IdentityMatrix() 공개 메소드

public IdentityMatrix ( ) : void
리턴 void
예제 #1
        public static void ShowWithOptions(this DockySurface self, DockySurface target, PointD point, double zoom, double rotation, double opacity)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            Cairo.Context cr = target.Context;

            double cos, sin;

            cos = Math.Cos(rotation);
            sin = Math.Sin(rotation);
            Matrix m = new Matrix(cos, sin, -sin, cos, point.X, point.Y);


            if (zoom != 1)
                cr.Scale(zoom, zoom);

                         -self.Width / 2,
                         -self.Height / 2);


예제 #2
        public static void ShowAsReflection(this DockySurface self, DockySurface target, PointD point, double zoom,
                                            double rotation, double opacity, double height, DockPosition position)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            Cairo.Context cr = target.Context;

            switch (position)
            case DockPosition.Left:
                point.X -= self.Width * zoom + height;

            case DockPosition.Top:
                point.Y -= self.Height * zoom + height;

            case DockPosition.Right:
                point.X += self.Width * zoom + height;

            case DockPosition.Bottom:
                point.Y += self.Height * zoom + height;

            double cos, sin;

            cos = Math.Cos(rotation);
            sin = Math.Sin(rotation);
            Matrix m = new Matrix(cos, sin, -sin, cos, point.X, point.Y);


            if (zoom != 1)
                cr.Scale(zoom, zoom);

            if (position == DockPosition.Left || position == DockPosition.Right)
                cr.Scale(-1, 1);
                cr.Scale(1, -1);

                         -self.Width / 2,
                         -self.Height / 2);

            cr.PaintWithAlpha(opacity * .3);

예제 #3
        public static void TileOntoSurface(this DockySurface self, DockySurface target, Gdk.Rectangle area, int edgeBuffer, double tilt, DockPosition orientation)
            if (orientation == DockPosition.Left || orientation == DockPosition.Right)
                int x = area.X;
                if (orientation == DockPosition.Left)
                    x -= self.Width - area.Width;

                Cairo.Context cr = target.Context;

                // draw left edge
                cr.Rectangle(area.X, area.Y, area.Width, edgeBuffer);
                cr.SetSource(self.Internal, x, area.Y);

                int maxMiddleMove = self.Height - 2 * edgeBuffer;
                int position      = area.Y + edgeBuffer;
                int edgeTarget    = area.Y + area.Height - edgeBuffer;
                while (position < edgeTarget)
                    int height = Math.Min(edgeTarget - position, maxMiddleMove);
                    cr.Rectangle(area.X, position, area.Width, height);
                    cr.SetSource(self.Internal, x, position - edgeBuffer);
                    position += height;

                cr.Rectangle(area.X, position, area.Width, edgeBuffer);
                cr.SetSource(self.Internal, x, area.Y + area.Height - self.Height);
                if (tilt != 1)
                    area.Y      += (int)(area.Height * tilt);
                    area.Height -= (int)(area.Height * tilt);

                int y = area.Y;
                if (orientation == DockPosition.Top)
                    y -= self.Height - area.Height;

                Cairo.Context cr = target.Context;
                cr.Rectangle(area.X - 100, area.Y, edgeBuffer + 100, area.Height);

                Matrix m = new Matrix(1, 0, -tilt, 1, 0, y);

                // draw left edge
                cr.SetSource(self.Internal, area.X, 0);


                int maxMiddleMove = self.Width - 2 * edgeBuffer;
                int position      = area.X + edgeBuffer;
                int edgeTarget    = area.X + area.Width - edgeBuffer;
                while (position < edgeTarget)
                    int width = Math.Min(edgeTarget - position, maxMiddleMove);
                    cr.Rectangle(position, area.Y, width, area.Height);
                    cr.SetSource(self.Internal, position - edgeBuffer, y);
                    position += width;

                cr.Rectangle(position, area.Y, edgeBuffer + 100, area.Height);

                m = new Matrix(1, 0, tilt, 1, 0, y);

                cr.SetSource(self.Internal, area.X + area.Width - self.Width, 0);

