예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: ifahmyy/projects
        //car entries
        public static void car_entries(car car, ref int count, ref string companyy, ref string manuu, ref int modell, ref string gearr, ref int speedd, ref int pricee, ref string d_classs, ref string colorr)

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Company:");
            companyy = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Manufacuter (car name):");
            manuu = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Modle:");
            modell = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter Car Gear tybe (manual || Outomatic):");
            gearr = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Top Speed:");
            speedd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car price:");
            pricee = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Drive class (RWD | FWD | 4WD):");
            d_classs = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("  Enter car color:");
            colorr = Console.ReadLine();
예제 #2
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: ifahmyy/projects
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Creating array listes using (System Collections)
            ArrayList cars      = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList employees = new ArrayList();

            //Car Constractors
            car       car   = new car();
            sport     sport = new sport();
            suv       suv   = new suv();
            urban     urban = new urban();
            supercars super = new supercars();

            //Human Constractors
            human    human     = new human();
            driver   driver    = new driver();
            salesman sales_man = new salesman();

            //Creating Variables
            int    modle = 0, speed = 0, price = 0, salary = 0, work_time = 0;
            string company = "defult", manu = "defult", gear = "defult", color = "defult", d_class = "defult", name = "defult";
            int    count = 0, counth = 0;

            //User interface Using (While) loop
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("  Make a Choice :");
                Console.WriteLine("   1) Enter a new Car.");
                Console.WriteLine("   2) Enter a new Employee.");
                Console.WriteLine("   3) View Cars.");
                Console.WriteLine("   4) View Employees.");
                Console.WriteLine("   5) Exit.\n");

                int choise1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                switch (choise1)
                //Case he choose (ENTER NEW CAR)
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("  Make a Choice :");
                    Console.WriteLine("   1) Sports.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   2) SUV.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   3) Urban.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   4) Supercar.\n");

                    int choise1_1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    switch (choise1_1)
                    //case he choose SPORTS.
                    case 1:

                        car_entries(car, ref count, ref company, ref manu, ref modle, ref gear, ref speed, ref price, ref d_class, ref color);

                        cars.Add(sport.id          = count);
                        cars.Add(sport.company     = company);
                        cars.Add(sport.manufactuer = manu);
                        cars.Add(sport.modle       = modle);
                        cars.Add(sport.gear        = gear);
                        cars.Add(sport.top_speed   = speed);
                        cars.Add(sport.price       = price);
                        cars.Add(sport.drive_class = d_class);
                        cars.Add(sport.color       = color);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter Car Window Tint Color:");
                        string tint = Console.ReadLine();
                        cars.Add(sport.tint_color = tint);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Engine Stage-Kite:");
                        int kite = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(sport.engin_stage_kit = kite);

                        Console.WriteLine(" Done...");


                        break;         //End of Sport case.

                    //case he choose SUV.
                    case 2:

                        car_entries(car, ref count, ref company, ref manu, ref modle, ref gear, ref speed, ref price, ref d_class, ref color);

                        cars.Add(suv.id          = count);
                        cars.Add(suv.company     = company);
                        cars.Add(suv.manufactuer = manu);
                        cars.Add(suv.modle       = modle);
                        cars.Add(suv.gear        = gear);
                        cars.Add(suv.top_speed   = speed);
                        cars.Add(suv.price       = price);
                        cars.Add(suv.drive_class = d_class);
                        cars.Add(suv.color       = color);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter car waight:");
                        int waight = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(suv.waight = waight);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Power:");
                        int power = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(suv.power = power);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter number of seats:");
                        int seat = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(suv.seats = seat);

                        Console.WriteLine(" Done...");

                        break;         //End of SUV case.

                    //case he choose Urban.
                    case 3:

                        car_entries(car, ref count, ref company, ref manu, ref modle, ref gear, ref speed, ref price, ref d_class, ref color);

                        cars.Add(urban.id          = count);
                        cars.Add(urban.company     = company);
                        cars.Add(urban.manufactuer = manu);
                        cars.Add(urban.modle       = modle);
                        cars.Add(urban.gear        = gear);
                        cars.Add(urban.top_speed   = speed);
                        cars.Add(urban.price       = price);
                        cars.Add(urban.drive_class = d_class);
                        cars.Add(urban.color       = color);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter Salon size:");
                        int salon = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(urban.salon_size = salon);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter number of seats:");
                        int seatu = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(urban.salon_size = seatu);

                        Console.WriteLine(" Done...");

                        break;         //End of Urban casr.

