상속: IDisposable
예제 #1
 void comboBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (running == true)
         running = false;
         if (camera != IntPtr.Zero)
         camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera(devSerial);
     if (comboFEED.SelectedIndex == 0)
         colorImage    = new NUIImage(640, 480);
         feed.Source   = colorImage.BitmapSource;
         running       = true;
         captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
             while (running)
                 CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500);
                 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action) delegate()
         captureThread.IsBackground = true;
         colorImage    = new NUIImage(640, 480);
         feed.Source   = colorImage.BitmapSource;
         running       = true;
         captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
             while (running)
                 CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500);
                 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action) delegate()
         captureThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #2
        public MainWindow()
            Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(OnClosing);

            if (CLNUIDevice.GetDeviceCount() < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Is the Kinect plugged in?");

            string serialString = CLNUIDevice.GetDeviceSerial(0);

            camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera(serialString);

            colorImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            depthImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            rawImage   = new NUIImage(640, 480);

            color.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;
            depth.Source = depthImage.BitmapSource;

            running       = true;
            captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
                if (CLNUIDevice.StartCamera(camera))
                    while (running)
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 0);
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, depthImage.ImageData, 0);
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRAW(camera, rawImage.ImageData, 0);
                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action) delegate()
            captureThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #3
        public void Process(NUIImage colorImage)
            int pinWidth      = 48;
            int pinHeight     = 64;
            int scaleFactor   = 10;
            int colorChannels = 4;

            // these pull out the size of the bitmap (should be 640x480 on the Kinect)
            int height = (int)colorImage.BitmapSource.Height;
            int width  = (int)colorImage.BitmapSource.Width;
            int stride = width * 4;

            // bytes is width * height * bytes per pixel and depthImageRaw is 16bit (4 bytes)
            byte[] imageBytes        = new byte[640 * 480 * 4];
            byte[] imageProcessBytes = new byte[pinWidth * pinHeight * 4];

            // Copy the RGB values into the array.
            Marshal.Copy(colorImage.ImageData, imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

            for (int pinx = 0; pinx < pinWidth; pinx++)
                for (int piny = 0; piny < pinHeight; piny++)
                    // p is the current pixel
                    int sourcep = pinx * (width * colorChannels) * scaleFactor + (piny * colorChannels) * scaleFactor;
                    int destp   = pinx * (pinWidth * colorChannels) + (piny * colorChannels);
                    imageProcessBytes[destp + 0] = imageBytes[sourcep + 0];
                    imageProcessBytes[destp + 1] = imageBytes[sourcep + 1];
                    imageProcessBytes[destp + 2] = imageBytes[sourcep + 2];
                    imageProcessBytes[destp + 3] = 255;// imageBytes[sourcep + 3];

                    byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
                    bytes[0] = imageBytes[sourcep + 0];
                    bytes[1] = imageBytes[sourcep + 1];
                    bytes[2] = imageBytes[sourcep + 2];
                    bytes[3] = imageBytes[sourcep + 3];

                    colorArray[piny, pinx] = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);

            PersistMap(colorArray, "colormap");
        public MainWindow()
            Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(OnClosing);

            if (CLNUIDevice.GetDeviceCount() < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Is the Kinect plugged in?");

            string serialString = CLNUIDevice.GetDeviceSerial(0);
            camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera(serialString);

            colorImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            depthImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            rawImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);

            color.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;
            depth.Source = depthImage.BitmapSource;

            running = true;
            captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
                if (CLNUIDevice.StartCamera(camera))
                    while (running)
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 0);
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, depthImage.ImageData, 0);
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRAW(camera, rawImage.ImageData, 0);
                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)delegate()
            captureThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #5
        public BitmapSource ProcessDepth(NUIImage depthImageRaw)
            // bytes is width * height * bytes per pixel and depthImageRaw is 16bit (2 bytes)
            byte[] imageBytes = new byte[640 * 480 * 2];

            // Copy the RGB values into the array.
            Marshal.Copy(depthImageRaw.ImageData, imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

            ushort[] depthFlatArray = new ushort[640 * 480];

            int depthi = 0;

            // go forward two pixels at a time since the depthImage is 16bit
            for (int i = 0; i < imageBytes.Length; i += 2)
                // this is the real height
                ushort h = (ushort)(imageBytes[i] + (imageBytes[i + 1] << 8));
                depthFlatArray[depthi] = h;

            for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 48; y++)
                    depthArray[x, y] = RawDepthToMeters(depthFlatArray[y * 10 * 640 + x * 10]);

