static void Main(string[] args) { child ch = new child(); ch.Display(); child ch1 = new child("Srivatsan"); ch1.Display(); }
/// <summary> /// Class Name:Program /// Description:Class which containts Main Method. /// Author: /// Created On:18/5/2015 /// </summary> /// #region Main method Class static void Main(string[] args) { List <object> arrylist; List <object> objarrylist; ArrayList arraylist_objects; arrylist = new List <object>(); objarrylist = new List <object>(); arraylist_objects = new ArrayList(); try { #region Define objects //object creation ConstantMessage objconst; Program objprogram; Vowel objvowel; SwichVowel objswitchvowel; CaseCheck objcscheck; Reverse objreverse; Sort objsort; SearchArray search_arra; ReviseArray revise_arra; CopyArray objcopyarr; Power objpower; NotepadFile objfile; WindowDetails objwindetails; Customer objcustomer; Entity objentity; Franchisee objfranch; Bubble_Sort objbubblesort; Array_Transformation objarrtransform; DoubleToInt objdbint; Structure objstrct; Structure_Datesort objstructdatesort; objstructdatesort = new Structure_Datesort(); FileWrite objfilewrite; FileRead_Exception objfileread; objconst = new ConstantMessage(); StringBuilder_Str objstringbuilder; child objchild; Driver objdriver; Vehicle objvehicle; Car objcar; //Arraylist_objects objarylistobj; ArmoredVehicle objarmoredvehicle; IVehicle objinterfaceIvehicle; vehicle objinterfacevehicle; Car7_10 objcar7_10; IFuelConsumption objfuelinterfaceCar; IFuelConsumption objfuelinterfacearmored; Fuel7_11 objfuel; Hashtable_Sortedlist objhash; #endregion while (true) { //object #region Objects Initialization objprogram = new Program(); objvowel = new Vowel(); objswitchvowel = new SwichVowel(); objcscheck = new CaseCheck(); objreverse = new Reverse(); objsort = new Sort(); search_arra = new SearchArray(); revise_arra = new ReviseArray(); objcopyarr = new CopyArray(); objpower = new Power(); objfile = new NotepadFile(); objwindetails = new WindowDetails(); objcustomer = new Customer(); objentity = new Entity(); objfranch = new Franchisee(); objbubblesort = new Bubble_Sort(); objarrtransform = new Array_Transformation(); objdbint = new DoubleToInt(); objstrct = new Structure(); objfilewrite = new FileWrite(); objfileread = new FileRead_Exception(); objstringbuilder = new StringBuilder_Str(); objchild = new child(); objdriver = new Driver(); objvehicle = new Vehicle(); objcar = new Car(); objinterfaceIvehicle = new Car(); objinterfacevehicle = new ArmoredVehicle(); objarmoredvehicle = new ArmoredVehicle(); objfuelinterfaceCar = new Car(); objfuelinterfacearmored = new ArmoredVehicle(); objfuel = new Fuel7_11(); objhash = new Hashtable_Sortedlist(); #endregion //objarylistobj = new Arraylist_objects(); //Get the input from user AS Day.Exercise No. string a; Console.WriteLine(objconst.strExer); a = Console.ReadLine(); //Display the No. of Day string dy = a.Substring(0, 1); Console.WriteLine("Day=" + dy); int intDy = Convert.ToInt32(dy); //Display the No. of Exercise string ex = a.Substring(2); Console.WriteLine("Exercise No.=" + ex); int intEx = Convert.ToInt32(ex); if (intDy > 9 || intDy < 0) { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strday); } else if (intEx > 18) { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strExercise); } else { Console.WriteLine("Code for " + intDy + "." + intEx); Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); //code for Day1 if (intDy == 1) { Console.WriteLine(objconst.ShowMessage1); objprogram.Exit(); } else { switch (a) { case "2.1": case "3.1": objvowel.FindVowel(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.2": case "3.2": objswitchvowel.FindSwitchVowel(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.3": case "3.3": objcscheck.CountChar(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.4": case "3.4": objreverse.ArrayReverse(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.5": case "3.5": objsort.ArraySort(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.6": case "3.6": search_arra.SearchFunction(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.7": case "3.7": revise_arra.CountFunction(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.8": case "3.8": objcopyarr.ThreeArray(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.9": case "3.9": objpower.FindPowerNum(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.10": case "3.10": objfile.OpenFile(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "2.11": case "3.11": objwindetails.GetDetails(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.1": case "5.1": case "6.1": case "4.2": case "5.2": case "6.2": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strCustomerMethod); objcustomer.Load(); objcustomer.Save(); objcustomer.Validate(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.3": case "5.3": case "6.3": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strEntityProp); Console.WriteLine(objentity); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.4": case "5.4": case "6.4": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strchildclass); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.5": case "5.5": case "6.5": case "4.6": case "5.6": case "6.6": objfranch.GetFees(); Console.WriteLine(objfranch); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.7": case "5.7": case "6.7": case "4.8": case "5.8": case "6.8": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcustomernum); int num_customer1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < num_customer1; i++) { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcustomerno); objentity.Property_Method_Entity(); arraylist_objects.Add(objentity); } Console.WriteLine(objconst.strfranchcount); int num_franch1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < num_franch1; i++) { objfranch.GetFees(); arraylist_objects.Add(objfranch); } foreach (object obj in arraylist_objects) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.9": case "5.9": case "6.9": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcustomernum); int num_customer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < num_customer; i++) { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcustomerno); objcustomer.Property_Method(); arrylist.Add(objcustomer); } Console.WriteLine(objconst.strfranchcount); int