void GetInterfaceMessages(Dictionary <string, MessagesOption> Messages) { string CombinedMessages = string.Join("|", Messages.Keys); string sMwMessages = CVNBotUtils.GetRawDocument( rooturl + "w/api.php?action=query&meta=allmessages&format=xml" + "&ammessages=" + CombinedMessages ); if (sMwMessages == "") { throw new Exception("Can't load list of InterfaceMessages from " + rooturl); } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(sMwMessages); string mwMessagesLogline = ""; XmlNode allmessagesNode = doc.GetElementsByTagName("allmessages")[0]; for (int i = 0; i < allmessagesNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { string elmName = allmessagesNode.ChildNodes[i].Attributes["name"].Value; GenerateRegex( elmName, allmessagesNode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText, Messages[elmName].NumberOfArgs, Messages[elmName].RegexName, Messages[elmName].NonStrictFlag ); mwMessagesLogline += "name[" + elmName + "]=" + allmessagesNode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText + "; "; } }
/* * Equivalent to function getre in RCParser.py */ void generateRegex(string mwMessageTitle, int reqCount, ref string destRegex, bool nonStrict) { //Get raw wikitext string mwMessage = CVNBotUtils.getRawDocument(rooturl + "w/index.php?title=" + mwMessageTitle + "&action=raw&usemsgcache=yes"); //Now gently coax that into a regex foreach (char c in rechars) { mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace(c.ToString(), @"\" + c); } mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$1", "(?<item1>.+?)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$2", "(?<item2>.+?)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$3", "(?<item3>.+?)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$1", "(?:.+?)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$2", "(?:.+?)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$3", "(?:.+?)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("$", @"\$"); mwMessage = "^" + mwMessage + @"(?:: (?<comment>.*?))?$"; //Special:Log comments are preceded by a colon //Dirty code: Block log exceptions! if (mwMessageTitle == "MediaWiki:Blocklogentry") { mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace("(?<item3>.+?)", "\\((?<item3>.+?)\\)"); mwMessage = mwMessage.Replace(@"(?<item2>.+?)(?:: (?<comment>.*?))?$", "(?<item2>.+?)$"); } try { Regex r = new Regex(mwMessage); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Failed to test-generate regex " + mwMessage + " for " + mwMessageTitle + "; " + e.Message); } if (reqCount > 0) { if (reqCount >= 1) { if (!mwMessage.Contains(@"(?<item1>.+?)") && !nonStrict) { throw new Exception("Regex " + mwMessageTitle + " requires one or more items but item1 not found in " + mwMessage); } if (reqCount >= 2) { if (!mwMessage.Contains(@"(?<item2>.+?)") && !nonStrict) { throw new Exception("Regex " + mwMessageTitle + " requires two or more items but item2 not found in " + mwMessage); } } } } destRegex = mwMessage; }
/// <summary> /// Downloads a list of admins/bots from wiki and adds them to the database (Run this in a separate thread) /// </summary> void addGroupToList() { string projectName = currentGetThreadWiki; currentGetThreadWiki = ""; string getGroup = currentGetThreadMode; currentGetThreadMode = ""; Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Get" + getGroup + "@" + projectName; UserType getGroupUT; if (getGroup == "sysop") { getGroupUT = UserType.admin; } else if (getGroup == "bot") { getGroupUT = UserType.bot; } else { throw new Exception("Undefined group: " + getGroup); } logger.Info("Downloading list of " + getGroup + "s from " + projectName); IDbConnection ourdbcon = null; try { lock (dbtoken) { //Open a new DB connection for this thread ourdbcon = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(connectionString); ourdbcon.Open(); string list = CVNBotUtils.getRawDocument("http://" + projectName + ".org/w/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&group=" + getGroup + "&limit=5000&offset=0"); //Now parse the list: /* _1568: FIX: MW error */ string sr = list.Substring(list.IndexOf("<ul>") + 4); Match lusers = adminLine.Match(sr.Substring(0, sr.IndexOf("</ul>"))); while (lusers.Success) { addUserToList(lusers.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value, projectName, getGroupUT, "CVNBot" , "Auto-download from wiki", 0, ref ourdbcon); //Add the user to the list, using our own DB connection to write lusers = lusers.NextMatch(); } logger.Info("Added all " + getGroup + "s from " + projectName); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Unable to get list of " + getGroup + "s from " + projectName + ": " + e.Message); } finally { //Clean up our own DB connection ourdbcon.Close(); ourdbcon = null; } }
