/// <summary> /// Set the service to trigger-start when the first IP address on the TCP/IP /// networking stack becomes available, and trigger-stop when the last IP /// address on the TCP/IP networking stack becomes unavailable. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceName">The name of the service</param> public static void SetServiceTriggerStartOnIPAddressArrival(string serviceName) { // Open the local default service control manager database SafeServiceHandle schSCManager = NativeMethods.OpenSCManager(null, null, ServiceControlAccessRights.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (schSCManager.IsInvalid) { // If the handle is invalid, get the last Win32 error and throw a // Win32Exception throw new Win32Exception(); } try { // Try to open the service with the SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG access right SafeServiceHandle schService = NativeMethods.OpenService(schSCManager, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG); if (schService.IsInvalid) { // If the handle is invalid, get the last Win32 error and throw a // Win32Exception throw new Win32Exception(); } try { SetServiceTriggerStartOnIPAddressArrival(schService); } finally { schService.Close(); } } finally { schSCManager.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Determine whether the specified service is configured to trigger start /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceName">The name of the service</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsTriggerStartService(string serviceName) { // Open the local default service control manager database SafeServiceHandle schSCManager = NativeMethods.OpenSCManager(null, null, ServiceControlAccessRights.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (schSCManager.IsInvalid) { // If the handle is invalid, get the last Win32 error and throw a // Win32Exception throw new Win32Exception(); } try { // Try to open the service to query its config SafeServiceHandle schService = NativeMethods.OpenService(schSCManager, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if (schService.IsInvalid) { // If the handle is invalid, get the last Win32 error and throw a // Win32Exception throw new Win32Exception(); } try { return(IsTriggerStartService(schService)); } finally { schService.Close(); } } finally { schSCManager.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Set the service to trigger-start when the first IP address on the TCP/IP /// networking stack becomes available, and trigger-stop when the last IP /// address on the TCP/IP networking stack becomes unavailable. /// </summary> /// <param name="hService"> /// A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the OpenService or /// CreateService function and must have the SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG access right. /// </param> public static void SetServiceTriggerStartOnIPAddressArrival(SafeServiceHandle hService) { IntPtr pGuidIpAddressArrival = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pGuidIpAddressRemoval = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pServiceTriggers = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pServiceTriggerInfo = IntPtr.Zero; try { // Marshal Guid struct NETWORK_MANAGER_FIRST_IP_ADDRESS_ARRIVAL_GUID // and NETWORK_MANAGER_LAST_IP_ADDRESS_REMOVAL_GUID to native memory int cbGuid = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Guid)); pGuidIpAddressArrival = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbGuid); Marshal.StructureToPtr(NETWORK_MANAGER_FIRST_IP_ADDRESS_ARRIVAL_GUID, pGuidIpAddressArrival, false); pGuidIpAddressRemoval = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbGuid); Marshal.StructureToPtr(NETWORK_MANAGER_LAST_IP_ADDRESS_REMOVAL_GUID, pGuidIpAddressRemoval, false); // Allocate and set the SERVICE_TRIGGER structure for // NETWORK_MANAGER_FIRST_IP_ADDRESS_ARRIVAL_GUID to start the service SERVICE_TRIGGER serviceTrigger1 = new SERVICE_TRIGGER(); serviceTrigger1.dwTriggerType = ServiceTriggerType.SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS_AVAILABILITY; serviceTrigger1.dwAction = ServiceTriggerAction.SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION_SERVICE_START; serviceTrigger1.pTriggerSubtype = pGuidIpAddressArrival; // Allocate and set the SERVICE_TRIGGER structure for // NETWORK_MANAGER_LAST_IP_ADDRESS_REMOVAL_GUID to stop the service SERVICE_TRIGGER serviceTrigger2 = new SERVICE_TRIGGER(); serviceTrigger2.dwTriggerType = ServiceTriggerType.SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS_AVAILABILITY; serviceTrigger2.dwAction = ServiceTriggerAction.SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION_SERVICE_STOP; serviceTrigger2.pTriggerSubtype = pGuidIpAddressRemoval; // Marshal the 2 SERVICE_TRIGGER structs to native memory as an array int cbServiceTrigger = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SERVICE_TRIGGER)); pServiceTriggers = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbServiceTrigger * 2); Marshal.StructureToPtr(serviceTrigger1, pServiceTriggers, false); Marshal.StructureToPtr(serviceTrigger2, new IntPtr((long)pServiceTriggers + cbServiceTrigger), false); // Allocate and set the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO structure SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO serviceTriggerInfo = new SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO(); serviceTriggerInfo.cTriggers = 2; serviceTriggerInfo.pTriggers = pServiceTriggers; // Marshal the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO struct to native memory int cbServiceTriggerInfo = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO)); pServiceTriggerInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbServiceTriggerInfo); Marshal.StructureToPtr(serviceTriggerInfo, pServiceTriggerInfo, false); // Call ChangeServiceConfig2 with the SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO level // and pass to it the address of the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO structure if (!NativeMethods.ChangeServiceConfig2(hService, ServiceConfig2InfoLevel.SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO, pServiceTriggerInfo)) { // If the handle is invalid, get the last Win32 error and throw a // Win32Exception throw new Win32Exception(); } } finally { // Clean up the native memory if (pGuidIpAddressArrival != