예제 #1
        // grants a user request for a specific user type
        public string grantUserTypeRequest(string username)
            // getting the user who made the request
            User            userWhoRequested = (User)getObjectFromDbByName(new User(), username);
            UserTypeRequest requestCopy      = new UserTypeRequest();

            // getting all user requests
            List <UserTypeRequest> requests = getAllFromTable(new UserTypeRequest()).Cast <UserTypeRequest>().ToList();

            // if the user who requested the type is in the user requests then copy that username to request copy
            foreach (UserTypeRequest request in requests)
                if (userWhoRequested.userID == request.userID)
                    userWhoRequested.userTypeName = request.userTypeName;
                    requestCopy = request;

            // updating user with the new user type that they requested to have

            // deleting the user request
            db.deleteObjectFromDb(requestCopy, requestCopy.userID.ToString());

            // email informing request has been granted
            sendEmail(userWhoRequested.userEmail, "Venzi: Your User Type Request", "Your request to become a "
                      + userWhoRequested.userTypeName + " user has been granted. This change is already in effect.");

            return("Request granted successfully.");
예제 #2
        // denies a user request for a specific user type
        public string denyUserTypeRequest(string username)
            // getting the user who made the request
            User            userWhoRequested = (User)getObjectFromDbByName(new User(), username);
            UserTypeRequest requestCopy      = new UserTypeRequest();

            // getting all user requests
            List <UserTypeRequest> requests = getAllFromTable(new UserTypeRequest()).Cast <UserTypeRequest>().ToList();

            // if the user who requested the type is in the user requests then copy that username to request copy
            foreach (UserTypeRequest request in requests)
                if (userWhoRequested.userID == request.userID)
                    requestCopy = request;

            // delete user request
            db.deleteObjectFromDb(requestCopy, requestCopy.userID.ToString());

            // email informing request has been denied
            sendEmail(userWhoRequested.userEmail, "Venzi: Your User Type Request", "Your request to become a "
                      + requestCopy.userTypeName + " user has been denied. If you feel this is an error " +
                      "on our part please contact the administrator.");

            return("Request denied successfully.");
예제 #3
        // creates a new user, returns string indicating success or type of error
        public string createNewUser(string username, string firstName, string lastName, string password, string usertype, string email)
            // flags for each condition
            bool upper   = false;
            bool lower   = false;
            bool special = false;
            bool spaces  = false;

            // validating user entry lengths
            if (valEntry(password, PASSWORDMIN, DEFAULTMAX) && valEntry(username, USERNAMEMIN, DEFAULTMAX) &&
                valEntry(email, DEFAULTMIN, DEFAULTMAX) && valEntry(firstName, DEFAULTMIN, DEFAULTMAX) &&
                valEntry(lastName, DEFAULTMIN, DEFAULTMAX))
                // for every char in password check to see if it meets each condition
                foreach (char ch in password)
                    if (Char.IsUpper(ch))
                        upper = true;

                    if (Char.IsLower(ch))
                        lower = true;

                    if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch))
                        special = true;

                if (upper && lower && special)
                    // making sure username does not contain spaces
                    foreach (char ch in username)
                        if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
                            spaces = true;

                    if (!spaces)
                        // validating email address
                        if (sendEmail(email, "Venzi: Test", "This is a test email to validate your email address.")
                            == "The email has been sent successfully")
                            // SaltingHashing is used to encrypt the password
                            // First variable in CreateSaltHash can be changed to increase or decrease length of hash
                            SaltingHashing userHashSalt = SaltingHashing.CreateSaltHash(30, password);
                            string         passwordHash = userHashSalt.passHash;
                            string         passwordSalt = userHashSalt.passSalt;

                            // creating new user object
                            User newUser = new User();
                            newUser.userName      = username;
                            newUser.userFirstName = firstName;
                            newUser.userLastName  = lastName;
                            newUser.userPass      = passwordHash;
                            newUser.userTypeName  = usertype;
                            newUser.userEmail     = email;
                            newUser.userSalt      = passwordSalt;

                            // making sure email is unique
                            if (!db.isObjectNameInDb(newUser, username))
                                bool        doesEmailAlreadyExist = false;
                                List <User> allUsers = db.getAllFromTable(new User()).Cast <User>().ToList();
                                foreach (User i in allUsers)
                                    if (i.userEmail.ToString() == newUser.userEmail)
                                        doesEmailAlreadyExist = true;

                                // if email is unique
                                if (!doesEmailAlreadyExist)
                                    // getting new user's type to check permissions
                                    UserType newUsersType = (UserType)ApplicationManager.i.getObjectFromDbByName(new UserType(), newUser.userTypeName);

                                    string returnMessage;

                                    // if the user is attempting to pick a user type with permissions above a 2
                                    // it must be sent for approval. in the meantime it will be created as a Basic user
                                    if (newUsersType.userPermissionsLevel == 3 || newUsersType.userPermissionsLevel == 4)
                                        UserTypeRequest request = new UserTypeRequest();
                                        request.userTypeName = newUser.userTypeName;

                                        newUser.userTypeName = "Basic";
                                        newUser = (User)db.getObjectFromDbByName(newUser, username);

                                        request.userID = newUser.userID;

                                        returnMessage = "The user has been created successfully. The user type selected requires " +
                                                        "special permission from the administrator. A request has been made. In the meantime events " +
                                                        "can be viewed under our basic user type. Please check your email for the result of the request.";
                                        // if the user is attempting to pick a user type with permissions of 1 or 2 then let them
                                        newUser = (User)db.getObjectFromDbByName(newUser, username);

                                        returnMessage = "The user has been created successfully.";


                                    // send welcome email
                                    sendEmail(newUser.userEmail, "Venzi: Welcome",
                                              "Welcome! You will find our app to be the go-to software for planning and running a convention. " +
                                              "If you are a convention attendee you will find our app is great for scheduling " +
                                              "your own convention experience. " +
                                              "We hope you have a wonderful time.");

                                    return("This email address is already in use.");
                                return("This username already exists.");
                            return("A valid email address must be used.");
                        return("The username cannot contain spaces.");
                    return("The password does not meet criteria.");
                return("The username, password, or email is not the correct length");