public void ExtractContent(Stream outputStream, ContentChunkRecord contentRecord) { if (!this.Cryptor.NormalKey.ContainsKey(0x40)) { this.Cryptor.LoadTitleKeyFromTicket(this.Info.Ticket); } if (!this.Info.ActiveContents.Contains(contentRecord)) { throw new ArgumentException($"The specified CIA does not contain content {contentRecord.GetContentName()}"); } long offset = this.Info.Regions[CIASection.Contents].Offset; for (int i = 0; i < this.Info.ActiveContents.Count; i++) { if (this.Info.ActiveContents[i] == contentRecord) { break; } offset += this.Info.ActiveContents[i].Size; } if (contentRecord.Flags.Encrypted) { if (this.Cryptor == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"Current content ({contentRecord.GetContentName()}) is encrypted, and no Crypto Engine was passed to the method."); } using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { aes.Key = this.Cryptor.NormalKey[(int)Keyslot.DecryptedTitleKey]; byte[] cindex = BitConverter.GetBytes(contentRecord.ContentIndex); aes.IV = (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? cindex.FReverse() : cindex).PadRight(0x00, 0x10); aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros; aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; Tools.CryptFileStreamPart(this.CIAMemoryMappedFile, outputStream, aes.CreateDecryptor(), offset, contentRecord.Size); } } else { using (outputStream) { Tools.ExtractFileStreamPart(this.CIAMemoryMappedFile, outputStream, offset, contentRecord.Size); } } }
public void ExtractAllContents(DirectoryInfo outputDirectory) { if (this.Info.ActiveContents.Any(ac => ac.Flags.Encrypted) && this.Cryptor == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Some contents in the CIA are encrypted, but no crypto engine to decrypt them has been passed to the method."); } for (int i = 0; i < this.Info.ActiveContents.Count; i++) { ContentChunkRecord currentRecord = this.Info.ActiveContents[i]; ExtractContent(File.Create($"{outputDirectory.FullName}/{currentRecord.GetContentName()}.ncch"), currentRecord); } }