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pGuidIpAddressArrival); } if (pGuidIpAddressRemoval != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pGuidIpAddressRemoval); } if (pServiceTriggers != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pServiceTriggers); } if (pServiceTriggerInfo != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pServiceTriggerInfo); } } }
/// <summary> /// Set the service to trigger-start when a generic USB disk becomes available. /// </summary> /// <param name="hService"> /// A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the OpenService or /// CreateService function and must have the SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG access right. /// </param> public static void SetServiceTriggerStartOnUSBArrival(SafeServiceHandle hService) { IntPtr pGuidUSBDevice = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pUSBHardwareId = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pDeviceData = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pServiceTrigger = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pServiceTriggerInfo = IntPtr.Zero; try { // Marshal the Guid struct GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK to native memory pGuidUSBDevice = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Guid))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK, pGuidUSBDevice, false); // Allocate and set the SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM structure SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM deviceData; deviceData.dwDataType = ServiceTriggerDataType.SERVICE_TRIGGER_DATA_TYPE_STRING; deviceData.cbData = (uint)(USBHardwareId.Length + 1) * 2; pUSBHardwareId = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(USBHardwareId); deviceData.pData = pUSBHardwareId; // Marshal SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM to native memory int cbDataItem = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM)); pDeviceData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbDataItem); Marshal.StructureToPtr(deviceData, pDeviceData, false); // Allocate and set the SERVICE_TRIGGER structure SERVICE_TRIGGER serviceTrigger = new SERVICE_TRIGGER(); serviceTrigger.dwTriggerType = ServiceTriggerType.SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ARRIVAL; serviceTrigger.dwAction = ServiceTriggerAction.SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION_SERVICE_START; serviceTrigger.pTriggerSubtype = pGuidUSBDevice; serviceTrigger.cDataItems = 1; serviceTrigger.pDataItems = pDeviceData; // Marshal the SERVICE_TRIGGER struct to native memory int cbServiceTrigger = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SERVICE_TRIGGER)); pServiceTrigger = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbServiceTrigger); Marshal.StructureToPtr(serviceTrigger, pServiceTrigger, false); // Allocate and set the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO structure SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO serviceTriggerInfo = new SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO(); serviceTriggerInfo.cTriggers = 1; serviceTriggerInfo.pTriggers = pServiceTrigger; // Marshal the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO struct to native memory int cbServiceTriggerInfo = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO)); pServiceTriggerInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbServiceTriggerInfo); Marshal.StructureToPtr(serviceTriggerInfo, pServiceTriggerInfo, false); // Call ChangeServiceConfig2 with the SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO level // and pass to it the address of the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO structure if (!NativeMethods.ChangeServiceConfig2(hService, ServiceConfig2InfoLevel.SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO, pServiceTriggerInfo)) { // If the handle is invalid, get the last Win32 error and throw a // Win32Exception throw new Win32Exception(); } } finally { // Clean up the native memory if (pGuidUSBDevice != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pGuidUSBDevice); } if (pUSBHardwareId != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pUSBHardwareId); } if (pDeviceData != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pDeviceData); } if (pServiceTrigger != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pServiceTrigger); } if (pServiceTriggerInfo != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pServiceTriggerInfo); } } }
public static extern bool ChangeServiceConfig2(SafeServiceHandle hService, ServiceConfig2InfoLevel dwInfoLevel, IntPtr lpInfo);
public static extern SafeServiceHandle OpenService( SafeServiceHandle hSCManager, string lpServiceName, ServiceAccessRights dwDesiredAccess);
public static extern bool QueryServiceConfig2(SafeServiceHandle hService, ServiceConfig2InfoLevel dwInfoLevel, IntPtr lpBuffer, int cbBufSize, out int pcbBytesNeeded);