private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!InOnLoad) { InOnLoad = true; Selected = Controller.ApsimData.Find(Controller.SelectedPath); ComponentVE.GetVisibleComponents(Selected, ref MyComponents); PopulateComponentFilter(); PopulateVariableListView(); InOnLoad = false; } }
private void AddThingsToListView(ComponentVE c, string what) { string GroupName =; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupName)) { GroupName = + what; } ListViewGroup NewGroup = new ListViewGroup(GroupName); VariableListView.Groups.Add(NewGroup); StringCollection hidden = new StringCollection(); hidden.AddRange(new string[] { "active", "author", "name", "state", "type", "version" }); foreach (Types.MetaDataInfo thing in c.ModelInfo(what)) { if (hidden.Contains(thing.Name.ToLower())) { continue; } if (textBoxSearch.Text != "" && textBoxSearch.Text != searchText) { string search = textBoxSearch.Text.ToLower(); if (!thing.Name.ToLower().Contains(search) && !thing.Description.ToLower().Contains(search)) { continue; } } ListViewItem ListItem = new ListViewItem(thing.Name); ListItem.Group = NewGroup; //if (what == "Variables") //{ if (thing.IsArray) { ListItem.SubItems.Add("Yes"); } else { ListItem.SubItems.Add("No"); } ListItem.SubItems.Add(thing.Units); //} ListItem.SubItems.Add(thing.Description); VariableListView.Items.Add(ListItem); } }
public override void OnRefresh() { // ---------------------------------- // Refresh the variable grid // ---------------------------------- DataTable Table = new DataTable(); if (XmlHelper.Type(Data).ToLower() == "variables") { GridLabel.Text = "Output file columns:"; DictionaryLabel.Text = "Variables to drag onto grid:"; Table.Columns.Add("Variable name", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); } else if (XmlHelper.Type(Data).ToLower() == "tracker") { GridLabel.Text = "Tracker variables:"; DictionaryLabel.Text = "Example tracker variables - drag to the grid."; Table.Columns.Add("Tracker variable", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); } else { GridLabel.Text = "Output file frequencies:"; DictionaryLabel.Text = "Frequency list - drag to the grid."; Table.Columns.Add("Output frequency", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); } // Fill data table. foreach (XmlNode Variable in XmlHelper.ChildNodes(Data, "")) { if (Variable.Name != "constants") { DataRow NewRow = Table.NewRow(); NewRow[0] = Variable.InnerText; Table.Rows.Add(NewRow); } } // Give data table to grid. Grid.DataSourceTable = Table; // We want to find the component that is a child of our paddock. ComponentVE.GetVisibleComponents(Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath), ref MyComponents); PopulateComponentFilter(); ClearSearch(); PopulateVariableListView(); if (XmlHelper.Type(Data).ToLower() != "variables") { VariableListView.Columns[1].Width = 0; ConstantsPanel.Visible = false; } else { VariableListView.Columns[1].Width = 45; ConstantsPanel.Visible = true; PopulateConstants(); } Grid.Columns[0].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; Grid.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; }
/// <summary> /// The grid is adding a new row. Format the row the way we want it. /// </summary> public void OnAddingNewRow(DataGridViewRow NewRow) { // Setup the Type combo box. Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[1], TypeComboItems); // Create a list items edit box that can handle lots of chars. DataGridViewTextBoxCell ListItemTextBox = (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)NewRow.Cells[2]; ListItemTextBox.MaxInputLength = 5000; // Now create the correct type of cell in the value field for this row. switch (NewRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString()) { case "yesno": { Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[4], YesNoItems); break; } case "list": case "multilist": { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(NewRow.Cells[2].Value)) { Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[4], NewRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' })); } break; } case "multiedit": { DataGridViewTextBoxCell Text = (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)NewRow.Cells[4]; Text.MaxInputLength = 5000; Text.Style.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True; NewRow.Height = 80; break; } case "filename": { Grid.CreateButtonInCell(NewRow.Cells[4]); break; } case "category": { NewRow.Cells[3].ReadOnly = !EditModeItem.Checked; // Make listitems field readonly NewRow.Cells[4].ReadOnly = true; // Make description field readonly NewRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue; break; } case "modulename": { List <ComponentVE> MyComponents = new List <ComponentVE>(); ComponentVE.GetVisibleComponents(Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath), ref MyComponents); string[] modulenames = new string[MyComponents.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (ComponentVE ve in MyComponents) { modulenames[i++] =; } Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[4], modulenames); break; } case "crop": { ApsimFile.Component Paddock = Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath).FindContainingPaddock(); while ((Paddock != null) && (Paddock.Type.ToLower() == "folder")) { Paddock = Paddock.Parent; } if ((Paddock != null)) { List <string> Crops = new List <string>(); foreach (Component Child in Paddock.ChildNodes) { if (Types.Instance.MetaData(Child.Type, "IsCrop").ToLower() == "yes") { Crops.Add(Child.Name); } } string[] CropNames = new string[Crops.Count]; Crops.CopyTo(CropNames); Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[4], CropNames); } break; } case "cultivars": { // Try and locate a row with crop as the name. int CropRow = 0; for (CropRow = 0; CropRow <= Grid.RowCount - 1; CropRow++) { if (Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[0].Value != null && Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[0].Value.ToString().ToLower() == "crop") { break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } // If we found a crop row then go and get all cultivars for that crop. if (CropRow < Grid.RowCount && !Convert.IsDBNull(Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[4].Value)) { string CropName = Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); Component CropComponent = Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath).FindComponentInPaddock(Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath), CropName); if ((CropComponent != null)) { CropName = CropComponent.Type; } string[] Cultivars = Types.Instance.Cultivars(CropName); Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[4], Cultivars); } break; } case "classes": { // Try and locate a row with crop as the name. int CropRow = 0; for (CropRow = 0; CropRow <= Grid.RowCount - 1; CropRow++) { if (Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[0].Value != null && Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[0].Value.ToString().ToLower() == "crop") { break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } // If we found a crop row then go and get all cultivars for that crop. if (CropRow < Grid.RowCount && !Convert.IsDBNull(Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[4].Value)) { string CropName = Grid.Rows[CropRow].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); Component CropComponent = Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath).FindComponentInPaddock(Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath), CropName); if ((CropComponent != null)) { CropName = CropComponent.Type; } string[] Classes = Types.Instance.Classes(CropName); Grid.CreateComboInCell(NewRow.Cells[4], Classes); } break; } case "date": { if (InRefresh && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString())) { try { DateTime Value = DateTime.ParseExact(NewRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(), "d/M/yyyy", null); NewRow.Cells[4].Value = Value.ToShortDateString(); } catch (Exception) { NewRow.Cells[4].Value = ""; } } DateTimeFormatInfo DateFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat; NewRow.Cells[4].ToolTipText = "Format: " + DateFormat.ShortDatePattern; break; } } }