static public bool IsServerAlive(int?port) { try { BuildServer.Request("-ping", port); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
static public (string response, int exitCode) SendBuildRequest(string[] args, int?port) { int exitCode = 0; string get_response() { try { // first arg is the compiler identifier: csc|vbc string request = string.Join('\n', args); string response = BuildServer.Request(request, port); var responseItems = response.Split(new char[] { '|' }, 2); if (responseItems.Count() < 2) { exitCode = 1; return("Build server output is in unexpected format. The compiler exit code is not available.\n" + "Try to restart the build server with 'css -server:stop' followed by 'css -server:start'."); } exitCode = int.Parse(responseItems[0]); return(responseItems[1]); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.ToString()); } } var response = get_response(); var retry = 0; while (response.Contains("SocketException") && retry < 5) { Thread.Sleep(30); response = get_response(); } return(response, exitCode); }
CompilerResults CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch_with_Csc(CompilerParameters options, string[] fileNames) { if (fileNames.Any() && fileNames.First().GetExtension().SameAs(".vb")) { throw new CompilerException("Executing VB scripts is only supported on dotnet engine. Please either set it:" + NewLine + " - as global setting with [css -config:set:DefaultCompilerEngine=dotnet]" + NewLine + " - from CLI parameters with [css -ng:dotnet <scriupt.vb>]" + NewLine + " - from your VB script code with [' //css_ng dotnet]"); } if (!Runtime.IsSdkInstalled()) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: .NET SDK is not installed. It is required for CS-Script to function properly."); } string projectName = fileNames.First().GetFileName(); var engine_dir = this.GetType().Assembly.Location.GetDirName(); var cache_dir = CSExecutor.ScriptCacheDir; // C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\csscript.core\cache\1822444284 var build_dir = cache_dir.PathJoin(".build", projectName); build_dir.DeleteDir(handleExceptions: true) .EnsureDir(); var sources = new List <string>(); fileNames.ForEach((string source) => { // As per dotnet.exe v2.1.26216.3 the pdb get generated as PortablePDB, which is the only format that is supported // by both .NET debugger (VS) and .NET Core debugger (VSCode). // However PortablePDB does not store the full source path but file name only (at least for now). It works fine in typical // .Core scenario where the all sources are in the root directory but if they are not (e.g. scripting or desktop app) then // debugger cannot resolve sources without user input. // The only solution (ugly one) is to inject the full file path at startup with #line directive var new_file = build_dir.PathJoin(source.GetFileName()); var sourceText = $"#line 1 \"{source}\"{Environment.NewLine}" + File.ReadAllText(source); File.WriteAllText(new_file, sourceText); sources.Add(new_file); }); var ref_assemblies = options.ReferencedAssemblies.Where(x => !x.IsSharedAssembly()) .Where(Path.IsPathRooted) .Where(asm => asm.GetDirName() != engine_dir) .ToList(); if (CSExecutor.options.enableDbgPrint) { ref_assemblies.Add(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location()); } var refs = new StringBuilder(); var assembly = build_dir.PathJoin(projectName + ".dll"); var result = new CompilerResults(); var needCompileXaml = fileNames.Any(x => x.EndsWith(".xaml", OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (needCompileXaml) { result.Errors.Add(new CompilerError { ErrorText = $"In order to compile XAML you need to use 'dotnet' compiler. " + NewLine + $"You can set it by any of this methods:" + NewLine + $"- for a specific script from code with \"//css_engine dotnet\" directive" + NewLine + $"- for the process with a CLI argument \"dotnet .{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}cscs.dll -engine:dotnet <script>\"" + NewLine + $"- globally as a config value \"dotnet .{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}cscs.dll -config:set:DefaultCompilerEngine=dotnet\"" });; return(result); } if (!options.GenerateExecutable || !Runtime.IsCore || DefaultCompilerRuntime == DefaultCompilerRuntime.Standard) { // todo // nothing for now } //---------------------------- //pseudo-gac as .NET core does not support GAC but rather common assemblies. // C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\5.0.4 var gac = typeof(string).Assembly.Location.GetDirName(); // C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App\5.0.4 string gac2 = (options.AppType == "Web" ? gac.Replace("Microsoft.NETCore.App", "Microsoft.AspNetCore.App") : null); var refs_args = new List <string>(); var source_args = new List <string>(); var common_args = new List <string>(); common_args.Add("/utf8output"); common_args.Add("/nostdlib+"); common_args.Add("/t:exe"); // need always build exe so "top-class" feature is supported even when building dlls if (options.IncludeDebugInformation) { common_args.Add("/debug:portable"); // on .net full it is "/debug+" } if (options.CompilerOptions.HasText()) { common_args.Add(options.CompilerOptions); } common_args.Add("-define:TRACE;NETCORE;CS_SCRIPT"); var gac_asms = Directory.GetFiles(gac, "System.*.dll").ToList(); gac_asms.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(gac, "netstandard.dll")); // Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.amd64.dll is a native dll gac_asms.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(gac, "Microsoft.*.dll").Where(x => !x.Contains("Native"))); if (gac2.HasText()) { gac_asms.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(gac2, "Microsoft.