void Rcirc_OnChannelMessage(object sender, IrcEventArgs e) { lastMessage = DateTime.Now; // Based on RCParser.py->parseRCmsg() // Example message from 2017-10-13 from #en.wikipedia // 01> #00314 [[ // 02> #00307 Special:Log/newusers // 03> #00314 ]] // 04> #0034 create2 // 05> #00310 // 06> #00302 // 07> #003 // 08> #0035 * // 09> #003 // 10> #00303 Ujju.19788 // 11> #003 // 12> #0035 * // 13> #003 // 14> #00310 created new account User:Upendhare // 15> #003 string strippedmsg = stripBold.Replace(stripColours.Replace(CVNBotUtils.ReplaceStrMax(e.Data.Message, '\x03', '\x04', 14), "\x03"), ""); string[] fields = strippedmsg.Split(new char[] { '\x03' }, 15); if (fields.Length == 15) { if (fields[14].EndsWith("\x03")) { fields[14] = fields[14].Substring(0, fields[14].Length - 1); } } else { // Probably really long article title or something that got cut off; we can't handle these return; } try { RCEvent rce; rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.unknown; rce.blockLength = ""; rce.movedTo = ""; rce.project = e.Data.Channel.Substring(1); rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, fields[2]); rce.url = CVNBotUtils.RootUrl(fields[6]); rce.user = fields[10]; Project project = ((Project)Program.prjlist[rce.project]); // At the moment, fields[14] contains IRC colour codes. For plain edits, remove just the \x03's. For logs, remove using the regex. Match titlemo = project.rSpecialLogRegex.Match(fields[2]); if (!titlemo.Success) { // This is a regular edit rce.minor = fields[4].Contains("M"); rce.newpage = fields[4].Contains("N"); rce.botflag = fields[4].Contains("B"); rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.edit; rce.comment = fields[14].Replace("\x03", ""); } else { // This is a log edit; check for type string logType = titlemo.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value; // Fix comments rce.comment = stripColours2.Replace(fields[14], ""); switch (logType) { case "newusers": // Could be a user creating their own account, or a user creating a sockpuppet // Example message as of 2016-11-02 on #nl.wikipedia (with log comment after colon) // > [[Speciaal:Log/newusers]] create2 * BRPots * created new account Gebruiker:BRPwiki: eerder fout gemaakt // Example message as of 2016-11-02 on #nl.wikipedia (without log comment) // > [[Speciaal:Log/newusers]] create2 * Sherani koster * created new account Gebruiker:Rani farah koster // Example message as of 2017-10-13 on #en.wikipedia: // > [[Special:Log/newusers]] create2 * Ujju.19788 * created new account User:Upendhare if (fields[4].Contains("create2")) { Match mc2 = project.rCreate2Regex.Match(rce.comment); if (mc2.Success) { rce.title = mc2.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value; rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.newuser2; } else { logger.Warn("Unmatched create2 event in " + rce.project + ": " + e.Data.Message); } } else { if (fields[4].Contains("autocreate")) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.autocreate; } else { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.newuser; } } break; case "block": // Example message from October 2017 on #en.wikipedia: // > [[Special:Log/block]] reblock * Yamla * changed block settings for [[User:Jeb BushDid911]] (account creation blocked, email disabled, cannot edit own talk page) with an expiry time of indefinite: {{uw-ublock}} // // Example message from October 2017 on #en.wikipedia // > [[Special:Log/block]] reblock * DeltaQuad * changed block settings for [[User:]] (anon. only, account creation blocked) with an expiry time of 06:21, February 2, 2019: {{colocationwebhost}} if (fields[4].Contains("unblock")) { Match ubm = project.runblockRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (ubm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.unblock; rce.title = ubm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value; try { rce.comment = ubm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { logger.Warn("Unmatched block/unblock type in " + rce.project + ": " + e.Data.Message); return; } } else if (fields[4].Contains("reblock")) { Match rbm = project.rreblockRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (rbm.Success) { // Treat reblock the same as a new block for simplicity rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.block; rce.title = rbm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value; } else { logger.Warn("Unmatched block/reblock type in " + rce.project + ": " + e.Data.Message); return; } } else { Match bm = project.rblockRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (bm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.block; rce.title = bm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value; // Assume default value of 24 hours in case the on-wiki message override // is missing expiry ($2) from its interface messag rce.blockLength = "24 hours"; try { rce.blockLength = bm.Groups["item2"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } try { rce.comment = bm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { logger.Warn("Unmatched block type in " + rce.project + ": " + e.Data.Message); return; } } break; case "protect": // Could