Style;
            stackPanel.Style = style;
            return stackPanel;
        private Label CreateLabel(DataEntryControls styleProvider, ControlRow control)
            Label label = new Label();
            label.Content = control.Label;
            label.ToolTip = control.Tooltip;

            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(ControlLabelStyle.DefaultLabel.ToString()) as Style;
            label.Style = style;
            return label;
        private CheckBox CreateFlag(DataEntryControls styleProvider, ControlRow control)
            CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
            checkBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            checkBox.ToolTip = control.Tooltip;

            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(ControlContentStyle.FlagCheckBox.ToString()) as Style;
            checkBox.Style = style;
            return checkBox;
        private RadioButton CreateCounterLabelButton(DataEntryControls styleProvider, ControlRow control)
            RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton();
            radioButton.GroupName = "DataEntryCounter";
            radioButton.Content = control.Label;
            radioButton.ToolTip = control.Tooltip;

            Style style = styleProvider.FindResource(ControlLabelStyle.CounterButton.ToString()) as Style;
            radioButton.Style = style;
            return radioButton;