*.dll").Where(x => !x.Contains("Native"))); } foreach (string file in gac_asms.Concat(ref_assemblies)) { refs_args.Add($"/r:\"{file}\""); } foreach (string file in sources) { source_args.Add($"\"{file}\""); } // running build server on Linux is problematic as if it is started from here it will be killed when the // parent process (this) exits // bool compile_on_server = Runtime.IsWin; bool compile_on_server = true; string cmd = ""; string std_err = ""; Profiler.get("compiler").Start(); if (compile_on_server) { compile_on_server = Globals.BuildServerIsDeployed; } var cmpl_cmd = ""; if (compile_on_server) { Profiler.EngineContext = "Building with csc engine server (Build server)..."; // using sockets directly var compiler = $"{sources.FirstOrDefault()?.GetExtension().Trim('.')}c"; var request = $@"{compiler} {common_args.JoinBy(" ")} /out:""{assembly}"" {refs_args.JoinBy(" ")} {source_args.JoinBy(" ")}" .SplitCommandLine(); cmpl_cmd = request.JoinBy(" "); // ensure server running // it will gracefully exit if another instance is running var startBuildServerCommand = $"\"{Globals.build_server}\" -listen -port:{BuildServer.serverPort} -csc:\"{}\""; dotnet.RunAsync(startBuildServerCommand); Thread.Sleep(30); (string response, int exitCode) = BuildServer.SendBuildRequest(request, BuildServer.serverPort); bool buildServerNotRunning() => response.GetLines() .FirstOrDefault()? .Contains("System.Net.Internals.SocketExceptionFactory+ExtendedSocketException (10061)") == true; for (int i = 0; i < 10 && buildServerNotRunning(); i++) { Thread.Sleep(100); (response, exitCode) = BuildServer.SendBuildRequest(request, BuildServer.serverPort); } if (buildServerNotRunning()) { throw new CompilerException("CS-Script build server is not running:\n" + $"Try to start server manually with 'cscs -server:start'"); } result.NativeCompilerReturnValue = exitCode; result.Output.AddRange(response.GetLines()); } else { Profiler.EngineContext = "Building with local csc engine..."; cmd = $@"""{Globals.GetCompilerFor(sources.FirstOrDefault())}"" {common_args.JoinBy(" ")} /out:""{assembly}"" {refs_args.JoinBy(" ")} {source_args.JoinBy(" ")}"; cmpl_cmd = cmd; result.NativeCompilerReturnValue = dotnet.Run(cmd, build_dir, x => result.Output.Add(x), x => std_err += x); } if (std_err.HasText()) { result.Output.Add($"cmpl_stde: {std_err}"); } Profiler.get("compiler").Stop(); if (CSExecutor.options.verbose) { if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("echo_compiler_cli") == null) { Console.WriteLine(" csc.dll: " + Profiler.get("compiler").Elapsed); } else { // File.WriteAllTe(); Console.WriteLine("> ================"); Console.WriteLine("csc.dll run: "); Console.WriteLine($" current_dir: {build_dir}"); Console.WriteLine($" cmd: dotnet \"{}\" {cmpl_cmd}"); Console.WriteLine($" output: {NewLine}{result.Output.JoinBy(NewLine)}"); Console.WriteLine("> ================"); } } result.ProcessErrors(); result.Errors .ForEach(x => { // by default x.FileName is a file name only x.FileName = fileNames.FirstOrDefault(f => f.EndsWith(x.FileName ?? "")) ?? x.FileName; }); if (result.NativeCompilerReturnValue == 0 && File.Exists(assembly)) { if (Runtime.IsLinux) { result.PathToAssembly = options.OutputAssembly; File.Copy(assembly, result.PathToAssembly, true); } else { result.PathToAssembly = options.OutputAssembly; try { File.Copy(assembly, result.PathToAssembly, true); } catch { } } if (options.GenerateExecutable) { var runtimeconfig = "{'runtimeOptions': {'framework': {'name': 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', 'version': '{version}'}}}" .Replace("'", "\"") .Replace("{version}", Environment.Version.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(result.PathToAssembly.ChangeExtension(".runtimeconfig.json"), runtimeconfig); try { // CSUtils. if (Runtime.IsLinux) { File.Copy(assembly, result.PathToAssembly.RemoveAssemblyExtension(), true); } else { File.Copy(assembly, result.PathToAssembly.ChangeExtension(".exe"), true); } } catch { } } else { File.Copy(assembly, result.PathToAssembly, true); } if (options.IncludeDebugInformation) { File.Copy(assembly.ChangeExtension(".pdb"), result.PathToAssembly.ChangeExtension(".pdb"), true); } } else { if (result.Errors.Any(x => x.ErrorNumber == "CS2012") && Runtime.IsLinux && compile_on_server) { // When running on Linux as sudo CS-Script creates temp folders (e.g. cache) that automatically // get write-protected if accessed by not sudo-process. On Windows these folders are always not protected. // Meaning that if the build server is running as non root (sudo) it will fail to place the output to these folders. // The solution is to either restart build server as sudo or use dotnet engine as it always starts and stops with the // cscs.exe executable and always inherits its root context. var outputDir = assembly.GetDirName(); bool serverCanWrite = BuildServer.Request($"-is_writable_dir:{outputDir}", BuildServer.serverPort) == true.ToString(); bool hostCanWrite = outputDir.IsWritable(); if (hostCanWrite && !serverCanWrite) { result.Errors.Add(new CompilerError { ErrorText = "The build server have less permissions to write to the temporary output directories " + "than host process (cs-script process). " + NewLine + "permissions comparing to the build server. " + NewLine + NewLine + "If you are running cs-script with root privileges you may need to " + "restart the build server with root privileges too:" + NewLine + NewLine + " sudo css -server:restart" + NewLine + NewLine + "Alternatively you can switch to dotnet engine, which is always " + "aligned with the script engine permissions context. " + NewLine + "(e.g. `cscs -ng:dotnet <script_path>`)" }); } } if (result.Errors.IsEmpty()) { // unknown error; e.g. invalid compiler params result.Errors.Add(new CompilerError { ErrorText = "Unknown compiler error" }); } } build_dir.DeleteDir(handleExceptions: true); return(result); }