be a protect, modifyprotect or unprotect; need to parse regex Match pm = project.rprotectRegex.Match(rce.comment); Match modpm = project.rmodifyprotectRegex.Match(rce.comment); Match upm = project.runprotectRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (pm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.protect; rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, pm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = pm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else if (modpm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.modifyprotect; rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, modpm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = modpm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { if (upm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.unprotect; rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, upm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = upm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { logger.Warn("Unmatched protect type in " + rce.project + ": " + e.Data.Message); return; } } break; case "rights": // Ignore event return; //break; case "delete": // Could be a delete or restore; need to parse regex Match dm = project.rdeleteRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (dm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.delete; rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, dm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = dm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { Match udm = project.rrestoreRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (udm.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.restore; rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, udm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = udm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { // Could be 'revision' (change visibility of revision) or something else // Ignore event return; } } break; case "upload": Match um = project.ruploadRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (um.Success) { rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.upload; rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, um.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = um.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { // Could be 'overwrite' (upload new version) or something else // Ignore event return; } break; case "move": //Is a move rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.move; //Check "move over redirect" first: it's longer, and plain "move" may match both (e.g., en-default) Match mrm = project.rmoveredirRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (mrm.Success) { rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, mrm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); rce.movedTo = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, mrm.Groups["item2"].Captures[0].Value); //We use the unused blockLength field to store our "moved from" URL rce.blockLength = CVNBotUtils.RootUrl(project.rooturl) + "wiki/" + CVNBotUtils.WikiEncode(mrm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = mrm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { Match mm = project.rmoveRegex.Match(rce.comment); if (mm.Success) { rce.title = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, mm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); rce.movedTo = Project.TranslateNamespace(rce.project, mm.Groups["item2"].Captures[0].Value); //We use the unused blockLength field to store our "moved from" URL rce.blockLength = CVNBotUtils.RootUrl(project.rooturl) + "wiki/" + CVNBotUtils.WikiEncode(mm.Groups["item1"].Captures[0].Value); try { rce.comment = mm.Groups["comment"].Captures[0].Value; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } else { logger.Warn("Unmatched move type in " + rce.project + ": " + e.Data.Message); return; } } break; case "import": //rce.eventtype = RCEvent.EventType.import; // Ignore event return; //break; default: // Ignore event return; } // These flags don't apply to log events, but must be initialized rce.minor = false; rce.newpage = false; rce.botflag = false; } // Deal with the diff size Match n = rszDiff.Match(fields[13]); if (n.Success) { if (n.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value == "+") { rce.szdiff = Convert.ToInt32(n.Groups[2].Captures[0].Value); } else { rce.szdiff = 0 - Convert.ToInt32(n.Groups[2].Captures[0].Value); } } else { rce.szdiff = 0; } try { Program.ReactToRCEvent(rce); } catch (Exception exce) { logger.Error("Failed to handle RCEvent", exce); Program.BroadcastDD("ERROR", "ReactorException", exce.Message, e.Data.Channel + " " + e.Data.Message); } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException eor) { // Broadcast this for Distributed Debugging logger.Error("Failed to process incoming message", eor); Program.BroadcastDD("ERROR", "RCR_AOORE", eor.Message, e.Data.Channel + "/" + e.Data.Message + "Fields: " + fields); } }