private float pGetMinBottomForSecLn( cReportSection sec, String secLnKey, float minBottom) { for (int _i = 0; _i < sec.getSectionLines().count(); _i++) { cReportSectionLine secLn = sec.getSectionLines().item(_i); if (secLn.getKey() == secLnKey) { break; } minBottom = minBottom + secLn.getAspect().getHeight(); } return minBottom; }
private float pValidateSectionAspecAux(float top, cReportSection sec) { cReportSectionLine secLn = null; float topLn = 0; int i = 0; float secLnHeight = 0; float width = 0; cReportPaperInfo w_paperInfo = m_report.getPaperInfo(); width = CSReportPaint.cGlobals.getRectFromPaperSize( m_report.getPaperInfo(), w_paperInfo.getPaperSize(), w_paperInfo.getOrientation()).Width; topLn = top; cReportAspect w_aspect; for (i = 1; i <= sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; i++) { secLn = sec.getSectionLines().item(i); w_aspect = secLn.getAspect(); w_aspect.setTop(topLn); w_aspect.setWidth(width); if (w_aspect.getHeight() < C_MIN_HEIGHT_SECTION) { w_aspect.setHeight(C_MIN_HEIGHT_SECTION); } topLn = topLn + w_aspect.getHeight(); secLnHeight = secLnHeight + w_aspect.getHeight(); } cReportSectionLines w_sectionLines = sec.getSectionLines(); secLn = w_sectionLines.item(w_sectionLines.count()); w_aspect = secLn.getAspect(); w_aspect.setTop(topLn); w_aspect.setHeight(sec.getAspect().getHeight() - secLnHeight); if (w_aspect.getHeight() < C_MIN_HEIGHT_SECTION) { w_aspect.setHeight(C_MIN_HEIGHT_SECTION); } secLnHeight = secLnHeight + w_aspect.getHeight(); w_aspect = sec.getAspect(); w_aspect.setHeight(secLnHeight); if (w_aspect.getHeight() < C_MIN_HEIGHT_SECTION) { w_aspect.setHeight(C_MIN_HEIGHT_SECTION); } w_aspect.setWidth(width); w_aspect.setTop(top); topLn = top; top = top + w_aspect.getHeight(); pChangeTopSection(sec, 0, false, false); return top; }
private void pAddPaintSetcionForSecLn( cReportSection sec, csRptTypeSection typeSecLn) { int i = 0; cReportPaintObject paintSec = null; if (sec.getSectionLines().count() > 1) { for (i = 1; i <= sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; i++) { cReportSectionLine secLine = sec.getSectionLines().item(i); secLine.setKeyPaint( paintSection( secLine.getAspect(), secLine.getKey(), sec.getTypeSection(), C_SECTIONLINE + i.ToString(), true)); // we set the height of every section line // paintSec = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(secLine.getKeyPaint()); paintSec.setHeightSecLine(secLine.getAspect().getHeight()); paintSec.setRptType(typeSecLn); paintSec.setRptKeySec(sec.getKey()); } // if there is more than one section we use // textLine to show the name of the last line // CSReportPaint.cReportPaintObject po = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(sec.getKeyPaint()); po.setTextLine(C_SECTIONLINE + sec.getSectionLines().count().ToString()); } // we set the height of the last section line // paintSec = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(sec.getKeyPaint()); cReportSectionLines secLines = sec.getSectionLines(); paintSec.setHeightSecLine(secLines.item(secLines.count()).getAspect().getHeight()); }
private float pGetSecHeigthFromSecLines(cReportSection sec) { float rtn = 0; for (int _i = 0; _i < sec.getSectionLines().count(); _i++) { cReportSectionLine secLn = sec.getSectionLines().item(_i); rtn = rtn + secLn.getAspect().getHeight(); } return rtn; }
private void pChangeHeightSection(cReportSection sec, float oldSecHeight) { int i = 0; float heightLines = 0; cReportAspect w_aspect; // Update section line // for (i = 1; i <= sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; i++) { w_aspect = sec.getSectionLines().item(i).getAspect(); heightLines = heightLines + w_aspect.getHeight(); } // for the last section line the height is the rest // cReportSectionLines w_sectionLines = sec.getSectionLines(); w_aspect = w_sectionLines.item(w_sectionLines.count()).getAspect(); w_aspect.setHeight(sec.getAspect().getHeight() - heightLines); pChangeTopSection(sec, 0, false, true); }
