/// <summary>
 /// Set a scalar value in the init section of a component.
 /// Handles the init sections of APSIM and AusFarm components.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="compNode">XmlNode for the component found</param>
 /// <param name="varName">Name of the variable. APSIM - xml tag, AusFarm - init name</param>
 /// <param name="value">The string value</param>
 private void SetValue(XmlNode compNode, string varName, string value)
     if (compNode != null)
         TCompParser comp = new TCompParser(compNode.OuterXml);
         XmlNode initdata = compNode.SelectSingleNode("initdata");
         string newInitDataSection;
         if (comp.IsAPSRU())
             XmlUtilities.SetValue(initdata, varName, value);
             //AusFarm inits
             string cdata = comp.initData();
             XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
             XmlNode initSection = doc.DocumentElement;
             XmlNode val = initSection.SelectSingleNode("/initsection/init[attribute::name=\"" + varName + "\"]/val");
             if (val != null)
                 val.InnerText = value;
             newInitDataSection = initSection.OuterXml;
             initdata.InnerXml = "<![CDATA[\n" + newInitDataSection + "\n]]>";