public CFMCbsNode(int numberOfAgents, CFM_CBS cbs, ushort[] agentsGroupAssignment = null) { = cbs; mamPlan = null; mamCost = -1; allSingleAgentCosts = new int[numberOfAgents]; countsOfInternalAgentsThatConflict = new int[numberOfAgents]; this.nodeConflicts = null; if (agentsGroupAssignment == null) { this.agentsGroupAssignment = new ushort[numberOfAgents]; for (ushort i = 0; i < numberOfAgents; i++) { this.agentsGroupAssignment[i] = i; } } else { this.agentsGroupAssignment = agentsGroupAssignment.ToArray <ushort>(); } agentNumToIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAgents; i++) { agentNumToIndex[[i].agentIndex] = i; } depth = 0; replanSize = 1; agentAExpansion = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED; agentBExpansion = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED; this.prev = null; this.constraint = null; this.solver = solver; this.singleAgentSolver = singleAgentSolver; }
public HashSet <CFMCbsConstraint> GetConstraints() { var constraints = new HashSet <CFMCbsConstraint>(); CFMCbsNode current = this; CFMCbsConstraint currentConstraint = null; while (current.depth > 0) // The root has no constraints { if (current.constraint != null && // Next check not enough if "surprise merges" happen (merges taken from adopted child) current.prev.conflict != null && // Can only happen for temporary lookahead nodes the were created and then later the parent adopted a goal node this.agentsGroupAssignment[current.prev.conflict.agentAIndex] != this.agentsGroupAssignment[current.prev.conflict.agentBIndex]) // Ignore constraints that deal with conflicts between // agents that were later merged. They're irrelevant // since merging fixes all conflicts between merged agents. // Nodes that only differ in such irrelevant conflicts will have the same single agent paths. // Dereferencing current.prev is safe because current isn't the root. // Also, merging creates a non-root node with a null constraint, and this helps avoid adding the null to the answer. { currentConstraint = current.constraint; } TimedMove currentMove = current.constraint.move; CFMCbsConstraint newConstraint = new CFMCbsConstraint(currentConstraint.agentNum, currentMove.x, currentMove.y, currentMove.direction, currentMove.time); constraints.Add(newConstraint); current = current.prev; } return(constraints); }
/// <summary> /// Child from merge action constructor. FIXME: Code dup with previous constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="father"></param> /// <param name="mergeGroupA"></param> /// <param name="mergeGroupB"></param> public CFMCbsNode(CFMCbsNode father, int mergeGroupA, int mergeGroupB) { mamPlan = null; mamCost = -1; this.allSingleAgentCosts = father.allSingleAgentCosts.ToArray <int>(); this.countsOfInternalAgentsThatConflict = father.countsOfInternalAgentsThatConflict.ToArray <int>(); this.nodeConflicts = null; this.agentsGroupAssignment = father.agentsGroupAssignment.ToArray <ushort>(); this.agentNumToIndex = father.agentNumToIndex; this.prev = father; this.constraint = null; this.depth = (ushort)(this.prev.depth + 1); this.agentAExpansion = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED; this.agentBExpansion = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED; this.replanSize = 1; this.solver = father.solver; this.singleAgentSolver = father.singleAgentSolver; =; }
/// <summary> /// Checks that the agentNum is equal, and compares the move. /// If one of the constraints is a query, an instance only created and used to quickly search for a move in a set of constraints, /// the direction is ignored if the other constraint is a vertex constraint. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override bool Equals(object obj) { CFMCbsConstraint other = (CFMCbsConstraint)obj; if (this.agentNum != other.agentNum) { return(false); } Debug.Assert(this.queryInstance == false || other.queryInstance == false); // At most one of the instances is a query Debug.Assert(this.queryInstance == false || this.move.direction != Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION); // Must query regarding a specific direction Debug.Assert(other.queryInstance == false || other.move.direction != Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION); // Must query regarding a specific direction if (this.queryInstance || other.queryInstance) // This way if the constraint is a vertex constraint than it will be equal to a query containing a move from any direction to that position, // and if it is an edge constraint than it will only be equal to queries containing a move from that specific direction to that position. { return(this.move.Equals(other.move)); } else // A vertex constraint is different to an edge constraint for the same agentNum and position. // Must check the direction explicitly because vertex constraints have no direction and moves with no direction // compare equal to moves with any direction { return(this.move.Equals(other.move) && this.move.direction == other.move.direction); } }
public int CompareTo(object item) { CFMCbsConstraint other = (CFMCbsConstraint)item; return(this.move.time.CompareTo(other.move.time)); }
public MMStarConstraint(CFMCbsConstraint constraint) : this(constraint.agentNum, constraint.move.x, constraint.move.y, constraint.move.direction, constraint.move.time) { }
/// <summary> /// Create Constraints from conflict /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="doLeftChild"></param> /// <param name="closedListHitChildCost"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected CFMCbsNode ConstraintExpand(CFMCbsNode node, bool doLeftChild, out int closedListHitChildCost) { CFMCbsConflict conflict = node.GetConflict(); int conflictingAgentIndex = doLeftChild? conflict.agentAIndex : conflict.agentBIndex; CFMCbsNode.ExpansionState expansionsState = doLeftChild ? node.agentAExpansion : node.agentBExpansion; CFMCbsNode.ExpansionState otherChildExpansionsState = doLeftChild ? node.agentBExpansion : node.agentAExpansion; string agentSide = doLeftChild? "left" : "right"; int groupSize = node.GetGroupSize(conflictingAgentIndex); closedListHitChildCost = -1; if (expansionsState != CFMCbsNode.ExpansionState.EXPANDED) // Agent expansion already skipped in the past or not forcing it from its goal - finally generate the child: { if (debug) { Debug.WriteLine("Generating " + agentSide + " child"); } if (doLeftChild) { node.agentAExpansion = CFMCbsNode.ExpansionState.EXPANDED; } else { node.agentBExpansion = CFMCbsNode.ExpansionState.EXPANDED; } var newConstraint = new CFMCbsConstraint(conflict, instance, doLeftChild); CFMCbsNode child = new CFMCbsNode(node, newConstraint, conflictingAgentIndex); if (closedList.ContainsKey(child) == false) { bool success = child.Solve(); if (success == false) { return(null); // A timeout probably occured } return(child); } else { this.closedListHits++; closedListHitChildCost = this.closedList[child].totalCost; if (debug) { Debug.WriteLine("Child already in closed list!"); } } } else { if (debug) { Debug.WriteLine("Child already generated before"); } } return(null); }