예제 #1
        // Converts the Cytoscape nodes into animation nodes and pushes them onto the list that tracks frontiers
        // We have to clone the frontier and then delete the elements from the copy because there is no way
        // to iterate through the frontier ordered by priority.
        private static void storeFrontierOverTime(AStarSpecificAnimation frontierOverTime, IntervalHeap <CytoscapeNode> frontier)
            IntervalHeap <CytoscapeNode> frontierCopy = cloneFrontier(frontier);
            AStarAnimationNode           animationNode;
            List <AStarAnimationNode>    currentFrontier = new List <AStarAnimationNode>();
            CytoscapeNode cyNode;

            while (frontierCopy.Any())
                cyNode             = frontierCopy.DeleteMax();
                animationNode      = new AStarAnimationNode(cyNode.id);
                animationNode.name = cyNode.name;
                animationNode.f    = cyNode.f;

예제 #2
         * Currently using two different classes to perform simulations. One is prefaced with
         * Cytoscape, which is passed in via the UI's ajax call and used in the simulation.
         * The other is prefaced with Animation, which is a simplified form and is
         * passed back to the UI to animate. In addition to it being a simplified form, it
         * also does not contain any circular references, unlike the Cytoscape versions.
         * C# has issues serializing objects with circular references, unlike Javascript.
        public static Animation runSimulation(int startID, int goalID, CytoscapeParams cyParams)
            //return testAnim(startID, goalID);
            Animation results = new Animation();
            AStarSpecificAnimation aStarSpecific = new AStarSpecificAnimation();

            aStarSpecific.frontierOverTime = new List <List <AStarAnimationNode> >();
            List <AnimationFrame> frames          = new List <AnimationFrame>();
            bool         goalFound                = false;
            CytoscapeMap map                      = new CytoscapeMap(initializeInternalNodes(cyParams.nodes));
            IntervalHeap <CytoscapeNode> frontier = new IntervalHeap <CytoscapeNode>();

            CytoscapeNode current = map.getNode(startID);

            while (!goalFound)
                //Add new frontier to priority queue
                addToFrontier(map, frontier, current);

                //Store path every iteration for animation
                trackAnimationFrame(frames, current);

                //Store the frontier every iteration for animation
                storeFrontierOverTime(aStarSpecific, frontier);

                //Get the next node to expand
                current = frontier.DeleteMax();

                //When done we record the last frame's information and break
                if (current.id == goalID)
                    goalFound = true;
                    trackAnimationFrame(frames, current);
                    storeFrontierOverTime(aStarSpecific, frontier);

            results.frames             = frames;
            results.simulationSpecific = aStarSpecific;
