public static void EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder app) { StoreDbContext context = app .ApplicationServices .CreateScope() .ServiceProvider .GetRequiredService <StoreDbContext>(); if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { context.Database.Migrate(); } if (!context.Products.Any()) { context.Products.AddRange( new Product { Name = "Kayak", Description = "A boat for one person", Category = "Watersports", Price = 275 }, new Product { Name = "Lifejacket", Description = "Protective and fashionable", Category = "Watersports", Price = 48.95m }, new Product { Name = "Tent", Description = "Big enough for 4 people", Category = "Sleeping", Price = 19.50m }, new Product { Name = "Sleeping Bag", Description = "Very warm, and is water proof", Category = "Sleeping", Price = 34.95m }, new Product { Name = "Mat", Description = "Put the mat under your sleeping bag for better comfort", Category = "Sleeping", Price = 79 }, new Product { Name = "Mountain Bike", Description = "For better exploring", Category = "Outdoor", Price = 1600 }, new Product { Name = "Lamp", Description = "To help see in the dark", Category = "Outdoor", Price = 29.95m }, new Product { Name = "Baby Wipes", Description = "Keep that butt clean", Category = "Outdoor", Price = 75 }, new Product { Name = "Grill", Description = "For the master chef", Category = "Outdoor", Price = 1200 } ); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public EFStoreRepository(StoreDbContext ctx) { context = ctx; }
public EFOrderRepository(StoreDbContext ctx) { context = ctx; }