num_franch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < num_franch; i++) { objfranch.GetFees(); arrylist.Add(objfranch); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.10": case "5.10": case "6.10": foreach (object obj in arrylist) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.11": case "5.11": case "6.11": objbubblesort.BubbleSort(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.12": case "5.12": case "6.12": objarrtransform.Trasform(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.13": case "5.13": case "6.13": objdbint.DataTypeConv(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.14": case "5.14": case "6.14": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strstringbuilder); Console.WriteLine(objconst.strintnum); int inputNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(objstringbuilder.NumbersToWords(inputNumber)); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.15": case "5.15": case "6.15": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strdatecount); int datecount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < datecount; i++) { objstrct.GetDate(); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.16": case "5.16": case "6.16": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strdatecount); int datecount_sort = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < datecount_sort; i++) { objstructdatesort.Getdate_Struct(); } Console.WriteLine(objconst.stractualdate); objstructdatesort.Print(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.17": case "5.17": case "6.17": objfilewrite.WriteToFile(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "4.18": case "5.18": case "6.18": objfileread.FileReadException(); objprogram.Exit(); break; //day 7,8 & 9 case "7.1": case "8.1": case "9.1": objdriver.Drive(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.2": case "8.2": case "9.2": objchild.GetCarClass(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.3": case "8.3": case "9.3": objcar.Drive72(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.4": case "8.4": case "9.4": objvehicle.Drive(); //method of Vehicle class which contains in Vehicles namespace objcar.Drive72(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.5": case "8.5": case "9.5": case "7.6": case "8.6": case "9.6": objinterfaceIvehicle.Destruct(); objinterfacevehicle.Destruct(); objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.7": case "8.7": case "9.7": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcountcarobj); int countcar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcountarmoredobj); int countarmored = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < countcar; i++) { objinterfaceIvehicle.Destruct(); arrylist.Add(objinterfaceIvehicle); } for (int i = 0; i < countarmored; i++) { objinterfacevehicle.Destruct(); arrylist.Add(objinterfacevehicle); } foreach (object s in arrylist) { Console.WriteLine(s); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.8": case "8.8": case "9.8": ArrayList arrylist1 = new ArrayList(); objinterfacevehicle.Destruct(); arrylist1.Add(objinterfacevehicle); foreach (object s in arrylist1) { Console.WriteLine(s); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.9": case "8.9": case "9.9": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcountcarobj); int countcarobj = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < countcarobj; i++) { arrylist = new List <object>(); objinterfaceIvehicle.Destruct(); } for (int i = 0; i < countcarobj; i++) { string strmodelname = objcar.ModelName; arrylist.Add(strmodelname); } foreach (object s in arrylist) { Console.WriteLine(s); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.10": case "8.10": case "9.10": Console.WriteLine(objconst.strcountcarobj); int countcar7_10obj = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); string strcarmodelnm; arrylist = new List <object>(); for (int i = 0; i < countcar7_10obj; i++) { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strmodelnm); strcarmodelnm = Console.ReadLine(); objcar7_10 = new Car7_10(strcarmodelnm); string s1 = objcar7_10.ModelName; arrylist.Add(s1); } Console.WriteLine("******************"); foreach (object s in arrylist) { Console.WriteLine(s); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.11": case "8.11": case "9.11": case "7.12": case "8.12": case "9.12": int kmcar, initfuelcar, effcar; //variasbles for car int kmarmored, effarmored, initfuelarmored; //variables for armored vehicle //For Car Console.WriteLine(objconst.strinitialfuelcar); initfuelcar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); objcar = new Car(initfuelcar); Console.WriteLine(objconst.strincar + initfuelcar); kmcar = objfuelinterfaceCar.Drive7_11(); //For Armored Vehicle Console.WriteLine(objconst.strinitialfuelarmored); initfuelarmored = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); objarmoredvehicle = new ArmoredVehicle(initfuelarmored); Console.WriteLine(objconst.strinArm + objarmoredvehicle.InitialFuel); kmarmored = objfuelinterfacearmored.Drive7_11(); //Fuel Efficiency for car Console.WriteLine(objconst.strfueleffcar); effcar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); objcar.FuelEfficiency = effcar; Console.WriteLine(objconst.streffcar + objcar.FuelEfficiency); //Fuel efficiency for armored Console.WriteLine(objconst.strfueleffarmored); effarmored = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); objarmoredvehicle.FuelEfficiency = effarmored; Console.WriteLine(objconst.streffArm + objarmoredvehicle.FuelEfficiency); int leftfuel_car = ((kmcar * initfuelcar) - (effcar)); if (leftfuel_car <= 0) { objfuel.NoFuelExe(); } else { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strleftcar + leftfuel_car); } int leftfuel_armored = ((kmarmored * initfuelarmored) - (effarmored)); if (leftfuel_armored <= 0) { objfuel.NoFuelExe(); } else { Console.WriteLine(objconst.strleftArm + leftfuel_armored); } objprogram.Exit(); break; case "7.13": case "8.13": case "9.13": objhash.GetobjectHashTable(); objprogram.Exit(); break; default: Console.WriteLine(objconst.ShowMessage1); objprogram.Exit(); break; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Program objpr = new Program(); objpr.Exit(); } }