private static void DoWork(Options options) { Uri serverURL; string appname; string appid; bool openSheets; string virtualProxy; QlikSelection mySelection = null; ILocation remoteQlikSenseLocation = null; try { if (options.Debug) { DEBUG_MODE = true; Print(LogLevel.Debug, "Debug logging enabled."); } Print(LogLevel.Debug, "setting parameter values in main"); serverURL = new Uri(options.Server); appname = options.AppName; appid = options.AppID; virtualProxy = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.VirtualProxy) ? options.VirtualProxy : ""; openSheets = options.FetchObjects; if (options.SelectionField != null) { mySelection = new QlikSelection(); mySelection.fieldname = options.SelectionField; mySelection.fieldvalues = options.SelectionValues.Split(','); } //TODO need to validate the params ideally Print(LogLevel.Debug, "setting remoteQlikSenseLocation");; ////connect to the server (using windows credentials QlikConnection.Timeout = Int32.MaxValue; var d = DateTime.Now; remoteQlikSenseLocation = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(serverURL); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "validating http(s) and virtual proxy");; if (virtualProxy.Length > 0) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.VirtualProxyPath = virtualProxy; } bool isHTTPs = false; if (serverURL.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps) { isHTTPs = true; } remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(isHTTPs, null, false); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "starting to cache applications"); ////Start to cache the apps IAppIdentifier appIdentifier = null; if (appid != null) { //Open up and cache one app, based on app ID appIdentifier = remoteQlikSenseLocation.AppWithId(appid); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "got app identifier by ID"); LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, appIdentifier, openSheets, mySelection); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "finished caching by ID"); } else { if (appname != null) { //Open up and cache one app appIdentifier = remoteQlikSenseLocation.AppWithNameOrDefault(appname); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "got app identifier by name"); LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, appIdentifier, openSheets, mySelection); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "finished caching by name"); } else { //Get all apps, open them up and cache them remoteQlikSenseLocation.GetAppIdentifiers().ToList().ForEach(id => LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, id, openSheets, null)); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "finished caching all applications"); } } ////Wrap it up var dt = DateTime.Now - d; Print(LogLevel.Info, "Cache initialization complete. Total time: {0}", dt.ToString()); remoteQlikSenseLocation.Dispose(); Print(LogLevel.Debug, "done"); return; } catch (UriFormatException) { Print(LogLevel.Info, "Invalid server paramater format. Format must be http[s]://host.domain.tld."); return; } catch (WebSocketException webEx) { if (remoteQlikSenseLocation != null) { Print(LogLevel.Info, "Disposing remoteQlikSenseLocation"); remoteQlikSenseLocation.Dispose(); } Print(LogLevel.Info, "Unable to connect to establish WebSocket connection with: " + options.Server); Print(LogLevel.Info, "Error: " + webEx.Message); return; } catch (TimeoutException timeoutEx) { Print(LogLevel.Info, "Timeout Exception - Unable to connect to: " + options.Server); Print(LogLevel.Info, "Error: " + timeoutEx.Message); return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Trim() == "Websocket closed unexpectedly (EndpointUnavailable):") { Print(LogLevel.Info, "Error: licenses exhausted."); return; } else { Print(LogLevel.Info, "Unexpected error."); Print(LogLevel.Info, "Message: " + ex.Message); return; } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { //////Setup var options = new Options(); Uri serverURL; string appname; bool openSheets; QlikSelection mySelection = null; //// process the parameters using the if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { serverURL = new Uri(options.server); appname = options.appname; openSheets = options.fetchobjects; if (options.selectionfield != null) { mySelection = new QlikSelection(); mySelection.fieldname = options.selectionfield; mySelection.fieldvalues = options.selectionvalues.Split(','); } //TODO need to validate the params ideally } else { throw new Exception("Check parameters are correct"); } Print($"{nameof(options.server)}:{options.server}"); Print($"{nameof(options.appname)}:{options.appname}"); Print($"{nameof(options.usingProxy)}:{options.usingProxy}"); Print($"{nameof(options.User)}:{options.User}"); Print($"{ nameof(options.fetchobjects)}:{options.fetchobjects}"); ////connect to the server (using windows credentials QlikConnection.Timeout = int.MaxValue; var d = DateTime.Now; ILocation remoteQlikSenseLocation = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(serverURL); var isHTTPs = serverURL.