예제 #1
        public static Bitmap CaptureFromDisplay(ref ImageCaptureInfo info)
            Bitmap b = new Bitmap((int)info.actual_crop_size_x, (int)info.actual_crop_size_y);

            //Full screen
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
                g.CopyFromScreen((int)(info.center_of_frame_x - info.actual_crop_size_x / 2 + info.actual_offset_x),
                                 (int)(info.center_of_frame_y - info.actual_crop_size_y / 2 + info.actual_offset_y), 0, 0, new Size((int)info.actual_crop_size_x, (int)info.actual_crop_size_y), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);

            if (b.Size.Width != info.featureSizeX && b.Size.Height != info.featureSizeY)
                ResizeNearestNeighbor filter = new ResizeNearestNeighbor(info.featureSizeX, info.featureSizeY);
                b = filter.Apply(b);

            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

예제 #2
        public static Bitmap PrintWindow(IntPtr hwnd, ref ImageCaptureInfo info, bool full = false, bool useCrop = false, float scalingValueFloat = 1.0f)
                var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                Rectangle rc;
                DLLImportStuff.GetClientRect(hwnd, out rc);

                Bitmap ret = new Bitmap(1, 1);

                if (rc.Width < 0)

                IntPtr hdcwnd = DLLImportStuff.GetDC(hwnd);
                IntPtr hdc    = DLLImportStuff.CreateCompatibleDC(hdcwnd);

                rc.Width  = (int)(rc.Width * scalingValueFloat);
                rc.Height = (int)(rc.Height * scalingValueFloat);

                if (useCrop)
                    //Change size according to selected crop
                    rc.Width  = (int)(info.crop_coordinate_right - info.crop_coordinate_left);
                    rc.Height = (int)(info.crop_coordinate_bottom - info.crop_coordinate_top);

                //Compute crop coordinates and width/ height based on resolution
                ImageCapture.SizeAdjustedCropAndOffset(rc.Width, rc.Height, ref info);

                float cropOffsetX = info.actual_offset_x;
                float cropOffsetY = info.actual_offset_y;

                if (full)
                    info.actual_offset_x = 0;
                    info.actual_offset_y = 0;

                    info.actual_crop_size_x = 2 * info.center_of_frame_x;
                    info.actual_crop_size_y = 2 * info.center_of_frame_y;

                if (useCrop)
                    //Adjust for crop offset
                    info.center_of_frame_x += info.crop_coordinate_left;
                    info.center_of_frame_y += info.crop_coordinate_top;

                IntPtr hbmp = DLLImportStuff.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcwnd, (int)info.actual_crop_size_x, (int)info.actual_crop_size_y);

                DLLImportStuff.SelectObject(hdc, hbmp);

                DLLImportStuff.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, (int)info.actual_crop_size_x, (int)info.actual_crop_size_y, hdcwnd, (int)(info.center_of_frame_x + info.actual_offset_x - info.actual_crop_size_x / 2),
                                      (int)(info.center_of_frame_y + info.actual_offset_y - info.actual_crop_size_y / 2), DLLImportStuff.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY);

                info.actual_offset_x = cropOffsetX;
                info.actual_offset_y = cropOffsetY;

                ret = (Bitmap)Image.FromHbitmap(hbmp).Clone();

                DLLImportStuff.ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdcwnd);

                if (ret.Size.Width != info.featureSizeX && ret.Size.Height != info.featureSizeY)
                    ResizeNearestNeighbor filter = new ResizeNearestNeighbor(info.featureSizeX, info.featureSizeY);
                    ret = filter.Apply(ret);

                var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException ex)
                return(new Bitmap(10, 10));
예제 #3
        //Should probably refactor this into some kind of struct, whatever...
        public static void SizeAdjustedCropAndOffset(int device_width, int device_height, ref ImageCaptureInfo info)
            var resolution_factor_x = (device_width / info.captureResolutionX);

            var resolution_factor_y = (device_height / info.captureResolutionY);

            info.actual_crop_size_x = info.featureSizeX * resolution_factor_x;

            info.actual_crop_size_y = info.featureSizeY * resolution_factor_y;

            //Scale offset depending on resolution
            info.actual_offset_x = info.cropOffsetX * resolution_factor_x;

            info.actual_offset_y = info.cropOffsetY * resolution_factor_y;

            //Scale offset and sizes depending on actual vs. needed aspect ratio

            if (((float)device_width / (float)device_height) > (info.captureAspectRatio))
                var image_region = (float)device_height / (1.0f / info.captureAspectRatio);

                //Aspect ratio is larger than original
                var black_bar_width_total = (float)device_width - image_region;

