예제 #1
 // Attemps to find and output shortest route between two stations in subwaymap, fails if either station does not exist
 public static void FastestRoute(SubwayMap subway, string start, string end)
     Console.WriteLine($"Finding Shortest Route from \"{start}\" to \"{end}\":");
     if (!subway.FastestRoute(start, end))
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input");
예제 #2
        // Finds and outputs all critical stations in subwaymap
        public static void CriticalStations(SubwayMap subway)
            Console.Write("Finding Critical Stations: ");
            LinkedList <Station> crit = subway.CriticalStations();

            if (crit.Count > 0)
                foreach (Station station in crit)
                    Console.Write(station.Name + " ");
                Console.Write("None Found");
예제 #3
 // Attempts to add a station to subwaymap, fails if duplicate station already exists
 public static void AddStation(SubwayMap subway, string name)
     Console.WriteLine($"Adding Station \"{name}\": {(subway.InsertStation(name) ? "Success" : "Failure")}");
예제 #4
 // Attempts to delete link between two station in subwaymap, fails if either stations does not exist or if link does not exist
 public static void DeleteLink(SubwayMap subway, string station1, string station2, string colour)
     Console.WriteLine($"Deleting Link Between Stations \"{station1}\" and \"{station2}\" with colour \"{colour}\": {(subway.DeleteLink(station1, station2, colour) ? "Success" : "Failure")}");
예제 #5
        // Generates a SubwayMap and runs various tests on each public method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] stationNames = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I" };                                                                         // Station to add to subway map (A-I)
            string[,] stationLinks = { { "A", "D", "Blue"  }, { "D", "E", "Blue"  }, { "E", "F", "Blue"  },                                                  // Links for blue subway line to map (A->D->E->F)
                                       { "A", "B", "Red"   }, { "B", "C", "Red"   }, { "C", "D", "Red"   }, { "D", "E", "Red"   },                           // Links for red subway line to map (A->B->C->D->E)
                                       { "C", "D", "Green" }, { "D", "G", "Green" }, { "G", "F", "Green" }, { "F", "H", "Green" }, { "H", "I", "Green" }, }; // Links for green subway line to map (C->D->G->F->H->I)
            SubwayMap subway = new SubwayMap();

            // Constructs subway map using stations from stationsNames and links from stationLinks
            // Tests valid input for adding new stations, adding new links, and adding parallel links of different colours
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
            Console.WriteLine("Constructing SubwayMap\n");
            foreach (string name in stationNames)
                Tests.AddStation(subway, name);
            for (int i = 0; i < stationLinks.GetLength(0); i++)
                Tests.AddLink(subway, stationLinks[i, 0], stationLinks[i, 1], stationLinks[i, 2]);

            // Tests input for adding new stations and links and for deleting links
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
            Console.WriteLine("Tests for adding Stations\n");
            // Tests adding new station
            Tests.AddStation(subway, "J");
            // Tests adding duplicate station
            Tests.AddStation(subway, stationNames[3]);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
            Console.WriteLine("Tests for adding Links\n");
            // Tests adding new link
            Tests.AddLink(subway, "I", "J", "Red");
            // Tests adding parallel link
            Tests.AddLink(subway, "I", "J", "Orange");
            // Tests adding duplicate link
            Tests.AddLink(subway, stationLinks[2, 0], stationLinks[2, 1], stationLinks[2, 2]);
            // Tests adding duplicate link with station order swapped
            Tests.AddLink(subway, stationLinks[2, 1], stationLinks[2, 0], stationLinks[2, 2]);
            // Tests adding link with non-existant station in first postion
            Tests.AddLink(subway, "Z", stationLinks[2, 0], stationLinks[2, 2]);
            // Tests adding link with non-existant station in second postion
            Tests.AddLink(subway, stationLinks[2, 1], "Z", stationLinks[2, 2]);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
            Console.WriteLine("Tests for deleting Links\n");
            // Tests deleting part of parallel link
            Tests.DeleteLink(subway, "I", "J", "Red");
            // Tests deleting solitary link
            Tests.DeleteLink(subway, "I", "J", "Orange");
            // Tests removing link between links stations with unused colour
            Tests.DeleteLink(subway, stationLinks[2, 0], stationLinks[2, 1], "Orange");
            // Tests removing link between stations with non-existant station in first position
            Tests.DeleteLink(subway, "Z", stationLinks[2, 1], stationLinks[2, 2]);
            // Tests removing link between stations with non-existant station in second position
            Tests.DeleteLink(subway, stationLinks[2, 0], "Z", stationLinks[2, 2]);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
            Console.WriteLine("Tests for shortest route method\n");
            // Testing basic usage - expected: green(I->H->F->G)
            Tests.FastestRoute(subway, "I", "G");
            // Testing staying on single line if possible - expected: blue(A->D->E)
            Tests.FastestRoute(subway, "A", "E");
            // Testing switching lines - expected: red(B->A)->blue(A->D)->green(D->G)
            Tests.FastestRoute(subway, "B", "G");

            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
            Console.WriteLine("Tests for critical stations method\n");
            // Tests critical stations at intersection of loops (D), intersection of loop and non-loop (F), and middle of branch (H)
            // Start point (A) is not a critical station
            // SubwayMap as shown in diagram (J not connected) - expected results: D, F, H
            // Tests start point as critical station
            // SubwayMap as shown with station J connected to A - expected results: A, D, F, H
            Tests.AddLink(subway, "A", "J", "Red");
            // Tests no critical points
            // SubwayMap as shown with station J connected to A and I - expected results: none
            Tests.AddLink(subway, "I", "J", "Red");
