public void GameLoop() { Console.WriteLine("--- Welcome to the naive card game! ---"); Console.WriteLine("Please add players to the game when you are ready to start type \'start\'"); String input = ""; do { Console.Write("Enter player name: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input != "start") { AddPlayer(input); } } while (input != "start"); _players.Add(new WeakPlayer("densvage")); _gameDeck = new Deck.Deck(8); foreach (var person in _players) { _gameDeck.DealToPlayer(person, 8); } foreach (var person in _players) { Console.WriteLine(""); person.ShowHand(); } IPlayer winner = null; int winValue = 0; foreach (var person in _players) { var personValue = person.ShowTotalValue(); if (winValue < personValue) { winner = person; winValue = personValue; } } Console.WriteLine("The winner is: {0} with a winning hand with the value of {1}", winner.Name, winValue); }