예제 #4
파일: helpers.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /** FAST */
 public static bool CheckTextExtents(Context cr, TextExtents te, double x, double y)
     bool retval = false;
     cr.Save ();
       PointD pt = cr.CurrentPoint;
       cr.NewPath ();
       cr.Rectangle (pt.X, pt.Y, te.Width, te.Height);
       cr.IdentityMatrix ();
       retval = cr.InFill (x, y);
       if (ShowTextExtents) {
     cr.Operator = Operator.Over;
     cr.Color = new Color (1,0.5,1,0.5);
     cr.LineWidth = 0.5;
     cr.Stroke ();
     cr.Restore ();
     cr.MoveTo (pt.X, pt.Y);
     return retval;
예제 #5
파일: helpers.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /* Rectangle drawing helpers */
 /** FAST */
 public static void DrawRectangle(Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, Rectangle target)
     Matrix matrix = cr.Matrix;
     double x_a = matrix.X0+x*matrix.Xx;
     double y_a = matrix.Y0+y*matrix.Yy;
     double w_a = matrix.Xx*w;
     double h_a = matrix.Yy*h;
     double y2_a = y_a + h_a;
     double x2_a = x_a + w_a;
     x_a = Clamp(x_a, -1, target.X+target.Width+1);
     x2_a = Clamp(x2_a, -1, target.X+target.Width+1);
     y_a = Clamp(y_a, -1, target.Y+target.Height+1);
     y2_a = Clamp(y2_a, -1, target.Y+target.Height+1);
     w_a = Math.Max(0.5, x2_a - x_a);
     if (h_a < 0.25 && (Math.Floor(y*4) == Math.Floor((y+h)*4)))
     h_a = Math.Max(0.5, y2_a - y_a);
     //   return;
     cr.Save ();
       cr.IdentityMatrix ();
       cr.Rectangle (x_a, y_a, w_a, h_a);
     cr.Restore ();
예제 #6
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /** BLOCKING */
 void ClickCurrentDir(Context cr, uint width, uint height, double x, double y)
     Rectangle box = Transform (cr, width, height);
     if (x < box.X || x > box.X+box.Width || y < box.Y || y > box.Y+box.Height)
     cr.Scale (1, Zoomer.Z);
     cr.Translate (0.0, Zoomer.Y);
     List<ClickHit> hits = Renderer.Click (CurrentDirEntry, Prefixes, cr, box, x, y);
     foreach (ClickHit c in hits) {
       if (c.Height < 15.9) {
     if (c.Target.ParentDir == CurrentDirEntry) {
       double nz = (c.Target.IsDirectory ? 24 : 18) / c.Height;
       // Helpers.LogDebug("ZoomIn {0}x", nz);
       cr.Save ();
         cr.IdentityMatrix ();
         ZoomBy(cr, width, height, x, y, nz);
       cr.Restore ();
       } else if (DoubleClick) {
       } else {
     if (AltKeyDown) {
       ClearSelection ();
     } else if (CtrlKeyDown) {
       spanStart = c.Target;
       spanEnd = null;
     } else if (ShiftKeyDown) {
       if (spanStart != null) {
         if (spanEnd != null) {
           ToggleSpan(spanStart, spanEnd);
         spanEnd = c.Target;
         ToggleSpan(spanStart, spanEnd);
       } else {
         spanStart = c.Target;
         spanEnd = null;
     } else {
       if (c.Target.IsDirectory) {
         // Helpers.LogDebug("Navigate {0}", c.Target.FullName);
         SetCurrentDir (c.Target.FullName);
       } else {
         // Helpers.LogDebug("Open {0}", c.Target.FullName);
