예제 #1
         * Creates a new social game results screen (no choice because not player initing
         * @param game_player the game starter
         * @param game_victim the other player
         * @param social_game the game to be played
        public EngineStateSocialGame(int game_player, int game_victim, SGame social_game)
            : base(EngineManager.Engine)
            sim_won = false;
            game_played = false;
            player = game_player;
            victim = game_victim;

            key_pressed = true;
            results_screen = false;
            quit = false;
            cursor = 0;

            stats_page = 0;
            stats = new List<string>();

            if (!(player == -1 || victim == -1 || social_game == null))
                possible_games = new List<SGame>();
                game = social_game;

                game.run(player, victim, stats);

                if (game.ssR.Count > 0 && SocialStatusRules.singleton.getSocialStatusRule(game.ssR[0]).type == SocialStatusRule.TYPE_END_GAME)
                    sim_won = true;
                quit = true;
                key_pressed = false;
                possible_games = new List<SGame>();
                game = null;
예제 #2
 public void addSocialGame(SGame game)
     dictionary.Add(game.name+id, game);
예제 #3
         * Creates a new social game menu (player init)
         * @param game_victim the other player
        public EngineStateSocialGame(int game_victim)
            : base(EngineManager.Engine)
            sim_won = false;
            game_played = false;

            player = Constants.PLAYER;
            victim = game_victim;

            game = null;
            key_pressed = true;
            results_screen = false;
            quit = false;
            cursor = 0;
            //possible_games = ????
            /// debug:
            possible_games = SocialGames.getAllGames(player, victim);
            possible_games.Add(new SGame("[CANCEL]"));

            stats_page = 0;
            stats = new List<string>();
            // populate all stats to display
            stats.Add("Relations: " + SocialNetworks.singleton.getSocialNetwork("" + player).getInnerNetwork("" + victim).relation + " #" + victim);
            stats.Add("Relations: " + SocialNetworks.singleton.getSocialNetwork("" + victim).getInnerNetwork("" + player).relation + " #" + player);
            if (victim != Constants.COMPANION)
                stats.Add("Relations: " + SocialNetworks.singleton.getSocialNetwork("" + victim).getInnerNetwork("" + Constants.COMPANION).relation + " #" + victim+"|"+Constants.COMPANION);

            // add predicates
            for (int i = 0; i < SocialNetworks.singleton.getSocialNetwork("" + player).getInnerNetwork("" + victim).predicates.Count; i++)
                stats.Add(SocialNetworks.singleton.getSocialNetwork("" + player).getInnerNetwork("" + victim).predicates[i] + " #0");

            // add personality
            for (int i = 0; i < PersonalityDescriptions.singleton.getPersDesc("" + victim).personality.Count; i++)
                stats.Add(PersonalityDescriptions.singleton.getPersDesc("" + victim).personality[i] + " #" + victim);

            // add culture
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InnerCulturalKnowledge> pair in CulturalKnowledgebase.singleton.getCulturalKnowledge(""+victim).innerCulKno)
                stats.Add(pair.Key + ": " + pair.Value.relation + " #" + victim);

            // add same things for player
            for (int i = 0; i < PersonalityDescriptions.singleton.getPersDesc("" + player).personality.Count; i++)
                stats.Add(PersonalityDescriptions.singleton.getPersDesc("" + player).personality[i] + " #" + player);

            // add culture
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InnerCulturalKnowledge> pair in CulturalKnowledgebase.singleton.getCulturalKnowledge("" + player).innerCulKno)
                stats.Add(pair.Key + ": " + pair.Value.relation + " #" + player);
예제 #4
 public override void update(GameTime gameTime)
     if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getButton(InputsEnum.BUTTON_4))
         if (game == null && cursor < possible_games.Count-1)
             game = possible_games[cursor];
             stats_page = 0;
             game.run(player, victim, stats);
             game_played = true;
         else if ((results_screen || cursor == possible_games.Count-1) && !sim_won)
             quit = true;
             results_screen = true;
         key_pressed = true;
     else if (key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalX() == 0 && !InputSet.getInstance().getButton(InputsEnum.BUTTON_4) && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalY() == 0)
         key_pressed = false;
     if (game == null)
         if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalY() > 0 && cursor > 0)
             key_pressed = true;
         else if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalY() < 0 && cursor < possible_games.Count - 1)
             key_pressed = true;
         else if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalX() < 0 && stats_page > 0)
             key_pressed = true;
         else if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalX() > 0 && stats_page < stats.Count/(PAGE_SIZE+1))
             key_pressed = true;
     else if (results_screen)
         if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalX() < 0 && stats_page > 0)
             key_pressed = true;
         else if (!key_pressed && InputSet.getInstance().getLeftDirectionalX() > 0 && stats_page < stats.Count / (PAGE_SIZE + 1))
             key_pressed = true;
     if (quit && !key_pressed)
예제 #5
        public virtual bool update()
            if (GameplayManager.ActiveArea.GlobalLocation == Area.PARTY)
                if (victim != -1 && social_game != null)
                    // path to the victim
                    if (!walking)
                        // check if adjacent to goal
                        int x = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().X / Area.TILE_WIDTH;
                        int y = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().Y / Area.TILE_HEIGHT;
                        if (walk_target == -1)
                            //Console.WriteLine("victim= " + victim);
                            walk_target = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.getObjectLocation(victim);
                            //Console.WriteLine("walk_target= " + walk_target);
                        int gx = walk_target % Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES;
                        int gy = walk_target / Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES;
                        if (x + y * Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES == walk_target)//(gx - x) * (gx - x) + (gy - y) * (gy - y) <= 1)
                        { // adjacent
                            // interact!
                            EngineManager.pushState(new EngineStateSocialGame(getDoodadIndex(), victim, social_game));
                            walk_target = -1;
                            victim = -1;
                            social_game = null;
                            return true;
                            // need to walk to
                            walk_dir = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.startPath(x + y * Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES, walk_target, PuzzleObject.TYPE_NONE, victim, Area.TILE_WIDTH-2, Area.TILE_HEIGHT-2);
                            //Console.WriteLine("path: " + walk_dir);
                            if (walk_dir == -2)
                            { // bad, but, at location
                                EngineManager.pushState(new EngineStateSocialGame(getDoodadIndex(), victim, social_game));
                                walk_target = -1;
                                victim = -1;
                                social_game = null;
                                return true;
                            else if (walk_dir != -1)
                                walking = true;
                                m_collider.handleMovement(new Vector2(-(float)m_collider.m_bounds.X + x * Area.TILE_WIDTH + (Area.TILE_WIDTH - (int)m_collider.Bounds.Width) / 2,  - (float)m_collider.m_bounds.Y + y * Area.TILE_HEIGHT + (Area.TILE_HEIGHT - (int)m_collider.Bounds.Height) / 2));
                            { // need to pick another action / can't reach this one
                                victim = -1;
                                social_game = null;
                                return true;
                    { // walk torwards this thingy
                        int travel = m_speed*3;
                        int size = walk_dir < CompanionController.WALK_UP ? Area.TILE_WIDTH : Area.TILE_HEIGHT;
                        if (distance + travel > size)
                            travel = (walk_dir < CompanionController.WALK_UP ? Area.TILE_WIDTH : Area.TILE_HEIGHT) - distance;
                            distance = 0;
                            walking = false;
                            distance += travel;

