예제 #1
        static long blow_effect(Monster_Blow.RBE effect, int atk_dam, int rlev)
            /*other bad effects - minor*/
            if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EAT_GOLD ||
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EAT_ITEM ||
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EAT_FOOD ||
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EAT_LIGHT ||
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_CHR)
                atk_dam += 5;

                /*other bad effects - poison / disease */
            else if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.POISON)
                atk_dam *= 5;
                atk_dam /= 4;
                atk_dam += rlev;

                /*other bad effects - elements / sustains*/
            else if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.TERRIFY ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.ELEC ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.COLD ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.FIRE)
                atk_dam += 10;

                /*other bad effects - elements / major*/
            else if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.ACID ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.BLIND ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.CONFUSE ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_STR ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_INT ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_WIS ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_DEX ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.HALLU)
                atk_dam += 20;

                /*other bad effects - major*/
            else if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.UN_BONUS ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.UN_POWER ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_CON)
                atk_dam += 30;

                /*other bad effects - major*/
            else if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.PARALYZE ||
                     effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.LOSE_ALL)
                atk_dam += 40;
            else if (
                /* Experience draining attacks */
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EXP_10 ||
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EXP_20)
                /* change inspired by Eddie because exp is infinite */
                atk_dam += 5;
            else if (
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EXP_40 ||
                effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.EXP_80)
                /* as above */
                atk_dam += 10;
            else if (effect == Monster_Blow.RBE.SHATTER)
                atk_dam += 300;

예제 #2
        static long max_dam(Monster_Race r_ptr)
            int rlev, i;
            int melee_dam = 0, atk_dam = 0, spell_dam = 0;
            int dam = 1;

            /* Extract the monster level, force 1 for town monsters */
            rlev = ((r_ptr.level >= 1) ? r_ptr.level : 1);

            /* Assume single resist for the elemental attacks */
            spell_dam = Monster_Spell_Flag.best_spell_power(r_ptr, 1);

            /* Hack - Apply over 10 rounds */
            spell_dam *= 10;

            /* Scale for frequency and availability of mana / ammo */
            if (spell_dam != 0)
                int freq = r_ptr.freq_spell;

                /* Hack -- always get 1 shot */
                if (freq < 10)
                    freq = 10;

                /* Adjust for frequency */
                spell_dam = spell_dam * freq / 100;

            /* Check attacks */
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (r_ptr.blow[i] == null)
                /* Extract the attack infomation */
                Monster_Blow.RBE effect = r_ptr.blow[i].effect;
                Monster_Blow.RBM method = r_ptr.blow[i].method;
                int d_dice = r_ptr.blow[i].d_dice;
                int d_side = r_ptr.blow[i].d_side;

                /* Hack -- no more attacks */
                if (method == null)

                /* Assume maximum damage*/
                atk_dam = (int)blow_effect(effect, d_dice * d_side, r_ptr.level);

                /*stun definitely most dangerous*/
                if (method == Monster_Blow.RBM.PUNCH || method == Monster_Blow.RBM.KICK ||
                    method == Monster_Blow.RBM.BUTT || method == Monster_Blow.RBM.CRUSH)
                    atk_dam *= 4;
                    atk_dam /= 3;
                else if (method == Monster_Blow.RBM.CLAW || method == Monster_Blow.RBM.BITE)
                    atk_dam *= 7;
                    atk_dam /= 5;

                /* Normal melee attack */
                if (!r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.NEVER_BLOW.value))
                    /* Keep a running total */
                    melee_dam += atk_dam;

             * Apply damage over 10 rounds. We assume that the monster has to make contact first.
             * Hack - speed has more impact on melee as has to stay in contact with player.
             * Hack - this is except for pass wall and kill wall monsters which can always get to the player.
             * Hack - use different values for huge monsters as they strike out to range 2.
            if (r_ptr.flags.test(Monster_Flag.SIZE, Monster_Flag.KILL_WALL.value, Monster_Flag.PASS_WALL.value))
                melee_dam *= 10;
                melee_dam = melee_dam * 3 + melee_dam * Misc.extract_energy[r_ptr.speed + (r_ptr.spell_flags.has(Monster_Spell_Flag.HASTE.value) ? 5 : 0)] / 7;

             * Scale based on attack accuracy. We make a massive number of assumptions here and just use monster level.
            melee_dam = melee_dam * Math.Min(45 + rlev * 3, 95) / 100;

            /* Hack -- Monsters that multiply ignore the following reductions */
            if (!r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.MULTIPLY.value))
                /*Reduce damamge potential for monsters that move randomly */
                if (r_ptr.flags.test(Monster_Flag.SIZE, Monster_Flag.RAND_25.value, Monster_Flag.RAND_50.value))
                    int reduce = 100;

                    if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.RAND_25.value))
                        reduce -= 25;
                    if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.RAND_50.value))
                        reduce -= 50;

                    /*even moving randomly one in 8 times will hit the player*/
                    reduce += (100 - reduce) / 8;

                    /* adjust the melee damage*/
                    melee_dam = (melee_dam * reduce) / 100;

                /*monsters who can't move aren't nearly as much of a combat threat*/
                if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.NEVER_MOVE.value))
                    if (r_ptr.spell_flags.has(Monster_Spell_Flag.TELE_TO.value) ||
                        /* Scale for frequency */
                        melee_dam = melee_dam / 5 + 4 * melee_dam * r_ptr.freq_spell / 500;

                        /* Incorporate spell failure chance */
                        if (!r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.STUPID.value))
                            melee_dam = melee_dam / 5 + 4 * melee_dam * Math.Min(75 + (rlev + 3) / 4, 100) / 500;
                    else if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.INVISIBLE.value))
                        melee_dam /= 3;
                        melee_dam /= 5;

            /* But keep at a minimum */
            if (melee_dam < 1)
                melee_dam = 1;

             * Combine spell and melee damage
            dam = (spell_dam + melee_dam);

            r_ptr.highest_threat = (short)dam;
            r_ptr.spell_dam      = spell_dam;           /*AMF:DEBUG*/
            r_ptr.melee_dam      = melee_dam;           /*AMF:DEBUG*/

             * Adjust for speed.  Monster at speed 120 will do double damage,
             * monster at speed 100 will do half, etc.  Bonus for monsters who can haste self.
            dam = (dam * Misc.extract_energy[r_ptr.speed + (r_ptr.spell_flags.has(Monster_Spell_Flag.HASTE.value) ? 5 : 0)]) / 10;

             * Adjust threat for speed -- multipliers are more threatening.
            if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.MULTIPLY.value))
                r_ptr.highest_threat = (short)((r_ptr.highest_threat * Misc.extract_energy[r_ptr.speed + (r_ptr.spell_flags.has(Monster_Spell_Flag.HASTE.value) ? 5 : 0)]) / 5);

             * Adjust threat for friends.
            if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.FRIENDS.value))
                r_ptr.highest_threat *= 2;
            else if (r_ptr.flags.has(Monster_Flag.FRIEND.value))
                r_ptr.highest_threat = (short)(r_ptr.highest_threat * 3 / 2);

            /*but deep in a minimum*/
            if (dam < 1)
                dam = 1;

            /* We're done */