     UpdateLayout ();
 private ImageSurface GenerateStub()
     ImageSurface stub = new ImageSurface (Format.ARGB32, 600, 300);
     Context cairo  = new Context(stub);
     cairo.IdentityMatrix ();
     cairo.Scale (600,300);
     cairo.Rectangle (0, 0, 1, 1);
     cairo.SetSourceRGB (1,1,1);
     cairo.Fill ();
     cairo.MoveTo (0.14, 0.5);
     cairo.SetFontSize (0.08);
     cairo.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
     cairo.ShowText ("Загрузите подложку");
     cairo.Dispose ();
     return stub;
예제 #8
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /** BLOCKING */
 protected override bool OnButtonReleaseEvent(Gdk.EventButton e)
     Profiler p = new Profiler ("OnButtonReleaseEvent", 10);
     GrabFocus ();
     SetCursor (e.State);
     p.Time ("SetCursor");
     ZoomVelocity = 1;
     if (Cancelled) {
       Cancelled = DoubleClick = false;
     } else {
       if (e.Button == 1 && !dragging && !ClickCancelled) {
       InteractionProfiler.Start ();
     int w, h;
     e.Window.GetSize (out w, out h);
     AltKeyDown = (e.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask) == Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask;
     CtrlKeyDown = (e.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask) == Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask;
     ShiftKeyDown = (e.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) == Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask;
     if (AltKeyDown)
       ClearSelection ();
     using (Context scr = new Context (CachedSurface)) {
       scr.IdentityMatrix ();
       Click (scr, (uint)w, (uint)h, e.X, e.Y);
     DoubleClick = false;
       if (e.Button == 1 && ThrowFrames.Count > 0) {
     ThrowVelocity = 0;
     if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastMotionTime).TotalMilliseconds < 100) {
       ThrowFrames.Add (new ThrowFrame(e.X, e.Y));
       int len = Math.Min(10, ThrowFrames.Count-1);
       double vy = 0;
       for (int i=ThrowFrames.Count-len; i<ThrowFrames.Count; i++) {
         vy += ThrowFrames[i].Y - ThrowFrames[i-1].Y;
       vy /= len;
       // Helpers.LogDebug("ThrowFrames.Count: {0}, vy: {1}", ThrowFrames.Count, vy);
       if (Math.Abs(vy) > 5) {
         ThrowVelocity = vy*2;
         NeedRedraw = true;
     ThrowFrames.Clear ();
     if (e.Button == 1) {
       if (!dragInProgress) {
     DragSourceEntry = null;
     DragSourcePath = null;
       dragInProgress = false;
     if (e.Button == 2) { ControlLineVisible = false; NeedRedraw = true; }
     dragging = false;
     panning = panning && dragInProgress;
     p.Time ("Handled");
     return true;
예제 #9
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /** FAST */
 bool ClickBreadcrumb(Context cr, uint width, double x, double y)
     if (CurrentDirPath == Helpers.RootDir) return false;
     TextExtents te1 = Helpers.GetTextExtents (cr, BreadcrumbFontFamily, BreadcrumbFontSize, String.Join(dirSep, CurrentDirPath.Split(Helpers.DirSepC)) + dirSep);
     cr.Save ();
