public string TakeTurn(Board board, CardDeck deck) { if(IsSkipped) { IsSkipped = false; return Name + " was skipped!"; } var card = deck.Draw(); int matchingIndex = CurrentLocation; var space = board.Spaces.GetMatchingSpace(CurrentLocation, card); CurrentLocation = space.Location; string message = Name + " moved to Space " + CurrentLocation.ToString() + " which is a " + space.Color.ToString() + " space."; if(space.IsLicorice) { IsSkipped = true; message += Name + " is stuck by Licorice!"; } if(space.ShortcutDestination.HasValue) { CurrentLocation = space.ShortcutDestination.Value; message += Name + " took a shortcut to Space " + CurrentLocation.ToString() + "!"; } if(CurrentLocation == 133) { IsWinner = true; message += Name + " won the game!"; } return message; }
public Game() { Board = new Board(); Deck = new CardDeck(); Players = new List<Player>(); }