            //Creates the new grayscale image
            BitmapSource bmp = BitmapSource.Create(640, 480, 96, 96, System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Gray16, null, depthFlatArray, 640 * 2);

            PersistMap(depthArray, "depthmap");


        public BitmapSource ProcessDepth(NUIImage depthImageRaw)
            // bytes is width * height * bytes per pixel and depthImageRaw is 16bit (2 bytes)
            byte[] imageBytes = new byte[640 * 480 * 2];

            // Copy the RGB values into the array.
            Marshal.Copy(depthImageRaw.ImageData, imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

            ushort[] depthFlatArray = new ushort[640 * 480];

            int depthi = 0;

            // go forward two pixels at a time since the depthImage is 16bit
            for (int i = 0; i < imageBytes.Length; i += 2)
                // this is the real height
                ushort h = (ushort)(imageBytes[i] + (imageBytes[i + 1] << 8));
                depthFlatArray[depthi] = h;

            for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 48; y++)
                    depthArray[x, y] = RawDepthToMeters(depthFlatArray[y * 10 * 640 + x * 10]);

            //Creates the new grayscale image
            BitmapSource bmp = BitmapSource.Create(640, 480, 96, 96, System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Gray16, null, depthFlatArray, 640 * 2);

            PersistMap(depthArray, "depthmap");


            return bmp;
        public void Process(NUIImage colorImage)
            int pinWidth = 48;
            int pinHeight = 64;
            int scaleFactor = 10;
            int colorChannels = 4;

            // these pull out the size of the bitmap (should be 640x480 on the Kinect)
            int height = (int)colorImage.BitmapSource.Height;
            int width = (int)colorImage.BitmapSource.Width;
            int stride = width * 4;

            // bytes is width * height * bytes per pixel and depthImageRaw is 16bit (4 bytes)
            byte[] imageBytes = new byte[640 * 480 * 4];
            byte[] imageProcessBytes = new byte[pinWidth * pinHeight * 4];

            // Copy the RGB values into the array.
            Marshal.Copy(colorImage.ImageData, imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

            for (int pinx = 0; pinx < pinWidth; pinx++)
                for (int piny = 0; piny < pinHeight; piny++)
                    // p is the current pixel
                int sourcep = pinx * (width * colorChannels) * scaleFactor + (piny * colorChannels) * scaleFactor;
                int destp = pinx * (pinWidth * colorChannels) + (piny * colorChannels);
                imageProcessBytes[destp + 0] = imageBytes[sourcep + 0];
                imageProcessBytes[destp + 1] = imageBytes[sourcep + 1];
                imageProcessBytes[destp + 2] = imageBytes[sourcep + 2];
                imageProcessBytes[destp + 3] = 255;// imageBytes[sourcep + 3];

                byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
                bytes[0] = imageBytes[sourcep + 0];
                bytes[1] = imageBytes[sourcep + 1];
                bytes[2] = imageBytes[sourcep + 2];
                bytes[3] = imageBytes[sourcep + 3];

                colorArray[piny, pinx] = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);

            PersistMap(colorArray, "colormap");
예제 #8
        public CameraWindow(string devSerial)
            Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(OnClosing);

            xp.Minimum = -981;
            xp.Maximum = 981;
            yp.Minimum = -981;
            yp.Maximum = 981;
            zp.Minimum = -981;
            zp.Maximum = 981;

                motor  = CLNUIDevice.CreateMotor(devSerial);
                camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera(devSerial);
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            CLNUIDevice.SetMotorPosition(motor, 0);

            serial.Content     = string.Format("Serial Number: {0}", devSerial);
            accelerometerTimer = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), DispatcherPriority.Normal, (EventHandler) delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                short _x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0;
                CLNUIDevice.GetMotorAccelerometer(motor, ref _x, ref _y, ref _z);
                x.Content = _x.ToString();
                xp.Value  = _x;
                y.Content = _y.ToString();
                yp.Value  = _y;
                z.Content = _z.ToString();
                zp.Value  = _z;
            }, Dispatcher);

            led.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(led_SelectionChanged);
            led.SelectedIndex     = 0;

            colorImage   = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            color.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;

            depthImage   = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            depth.Source = depthImage.BitmapSource;