                //Compute space occupied by black border relative to total width
                var adjust_factor = ((float)(device_width - black_bar_width_total) / (float)device_width);
                info.actual_crop_size_x *= adjust_factor;
                info.actual_offset_x    *= adjust_factor;
                var image_region = (float)device_width / (info.captureAspectRatio);

                //Aspect ratio is larger than original
                var black_bar_height_total = (float)device_height - image_region;

                //Compute space occupied by black border relative to total width
                var adjust_factor = ((float)(device_height - black_bar_height_total) / (float)device_height);
                info.actual_crop_size_y *= adjust_factor;
                info.actual_offset_y    *= adjust_factor;

            info.center_of_frame_x = device_width / 2;

            info.center_of_frame_y = device_height / 2;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens 2 folders (loading / non-loading examples), and automatically trains and tunes the hyperparameters of the SVM detection.
        /// </summary>
        public static DetectorParameters OptimizeDetectorFromFolders(ImageCaptureInfo info, string settingsPath)
            // TODO: determine if accord+svm is fast enough for real-time detection
            // TODO: implement "record" tab in livesplit plugin to record data, which can then be used/sorted for training.

            // TODO: cleanup. load both datasets. fill them with more data (especially the regular gameplay case), then find best model with largest separation
            //			      we can easily do this be passing the number of bins, and patch sizes via grid search, compute features, etc.
            //				  the optimization criterion is largest difference between min and max log likelihood. we then simply choose the middle one.
            //				  these settings will then be stored in a JSON file so it's optimized per game.

            DetectorParameters best_detector_params    = new DetectorParameters();
            DetectorParameters current_detector_params = new DetectorParameters();

            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            fbd.RootFolder   = System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer;
            fbd.SelectedPath = settingsPath;

            fbd.Description = "Choose a folder containing image patches captured during LOADING.";
            if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            string positive_path = fbd.SelectedPath;

            fbd              = new FolderBrowserDialog();
            fbd.RootFolder   = System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer;
            fbd.SelectedPath = settingsPath;

            fbd.Description = "Choose a folder containing image patches captured during regular gameplay.";
            if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            string negative_path = fbd.SelectedPath;

            // Setup grid search parameters

            int[] patch_sizes_x            = { info.featureSizeX, info.featureSizeX / 2, info.featureSizeX / 4, info.featureSizeX / 8 }; //{ 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 300 };
            int[] patch_sizes_y            = { info.featureSizeY, info.featureSizeY / 2, info.featureSizeY / 4, info.featureSizeY / 8 }; //{ 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 };
            int[] number_of_histogram_bins = { 4, 8, 16 };

            foreach (var patch_size_x in patch_sizes_x)
                foreach (var patch_size_y in patch_sizes_y)
                    foreach (var histogram_bins in number_of_histogram_bins)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Training: pX = " + patch_size_x + ", pY = " + patch_size_y + ", bins = " + histogram_bins);

                        current_detector_params = new DetectorParameters();
                        current_detector_params.HistogramPatchSizeX   = patch_size_x;
                        current_detector_params.HistogramPatchSizeY   = patch_size_y;
                        current_detector_params.HistogramNumberOfBins = histogram_bins;

                        var positive_data = FeaturesFromFolder(positive_path, current_detector_params);
                        var negative_data = FeaturesFromFolder(negative_path, current_detector_params);

                        current_detector_params = PerformTraining(positive_data, negative_data, current_detector_params);

                        if (current_detector_params.DetectsPerfectly && current_detector_params.LogLikelihoodDistance > best_detector_params.LogLikelihoodDistance)
                            best_detector_params = (DetectorParameters)current_detector_params.Clone();

            System.Console.WriteLine("Best parameters: ");
            System.Console.WriteLine("HistogramPatchSizeX: " + best_detector_params.HistogramPatchSizeX);
            System.Console.WriteLine("HistogramPatchSizeY: " + best_detector_params.HistogramPatchSizeY);
            System.Console.WriteLine("HistogramNumberOfBins: " + best_detector_params.HistogramNumberOfBins);
            System.Console.WriteLine("MinLogLikelihoodPositive: " + best_detector_params.MinLogLikelihoodPositive);
            System.Console.WriteLine("MaxLogLikelihoodNegative: " + best_detector_params.MaxLogLikelihoodNegative);
            System.Console.WriteLine("LogLikelihoodDistance: " + best_detector_params.LogLikelihoodDistance);
            System.Console.WriteLine("LogLikelihoodThreshold: " + best_detector_params.LogLikelihoodThreshold);
