예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates and initializes a ConnectorModel from its Xml representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connEl">XmlElement for a ConnectorModel.</param>
        /// <param name="nodes">Dictionary to be used for looking up a NodeModel by it's Guid.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the new instance of ConnectorModel loaded from XmlElement.</returns>
        public static CSharpCommonGraph.Edge LoadConnectorsAndAddPortsFromXml(XmlElement connEl, IDictionary <string, CSharpCommonGraph.Node> nodes)
            var helper = new Dynamo.Utilities.XmlElementHelper(connEl);

            var guid       = helper.ReadGuid("guid", Guid.NewGuid());
            var guidStart  = helper.ReadGuid("start");
            var guidEnd    = helper.ReadGuid("end");
            int startIndex = helper.ReadInteger("start_index");
            int endIndex   = helper.ReadInteger("end_index");

            //find the elements to connect
            CSharpCommonGraph.Node start;
            if (nodes.TryGetValue(guidStart.ToString(), out start))
                var startport = new CSharpCommonGraph.Port();
                startport.InstanceGuid     = start.InstanceGuid.ToString() + "_OUT" + startIndex.ToString();
                startport.MetaData.Inspect = "start";
                startport.Name             = "a cool port";
                //if we have not seen this port id before add the port, we dont want to duplicate ports
                if (start.Ports.All(x => x.InstanceGuid != startport.InstanceGuid))

                CSharpCommonGraph.Node end;
                if (nodes.TryGetValue(guidEnd.ToString(), out end))
                    var endport = new CSharpCommonGraph.Port();
                    endport.InstanceGuid     = end.InstanceGuid.ToString() + "_IN" + endIndex.ToString();
                    endport.MetaData.Inspect = "end";
                    endport.Name             = "a cool port";
                    if (end.Ports.All(x => x.InstanceGuid != endport.InstanceGuid))

                    var edge = new CSharpCommonGraph.Edge();
                    edge.SrcGuid      = startport.InstanceGuid;
                    edge.DestGuid     = endport.InstanceGuid;
                    edge.InstanceGuid = guid.ToString();

예제 #2
파일: NodeGraph.cs 프로젝트: oderby/VVD
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates and initializes a ConnectorModel from its Xml representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connEl">XmlElement for a ConnectorModel.</param>
        /// <param name="nodes">Dictionary to be used for looking up a NodeModel by it's Guid.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the new instance of ConnectorModel loaded from XmlElement.</returns>
        public static CSharpCommonGraph.Edge LoadConnectorsAndAddPortsFromXml(XmlElement connEl,IDictionary<string, CSharpCommonGraph.Node> nodes)
            var helper = new Dynamo.Utilities.XmlElementHelper(connEl);

            var guid = helper.ReadGuid("guid", Guid.NewGuid());
            var guidStart = helper.ReadGuid("start");
            var guidEnd = helper.ReadGuid("end");
            int startIndex = helper.ReadInteger("start_index");
            int endIndex = helper.ReadInteger("end_index");

             //find the elements to connect
            CSharpCommonGraph.Node start;
            if (nodes.TryGetValue(guidStart.ToString(), out start))
                var startport = new CSharpCommonGraph.Port();
                startport.InstanceGuid = start.InstanceGuid.ToString()+"_OUT"+ startIndex.ToString();
                startport.MetaData.Inspect = "start";
                startport.Name = "a cool port";
                //if we have not seen this port id before add the port, we dont want to duplicate ports
                if (start.Ports.All(x=>x.InstanceGuid != startport.InstanceGuid))

                CSharpCommonGraph.Node end;
                if (nodes.TryGetValue(guidEnd.ToString(), out end))

                    var endport = new CSharpCommonGraph.Port();
                    endport.InstanceGuid = end.InstanceGuid.ToString() + "_IN" + endIndex.ToString();
                    endport.MetaData.Inspect = "end";
                    endport.Name = "a cool port";
                    if (end.Ports.All(x => x.InstanceGuid != endport.InstanceGuid))

                    var edge = new CSharpCommonGraph.Edge();
                    edge.SrcGuid = startport.InstanceGuid;
                    edge.DestGuid = endport.InstanceGuid;
                    edge.InstanceGuid = guid.ToString();
                    return edge;

            return null;
예제 #3
파일: Parser.cs 프로젝트: oderby/VVD
        //Actual constructor for use in the program
        public static CommonGraph CommonGraphFromGHFile(string file)
            CommonGraph cg = new CommonGraph();