                    //case he choose Supercar.
                    case 4:

                        car_entries(car, ref count, ref company, ref manu, ref modle, ref gear, ref speed, ref price, ref d_class, ref color);

                        cars.Add(super.id          = count);
                        cars.Add(super.company     = company);
                        cars.Add(super.manufactuer = manu);
                        cars.Add(super.modle       = modle);
                        cars.Add(super.gear        = gear);
                        cars.Add(super.top_speed   = speed);
                        cars.Add(super.price       = price);
                        cars.Add(super.drive_class = d_class);
                        cars.Add(super.color       = color);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Grip:");
                        double grip = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(super.grip = grip);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter car Brakes power:");
                        Double brake = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        cars.Add(super.brakes = brake);

                        Console.WriteLine(" Done...");

                        break;         //End of Supercar case.

                        Console.WriteLine(" Err in choice ");


                    break;     //end of choice 1 (ENTER A NEW CAR)

                //case he choose (ENTER NEW EMPLOYEE)
                case 2:

                    Console.WriteLine("  Make a choice :");
                    Console.WriteLine("   1) Sales Man.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   2) Driver.\n");

                    int choice2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    switch (choice2)
                    //Case he choose SALES MAN.
                    case 1:

                        human_entries(human, ref counth, ref name, ref salary, ref work_time);

                        employees.Add(sales_man.id        = counth);
                        employees.Add(sales_man.name      = name);
                        employees.Add(sales_man.salary    = salary);
                        employees.Add(sales_man.work_time = work_time);

                        Console.WriteLine("  Enter years of Experince :");
                        int exp = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        employees.Add(sales_man.experince = exp);

                        Console.WriteLine(" Done...");

                        break;         //End of sales man case

                    //case he choose Driver.
                    case 2:

                        human_entries(human, ref counth, ref name, ref salary, ref work_time);

                        employees.Add(driver.id        = counth);
                        employees.Add(driver.name      = name);
                        employees.Add(driver.salary    = salary);
                        employees.Add(driver.work_time = work_time);

                        Console.WriteLine("  How many years for license expire :");
                        int licens = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        employees.Add(driver.licens_exp = licens);

                        Console.WriteLine(" Done...");

                        break;         //end of Driver case

                        Console.WriteLine(" Err in choise ");


                    break;     //End of Choice 2 (ENTER A NEW EMPLOYEE)

                //Case he choose (VIEW CARS)
                case 3:

                    Console.WriteLine("  Choose a Brand to Display cars :");
                    Console.WriteLine("   1) Sports.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   2) SUV.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   3) Urban.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   4) Supercar.\n");

                    int choise3_1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    switch (choise3_1)
                    //case of SPORTS.
                    case 1:
                        display_cars(cars, sport, suv, urban, super, choise3_1);
                        break;         //End of SPORTS.

                    //case of SUV.
                    case 2:
                        display_cars(cars, sport, suv, urban, super, choise3_1);
                        break;        //End of SUV.

                    //case of Urban.
                    case 3:
                        display_cars(cars, sport, suv, urban, super, choise3_1);
                        break;         //End of URBAN.

                    //case of SUPERCAR.
                    case 4:
                        display_cars(cars, sport, suv, urban, super, choise3_1);
                        break;         //End of SUPERCAR.

                        Console.WriteLine("  Err in choice...");
                    break;     //End of choice 3 (VIEW CARS)

                //case he Choose (VIEW EMPLOYEES)
                case 4:

                    Console.WriteLine("  Choose a job to display employees :");
                    Console.WriteLine("   1) Sales Man.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   2) Driver.\n");

                    int choice4 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    switch (choice4)
                    //case he choose sales man.
                    case 1:
                        display_employees(employees, sales_man, driver, choice4);
                        break;         //End of sales man.

                    //case he Choose driver.
                    case 2:
                        display_employees(employees, sales_man, driver, choice4);
                        break;         //end of driver.

                        Console.WriteLine("  Err in choice....");

                    break;     //End of Choice 4 (VIEW EMPLOYEES)

                // case he choose (EXIT)
                case 5:

                    Console.WriteLine("  Err in Choice...");
                    break;     //End of Choice (EXIT)