예제 #1
파일: Sky.cs 프로젝트: bosoni/csat
        /// <summary>
        /// lataa skybox (ei cubemap). skyName on nimen alkuosa eli esim plainsky_  jos tiedostot on plainsky_front.jpg, plainsky_back.jpg jne
        /// ext on tiedoston pääte eli esim jpg, dds
        /// </summary>
        public static Sky Load(string skyName, string ext)
            Sky sky = new Sky();
            string[] sideStr = { "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "front", "back" };
            Node skyNode = new Node();
            DotScene ds = DotScene.Load("sky/sky.scene", skyNode);

            int side = 0;
            TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeS = TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge;
            TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeT = TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge;
            TextureLoaderParameters.FlipImages = false;
            for (int q = 0; q < ObjList.Count; q++)
                OgreMesh m = ObjList[q] as OgreMesh;

                if (m != null)
                    sky.skyboxSides[side] = m;
                    m.Boundings = null;
                    m.CastShadow = false;

                    string fileName = skyName + sideStr[side] + "." + ext;
                    m.MaterialName = fileName;
                    m.Material = Material.GetMaterial(fileName + "_material");
                    m.Material.Textures[Settings.COLOR_TEXUNIT].Tex = Texture.Load(m.MaterialName);
            TextureLoaderParameters.FlipImages = true;
            TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeS = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
            TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeT = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

            return sky;
예제 #2
        void LoadDotScene(string fileName, Node root)
            this.StaticObjects = new List<string>();
            this.DynamicObjects = new List<string>();

            XmlDocument XMLDoc = null;
            XmlElement XMLRoot;
            dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
            if (dir.Length > 0) dir += "/";

            string fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf('.'));

            // ensin ladataan .material tiedosto jos löytyy
            string matFile = Settings.ModelDir + fileNameWithoutExtension + ".material";
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(matFile))
                new Material(matFile);

            // ladataan userdatat .scene.userdata.xml tiedostosta jos löytyy
            string userFile = Settings.ModelDir + fileName + ".userdata.xml";
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(userFile))
                new UserData(userFile);

                using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(Settings.ModelDir + fileName))
                    // tiedosto muistiin
                    string data = file.ReadToEnd();

                    XMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
            catch (Exception e)

            // Validate the File
            XMLRoot = XMLDoc.DocumentElement;
            if (XMLRoot.Name != "scene")
                Log.Error("Error [" + fileName + "] Invalid .scene File. Missing <scene>");

            // figure out where to attach any nodes we create
            attachNode = root;

            // Process the scene
예제 #3
파일: Node.cs 프로젝트: bosoni/csat
        public void Add(Node obj)

            if (obj is Light)
            else if (obj is Camera)
                Camera.cam = (Camera)obj;

            Log.WriteLine(obj.Name + " added to " + Name + ".", false);
예제 #4
파일: Node.cs 프로젝트: bosoni/csat
        void Translate(Node node)
            Node obj = node;
            if (node == null) obj = this;

            GLExt.Translate(obj.Position.X, obj.Position.Y, obj.Position.Z);
            GLExt.MultMatrix(ref OrigOrientationMatrix);
            GLExt.Scale(obj.Scale.X, obj.Scale.Y, obj.Scale.Z);
예제 #5
파일: Node.cs 프로젝트: bosoni/csat
        public void Remove(Node obj)
            if (obj == null) return;
            if (obj is Light)
            else if (obj is Camera)
                Camera.cam = new Camera(); // luo uusi kamera niin vanha häviää