private void pChangeTopSection(cReportSection rptSec, float offSetTopSection, bool bChangeTop, bool bZeroOffset) { float newTopCtrl = 0; float offSet = 0; float bottom = 0; float secTop = 0; float secLnHeigt = 0; float offSecLn = 0; cReportPaintObject paintSec; cReportAspect secAspect = rptSec.getAspect(); secAspect.setTop(secAspect.getTop() + offSetTopSection); offSet = rptSec.getSectionLines().item(1).getAspect().getTop() - secAspect.getTop(); secTop = secAspect.getTop(); for (int _i = 0; _i < rptSec.getSectionLines().count(); _i++) { cReportSectionLine rptSecLine = rptSec.getSectionLines().item(_i); cReportAspect secLineAspect = rptSecLine.getAspect(); // footers grow to top // if (rptSec.getTypeSection() == csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPMAINSECTIONFOOTER || rptSec.getTypeSection() == csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPSCFOOTER) { if (bChangeTop) { if (bZeroOffset) { offSet = 0; } } else { if (rptSecLine.getRealIndex() >= m_indexSecLnMoved && m_indexSecLnMoved > 0) { bChangeTop = true; } } // every other section grow to bottom // } else { offSecLn = (secTop + secLnHeigt) - secLineAspect.getTop(); if (offSetTopSection != 0) { offSecLn = 0; } } secLineAspect.setTop(secTop + secLnHeigt); secLnHeigt = secLnHeigt + secLineAspect.getHeight(); if (rptSecLine.getKeyPaint() != "") { paintSec = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(rptSecLine.getKeyPaint()); paintSec.getAspect().setTop(secLineAspect.getTop() + secLineAspect.getHeight() - cGlobals.C_HEIGHT_BAR_SECTION); } else { paintSec = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(rptSec.getKeyPaint()); } if (paintSec != null) { paintSec.setHeightSecLine(secLineAspect.getHeight()); } for (int _j = 0; _j < rptSecLine.getControls().count(); _j++) { cReportControl rptCtrl = rptSecLine.getControls().item(_j); cReportAspect ctrLabelAspect = rptCtrl.getLabel().getAspect(); if (rptCtrl.getIsFreeCtrl()) { newTopCtrl = (ctrLabelAspect.getTop() - offSet) + offSecLn; } else { newTopCtrl = (ctrLabelAspect.getTop() + ctrLabelAspect.getHeight() - offSet) + offSecLn; } bottom = secLineAspect.getTop() + secLineAspect.getHeight(); if (newTopCtrl > bottom) { newTopCtrl = bottom - ctrLabelAspect.getHeight(); } else { newTopCtrl = (ctrLabelAspect.getTop() - offSet) + offSecLn; } if (newTopCtrl < secLineAspect.getTop()) { newTopCtrl = secLineAspect.getTop(); } ctrLabelAspect.setTop(newTopCtrl); if (m_paint.getPaintObject(rptCtrl.getKeyPaint()) != null) { m_paint.getPaintObject(rptCtrl.getKeyPaint()).getAspect().setTop(ctrLabelAspect.getTop()); } } } // when a group is added the first to get here is the header // and the footer has not have a section yet // if (rptSec.getKeyPaint() == "") { return; } cReportAspect w_aspect = rptSec.getAspect(); // we only draw the bottom line of the sections // paintSec = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(rptSec.getKeyPaint()); if (paintSec != null) { paintSec.getAspect().setTop(w_aspect.getTop() + w_aspect.getHeight() - cGlobals.C_HEIGHT_BAR_SECTION); paintSec.setHeightSec(w_aspect.getHeight()); } }
private void pAddSectionLinesAux( cReportSection sec, CSReportPaint.cReportPaintObject paintObj) { csRptTypeSection typeSecLn = csRptTypeSection.CONTROL; cReportAspect aspect = null; int maxBottom = 0; int minBottom = 0; int index = 0; float y = 0; switch (sec.getTypeSection()) { case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPSCHEADER: case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPMAINSECTIONHEADER: pMoveHeader(sec.getKey(), minBottom, maxBottom, false); aspect = sec.getAspect(); y = aspect.getHeight() + aspect.getTop(); typeSecLn = csRptTypeSection.C_KEY_SECLN_HEADER; index = sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; break; case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPSCDETAIL: case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPMAINSECTIONDETAIL: pMoveDetails(sec.getKey(), minBottom, maxBottom, false); aspect = sec.getAspect(); y = aspect.getHeight() + aspect.getTop(); typeSecLn = csRptTypeSection.C_KEY_SECLN_DETAIL; index = sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; break; case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPGROUPHEADER: pMoveGroupHeader(sec.getKey(), minBottom, maxBottom, false); aspect = sec.getAspect(); y = aspect.getHeight() + aspect.getTop(); typeSecLn = csRptTypeSection.C_KEY_SECLN_GROUPH; index = sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; break; case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPGROUPFOOTER: pMoveGroupFooter(sec.getKey(), minBottom, maxBottom, false); aspect = sec.getAspect(); y = aspect.getHeight() + aspect.getTop(); typeSecLn = csRptTypeSection.C_KEY_SECLN_GROUPF; index = sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1; break; case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPSCFOOTER: case csRptTypeSection.CSRPTTPMAINSECTIONFOOTER: aspect = sec.getAspect(); aspect.setTop(aspect.getTop() - cGlobals.C_HEIGHT_NEW_SECTION); pMoveFooter(sec.getKey(), minBottom, maxBottom, false); m_offY = 0; y = aspect.getHeight() + aspect.getTop() - m_offSet - cGlobals.C_HEIGHT_BAR_SECTION; typeSecLn = csRptTypeSection.C_KEY_SECLN_FOOTER; index = 1; break; } // we add a paint object to all sectionlines except the last one // the last sectionline uses the paint object of the section // cReportSectionLine secL = sec.getSectionLines().item(index); secL.setKeyPaint( paintSection(secL.getAspect(), secL.getKey(), sec.getTypeSection(), C_SECTIONLINE + (sec.getSectionLines().count() - 1).ToString(), true)); // section line CSReportPaint.cReportPaintObject po = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(secL.getKeyPaint()); po.setRptType(typeSecLn); po.setRptKeySec(sec.getKey()); // section po = m_paint.getPaintSections().item(sec.getKeyPaint()); po.setTextLine(C_SECTIONLINE + sec.getSectionLines().count().ToString()); moveSection(paintObj, 0, y, minBottom, maxBottom, sec, false); refreshBody(); refreshRule(); }
private float getHeightOfSectionsBellowMe(cReportSection section, String secLnKey) { float height = 0; if ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(secLnKey) ) { bool add = false; for (int _i = 0; _i < section.getSectionLines().count(); _i++) { cReportSectionLine secLn = section.getSectionLines().item(_i); if (add) { height += secLn.getAspect().getHeight(); } else if (secLn.getKey() == secLnKey) { add = true; } } } csRptSectionType rptType = section.getTypeSection(); switch (rptType) { case csRptSectionType.HEADER: case csRptSectionType.MAIN_HEADER: height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getHeaders(), section); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getGroupsHeaders(), null); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getDetails(), null); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getGroupsFooters(), null); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getFooters(), null); break; case csRptSectionType.GROUP_HEADER: height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getGroupsHeaders(), section); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getDetails(), null); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getGroupsFooters(), null); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getFooters(), null); break; case csRptSectionType.DETAIL: case csRptSectionType.MAIN_DETAIL: height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getDetails(), section); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getGroupsFooters(), null); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getFooters(), null); break; case