       double areaWidth = width-BreadcrumbMarginLeft-BreadcrumbMarginRight;
       cr.Rectangle (0,0,areaWidth, te1.Height);
       cr.Clip ();
       cr.Translate (Math.Min(0,areaWidth-te1.Width), -BreadcrumbMarginTop);
       if (areaWidth - te1.Width >= 0)
     cr.Translate(-(BreadcrumbMarginLeft+1), 0);
       cr.MoveTo (0.0, 0.0);
       int hitIndex = 0;
       string[] segments = CurrentDirPath.Split(Helpers.DirSepC);
       foreach (string s in segments) {
     string name = (s == "") ? rootChar : s+dirSep;
     TextExtents te = Helpers.GetTextExtents (cr, BreadcrumbFontFamily, BreadcrumbFontSize, name);
     te.Height += BreadcrumbMarginTop;
     if (s == "" && (areaWidth - te1.Width >= 0))
       te.Width += BreadcrumbMarginLeft+1;
     if (Helpers.CheckTextExtents(cr, te, x, y)) {
       string newDir = String.Join(Helpers.DirSepS, segments, 0, hitIndex+1);
       if (newDir == "") newDir = Helpers.RootDir;
       if (newDir != CurrentDirPath) {
         SetCurrentDir (newDir);
       } else {
         ResetZoom ();
         UpdateLayout ();
       cr.Restore ();
       return true;
     cr.RelMoveTo( te.Width, 0 );
     hitIndex += 1;
       cr.IdentityMatrix ();
       cr.Rectangle (0,-1,width,2);
       if (cr.InFill(x,y)) {
     ResetZoom ();
     UpdateLayout ();
     cr.Restore ();
     return false;
예제 #10
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /** BLOCKING */
 public List<ClickHit> FindHits(uint width, uint height, double x, double y)
     Profiler p = new Profiler ("FindHits", 10);
     List<ClickHit> hits;
     using (Context cr = new Context (CachedSurface)) {
       cr.IdentityMatrix ();
     Rectangle box = Transform (cr, width, height);
     cr.Scale (1, Zoomer.Z);
     cr.Translate (0.0, Zoomer.Y);
     hits = Renderer.Click (CurrentDirEntry, Prefixes, cr, box, x, y);
     hits.Add (new ClickHit(CurrentDirEntry, cr.Matrix.Yy));
       cr.Restore ();
     p.Time ("Found {0} hits", hits.Count);
     return hits;
예제 #11
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
    /** ASYNC */
    void PreDrawCallback()
        Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
        while (true) {
          PreDrawInProgress = PreDrawInProgress || PreDrawRequested;
          if (PreDrawInProgress) {
        // even if PreDrawRequested is set to true here, we still do the predraw
        // (and CancelPreDraw only affects an already running PreDraw)
        PreDrawRequested = false;
        try {
          if (FSCache.Measurer != null && SizeField != null)
            if (!SizeField.Measurer.DependsOnTotals && FSCache.Measurer.DependsOnTotals)
              clearTraversal = true;
          FSCache.Measurer = SizeField.Measurer;
          FSCache.SortDirection = SortDirection;
          FSCache.Comparer = SortField.Comparer;
          if (!FSCache.Measurer.DependsOnTotals)
            FSCache.CancelTraversal ();
          if (clearTraversal) {
            clearTraversal = false;
            FSCache.ClearTraversalCache ();
          FSCache.PruneCache (1);

