예제 #1
        public static ApiCheckResult CheckXmlDoc(this ICakeContext context, CheckOptions checkOptions)
            context.Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "Processing assembly from path '{0}'. Log only missing members '{1}'", checkOptions.AssemblyPath, checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing);

            ApiChecker.Log = context.Log;
        private static void ProcessFields(CheckOptions checkOptions, System.Collections.Generic.List <FieldInfo> fields, int fieldsCount, TypeDto typeDto)
            for (int n = 0; n < fieldsCount; n++)
                var fInfo = fields[n];
                var fDto  = new FieldDto {
                    Name = fInfo.ToString()

                if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    Processing field {0} of {1}", n + 1, fieldsCount);

                var fieldDocXml = DocsService.GetXmlFromMember(fInfo, false);
                fDto.XmlDescription = GetInnerText(fieldDocXml);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fDto.XmlDescription))
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Warning, "    FIELD: {0} XML: {1}", fDto.Name, MISSING_XML);
                else if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    FIELD: {0} XML: {1}", fDto.Name, fDto.XmlDescription);
        private static void ProcessProperties(CheckOptions checkOptions, PropertyInfo[] properties, int propertiesCount, TypeDto typeDto)
            for (int n = 0; n < propertiesCount; n++)
                var pInfo = properties[n];
                var pDto  = new PropertyDto {
                    Name = pInfo.ToString()

                if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    Processing property {0} of {1}", n + 1, propertiesCount);

                var propertyDocXml = DocsService.GetXmlFromMember(pInfo, false);
                pDto.XmlDescription = GetInnerText(propertyDocXml);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pDto.XmlDescription))
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Warning, "    PROPERTY: {0} XML: {1}", pDto.Name, MISSING_XML);
                else if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    PROPERTY: {0} XML: {1}", pDto.Name, pDto.XmlDescription);
        private static void ProcessMethods(CheckOptions checkOptions, System.Collections.Generic.List <MethodInfo> methods, int methodsCount, TypeDto typeDto)
            for (int n = 0; n < methodsCount; n++)
                var mInfo = methods[n];
                var mDto  = new MethodDto {
                    Name = mInfo.ToString()

                if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    Processing method {0} of {1}", n + 1, methodsCount);

                var methodXml = DocsService.GetXmlFromMember(mInfo, false);
                mDto.XmlDescription = GetInnerText(methodXml);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDto.XmlDescription))
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Warning, "    METHOD: {0} XML: {1}", mDto.Name, MISSING_XML);
                else if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    METHOD: {0} XML: {1}", mDto.Name, mDto.XmlDescription);
        private static void ProcessConstructors(CheckOptions checkOptions, ConstructorInfo[] constructors, int constructorsCount, TypeDto typeDto)
            for (int n = 0; n < constructorsCount; n++)
                var cInfo = constructors[n];

                var cDto = new ConstructorDto {
                    Name = cInfo.ToString()

                if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    Processing constructor {0} of {1}", n + 1, constructorsCount);

                var constructorXml = DocsService.GetXmlForConstructor(cInfo, false);
                cDto.XmlDescription = GetInnerText(constructorXml);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cDto.XmlDescription) && cInfo.GetParameters().Count() == 0)
                    cDto.XmlDescription = "Default constructor is allowed to have empty summary description";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cDto.XmlDescription))
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Warning, "    CONSTRUCTOR: {0} {1} XML: {2}", typeDto.Name, cDto.Name, MISSING_XML);
                else if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "    CONSTRUCTOR: {0} {1} XML: {2}", typeDto.Name, cDto.Name, cDto.XmlDescription);
        public static ApiCheckResult Check(CheckOptions checkOptions)
            var result = new ApiCheckResult();

            var      assemblyPath = checkOptions.AssemblyPath;
            Assembly assembly     = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath);

            result.AssemblyName = assembly.FullName;

            Type[] allTypes = new Type[] { };
                allTypes = assembly.GetTypes();
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                // Swallow
                allTypes = ex.Types;

            allTypes = allTypes.Where(_ => _ != null && _.IsPublic).ToArray();

            result.Namespaces = allTypes.Select(_ => new NamespaceDto {
                Name = _.Namespace
            var nsCount = result.Namespaces.Count();

            Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "Total namespaces found: {0}", nsCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < nsCount; i++)
                var nsDto = result.Namespaces[i];

                var types      = allTypes.Where(_ => _.Namespace == nsDto.Name).ToList();
                var typesCount = types.Count();

                Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "Processing namespace {0} of {1}. Namespace: '{2}'. Types: {3}", i + 1, nsCount, nsDto.Name, typesCount);

                // PROCESS NAMESPACE
                var nsXml = DocsService.GetXmlForNamespace(nsDto.Name, allTypes[0], false);
                nsDto.XmlDescription = GetInnerText(nsXml);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nsDto.XmlDescription))
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Warning, "NAMESPACE: {0}, XML: {1}", nsDto.Name, MISSING_XML);
                else if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "NAMESPACE: {0}, XML: {1}", nsDto.Name, nsDto.XmlDescription);

                for (int j = 0; j < typesCount; j++)
                    var t                 = types[j];
                    var constructors      = t.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                    var constructorsCount = constructors.Count();

                    var fields = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
                                 .Where(_ => _.Name != "value__").ToList();
                    var fieldsCount = fields.Count();

                    var properties      = t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                    var propertiesCount = properties.Count();

                    var methods = t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
                                  .Where(_ => !_.IsSpecialName)
                                  .Where(_ => !_.IsGenericMethod)
                    var methodsCount = methods.Count();

                    Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "  Processing type {0} of {1}. TypeName: '{2}'. Constructors: {3}, Methods: {4}, Fields: {5}, Properties {6}",
                              j + 1, typesCount, t.Name, constructorsCount, methodsCount, fieldsCount, propertiesCount);

                    var xmlType = DocsService.GetXmlFromType(t, false);

                    // Type
                    var typeDto = new TypeDto {
                        Name = t.Name, XmlDescription = GetInnerText(xmlType)

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeDto.XmlDescription))
                        Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Warning, "TYPE: {0}.{1}, XML: {2}", nsDto.Name, typeDto.Name, MISSING_XML);
                    else if (!checkOptions.LogOnlyMissing)
                        Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "TYPE: {0}.{1}, XML: {2}", nsDto.Name, typeDto.Name, typeDto.XmlDescription);

                    if (IsDelegate(t.UnderlyingSystemType) && checkOptions.SkipDelegatesProcessing)
                        // Skip delegates processing

                    // CONSTRUCTORS
                    ProcessConstructors(checkOptions, constructors, constructorsCount, typeDto);

                    // METHODS
                    ProcessMethods(checkOptions, methods, methodsCount, typeDto);

                    // FIELDS
                    ProcessFields(checkOptions, fields, fieldsCount, typeDto);

                    // PROPERTIES
                    ProcessProperties(checkOptions, properties, propertiesCount, typeDto);

            // LOG RESULTS
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Error, "RESULT: Check completed with {0} errors", result.ErrorCount);
                Log.Write(Verbosity.Normal, LogLevel.Information, "RESULT: Check completed successfully!");