csRptSectionType.GROUP_FOOTER: height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getGroupsFooters(), section); height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getFooters(), null); break; case csRptSectionType.FOOTER: case csRptSectionType.MAIN_FOOTER: height += getHeightFromSections(m_report.getFooters(), section); break; default: throw new ReportEditorException( csRptEditorErrors.CSRPT_EDITOR_SECTION_TYPE_INVALID, C_MODULE, cReportEditorError.errGetDescript( csRptEditorErrors.CSRPT_EDITOR_SECTION_TYPE_INVALID)); } return height; }
private void getLineAux(cReportSection sec, cReportPageFields fields) { // for every control in every section line of sec // we need to create a new cPageField // cReportPageField field = null; cReportSectionLine secLn = null; cReportControl ctrl = null; bool isVisible = false; int indexCtrl = 0; // this indexes are used to // // indicate in which data source is this field // int indexRows = 0; // // in which row is this field // int indexRow = 0; // // in which column is this field // int indexField = 0; if (sec.getHasFormulaHide()) { isVisible = cUtil.val(m_compiler.resultFunction(sec.getFormulaHide())) != 0; } else { isVisible = true; } if (isVisible) { // for every section line in sec // for (int _i = 0; _i < sec.getSectionLines().count(); _i++) { secLn = sec.getSectionLines().item(_i); m_lineIndex++; if (secLn.getHasFormulaHide()) { m_compiler.evalFunction(secLn.getFormulaHide()); isVisible = cUtil.val(m_compiler.resultFunction(secLn.getFormulaHide())) != 0; } else { isVisible = true; } if (isVisible) { // for every control in the section line // int[] collByLeft = secLn.getControls().getCollByLeft(); for (indexCtrl = 0; indexCtrl < collByLeft.Length; indexCtrl++) { ctrl = secLn.getControls().item(collByLeft[indexCtrl]); // add a new field to the collection // field = fields.add(null, ""); field.setIndexLine(m_lineIndex); if (ctrl.getHasFormulaValue()) { field.setValue( cReportGlobals.format( m_compiler.resultFunction(ctrl.getFormulaValue()), ctrl.getLabel().getAspect().getFormat())); } else { cReportLabel w_label = null; switch (ctrl.getControlType()) { case csRptControlType.CSRPTCTFIELD: pGetIndexRows(out indexRows, out indexRow, out indexField, ctrl); if (m_collRows[indexRows] != null) { // it looks ugly, dont think you? // // maybe this help a litle: // // m_vCollRows(IndexRows) a matrix with the data // contained in the datasource // referd by this control // // (IndexField, IndexRow) a cell in this matrix // object value = m_collRows[indexRows].Rows[indexRow][indexField]; field.setValue( cReportGlobals.format( cReportGlobals.valVariant(value), ctrl.getLabel().getAspect().getFormat())); } break; case csRptControlType.CSRPTCTLABEL: w_label = ctrl.getLabel(); field.setValue(cReportGlobals.format(w_label.getText(), w_label.getAspect().getFormat())); break; case csRptControlType.CSRPTCTIMAGE: w_label = ctrl.getLabel(); field.setValue(cReportGlobals.format(w_label.getText(), w_label.getAspect().getFormat())); field.setImage(ctrl.getImage().getImage()); break; case csRptControlType.CSRPTCTDBIMAGE: pGetIndexRows(out indexRows, out indexRow, out indexField, ctrl); if (m_collRows[indexRows] != null) { field.setImage(pGetImage(indexRows, indexField, indexRow)); } break; case csRptControlType.CSRPTCTCHART: pGetIndexRows(out indexRows, out indexRow, out indexField, ctrl); field.setImage(pGetChartImage(indexRows, indexField, indexRow, ctrl)); break; } } if (ctrl.getHasFormulaHide()) { field.setVisible(cUtil.val(m_compiler.resultFunction(ctrl.getFormulaHide())) != 0); } else { field.setVisible(true); } // set a reference to the definition of this field // field.setInfo(m_pageSetting.item(ctrl.getKey())); } } } } }