            running       = true;
            captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
//                 Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Camera {0:X}", camera.ToInt32()));
                if (CLNUIDevice.StartCamera(camera))
                    while (running)
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500);
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, depthImage.ImageData, 0);
                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action) delegate()
            captureThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #9
        public CameraWindow(string devSerial)
            Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(OnClosing);

            xp.Minimum = -981;
            xp.Maximum = 981;
            yp.Minimum = -981;
            yp.Maximum = 981;
            zp.Minimum = -981;
            zp.Maximum = 981;

                motor = CLNUIDevice.CreateMotor(devSerial);
                camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera(devSerial);
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            CLNUIDevice.SetMotorPosition(motor, 0);

            serial.Content = string.Format("Serial Number: {0}", devSerial);
            accelerometerTimer = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), DispatcherPriority.Normal, (EventHandler)delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                short _x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0;
                CLNUIDevice.GetMotorAccelerometer(motor, ref _x, ref _y, ref _z);
                x.Content = _x.ToString();
                xp.Value = _x;
                y.Content = _y.ToString();
                yp.Value = _y;
                z.Content = _z.ToString();
                zp.Value = _z;
            }, Dispatcher);

            led.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(led_SelectionChanged);
            led.SelectedIndex = 0;

            colorImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            color.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;

            depthImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            depth.Source = depthImage.BitmapSource;

            running = true;
            captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
            //                 Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Camera {0:X}", camera.ToInt32()));
                if (CLNUIDevice.StartCamera(camera))
                    while (running)
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500);
                        CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, depthImage.ImageData, 0);
                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)delegate()
            captureThread.IsBackground = true;
        public MainWindow()
            Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
            DataContext = this;
            TheCharacter = "█";
            FromLeft = 0;
            FromTop = 0;
            TheFontSize = 9;
            //xp.Minimum = 0; // set the progress bar min and max
            //xp.Maximum = 640;
            //yp.Minimum = 0;
            //yp.Maximum = 480;
            try {
                motor = CLNUIDevice.CreateMotor();
                camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera();
                CLNUIDevice.SetMotorLED(motor, 3);
            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                this.Close(); // no point opening the program if it cant find kinect
            ClickWait = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), DispatcherPriority.Normal, (EventHandler)delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
                canclick = true;
            }, Dispatcher);
            //create the images
            colorImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            color.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;
            depthImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            realImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
            real.Source = realImage.BitmapSource;
            //depth.Source = depthImage.BitmapSource;
            processedImage = new WriteableBitmap(depthImage.BitmapSource);
            depth.Source = processedImage;
            // Create camera capture thread
            running = true;
            captureThread = new Thread(delegate() {
                int numLoops = 0;
                int pixelStep = 3;
                int loopStep = 1;
                while (running) {
                    CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500); //normal feed (top)
                    CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, depthImage.ImageData, 0); //to be altered feed (bottom)
                    CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, realImage.ImageData, 0);
                    int red = 255;
                    int green = 255;
                    int blue = 255;
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, (Action)delegate() {
                        if (numLoops == 0 || numLoops == loopStep) {
                            int height = (int)depthImage.BitmapSource.Height;
                            int width = (int)depthImage.BitmapSource.Width;
                            int stride = (depthImage.BitmapSource.PixelWidth * depthImage.BitmapSource.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
                            byte[] newPixels = new byte[height * width * processedImage.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8];
                            bool found = false;
                            // Loop through the all the pixels row by row
                            bool foundclick = false;
                            bool draw = false;
                            for (int row = 0; row < height; row = row + pixelStep) {//for each row of pixels
                                for (int col = 0; col < width; col = col + pixelStep) {//for each collumn of pixels
                                    // Disregard top 10% and lower 10% to speed up the app
                                    if ( row < height* 0.1 || row > height * 0.9) {

