//Displays the campgrounds for a specific park and options to continue
        public void DisplayCampgrounds(int park_id, string park_name)
            IList <Campground> campgrounds = campgroundSqlDAO.GetCampgroundsByPark(park_id);
            bool done = false;

            while (!done)
                Console.WriteLine("Park Campgrounds");


                int cgChoice = CLIHelper.GetInteger("\nSelect a Campground to reserve (or enter 0 to return):  ");

                if (cgChoice != 0)
                    DateTime[] dateRange = CLIHelper.GetDateRange("Please enter your planned arrival date: ", "Please enter your planned departure date : ");
                    DisplayOpenSites(campgrounds[cgChoice - 1].Campground_Id, dateRange[0], dateRange[1], campgrounds[cgChoice - 1].Daily_fee);
                    done = true;
        //Displays the information for the selected park and menu options to continue
        public void ParkInfoMenu(int park_id)
            bool done = false;

            while (!done)
                int infoChoice = CLIHelper.GetInteger("\nSelect an option:\n\t1) View Campgrounds\n\t2) Show all available Campsites for this Park\n\t" +
                                                      "3) Advanced Search of All Campgrounds in This Park \n\t4) Diplay Reservations in this park for the next 30 days " +
                                                      "\n\t5) Return to Previous Menu\n\nEnter Choice: ");

                if (infoChoice == 1)
                    DisplayCampgrounds(Parks[park_id].Park_id, Parks[park_id].Name);
                else if (infoChoice == 2)
                    DateTime[] dateRange = CLIHelper.GetDateRange("Please enter your planned arrival date: ", "Please enter your planned departure date : ");

                    DisplayOpenSitesEntirePark(Parks[park_id].Park_id, dateRange[0], dateRange[1]);
                else if (infoChoice == 3)
                    DateTime[] dateRange = CLIHelper.GetDateRange("Please enter your planned arrival date: ", "Please enter your planned departure date : ");

                    AdvancedSearchForSiteByCampground(Parks[park_id].Park_id, dateRange[0], dateRange[1]);
                else if (infoChoice == 4)
                    IList <Reservation> reservations = reservationSqlDAO.GetReservationsNext30ByPark(Parks[park_id].Park_id);

                    done = true;