          FSCache.CancelThumbnailing ();
          using (Context cr = new Context (PreDrawSurface)) {
            cr.IdentityMatrix ();
            Rectangle target = Transform (cr, Width, Height);
            cr.Scale (1, Zoomer.Z);
            cr.Translate (0.0, Zoomer.Y);
            PreDrawComplete = Renderer.PreDraw (CurrentDirEntry, cr, target, 0);
            if (PreDrawComplete) NeedRedraw = true;
        } finally {
          PreDrawInProgress = !PreDrawComplete;
          } else {
        Thread.Sleep (10);
예제 #12
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
    /* Draw main view */
    /** BLOCKING */
    void DrawMainView(Context cr, uint width, uint height)
        cr.Save ();
          cr.NewPath ();
          cr.IdentityMatrix ();
          DrawToolbars (cr, width, height);
          cr.NewPath ();
          cr.IdentityMatrix ();
          Rectangle targetBox = Transform (cr, width, height);
          DrawCurrentDir(cr, targetBox);
        cr.Restore ();

        dirLatencyProfiler.Stop ();
        if (FirstFrameOfDir) {
          dirLatencyProfiler.Time ("Directory latency");
          FirstFrameOfDir = false;
        if (Helpers.StartupProfiler.Watch.IsRunning) {
          Helpers.StartupProfiler.Time ("Draw complete");
          Helpers.StartupProfiler.Total ("Startup complete");
          Helpers.StartupProfiler.Stop ();
          if (QuitAfterFirstFrame) Application.Quit ();
예제 #13
파일: filezoo.cs 프로젝트: kig/filezoo
 /** FAST */
 void DrawBackground(Context cr, uint width, uint height)
     cr.Save ();
       DrawClear (cr, width, height);
       double t = DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() / 1e7;
       cr.Save ();
     Color ca = Renderer.DirectoryFGColor;
     ca.A = 0.3;
     cr.Color = ca;
     cr.LineWidth = 0.5;
     cr.Translate (270, -50);
     cr.Rotate (0.15);
     for (double y=0; y<6; y++) {
     for (double i=0; i<6-y; i++) {
       cr.Save ();
         double hr = 45;
         double iscale = Math.Sin(-i/20 * Math.PI*2 + CylinderRotation);
         double xscale = Math.Cos(-i/20 * Math.PI*2 + 0.1 + CylinderRotation);
         cr.Translate (iscale * hr * 3, -100 + y*hr*(2*1.732) + hr*(i%2)*1.732);
         hr = 45;
         cr.Scale (xscale, 1);
         cr.NewPath ();
         cr.MoveTo (0, -hr);
         cr.LineTo (0.866*hr, -0.5*hr);
         cr.LineTo (0.866*hr, 0.5*hr);
         cr.LineTo (0, hr);
         cr.LineTo (-0.866*hr, 0.5*hr);
         cr.LineTo (-0.866*hr, -0.5*hr);
         cr.ClosePath ();
         cr.Color = ca;
         cr.Stroke ();
         cr.Color = Renderer.SocketColor;
         cr.Translate (0.75 * -0.866*hr, 0.75 * -0.5*hr);
         double x2 = cr.Matrix.X0, y2 = cr.Matrix.Y0;
         cr.IdentityMatrix ();
         cr.Arc (x2,y2, 1, 0, Math.PI*2);
         cr.Fill ();
       cr.Restore ();
     CylinderRotation += 0.02;
       cr.Restore ();
       if (CurrentDirEntry.InProgress || (t - LastProgress < 3)) {
     if (FirstProgress == 0) { FirstProgress = LastProgress = t; }
     if (CurrentDirEntry.InProgress) LastProgress = t;
     double opacity = Math.Min(3, t-FirstProgress) - Math.Max(0, t-LastProgress);
     t = (t * 0.1) % Math.PI*2;
     Color c = Renderer.RegularFileColor;
     c.A = 0.1*opacity;
     cr.Color = c;
     cr.LineWidth = 1;
     double n = 6;
     double af = Math.PI*2/n;
     double r = 400*(4.4+0.3*cosScale(opacity/3));
     for (double i=0; i<n; i++) {
       cr.Arc (-400*4, 1000/4, r, t+i*af, t+(i+0.7)*af);
       cr.Stroke ();
     for (double i=0; i<n; i++) {
       cr.Arc (-400*4, 1000/4, r+5, -t+i*af, -t+(i+0.7)*af);
       cr.Stroke ();
     if (CurrentDirEntry.InProgress) {
       cr.NewPath ();
         // find FSCache.LastTraversed [or ancestor] y position from model
         // draw line there
       cr.NewPath ();
     LimitedRedraw = true;
       } else {
     FirstProgress = 0;
     LastProgress = 0;
     cr.Restore ();
예제 #14
 public override void Paint(Context ctx)
     PointD siz = this.MeasureSize(ctx);
     PointD l = new PointD(0.5d*siz.X,0.5d*siz.Y);
     ctx.Color = KnownColors.LinkColor;
     siz = this.piece.OuterLocation(ctx);
     PointD siza = this.piece.MeasureSize(ctx);
     ctx.Color = KnownColors.Black;