상속: IPathStack
		public virtual void SerializeToPath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path)
			// TODO: child action binding

			if (_handlers == null) return;

			IPathStack bestStack = null;
			foreach (ActionHandler handler in _handlers)
				if (handler.Action == action.Method)
					IPathStack trialStack = new PathStack(false);
					handler.Binding.SerializePath(trialStack, action.Parameters);

					if (action.ChildAction != null)
						if (!(handler is ParentActionHandler)) throw new BindingException("Method is not a parent action and can't handle further calls.");
						if (handler is ParentActionHandler) throw new BindingException("Method is a parent action. You should add the default sub-action.");

					if (trialStack.Index == 0) trialStack.TrailingSlash = !DisableTrailingSlash;

					if (bestStack == null || trialStack.Index > bestStack.Index || (trialStack.Index == bestStack.Index && trialStack.QueryString.Count > bestStack.QueryString.Count))
						bestStack = trialStack;
			if (bestStack != null)
				throw new BindingException(String.Format("Method \"{0}\" is not bindable.", action.Method.Name));
		private void SerializePath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path, bool requireEntry)
			IControllerBinding[] bindings = GetControllerBindings(action.ControllerType);
			if (bindings == null || bindings.Length == 0) throw new BindingException(String.Format("Type \"{0}\" is not bindable.", action.ControllerType.FullName));
			IPathStack bestStack = null;
			foreach (IControllerBinding b in bindings)
				if (!requireEntry || b is IEntryControllerBinding)
					IPathStack trialStack = new PathStack(false);
					if (requireEntry)
						((IEntryControllerBinding)b).SerializeToPath(action, trialStack);
						b.SerializeToPath(action, trialStack);

					IRouteAction childAction = action.ChildAction;
					if (childAction != null)
						SerializePath(childAction, trialStack, false);

					if (bestStack == null || trialStack.Index > bestStack.Index || (trialStack.Index == bestStack.Index && trialStack.QueryString.Count > bestStack.QueryString.Count))
						bestStack = trialStack;
			if (bestStack != null)
				throw new BindingException(String.Format("Type \"{0}\" is not a bindable EntryController.", action.ControllerType.FullName));
		public virtual bool TryBinding(IHttpContext context, IPathStack path, object controller, out IHttpHandler handler)
			if (_handlers == null)
				handler = null;
				return false;

			int bestIndex = -1;
			int bestOverloadWeight = -1;
			object[] bestParameters = null;
			ActionHandler bestHandler = null;

			int index = path.Index;

			object[] parameters;
			int overloadWeight;
			foreach (ActionHandler h in _handlers)
				if (h.Binding.TryBinding(context, path, out parameters, out overloadWeight)
					&& (overloadWeight > bestOverloadWeight || (
						overloadWeight == bestOverloadWeight && parameters.Length < bestParameters.Length  //The fewer parameters the better if same overload weight
					)) && (path.IsAtEnd || h is ParentActionHandler))
					bestIndex = path.Index;
					bestHandler = h;
					bestParameters = parameters;
					bestOverloadWeight = overloadWeight;

			if (bestHandler == null)
				handler = null;
				return false;

			// shouldTrailSlash = bestIndex == index; I.e. the best mapping hasn't used a path
			if (bestIndex == index ^ path.TrailingSlash ^ DisableTrailingSlash && !(bestHandler is ParentActionHandler) && context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
				// TODO: Make more efficient by simply extracting the final path section and use relative redirect: ../pathsection or ./pathsection/
				IPathStack newPath = new PathStack(false);
				newPath.TrailingSlash = !path.TrailingSlash;
				context.Response.Redirect("~/" + newPath.ToString(), false);
				context.Response.StatusCode = 301;


			if (controller == null) controller = _controllerCreator();

			context.Route.AddController(controller, index); // Controller is bound, add it to the route context

			handler = bestHandler.GetHttpHandler(context, controller, bestParameters);
			return true;