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps; if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.User)) && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.staticHeader))) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.VirtualProxyPath = options.usingProxy; remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsStaticHeaderUserViaProxy(options.User, options.staticHeader, isHTTPs); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.usingProxy)) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.VirtualProxyPath = options.usingProxy; remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(isHTTPs); } else if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.User)) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Directory) && options.directConnection) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsDirectConnection(options.Directory, options.User); } else { remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(isHTTPs); } ////Start to cache the apps if (appname != null) { //Open up and cache one app IAppIdentifier appidentifier = remoteQlikSenseLocation.AppWithNameOrDefault(appname, false); LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, appidentifier, openSheets, mySelection); } else { //Get all apps, open them up and cache them remoteQlikSenseLocation.GetAppIdentifiers(true) .ToList() .ForEach(id => LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, id, openSheets, null)); } ////Wrap it up var dt = DateTime.Now - d; Print("Cache initialization complete. Total time: {0}", dt.ToString()); //Console.ReadKey(); }
static void LoadCache(ILocation location, IAppIdentifier id, bool opensheets, QlikSelection Selections) { IApp app = null; try { //open up the app Print(LogLevel.Info, "{0}: Opening app", id.AppName); app = location.App(id); Print(LogLevel.Info, "{0}: App open", id.AppName); //see if we are going to open the sheets too if (opensheets) { //see of we are going to make some selections too if (Selections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Selections.fieldvalues.Length; i++) { //clear any existing selections Print(LogLevel.Info, "{0}: Clearing Selections", id.AppName); app.ClearAll(true); //apply the new selections Print(LogLevel.Info, "{0}: Applying Selection: {1} = {2}", id.AppName, Selections.fieldname, Selections.fieldvalues[i]); app.GetField(Selections.fieldname).Select(Selections.fieldvalues[i]); //cache the results cacheObjects(app, location, id); } } else { //clear any selections Print(LogLevel.Info, "{0}: Clearing Selections", id.AppName); app.ClearAll(true); //cache the results cacheObjects(app, location, id); } } Print(LogLevel.Info, "{0}: App cache completed", id.AppName); app.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (app != null) { app.Dispose(); } throw ex; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //////Setup Options options = new Options(); Uri serverURL; string appname; bool openSheets; string virtualProxy; QlikSelection mySelection = null; //// process the parameters using the if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { serverURL = new Uri(options.server); appname = options.appname; virtualProxy = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.virtualProxy) ? options.virtualProxy : ""; openSheets = options.fetchobjects; if (options.selectionfield != null) { mySelection = new QlikSelection(); mySelection.fieldname = options.selectionfield; mySelection.fieldvalues = options.selectionvalues.Split(','); } //TODO need to validate the params ideally } else { throw new Exception("Check parameters are correct"); } ////connect to the server (using windows credentials QlikConnection.Timeout = Int32.MaxValue; var d = DateTime.Now; ILocation remoteQlikSenseLocation = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(serverURL); if (virtualProxy.Length > 0) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.VirtualProxyPath = virtualProxy; } bool isHTTPs = false; if (serverURL.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps) { isHTTPs = true; } remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(isHTTPs, null, false); ////Start to cache the apps if (appname != null) { //Open up and cache one app IAppIdentifier appidentifier = remoteQlikSenseLocation.AppWithNameOrDefault(appname); LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, appidentifier, openSheets, mySelection); } else { //Get all apps, open them up and cache them remoteQlikSenseLocation.GetAppIdentifiers().ToList().ForEach(id => LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, id, openSheets, null)); } ////Wrap it up var dt = DateTime.Now - d; Print("Cache initialization complete. Total time: {0}", dt.ToString()); }