                        m_collider.handleMovement(new Vector2(walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_LEFT ? -travel : walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_RIGHT ? travel : 0, walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_UP ? -travel : walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_DOWN ? travel : 0));

                        AnimationController.requestAnimation(walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_LEFT ? "left" : walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_RIGHT ? "right" : walk_dir == CompanionController.WALK_UP ? "up" : "down", AnimationController.AnimationCommand.Play);
                    // pick a social game to play
                    List<int> potential_players = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.getPartiers((int)m_collider.m_bounds.Center().X, (int)m_collider.m_bounds.Center().Y, (int)m_collider.m_bounds.Width, (int)m_collider.m_bounds.Height);
                    int total = 0;
                    List<List<SGame>> games = new List<List<SGame>>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < potential_players.Count; i++)
                        List<SGame> sgames = SocialGames.getAllGames(getDoodadIndex(), potential_players[i]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < sgames.Count; j++)
                            total += sgames[j].ssR.Count + 1;
                            if (sgames[j].ssR.Count > 0 && SocialStatusRules.singleton.getSocialStatusRule(sgames[j].ssR[0]).type == SocialStatusRule.TYPE_END_GAME)
                                victim = Constants.PLAYER;
                                social_game = sgames[j];
                                return false;
                    int game = (new Random()).Next(total);

                    for (int i = 0; i < games.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < games[i].Count; j++)
                            game -= games[i][j].ssR.Count + 1;
                            if (game < 0)
                                victim = potential_players[i];
                                social_game = games[i][j];
                        if (game < 0)

                    if (victim == -1 && social_game == null)
                        return true;
                    //EngineManager.pushState(new EngineStateSocialGame(getDoodadIndex(), victim, social_game));
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #6
        private void addSocialGames()
            SGame a = new SGame("Praise Brewtopia!");
            a.drelation_target = 1;
            Random sRand = new Random();
            for (int i = 1; i < cult_knowledge.Length; i++)

                SGame aGame = new SGame("Admire " + cult_knowledge[i] + "!");
                aGame.ssR.Add("p1 likes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.ssR.Add("p2 likes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.drelation_target = sRand.Next(CHANGE_MIN, CHANGE_MAX);

                aGame = new SGame("Condemn " + cult_knowledge[i] + "!");
                aGame.ssR.Add("p1 dislikes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.ssR.Add("p2 dislikes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.drelation_target = sRand.Next(CHANGE_MIN, CHANGE_MAX);

                aGame = new SGame("Admire " + cult_knowledge[i] + "!");
                aGame.ssR.Add("p1 likes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.ssR.Add("p2 dislikes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.drelation_target = -sRand.Next(CHANGE_MIN, CHANGE_MAX);

                aGame = new SGame("Condemn " + cult_knowledge[i] + "!");
                aGame.ssR.Add("p2 likes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.ssR.Add("p1 dislikes " + cult_knowledge[i]);
                aGame.drelation_target = -sRand.Next(CHANGE_MIN, CHANGE_MAX);


            for (int i = 0; i < personalities.Length; i++)
                string name = "He is a ";
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    name += personalities[i + 1] + " #" + Constants.COMPANION;
                    name += personalities[i - 1] + " #" + Constants.COMPANION;
                SGame game = new SGame(name);
                game.ssR.Add("p2 " + personalities[i]);
                game.ssR.Add("p2 trusts p1");
                game.p3 = Constants.COMPANION;
                game.drelation_third_target = -random.Next(CHANGE_MIN, CHANGE_MAX);

            SGame end = new SGame("Let's blow this popsicle stand!");