//make private TODODODODODODODODODO public int MultiplesType(string[] multiples, int seconds) { List <string> answerList = new List <string>(); int score = 0; DateTime instant; string time; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Station.Write("\n\nType a multiple that is not above"); do { if (answerList.Count == 17) { break; } Console.Clear(); Station.Write("you Have typed : "); foreach (var item in answerList) { Station.Write(item + ", "); } Station.WriteLine("\n\nyour current score is " + score.ToString() + "\n"); instant = DateTime.Now; time = Station.TimeDifference(now).ToString(); Station.WriteLine("You have used : " + time + " Seconds"); string answer = Station.Read(); if (multiples.Contains(answer) && !answerList.Contains(answer)) { answerList.Add(answer); score++; } else { Station.WriteLine("Nope try again"); //score--; } } while (true); int timeInt = Station.TimeDifference(now); if (timeInt > seconds) { return(-1); } else { return(score); } }
public void Start() { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Welcome to the Calender Sage"); Station.WriteLine("Enter your Level Password"); Station.WriteLine("There are six levels in total"); Station.WriteLine("press the [enter] key 'only' to start"); string pass = Station.Read(); if (pass == "") { Level1 l1 = new Level1(); l1.Start(); } else if (pass == "formula") { Level2 l2 = new Level2(); l2.Start(); } else if (pass == "leap years") { Level3 l3 = new Level3(); l3.Start(); } else if (pass == "all years") { Level4 l4 = new Level4(); l4.Start(); } else if (pass == "other centuries") { Level5 l5 = new Level5(); l5.Start(); } else if (pass == "master") { FinalLevel fl = new FinalLevel(); fl.Start(); } else { Station.WriteLine("Wrong Password"); } }
public int Level1Drill(string[] days, string[] daysNum, string[] daysAlpha, int test1Score, int test2Score, int seconds, bool useFirstTest, bool useSecondTest) { Console.Clear(); int score = 0; Station.WriteLine("Welcome to the Day of week Dril"); Station.WriteLine("Here we test your memory of days of the week"); Station.WriteLine("You must finish the whole activity in " + seconds + " seconds"); Station.WriteLine("\n\n"); Station.WriteLine("Press Any key to begin"); Console.ReadKey(true); //initialize timer DateTime instant; string time; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (useFirstTest) { Station.RandClear(); do { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("\n\nyour current score is " + score.ToString() + "\n"); instant = DateTime.Now; time = Station.TimeDifference(now).ToString(); Station.WriteLine("You have used : " + time + " Seconds"); Station.WriteLine("You must finish the whole activity in " + seconds + " seconds"); Station.WriteLine("\nWhat is the number Equivalent for:"); int randNum = Station.Randomer(0, days.Length); string day = days[randNum]; Station.WriteLine(day); string answer = Station.Read(); if (answer == daysNum[randNum]) { score++; Station.WriteLine("Correct"); } else { score--; Station.WriteLine("Incorrect"); } }while (score < test1Score); } if (useSecondTest) { Station.RandClear(); do { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("\nNice now you have to practice as in real life"); Station.WriteLine("You must finish the whole activity in " + seconds + " seconds"); Station.WriteLine("press :"); for (int i = 0; i < days.Length; i++) { Station.WriteLine(daysAlpha[i] + " for " + days[i]); } Station.WriteLine("your current score is " + score.ToString() + "\n"); instant = DateTime.Now; time = Station.TimeDifference(now).ToString(); Station.WriteLine("You have used : " + time + " Seconds"); Station.WriteLine("\nWhat is the Equivalent for:"); int randNum = Station.Randomer(0, days.Length); string day = daysNum[randNum]; Station.WriteLine(day); string answer = Station.Readletter(); if (answer == daysAlpha[randNum]) { score++; Station.WriteLine("Correct"); } else { score--; Station.WriteLine("Incorrect"); } }while (score < test2Score + 1); } instant = DateTime.Now; int timeInt = Station.TimeDifference(now); if (timeInt > seconds) { return(-1); } else { return(score); } }
public void Start() { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("welcome this is master level"); Station.WriteLine("in this place you set your"); Station.WriteLine("time limit and target score"); Station.WriteLine("you can pace yourself to master"); Station.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); ////////////////////// Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("enter your target score"); string targetScore = Station.Read(); int targetScoreInt = Int32.Parse(targetScore); Station.WriteLine("Enter your Time Limit "); string timeLimit = Station.Read(); int timeLimitInt = Int32.Parse(timeLimit); Station.WriteLine("enter the year to start from"); string startYear = Station.Read(); int startYearInt = Int32.Parse(startYear); Station.WriteLine("Enter the end year"); string endYear = Station.Read(); int endYearInt = Int32.Parse(endYear); Station.WriteLine("Press any key to begin"); Console.ReadKey(); ////////////////////// int score; Drill2 d2 = new Drill2(); do { score = d2.FourYears(startYearInt, endYearInt, timeLimitInt, targetScoreInt); if (score == -1) { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Sorry but you did not reach your goal"); Station.WriteLine("You would have to start again"); Station.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } }while (score == -1); Station.WriteLine("Congratulations your score was " + score.ToString()); Station.WriteLine("you reached your goal"); Station.WriteLine("now set another"); Station.WriteLine("press any key to proceed"); Console.ReadKey(true); Start(); //////////////////////////// }