            Log.WriteLine(obj.Name + " removed from " + Name + ".", false);
예제 #6
 public static DotScene Load(string fileName, Node root)
     DotScene ds = new DotScene(fileName, root);
     return ds;
예제 #7
        protected void processLightAttenuation(XmlElement XMLNode, Light pLight)
            // Process attributes
            float range = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "range");
            float constant = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "constant");
            float linear = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "linear");
            float quadratic = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "quadratic");
            // Setup the light attenuation
            pLight.SetAttenuation(range, constant, linear, quadratic);

        protected void processLightRange(XmlElement XMLNode, Light pLight)
            // Process attributes
            float inner = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "inner");
            float outer = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "outer");
            float falloff = XML.GetAttribReal(XMLNode, "falloff", 1.0f);
            // Setup the light range
            pLight.SetSpotlightRange(new Radian((Degree)inner), new Radian((Degree)outer), falloff);

        protected void processNode(XmlElement XMLNode, Node pParent)
            // Construct the node's name
            String name = XML.GetAttrib(XMLNode, "name");

            // Create the scene node
            Node pNode = new Node();
            Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero, scale = Vector3.Zero;
            Quaternion orientation = new Quaternion();

            // Process other attributes
            XmlElement pElement;

            // Process position 
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("position");
            if (pElement != null)
                pos = XML.ParseVector3(pElement);

            // Process rotation 
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("rotation");
            if (pElement != null)
                orientation = XML.ParseOrientation(pElement);

            // Process scale 
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("scale");
            if (pElement != null)
                scale = XML.ParseVector3(pElement);

            // Process ogremesh
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("entity");
            if (pElement != null)
                pNode = processEntity(pElement);
                if (pNode == null) return;

                // jos .scene tiedostossa näkyy että pathin position, rotation tai scale on muuttunut,
                // silloin path ei toimi oikein koska niitä ei tässä oteta huomioon ollenkaan 
                // (joten path voi ollaki ihan eri kohdassa missä pitäis).

                // ratkaisu on että pathia EI liikuteta, pyöritetä eikä skaalata 3dsmaxissa!
                // pivot point pitää olla origossa ja muokkaukset tehdään vain vertex edit moodissa.

            // Process light 
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("light");
            if (pElement != null)
                pNode = processLight(pElement);
                pNode.Rotation = QuaternionExt.QuatToEuler(orientation);

                pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.NextSibling;
                if (pElement != null)
                    string nname = XML.GetAttrib(pElement, "name");
                    if (nname.Contains(".Target"))
                        Vector3 targetPos;
                        pElement = (XmlElement)pElement.SelectSingleNode("position");
                        if (pElement != null) targetPos = XML.ParseVector3(pElement);
                        else targetPos = Vector3.Zero;

                        pNode.OrigOrientationMatrix = Matrix4.LookAt(pos, targetPos, Vector3.UnitY);
                    pNode.Name = name;
                    pNode.Position = pos;
                    pNode.Scale = scale;


            // Process camera 
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("camera");
            if (pElement != null)
                pNode = processCamera(pElement);
                pNode.Rotation = QuaternionExt.QuatToEuler(orientation);

            // Process childnodes
            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("node");
            while (pElement != null)
                processNode(pElement, pNode);
                pElement = (XmlElement)pElement.NextSibling;

            pNode.Name = name;
            pNode.Position = pos;
            pNode.Scale = scale;
            Matrix4Ext.CreateFromQuaternion(ref orientation, out pNode.OrigOrientationMatrix);

예제 #8
 public DotScene(string fileName, Node root)
     LoadDotScene(fileName, root);
예제 #9
파일: Path.cs 프로젝트: bosoni/csat
 /// <summary>
 /// aseta obj seuraamaan pathia
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 /// <param name="loop"></param>
 /// <param name="lookAtNextPoint"></param>
 public void Attach(Node obj, bool loop, bool lookAtNextPoint)
     attachedObj = obj;
     obj.Position = path[0];
     this.Looping = loop;
     this.LookAtNextPoint = lookAtNextPoint;
예제 #10
파일: OgreMesh.cs 프로젝트: bosoni/csat
        void processSubmesh(XmlElement XMLNode, Node pParent, bool path)
            XmlElement pElement;
            if (path == false)
                if (MaterialName == "")
                    MaterialName = XML.GetAttrib(XMLNode, "material");
                    Material = Material.GetMaterial(MaterialName);

                pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("faces");
                if (pElement != null)

            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("geometry");
            if (pElement != null)
                processGeometry(pElement, path);