                                    // Get current pixel
                                    //Overview of below code:
                                    //basically it goes through each pixel.. if it is a certian colour (set via depth) it then changes is colour to white/red/green - i did warn you, its ugly
                                    byte[] currentPixel = new byte[4];
                                    depthImage.BitmapSource.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect((int)col, (int)row, 1, 1), currentPixel, stride, 0);
                                    // Blue Green Red Alpha
                                    //Console.WriteLine("Test: " + currentPixel[0] + "," + currentPixel[1] + "," + currentPixel[2] + "," + currentPixel[3]);
                                    int index = (row * stride) + (col * 4);
                                    //IF STATEMENT BELOW:
                                    // currentPixel[0] = Blue
                                    // currentPixel[1] = Green
                                    // currentPixel[2] = Red
                                    // currentPixel[3] = Alpha - we dont actually need to use this
                                    if (currentPixel[0] == 255
                                        && (currentPixel[1] <= 45 && currentPixel[1] >= 15)
                                        && (currentPixel[2] <= 45 && currentPixel[2] >= 15))   // set this to your bacground colour - This is the colour the paper in my demo shows up as
                                            red = 255;
                                            green = 255;
                                            blue = 255;
                                        // if it is found it changes the pixels to white with the above code
                                    //else if (currentPixel[0] == 255
                                    else if ((currentPixel[1] == 255)
                                        && (currentPixel[0] == 0 )
                                        && (currentPixel[2] >= 40 && currentPixel[2] <= 150))
                                        //&& (currentPixel[1] <= 50 && currentPixel[1] >= 46)
                                        //&& (currentPixel[2] <= 50 && currentPixel[2] >= 46))   // set this to your finger tip touching the background colour
                                        if (col <= 80 && row <= 60) //this if statement checks if the pixel is found in the top right of the screen it will be used as the clicker (thats how i set it up)
                                            red = 0;
                                            green = 255; //sets it to come up green
                                            blue = 0;
                                            if (usemouse == true) // if i have clicked enable mouse
                                                if (canclick == true) // this is the 200 ms gap between clicks i made, if it wasnt there it would click each frame my finger is detected
                                                    SendDoubleClick(); // sends single click command (although its named doubble)
                                                    canclick = false; // disables can click
                                                    ClickWait.Start(); //starts 200ms wait timer
                                        else // if its not in the 'click corner' then it will be used to set the point
                                            red = 255; //sets the fingertip to red
                                            green = 0;
                                            blue = 0;
                                            if (!found)  {
                                                RawDat(col, row); //Update RawDat and to see the code executed when it finds the finger
                                                found = true;
                                    else if (currentPixel[0] == 255 // just to make it a bit more tidy, it makes the rest of the hand white instead of black
                                        && currentPixel[1] >= 47
                                        && currentPixel[2] >= 47)
                                        red = 255;
                                        green = 255;
                                        blue = 255;
                                    else // anything else is set to black
                                        red = currentPixel[2];
                                        green = currentPixel[1];
                                        blue = currentPixel[0];
                                        red = 0;
                                        green = 0;
                                        blue = 0;
                                    // Set pixel with NEW colour
                                    newPixels[index] = (byte)blue;
                                    newPixels[index + 1] = (byte)green;
                                    newPixels[index + 2] = (byte)red;
                                    newPixels[index + 3] = 255;

                                    // Draw more pixels
                                    // Left pixel
                                    if (col >= 4)
                                        newPixels[index - 4] = (byte)blue;
                                        newPixels[index - 4 + 1] = (byte)green;
                                        newPixels[index - 4 + 2] = (byte)red;
                                        newPixels[index - 4 + 3] = 255;
                                    // Top pixel and left to pixel
                                    if (row > 0)
                                        newPixels[index - (stride)] = (byte)blue;
                                        newPixels[index - (stride) + 1] = (byte)green;
                                        newPixels[index - (stride) + 2] = (byte)red;
                                        newPixels[index - (stride) + 3] = 255;

                                        newPixels[index - (stride) - 4] = (byte)blue;
                                        newPixels[index - (stride) - 4 + 1] = (byte)green;
                                        newPixels[index - (stride) - 4 + 2] = (byte)red;
                                        newPixels[index - (stride) - 4 + 3] = 255;

                            // Draw the entire image
                            stride = (width * processedImage.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
                            processedImage.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), newPixels, stride, 0);

                            numLoops = 0;
            captureThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #11
 void comboBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (running == true)
         running = false;
         if (camera != IntPtr.Zero)
         camera = CLNUIDevice.CreateCamera(devSerial);
     if (comboFEED.SelectedIndex == 0)
         colorImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
         feed.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;
         running = true;
         captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
             while (running)
                 CLNUIDevice.GetCameraColorFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500);
                 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)delegate()
         captureThread.IsBackground = true;
         colorImage = new NUIImage(640, 480);
         feed.Source = colorImage.BitmapSource;
         running = true;
         captureThread = new Thread(delegate()
             while (running)
                 CLNUIDevice.GetCameraDepthFrameRGB32(camera, colorImage.ImageData, 500);
                 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)delegate()
         captureThread.IsBackground = true;