private bool SysTrayCallback(uint message, NOTIFYICONDATA nicData) { if (nicData.hWnd == 0) { return(false); } NotifyIcon trayIcon = new NotifyIcon((IntPtr)nicData.hWnd); trayIcon.UID = nicData.uID; lock (_lockObject) { if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_ADD || (NIM)message == NIM.NIM_MODIFY) { try { bool exists = false; if (nicData.dwState != 1) { if (nicData.guidItem == new Guid(VOLUME_GUID)) { return(false); } foreach (NotifyIcon ti in TrayIcons) { if ((nicData.guidItem != Guid.Empty && nicData.guidItem == ti.GUID) || (ti.HWnd == (IntPtr)nicData.hWnd && ti.UID == nicData.uID)) { exists = true; trayIcon = ti; break; } } if ((NIF.TIP & nicData.uFlags) != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nicData.szTip)) { trayIcon.Title = nicData.szTip; } if ((NIF.ICON & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { if ((IntPtr)nicData.hIcon != IntPtr.Zero) { try { System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource bs = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon((IntPtr)nicData.hIcon, Int32Rect.Empty, System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()); if (bs != null) { trayIcon.Icon = bs; } } catch { if (trayIcon.Icon == null) { trayIcon.Icon = Common.IconImageConverter.GetDefaultIcon(); } } } else { trayIcon.Icon = null; } } trayIcon.HWnd = (IntPtr)nicData.hWnd; trayIcon.UID = nicData.uID; trayIcon.GUID = nicData.guidItem; // guess version in case we are receiving icons that aren't sending NIM_SETVERSION to new explorers if ((NIF.VISTA_MASK & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.Version = 4; } else if ((NIF.XP_MASK & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.Version = 3; } if (nicData.uVersion > 0 && nicData.uVersion <= 4) { trayIcon.Version = nicData.uVersion; } if ((NIF.MESSAGE & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.CallbackMessage = nicData.uCallbackMessage; } if (!exists) { // default placement to a menu bar like rect trayIcon.Placement = defaultPlacement; if (trayIcon.Icon == null) { trayIcon.Icon = Common.IconImageConverter.GetDefaultIcon(); } TrayIcons.Add(trayIcon); CairoLogger.Instance.Debug("Added tray icon: " + trayIcon.Title); if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_MODIFY) { // return an error to the notifyicon as we received a modify for an icon we did not yet have return(false); } } else { CairoLogger.Instance.Debug("Modified tray icon: " + trayIcon.Title); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CairoLogger.Instance.Error("Unable to modify the icon in the collection.", ex); } } else if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_DELETE) { try { if (!TrayIcons.Contains(trayIcon)) { // Nothing to remove. return(false); } TrayIcons.Remove(trayIcon); CairoLogger.Instance.Debug("Removed tray icon: " + nicData.szTip); } catch (Exception ex) { CairoLogger.Instance.Error("Unable to remove the icon from the collection.", ex); } } else if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_SETVERSION) { foreach (NotifyIcon ti in TrayIcons) { if ((nicData.guidItem != Guid.Empty && nicData.guidItem == ti.GUID) || (ti.HWnd == (IntPtr)nicData.hWnd && ti.UID == nicData.uID)) { ti.Version = nicData.uVersion; CairoLogger.Instance.Debug("Modified version to " + ti.Version + " on tray icon: " + ti.Title); break; } } } } return(true); }
private bool SysTrayCallback(uint message, NOTIFYICONDATA nicData) { NotifyIcon trayIcon = new NotifyIcon((IntPtr)nicData.hWnd); trayIcon.UID = nicData.uID; lock (_lockObject) { if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_ADD || (NIM)message == NIM.NIM_MODIFY) { try { bool exists = false; if (nicData.dwState != 1) { if (nicData.guidItem == new Guid(VOLUME_GUID)) { return(false); } foreach (NotifyIcon ti in TrayIcons) { if ((nicData.guidItem != Guid.Empty && nicData.guidItem == ti.GUID) || (ti.HWnd == (IntPtr)nicData.hWnd && ti.UID == nicData.uID)) { exists = true; trayIcon = ti; break; } } if (((uint)NIF.NIF_TIP & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.Title = nicData.szTip; } if (((uint)NIF.NIF_ICON & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { if ((IntPtr)nicData.hIcon != IntPtr.Zero) { try { trayIcon.Icon = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon((IntPtr)nicData.hIcon, Int32Rect.Empty, System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()); } catch { if (trayIcon.Icon == null) { trayIcon.Icon = Common.IconImageConverter.GetDefaultIcon(); } } } else { trayIcon.Icon = Common.IconImageConverter.GetDefaultIcon(); } } trayIcon.HWnd = (IntPtr)nicData.hWnd; trayIcon.UID = nicData.uID; trayIcon.GUID = nicData.guidItem; if (nicData.uVersion > 0 && nicData.uVersion <= 4) { trayIcon.Version = nicData.uVersion; } if (((uint)NIF.NIF_MESSAGE & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.CallbackMessage = nicData.uCallbackMessage; } if (!exists) { TrayIcons.Add(trayIcon); Trace.WriteLine("Added tray icon: " + trayIcon.Title); } else { Trace.WriteLine("Modified tray icon: " + trayIcon.Title); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Unable to modify the icon in the collection. Error: " + ex.ToString()); } } else if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_DELETE) { try { if (!TrayIcons.Contains(trayIcon)) { // Nothing to remove. return(false); } // Woo! Using Linq to avoid iterating! TrayIcons.Remove(trayIcon); Trace.WriteLine("Removed tray icon: " + nicData.szTip); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Unable to remove the icon from the collection. Error: " + ex.ToString()); } } else if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_SETVERSION) { foreach (NotifyIcon ti in TrayIcons) { if ((nicData.guidItem != Guid.Empty && nicData.guidItem == ti.GUID) || (ti.HWnd == (IntPtr)nicData.hWnd && ti.UID == nicData.uID)) { ti.Version = nicData.uVersion; break; } } } } return(true); }
private bool SysTrayCallback(uint message, SafeNotifyIconData nicData) { if (nicData.hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) { return(false); } NotifyIcon trayIcon = new NotifyIcon(nicData.hWnd); trayIcon.UID = nicData.uID; lock (_lockObject) { if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_ADD || (NIM)message == NIM.NIM_MODIFY) { try { bool exists = false; // hide icons while we are shell which require UWP support & we have a separate implementation for if (nicData.guidItem == new Guid(VOLUME_GUID) && ((Shell.IsCairoRunningAsShell && Shell.IsWindows10OrBetter) || GroupPolicyManager.Instance.HideScaVolume)) { return(false); } foreach (NotifyIcon ti in TrayIcons) { if (ti.Equals(nicData)) { exists = true; trayIcon = ti; break; } } if ((NIF.STATE & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.IsHidden = nicData.dwState == 1; } if ((NIF.TIP & nicData.uFlags) != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nicData.szTip)) { trayIcon.Title = nicData.szTip; } if ((NIF.ICON & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { if (nicData.hIcon != IntPtr.Zero) { try { System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource bs = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon( nicData.hIcon, Int32Rect.Empty, System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()); DestroyIcon(nicData.hIcon); if (bs != null) { bs.Freeze(); trayIcon.Icon = bs; } } catch { if (trayIcon.Icon == null) { trayIcon.Icon = Common.IconImageConverter.GetDefaultIcon(); } } } else { trayIcon.Icon = null; } } trayIcon.HWnd = nicData.hWnd; trayIcon.UID = nicData.uID; if ((NIF.GUID & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.GUID = nicData.guidItem; } // guess version in case we are receiving icons that aren't sending NIM_SETVERSION to new explorers if ((NIF.VISTA_MASK & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.Version = 4; } else if ((NIF.XP_MASK & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.Version = 3; } if (nicData.uVersion > 0 && nicData.uVersion <= 4) { trayIcon.Version = nicData.uVersion; } if ((NIF.MESSAGE & nicData.uFlags) != 0) { trayIcon.CallbackMessage = nicData.uCallbackMessage; } if (!exists) { // default placement to a menu bar-like rect trayIcon.Placement = defaultPlacement; // set properties used for pinning trayIcon.Path = Shell.GetPathForHandle(trayIcon.HWnd); trayIcon.SetPinValues(); if (trayIcon.Icon == null) { trayIcon.Icon = Common.IconImageConverter.GetDefaultIcon(); } TrayIcons.Add(trayIcon); CairoLogger.Instance.Debug($"NotificationArea: Added: {trayIcon.Title} Path: {trayIcon.Path} Hidden: {trayIcon.IsHidden} GUID: {trayIcon.GUID} UID: {trayIcon.UID} Version: {trayIcon.Version}"); if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_MODIFY) { // return an error to the notifyicon as we received a modify for an icon we did not yet have return(false); } } else { CairoLogger.Instance.Debug($"NotificationArea: Modified: {trayIcon.Title}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { CairoLogger.Instance.Error("NotificationArea: Unable to modify the icon in the collection.", ex); } } else if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_DELETE) { try { if (!TrayIcons.Contains(trayIcon)) { // Nothing to remove. return(false); } TrayIcons.Remove(trayIcon); CairoLogger.Instance.Debug($"NotificationArea: Removed: {nicData.szTip}"); } catch (Exception ex) { CairoLogger.Instance.Error("NotificationArea: Unable to remove the icon from the collection.", ex); } } else if ((NIM)message == NIM.NIM_SETVERSION) { foreach (NotifyIcon ti in TrayIcons) { if (ti.Equals(nicData)) { ti.Version = nicData.uVersion; CairoLogger.Instance.Debug($"NotificationArea: Modified version to {ti.Version} on: {ti.Title}"); break; } } } } return(true); }