            //construct GH Archive object for XML Traversal
            GH_Archive archive = new GH_Archive();

            MetaData graphMetaData = new MetaData();
            graphMetaData.Ignore = archive.Serialize_Xml();
            cg.MetaData = graphMetaData;

            //traverse GH file tree
            var rootNode = archive.GetRootNode;
            var definition = rootNode.FindChunk("Definition");
            var defObjects = definition.FindChunk("DefinitionObjects");
            int objCount = defObjects.GetInt32("ObjectCount");

            //for every object in the definition object list:
            for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++)
                var singleObjectChunk = defObjects.Chunks[i] as GH_Chunk;

                Guid typeGuid = singleObjectChunk.GetGuid("GUID");

                var container = singleObjectChunk.FindChunk("Container");

                var attributes = container.FindChunk("Attributes");

                Guid instanceGuid = container.GetGuid("InstanceGuid");
                string name = singleObjectChunk.GetString("Name");

                IEnumerable<GH_IChunk> inputs;
                IEnumerable<GH_IChunk> outputs;

                //Components that implement variable parameters store their inputs/outputs one layer deeper.
                var parameterData = container.Chunks.Where<GH_IChunk>(C => C.Name == "ParameterData");
                bool hasParameterData = parameterData.Count() > 0;

                bool hasSourceCount = container.ItemExists("SourceCount");

                var paramChunks = container.Chunks;
                if (hasParameterData)
                    paramChunks = parameterData.ToList()[0].Chunks;
                    inputs = paramChunks.Where(C => C.Name == "InputParam");
                    outputs = paramChunks.Where(C => C.Name == "OutputParam");

                   inputs = paramChunks.Where(C => C.Name == "param_input");
                    outputs = paramChunks.Where(C => C.Name == "param_output");

                bool hasInputs = inputs.Count() > 0;
                bool hasOutputs = outputs.Count() > 0;

                bool isComponent = hasInputs || hasOutputs || hasParameterData;

                bool isActiveObject = isComponent || hasSourceCount;

                //Console.WriteLine("Is active object? " + isActiveObject.ToString());
                //Console.WriteLine("Is Component? " + isComponent.ToString());

                if (!isActiveObject) continue;

                Node node = new Node();
                //type and instance
                node.Type = typeGuid.ToString();
                node.InstanceGuid = instanceGuid.ToString();
                node.Name = name;
                Position pos = new Position();
                    var locPoint = attributes.GetDrawingPointF("Pivot");
                    pos.X = locPoint.X;
                    pos.Y = locPoint.Y;
                catch { }
                node.Position = pos;

                MetaData md = new MetaData();
                md.Ignore = chunkToXmlString(singleObjectChunk);
                md.Inspect = chunkToXmlString(singleObjectChunk);
               node.MetaData = md;

                List<Port> ports = new List<Port>();
                List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>();
                if (isComponent) //if it's a component
                    List<GH_IChunk> portChunks = new List<GH_IChunk>();

                    foreach (var portIChunk in portChunks) // for every port "chunk"
                        Port port = new Port();
                        GH_Chunk portChunk = portIChunk as GH_Chunk;
                        Guid portInstanceGuid = portChunk.GetGuid("InstanceGuid");
                        port.InstanceGuid = portInstanceGuid.ToString();
                        port.Name = portChunk.GetString("Name");
                        MetaData portMetadata = new MetaData();
                       portMetadata.Ignore = chunkToXmlString(portChunk);
                        port.MetaData = portMetadata; //REMEMBER TO UNCOMMENT

                        var sources = portChunk.Items.Where(item => item.Name == "Source");
                        //Console.WriteLine("WE GOT THIS MANY SOURCES:" +sources.Count());
                        foreach(GH_Item item in sources){
                             Edge edge = new Edge();
                            edge.DestGuid = portInstanceGuid.ToString();
                            edge.SrcGuid = item._guid.ToString();


                else if(!isComponent && isActiveObject) //if it's a param
                    Port port = new Port();
                    //wrapper for object - if it's a param, instance for virtual node and port are the same.
                    Guid portInstanceGuid = instanceGuid;
                    port.InstanceGuid = instanceGuid.ToString();
                    port.Name = name;

                    var sources = container.Items.Where(item => item.Name == "Source");

                    foreach (GH_Item source in sources)
                        Edge edge = new Edge();
                        edge.DestGuid = portInstanceGuid.ToString();
                        edge.SrcGuid = source._guid.ToString();


                node.Ports = ports;

            return cg;